Ferrier and Others Discuss Hyperlocal Communities on BlogTalkRadio

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Michelle Ferrier

Sep 30, 2010, 4:15:11 PM9/30/10
to JTM-d...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,
I got the chance to be a guest on a hyperlocal panel this past Tuesday with a regional Patch representative, DallasSouth, and others.

Here are the links:
LocallyGrownNews.com (and yours truly) was featured on BlogTalkRadio on Tuesday talking about hyperlocal sites. If you've got an hour;-), take a listen at:


Also, here's a profile of the LocallyGrownNews concept done on the Digital Journalism Task Force blog by Benet Wilson:

Michelle Ferrier

Annie Shreffler

Oct 1, 2010, 9:09:06 AM10/1/10
to jtm-d...@googlegroups.com
On the blog talk radio link Michelle shared below, I appreciate her clarification in response to Patch St. Louis editor Holly {Agell?}'s statement that Patch is using technology to empower individual journalists to report in underserved communities:

"Holly is explaining some of the stages that the internet has gone through and said that content is the next big phase. But I think the reason you see AOL and the reason why you see legacy media organizations now jumping into this space...it is a billion dollar business at the local level.  Local businesses that haven't been well served by the local media outlets, now having opportunities and a place for them to advertise their businesses. I don't think it's an altruistic motive on either AOL's part or legacy media's part to jump into these spaces. These are dollars that have been left on the table before because it was too small for them to go after before with their ad departments, and now when other revenue is shrinking, they see an opportunity."

Well done, Michelle, for prompting a frank conversation about the $$ side.


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Michelle Ferrier

Oct 1, 2010, 4:31:35 PM10/1/10
to jtm-d...@googlegroups.com
Annie, thanks for pulling out this remark. It ties into other conversations about whether Patch is serving underserved communities. From other listservs it seems that AOL is more interested in serving affluent neighborhoods where the dollars are located.

Just another observation.


-----Original Message-----
From: Annie Shreffler [mailto:annie...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 1, 2010 09:09 AM
To: jtm-d...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [JTM-Detroit] Ferrier and Others Discuss Hyperlocal Communities on BlogTalkRadio

On the blog talk radio link Michelle shared below, I appreciate her clarification in response to Patch St. Louis editor Holly {Agell?}'s statement that Patch is using technology to empower individual journalists to report in underserved communities:

"Holly is explaining some of the stages that the internet has gone through and said that content is the next big phase. But I think the reason you see AOL and the reason why you see legacy media organizations now jumping into this space...it is a billion dollar business at the local level. Local businesses that haven't been well served by the local media outlets, now having opportunities and a place for them to advertise their businesses. I don't think it's an altruistic motive on either AOL's part or legacy media's part to jump into these spaces. These are dollars that have been left on the table before because it was too small for them to go after before with their ad departments, and now when other revenue is shrinking, they see an opportunity."

Well done, Michelle, for prompting a frank conversation about the $$ side.


On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 4:15 PM, Michelle Ferrier <mich...@michelleferrier.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I got the chance to be a guest on a hyperlocal panel this past Tuesday with a regional Patch representative, DallasSouth, and others.

Here are the links:
LocallyGrownNews.com (and yours truly) wasfeatured on BlogTalkRadio on Tuesday talking about hyperlocal sites. Ifyou've got an hour;-), take a listen at:

Melissa Scott

Oct 3, 2010, 2:41:57 PM10/3/10
to JTM-d...@googlegroups.com, jtm-d...@googlegroups.com
Hi, there...A friend of mine sent this to me the other day. The firing seemed to move him to this lengthy missive that he sent to CNN:

I was stunned at Rick Sanchez's sudden dismissal. I had just started to watch CNN
(again) on the heels of shying away from their content and various time slots. I had also recently read an article which cited their dropping ratings - and at the same time suddenly discovered "Rick's List" - a refreshing new format on many levels.  As somebody with a Journalism degree and background, I grew tired of the hashing to death of a given (same) news story  - this despite my allegiance to CNN for not being too far right or too left in general terms; but with what was perhaps the closest format to objectivity I know of in broadcast media news.

