Taking COSATU Today Forward Special Bulletin, 29 November 2016

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Norman Mampane

Nov 29, 2016, 1:51:59 AM11/29/16
to cosatu-d...@googlegroups.com, cosatu-d...@gmail.com, Khanyisile Fakude, Alfred Mafuleka, Babsy Nhlapo, Bernard Hlakole, Bheki Ntshalintshali, Dibuseng Pakose, Dolly Ngali, en...@cosatu.org.za, Gertrude Mtsweni, Jabulile Tshehla, Jacqueline Bodibe, Mu...@cosatu.org.za, Theo Steele, Nhlanhla Ngwenya, Nthabiseng Makhajane, Nthuseng Mpisi, Pet...@cosatu.org.za, Shadow Mahlong, sibu...@cosatu.org.za, Sifiso Khumalo, th...@cosatu.org.za, Tshidi Makhathini, Zakhele Cele, Anele Gxoyiya, Bongani Masuku, masukub...@gmail.com, Dumisani Dakile, el...@cosatu.org.za, Freda Oosthuysen, Khaliphile Cotoza, Kopano Konopi, Louisa Nxumalo, man...@cosatu.org.za, Ma...@cosatu.org.za, Matserane Wa Mapena, Matthew Parks, Mike Louw, Mkhawuleli Maleki, Monyatso Mahlatsi, Mph...@cosatu.org.za, Nokhwezi Buthelezi, nts...@cosatu.org.za, Patience Lebatlang, Pat...@cosatu.org.za, phi...@cosatu.org.za, Ruth Mosiane, s...@cosatu.org.za, Sidumo Dlamini, Solly Phetoe, Thabo Mokoena, Thandi Makapela, Thokozani Mtini, Toeki Kgabo, Tony Ehrenreich, Tyotyo James, wel...@cosatu.org.za, Zanele Matebula, z...@cosatu.org.za, Zingiswa Losi, Norman Mampane, Donald Ratau, Fiona Kleinhans, Sis...@cosatu.org.za, Phumeza Mpalweni, Edwin Mkhize, Gerald Twala, Sizwe Pamla, Xolani Malamlela, Abel Tlhole Pitso, Job Dliso, Lumka Tamboer, Tshepo Mabulana, Gosalamang Jantjies, Mpheane Lepaku, Lebogang Mulaisi, Jan Mahlangu

Taking COSATU Today Forward Special Bulletin…

This week, memorial services will be held for the late Cuban President, Fidel Castro in Joburg, Braamfontein and Khayelitsha on Wednesday!

 ‘Whoever sides with the revolutionary people in deed as well as in word is a revolutionary in the full sense’-Mao


Our side of the story

 Tuesday 29 November 2016

‘Unity and Cohesion of COSATU to Advance the National Democratic Revolution’

COSATU Cares!ITUC: HIV/AIDS Must Not Drop Off the Global Agenda16 days of activism http://www.ei-ie.org/kroppr/eikropped/2014_SRGBV_141692924314169292434046.jpg



Workers Parliament: Back to Basics!

Ø  Employers must pay Workers for Black Friday to Prove that it is not used to return Slavery

South Africa

Ø  SADTU mourns the death of Fidel Castro

Ø  President Zuma to Attend Funeral of the Late President Fidel Castro

Ø  ANC to hold Memorial Services in honour of Comrade Fidel Castro

Ø  ANC Post NEC Media Briefing

Ø  NEHAWU worried about the spending patterns of our government

Ø  SAMWU Disgusted by yet Another DA Racist Councillor

International-Workers’ Solidarity!

Ø  Declaration of WFTU General Secretary, G. Mavrikos on Fidel Castro's demise

Workers’ Parliament!-Back to Basics…                        

 Employers must pay Workers for Black Friday to Prove that it is not used to return Slavery

Edwin Mkhize, COSATU KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Secretary, 28 November 2016


Friday, 25th November 2016 was declared Black Friday by business, consumers flooded shops in rush of the purported special prices.


Without approving the essence back Friday due to its dreadful historical background to workers and the poor, but employers must pay workers some kind of an ex-gratia

We know that employers, especially the retail sector such as clothing, supermarkets, furniture shops, and as consumers flooded shops and malls, most businesses benefited i.e. restaurants etc. have multiplied their profit through the so called Black Friday.

We also know for the fact that workers have multiplied their efforts to meet both the demand of consumers and that of their bosses.


The question is, when both the employers and the consumers are happy what is left there for workers to enjoy the fruit of their sweat?

It is on the above basis that as COSATU we are calling for the company bosses to prove to us that Black Friday is not used to remind us and reinstate the old Black Friday which colonial masters used to expand slavery.


As the employers smile all the way to the Banks they need to make sure that workers are also appreciated for their extra efforts and sweat Black Friday has costs them.

