Recent Accepted Request to meet with The Abbott @ Wat Tham Krabok: Questions Bellow...

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Kieran Conway

Jan 30, 2018, 6:16:11 AM1/30/18
to Friends of Thamkrabok Monastery
Hi Everyone,

I am currently raising the air fare to come to the Wat Tham Krabok for Detox.
I have just a few questions about the first 5 days but i also wish to remain for a longer period so the same questions apply here too.

1. Can i bring my Phone/Pad/Laptop?
2. If i can bring the above items when and how can they be used while in detox but also after?
3. Is it permitted during the detox daytime (when not Meditating or taking instruction from the Monks and Nuns) to have an ipod type device for Dharma talks and certain music i have found very helpful in past detox programs? After the Detox has been completed is it then possible for me to use an ipod device (NOT COMMUNICATION DEVICE) to listen to music through Headphones ONLY?
4. I am only asking to be honest i do understand that this could be seen as isolation or trying to avoid MARA but i truly find access to Dharma Talks and various speakers such as Alan Watts, Jack Cornfield and Gill Frondsal beneficial while in detox and beyond in past situations. If it is seen to be not a good way would there be any way at any stage for me to request review at a later stage while at the monastery or is it always a NO?

Love and Light...

Vince Cullen

Jan 30, 2018, 6:54:25 AM1/30/18
to Friends of Thamkrabok Monastery
Hi Kieran,

Flights are quite cheap at the moment for example £387 London-Bangkok or even £418 London-Bangkok with a three day stopover in Singapore.

But recent prices have been as low as £300 via Beijing with Air China so you could wait but there is no guarantee that they will drop that low again.

Please bear in mind that Tudong starts in April so the last admission for a 10-day detox is around March 14th.

Feel free to call or Skype if you need more info.

Be well and kind regards.

With Metta,

(Ireland cellphone)   +353 (0) 85 130 4184
​(Thailand cellphone)  +66 (0) 94  587 0017

Skype Number
    +44 (0) 208 144 8548
​(Skype ID)                'vince.cullen' ​

As water falls from a lotus leaf
so sorrow drops from those
who are free of toxic craving.
The Buddha (DHAMMAPADA verse #336)

Advice for Contacting Vince

I gave up full-time employment in 2014 to devote more time to the study and practice of Buddha Dhamma and to promote wholehearted recovery in a Buddhist context through the Fifth Precept Sangha ​​and Hungry Ghost Retreats organisations​​; and more recently through Nalagiri-Mindfulness retreats in Ireland.

In effect this means that I attend many silent meditation retreats and study retreats, as well as teaching Mindfulness retreats​ worldwide each year.​

The important words here are 'retreat' and 'silent'.​

I can be contacted by telephone, email or Skype at any time but I cannot always answer or reply immediately. Your understanding and patience is appreciated. Thank you!​

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Sep 4, 2018, 5:12:44 AM9/4/18
to Friends of Thamkrabok Monastery
I wouldn't mind knowing this, I intend on travelling very light. But I know there will be times I will want to listen to some music or read a book.

Anything else I'm not fussed, I need the noise and distractions for myself to stop so it will be a blessing to be without phone/internet and all the drama that comes along with it, This is a main thing I need to deal with through learning dharma aswell, I was an IT and Internet junkie before any substance abuse.

I also did not expect the air fare to be so cheap.

Kieran Conway

Sep 4, 2018, 5:32:05 AM9/4/18

I am note sure of your name. That is awesome I have suffered delays myself but hope to fly out in November. I am also going to do the physical detox in UK and this is to happen over 30 days end of Sept begining Oct start. After that I intend to do the detox in wat Tham Krabok but for me it is the saja vow I feel is essential to my practice. I hope to stay in Thailand long term following the saja vow. 

Have you given any thought as to after detox there in Wat Tham Krabok I ask because did you hear about New Life. Anyway yes I will be going around the same time as you which is amazing. My number is bellow if you have what's app add me. I do much better with texts than phone calls due to anxiety but for sure I have many ideas about what you mention around western eyes. 

I am happy to message with you for sure.

Thanx for your message Kieran.

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Kieran Conway

Sep 4, 2018, 5:33:30 AM9/4/18
I don't think my details came up so if L you would like to WhatsApp email me on


Sep 4, 2018, 9:19:06 AM9/4/18
to Friends of Thamkrabok Monastery
I was confused there who you were talking to haha, I don't have whatsapp but could email if you want, I'm not the one with the knowledge though as I hvent been, But have been planning it for a long time as I said..

I think you are taking the right approach aswell though by not treating it lightly like some people seem to have from what I've seen, It's not going to be easy even if you've detoxed from methadone or whatever the vice was before you travel, But I want a challenge, To know myself better and to meet people.. Also learn how to practice the teachings and clear my mind.

I also plan on long term, I'm thinking 3 months then I have potential work in Morocco, But I'm trying not to plan too much.

Past doesnt exist and the future hasn't happened yet so I'm just taking it super slow, Thats the way I've managed so far I'm sure.

It will be funny if we do see eachother there, I hope you get where you need to be and get there. I'm sure you will I can sense the dedication from what you've written.

It's Luke btw
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Feb 15, 2019, 7:44:47 AM2/15/19
to Friends of Thamkrabok Monastery
Have you guys been the monestary yet? Just the dates are confusing !
I’ve booked flight and all that jazz so will be ther 28/2/2019
Would be nice to have some other westerners to talk shit about the weather !
Let me know if your going anytime near then!
Cheers Faye
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