I was very much drawn to "Rick's List" because it was a long awaited break from the monotony that was somehow emerging with CNN's overall format - not to mention other news venues. I'm also surprised that a historically ground-breaking entity such as CNN did not simply say: "Listen you are exercising your First Amendment Rights, but we need to talk, clarify, and perhaps come to a meeting of the minds here..."  This, after an especially long working relationship. I believe in that scenario both would have emerged triumphant and had the better PR that everyone seeks in reality in 2010.

The contrived and extremely cold wording in Mr. Sanchez's dismissal left me questioning what is going on in the Fourth Estate?  I have friends who have worked in media - including myself - in different capacities; and have witnessed first hand that there is an element of truth - indeed - to what Mr. Sanchez was trying to articulate. The reality is that the colorful manner in which he delivered the point is what one is trained to do to keep the viewer's attention, and churn the coffers of controversy that garner ratings. 

I do hope - and consequently firmly believe - that there are open-minded folks out there; and I also hope that Mr. Sanchez gets to read this particular point of view for solace and to fight the good fight of faith. The bottom line is that if there is any injustice whatsoever - in a time when we as citizens of a "more perfect union" should be sticking together - is the elephant in the room being ignored?  To me...the handling of  this matter doesn't take anyone's attention away from the abrupt and indifferent discharge of Mr. Sanchez, but simply puts a magnifying glass on the elephant's seemingly duncical skin...making me - and countless other Americans...I'm sure...feel all the more like outsiders; but refusing to be defeated or silenced in the face of what our Founding Fathers would have wanted - Free Speech...not to mention justice.

Keith Olsen

Anna Tarkov

Oct 3, 2010, 4:01:10 PM10/3/10
to jtm-d...@googlegroups.com
I've not been following Rick's career or his reporting, but I've heard the comments he made and I feel the dismissal is entirely understandable. Whenever someone is a public figure and represents their organization, they have to be cognizant of the things they say and how this might reflect on their employer. Especially when the employer is a news provider, they have to be sensitive to their employees' public pronouncements. Rick seemed to have forgotten that. 

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Anna Tarkov
Mobile: 773-844-6302
Journalist - Blogger - Raconteur


Oct 3, 2010, 4:35:11 PM10/3/10
to jtm-d...@googlegroups.com
I am not a viewer either but It seems CNN's response was swift and I'm sure thoroughly considered. Here lies the dangers of newscasters stepping out of their role which my friend/viewer suggests CNN had primed Sanchez to do.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: Anna Tarkov <too...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2010 15:01:10 -0500
Subject: Re: [JTM-Detroit] Rick Sanchez' Firing

Melissa Scott

Oct 6, 2010, 7:33:29 AM10/6/10
to jtm-d...@googlegroups.com

In case you didn't see Richard Prince's column this week. Two interesting stories: The links below aren't activated so here's his site:  http://mije.org/node/1226#Sanchez

Others Compare Lou Dobbs' Fate, Assess Racism Claim

The board of directors of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists has decided not to comment on CNN's firing of anchor Rick Sanchez, but former president Rafael Olmeda is contrasting the punishment meted out to Sanchez, one of the few Latino anchors on English-language network television, with that given former CNN host Lou Dobbs.

In the course of asserting a glass ceiling for Latino journalists at CNN, Sanchez went on to disparage late-night comedian Jon Stewart, who has made fun of Sanchez. He called Stewart a "bigot" with a privileged worldview — later changing the term to "uninformed" — and added, "I’m telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they — the people in this country who are Jewish — are an oppressed minority? Yeah.' "

He was fired on Friday.

Dobbs, the controversial CNN anchor whose opinions and purported "facts" on such social issues as immigration angered Latinos and others, resigned from the cable network in November 2009 only after months of protests from NAHJ, the Southern Poverty Law Center and others.

Comparing the Sanchez case with those involving Dobbs and radio hosts Don Imus, who is syndicated, and Brian Kilmeade of Fox, Olmeda wrote on his Facebook page Friday night, "Rick Sanchez' comments were unprofessional and unwise. Fireable? It's not like he referred to humans as being of another species. It's not like he sat in an anchor's chair for years and spread demonstrable falsehoods about the largest minority in America. People have kept their jobs at CNN and other networks after saying far worse for far longer. Not defending what he said. Just wondering when unwise words warrant swift termination and when they warrant an attack on politically correct thought police."