Failure to do this tells us one thing that the current Black Friday is no different from the one that was used to advance slavery and we shall respond to it accordingly.

We are saying employers must show appreciation to their workers by giving them ex-gratia pay above their wages and 13th Cheque.

COSATU KZN believes that the current democratic society needs to engage, analyse and assess the notion of Black Friday and its relevance in the democratic South Africa.


Issued by KZN COSATU

             South Africa                                                                                            

cid:image009.jpg@01D249A7.21CFFA90  SADTU mourns the death of Fidel Castro

Nomusa Cembi, SADTU Media Officer,  28 November 2016

The South African Democratic Teachers' Union dips its flag in honour of the late Commander in Chief of the Cuban revolution, Comrade Fidel Castro.

Throughout his life Cde Fidel stood against all forms of injustices upon those who could not defend themselves. He fearlessly and gallantly marshalled the global south in pursuit of freedom from all forms of colonialism and imperialism.

He was a firm believer of emancipation through universally accessible education, health care, other basic human needs and the right to self determination. Cde Castro personified international solidarity in theory and in practice. As education workers, we take many lessons from his life's story.

We are calling upon all of humanity to rally behind one of Cde Castro's lifelong missions to realize access to quality education for all. Let us stand against the commodification of education and ensure that it remains a public good and a basic human right in his honour.

Long live the spirit of the Cuban people. Long live the spirit of Cde Fidel Castro!!

Issued by: SADTU Secretariat

- See more at: http://www.cosatu.org.za/show.php?ID=12239#sthash.xeAyDSFo.dpuf


http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXNzdmbiPuvYScD6iRTNoUZ4kFa_hEx8obTpuMYbHew5nZmkZDEAPresident Zuma to Attend Funeral of the Late President Fidel Castro

Issued by: The Presidency, Pretoria, 28 November 2016 


President Jacob Zuma will travel to Havana, Cuba to attend the funeral of the late former President of Cuba, His Excellency Fidel Castro Ruz, who passed away on Friday 25 November 2016 at age 90.


The President has once again conveyed a message of condolences to the government and the people of Cuba, following the passing on of former President Castro.

President Zuma has ordered that the National Flag be flown at half-mast at all stations in South Africa tomorrow, 29 November 2016, on the date of the funeral of former President Castro. The National Flag is flying at half-mast in the South African mission in Cuba until the 4th of December.


Condolence books have been placed at the Union Buildings in Pretoria, Tuynhuys in Cape Town and at the offices of the Premiers throughout the country.

The late President Castro not only identified with the struggle against apartheid, but also inspired the Cuban people to join South Africans in that struggle. After South Africa gained freedom in 1994, Cuba and South Africa, under President Castro and President Nelson Mandela respectively, formed a strong bond of solidarity and friendship.


President Zuma has reiterated that the people of South Africa share the loss of the Cuban people and stand with them in this time of grief and mourning.


 Issued by: The Presidency, Pretoria


ANC  ANC to hold Memorial Services in honour of Comrade Fidel Castro

Zizi Kodwa, National Spokesperson, African National Congress, 28 November 2016

The African National Congress will hold memorial services in Gauteng and the Western Cape in remembrance and honour of the former President of the Republic of Cuba and leader of the Cuban Revolution, Comrade Fidel Castro.

Cde Fidel Castro was one of the greatest revolutionaries of our time, a great friend and ally of the ANC, the alliance, the broader national liberation movement and the people of South Africa as a whole. 

He was with us throughout the period of heightened repression by the apartheid regime and throughout the 30 year period of exile, underground armed struggle and international isolation of the apartheid regime, right from the victory of the Cuban revolution in 1959.

During the exile days, Cuba opened the doors of its schools and universities for the education of many South Africans and their children who were in the liberation movement. Even today, Cuba continues to support our struggle for the reconstruction and development of our country.

There are many Cuban doctors that are serving in our hospitals and clinics, often in the most remote areas of our country. In addition, there are 3000 South African student doctors who are currently studying in Cuba and this is twice the number of doctors that we graduate in South Africa every year.

The ANC is of the view that much as we should mourn the passing away of Cde Fidel, we should also be celebrating his life, his role and contribution in building a better life for all of humanity.

Members of the media are advised of the memorial services in honour of this internationalist and anti-imperialist of note, which will be held as follows:

Western Cape

Date: Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Time: 18h00

Venue: OR Tambo Community Hall, Khayelitsha

Keynote Speaker: ANC Deputy President, Cde Cyril Ramaphosa



Date: Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Time: 14h00

Venue: Johannesburg City Hall, Johannesburg

Keynote Speaker: ANC Secretary General, Cde Gwede Mantashe

Issued by

Zizi Kodwa

National Spokesperson

African National Congress


ANC ANC Post NEC Media Briefing

Zizi Kodwa, National Spokesperson, African National Congress, 28 November 2016


The African National Congress invites members of the media to a media briefing on the outcomes of the meeting of the National Executive Committee held at St. George’s Hotel, Irene from the 26th to the 28th November 2016.