Olmeda, a writer at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel who went from NAHJ leader to president of Unity: Journalists of Color, reiterated to Journal-isms Sunday night, "I am not defending what he said. Not in the slightest. It's just that in the past, when I've criticized dunderheaded comments made by other anchors, I've been on the receiving end of harsh criticism about what a thin-skinned, politically correct crybaby I am. I'm waiting for my critics to step forward and defend Rick Sanchez: not agreeing with him, but calling for the same patience they demand of me."

Journal-isms asked current NAHJ board members for their thoughts on the Sanchez firing.

"NAHJ isn't commenting on Rick Sanchez's firing. Nor am I," President Michele Salcedo said by e-mail on Sunday.

Asked to explain the decision not to comment, Salcedo did not reply.

Other board members followed suit, despite reassurances that their responses would not be reported as speaking for the organization.

"NAHJ has not made an official statement on this situation regarding Mr. Sanchez's employment status. I don't feel comfortable making a statement when the group has not done so first," said Gustavo Reveles Acosta of the El Paso Times, vice president for print.

Sanchez's comments about Jews and Stewart have received most of the media attention, not what preceded them.

"There is a sad, circular pattern to the bigotry that Sanchez obviously experienced and was scarred by, embittered to the point that even as a successful cable anchor, it escaped his lips one day and blew up his career," Melinda Henneberger, editor in chief of the Politics Daily web site, wrote on Saturday.

Sanchez anchored for CNN en Español, and on CNN hosted "Rick's List," which was drawing a small audience at 8 p.m., according to the latest Nielsen ratings. He was chosen to fill that slot after Campbell Brown's departure in May. But he was passed over for the permanent spot, and CNN scheduled 'Parker Spitzer,' starring disgraced former New York governor Eliot Spitzer and syndicated Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker. It debuts on Monday.

In an interview Thursday on Pete Dominick's Sirius XM Radio show, Sanchez said Fox News' business model is that "there are angry white guys out there; we need to program to them." But he said not just the right wing can be faulted. "I’ve known a lot of elite Northeast establishment liberals that may not use this as a business model, who deep down when they look at a guy like me they look at a— they see a guy automatically who belongs in the second tier and not the top tier."

Dominick: "Why do you say that? Give me an example — because you're Cuban-American . . ."

Sanchez: "I had a guy who works here at CNN who's a top brass come to me and say, 'You know what, I don't want you to —"

Dominick: "Will you wash this dish for me, Sanchez?"

Sanchez: "No, no, see that’s the thing; it’s more subtle. White folks usually don't see it. But we do — those of us who are minorities and women see it sometimes too from men in authority. Here, I’ll give you my example. It's this: 'You know what, I don't want you anchoring anymore, I really don't see you as an anchor, I see you more as a reporter, I see you more as a John Quiñones — you know the guy on ABC. That’s what he told me. He told me he saw me as John Quiñones. Now, did he not realize that he was telling me, 'When I see you I think of Hispanic reporters’? Cause in his mind I can’t be an anchor. An anchor is what you give the high-profile white guys, you know. So he knocks me down to that and compares me to that and it happens all the time. I think to a certain extent Jon Stewart and [Steve] Colbert are the same way. I think Jon Stewart’s a bigot. . . .

"I think he looks at the world through his mom who was a schoolteacher, and his dad who was a physicist or something like that. Great, I’m so happy that he grew up in a suburban middle class New Jersey home with everything that you could ever imagine."

Dominick: "What group is he bigoted towards?"

Sanchez: "Everybody else who's not like him. Look at his show! What does he surround himself with?"

. . . "And, when you turn on a show or listen to someone’s writings and they minimize you and treat you like you don't matter, like you're just a piece of— you're just a dumb, like you're a dumb jock or a dumb woman or a dumb Puerto Rican or a dumb Cuban or another dumb Mexican, which is the way I feel whenever I watch Jon Stewart. . . ."

Marisa Guthrie added for Broadcasting & Cable:

"When Dominic suggested that Jews have endured similar societal prejudice, Sanchez scoffed.

" 'Yeah,' said Sanchez, sarcastically. 'Very powerless people… He’s such a minority … Please, what are you kidding? … I’m telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they — the people in this country who are Jewish — are an oppressed minority? Yeah.' "

He said that having grown up in Miami, he had friends who were Jews, and that unlike with Hispanics, "I can't see anybody not getting a job these days because they're Jewish." Thus, people like Stewart and Colbert don't share experiences such as his.

Dominic concluded the interview with, "I have a newfound respect for this guy. I don't necessarily agree. I think people will certainly sympathize with Rick's point of view."

Not so much.

Frances Martel, a Cuban-American writer, wrote on Mediaite, "For any member of a minority that has had received worse service at a business or been the object of near-silent discrimination in the workplace, his words resonated. For any Cuban-American who tried to get a job in New York in the 1970s or ’80s, the words rang true. And for someone in my shoes, who had heard all the horror stories from white bosses that came before from family friends and relatives, it was very easy to see where he was coming from.

"What didn’t ring true, however, was that he claimed this was all still happening, at a time when it appeared almost no one remembered (or cared to remember) Sanchez’s ethnic background unless they, too, shared it, and felt obligated to carry the burden of calling him one of our own."

She concluded, "As much as Sanchez’s hard work was a point of pride for those of us in the community who find a dearth of role models in this industry (and, due to numbers alone, in any industry), this incident has set his alleged cause of racial transcendence back beyond from where it was before he came on the scene to begin with."

Former ABC anchor Carole Simpson, who is African American, weighed in as part of a panel Sunday on CNN's "Reliable Sources."

"I think too many minorities fall back on the issue of race and ethnicity to explain all of their setbacks, which I don't think is true," she said. "I mean, I kind of thought of Rick as a blowhard, someone who was very full of himself. And I found him very amusing to watch on TV.

"But he thinks that he could have been better and bigger and all of these other things, and he wasn't because of his race, as being a Cuban-American. And then it tickles me, because he looks as white as any white man. I mean, without his name, you probably would not know he was Cuban."

3 NAHJ Board Members Speak Individually About Sanchez

Three members of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists board of directors have offered their opinions about the firing of Rick Sanchez, with each specifying that he or she was not speaking for the association.

On Monday, Ada Alvarez, multimedia editor for Washington Hispanic and Spanish language at-large officer for NAHJ, said she was not speaking for the association but felt the firing was a pity. She said she wished the network would establish and explain the policies and methods used for "firing a person for comments and how they measure how 'bad they are.' . . . In my office we always see his show and I personally believe we can see his show and either agree or disagree that he is good, which I believe he is . . . I hope we get either him on board again (working) and we have someone that is a Sanchez with that type of show soon and that the music of 'ay Dios mio' from the show doesn't leave the network without diversity."

Board member Jessica Durkin, who represents the Mid-Atlantic region, wrote on Facebook, "I would have fired him too. His comments were ridiculous and, of all things, included negative remarks about his employer. Rick Sanchez is no intellectual, and Jon Stewart's observations about him were usually spot-on. But I did find Rick likable as hell and I watched his show.

"In this case, if NAHJ were to say anything as an organization, it would be to encourage CNN to continue placing Hispanic journalists in high-profile positions at the network. That comment above is my personal thought. I'm not speaking for NAHJ."

Patricio Espinoza, independent all-platforms digital journalist who is online at-large officer, said by e-mail on Tuesday, "My personal thought is that NAHJ in many occasions has spoken on Latino journalists related issues, and while I cannot speak for the board, I lament the loss of a national Latino journalist, and his poor choice of words. I do, however trust, hope and encourage CNN to properly represent on-air, and on the anchor chair, Latinos, the fastest growing minority in the country." [Updated Oct. 5]

NABJ Finds Fewer Black Journalists in Middle Management

Martin ReynoldsMartin Reynolds A census of top managers in print-journalism newsrooms by the National Association of Black Journalists "found that there are few black journalists in the middle-management ranks who are being groomed for top jobs because of the recent exodus of journalists of color as documented by NABJ’s studies and the annual report by the American Society of News Editors," the association reported on its website.

"There are more top editors, but the publisher and managing editor ranks are down from 2004, the last time a count was done on African-American print executives in the newspaper industry," the notice said.

"There are 17 blacks heading newsrooms around the country, up from 13. Some of those joining the top ranks were Hollis Towns in Asbury Park, N.J., Robin Washington in Duluth, Africa Price in Shreveport, La., Glenn Proctor in Richmond, Va., David Blount in Stockton, Calif., and Martin Reynolds in Oakland, Calif.

"The most significant drop came at managing editor. There are 11 Managing Editors nationally; there were 17 in 2004. There are nine publishers; there were 14 in 2004.

"There are one-two punches (African-American editor-managing editor) in three cities: Oakland, Shreveport and Jackson, Miss.

"The study was compiled by Don Hudson of the Clarion Ledger" in Jackson, Miss., "and Nisa Muhammad of the Final Call under the direction of Vice President-Print Deirdre M. Childress."

Melissa Scott

Oct 7, 2010, 12:09:03 PM10/7/10
to jtm-d...@googlegroups.com


Howard Rosenberg, a former Los Angeles Times television critic who teaches news ethics at the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication and critical writing and a TV symposium at its School of Cinematic Arts, was asked about the comments on Jews Tuesday on NPR's "Tell Me More."

"Well, he never said — let's make sure that we quote him correctly. He never said 'controlled,' okay. He used other words. And I have to tell you, historically and even today, Jews have a voice in the media far out of proportion to our numbers," Rosenberg replied.

"That's not something to be ashamed of. I'm proud of it. It says a lot about us. For somebody to point that out is not problematic to me at all, nor is it problematic that he would call Jon Stewart a bigot. Jon Stewart is a public figure. If Jon Stewart can call Rick Sanchez an idiot, which he is as a matter of fact, Rick Sanchez has every right to call Jon Stewart a bigot."

Rosenberg went on to say of Sanchez, "I've been observing him since he was MSNBC. He's much more of an actor than a journalist. He's a vamper. He showboats. He gets his facts wrong. He speaks off the top of his head, frequently incorrectly. And to me, that spells out incompetence.

"And I suspect that he would not have been fired if he had big ratings."

In the Baltimore Sun, critic David Zurawik's ears told him that Sanchez had mentioned "ownership and control" by Jews. Having done 12 years of research into the topic for a book, "The Jews of Prime Time," and a Ph.D.  at the University of Maryland, Zurawick responded:

"Here is the once-upon-a-time truth that the lie told by Sanchez is based on. The three networks — NBC, CBS and ABC — were founded and run by Jewish broadcasting pioneers: David Sarnoff (NBC), Bill Paley (CBS) and Leonard Goldenson (ABC). Like the founders of the Hollywood film industry, they were hands-on businessman who built their companies virtually from scratch. And for a while, network TV was essentially a three-network operation with this trio as the big three."

Was that a bad thing? Two years ago, columnist Joel Stein wrote in the Los Angeles Times:

"I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe 'the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,' down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood. . . . As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment."

Tuesday on Slate.com, Brian Palmer tried to clarify the different assertions with a piece called "Do Jews Really Control the Media?"

"Maybe the movies, but not the news," Palmer wrote. "If Sanchez was referring to people in the television news business, he's wrong. Not one of the major television news operations — Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, CBS News, or NBC News — is currently headed by a Jewish executive."

Some writers took a stab at explaining what difference those men's ethnicity makes.

"The intensity and ferocity and dementia of the claim transcend many normal political differences," Todd Gitlin, a Columbia University professor of sociology and journalism, told Glenn Garvin of the Miami Herald. "No sooner were the modern media born than we started hearing the accusation that not only do Jews control the media, but they do it invidiously, deploying newspapers and other media against other groups. It's one of the old arrows in the quiver of routine anti-Semitism."

But, as Zurawik noted about the three pioneering network executives who were Jewish, "one of the ironic truths I found in my research is that the three founders, out of self-consciousness about being Jewish and fear of finding disfavor for their companies with WASP-centric Madison Avenue, literally kept Jewish images off the air for almost two decades in prime-time."

In 2005, Laurel Leff wrote an entire book, "Buried by The Times: The Holocaust and America's Most Important Newspaper," about how the Jewish-led New York Times "deliberately underreported the Nazi rise to power, the deportation and ghettoization of millions of Jews, and the implementation of the Final Solution," in the words of a review in the Jewish publication Shofar. "Clearly The Times made winning the war the first priority, while efforts to save Jews fell somewhere down the list of worthy causes."

Sanchez's bitterness was partly prompted by CNN's failure to award him the 8 p.m. slot that went to "Parker Spitzer," featuring the disgraced New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer and Kathleen Parker, syndicated columnist for the Washington Post.

It debuted Monday, and by all accounts, it bombed.

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