The briefing will be held as follows:

Date: Tuesday, 29th November 2016

Time: 14h00

Venue: Chief Albert Luthuli House, 54 Pixley Seme Street, Johannesburg

Issued by

Zizi Kodwa

National Spokesperson

African National Congress


cid:image001.png@01CD17E4.359FF470NEHAWU worried about the spending patterns of our government

Khaya Xaba, NEHAWU Media Liaison Officer, 28 November 2016

The National Education Health & Allied Workers Union [NEHAWU] is extremely worried about the spending patterns of the current administration.

The report of the Auditor-General on the spending of both the National and Provincial department audits and the Statistics-SA Financial Statistics of Consolidated General Government for the 2014/15 fiscal year paints a bleak picture of how tax payer's money is misused.

Throughout the years NEHAWU has continuously called for both immediate and stringent measures to be put in place in the procurement process that are derived from the constitutional requirements of supply chain management as set out in section 217 of the Constitution.

The flouting of constitutional amendments cannot continue unabated while those tasked with dispensing service delivery are pre-occupied with misusing public funds that are meant to contribute to the betterment of lives of the working class and the poor.

According to a report released by Statistics-SA on the Financial Statistics of Consolidated General Government on Thursday our Government is spending more money on paying its employees than providing goods and basic services in the country's economy. The report shows that government spending on compensation of employees increased by over R40-billion from R473-billion in 2013/14 fiscal year to R514-billion in the 2014/15 fiscal year.

The report which contains statistics on the South African government's income and expenditure for the financial year ended 31 March 2015 shows that government spends more on paying salaries than on the R159-billion it spends on social benefits. This further proves that governments spending priorities are not in tune with the needs and aspirations of our people.

It is for these reasons that last week we supported the call by the Independent Commission for the Remuneration for Public Office for officials not to get a salary increase. It baffles us that 49% of government spending is directed to paying salaries while a meagre 51% is directed to funding the provision of goods and services. This further necessitates the re-opening of the debate on the downsizing of our bloated cabinet and administration.

We call for more resource to be redirected towards funding both higher and basic education, implementation of the National Health Insurance [NHI], improve sanitation and the supply of clean water, research and investment into alternative energy and infrastructure development.

Again we would like to highlight that our people are not blind to these wasteful expenditures and that should the status quo not change we will find it difficult to convince our people to vote for the African National Congress [ANC] come the General Elections in 2019.

All these issues are exacerbated by the fact that we have a President who knows those who are stealing from the government yet nothing is done to bring them to book. We can't have a government that is haemorrhaging money into pockets of looters instead of uplifting the lives of the working class and the poor.

It is for these reasons that in our NEC statement last month we said that this administration has become untenable.

We call on the President to name those he knows for sure that they are thieves and punitive steps must be taken as a matter of urgency.

Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat

- See more at: http://www.cosatu.org.za/show.php?ID=12238#sthash.d6CgnxXW.dpuf


cid:image001.png@01CD18A3.91667800 SAMWU Disgusted by yet Another DA Racist Councillor

Sidney Flusk, SAMWU Western Cape Provincial Secretary, 28 November 2016


The South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) has learnt with disgust at the recent comments made by City of Cape Town DA councillor Shayne Ramsay on her Facebook page over the weekend.

In her Facebook post Cllr Ramsay said that she had met with "residents, City staff, colleagues and Mayco members” regarding homelessness in Cape Town adding that she would be organising a march against Homeless people in the opulent suburb of Sea Point.

Cllr Ramsay called homeless people mentally retarded, vagrants and social outcasts who according to her do not have a place in Cape Town. Her comments and the fact that the DA has so far not acted is indicative that the DA does not take racism serious particularly within their fold as racism as now become our daily bread from the DA. This follows racists remarks made against black pupils at the Wynburg High School confirming our daily subjection to racism.

Having confessed to meeting with her DA colleagues about the issue of homelessness, one can therefore infer that this has automatically become the view of the DA that there should be no black poor black people in Sea Point and that the area should be reserved exclusively for her rich which counterparts.

Ramsay as a result of her white privilege and entitlement simply does not understand the conditions that poor people have to endure. Not only are her remarks disgusting, of bad taste, hurtful and demeaning to the poor and homeless (who according to Ramsay are not people) but they also have a racist connotation attached to them. It is for this reason that we call on her immediate suspension.

Her comments are a spit in the face of the poor who are trying to make a living in Cape Town as the City had failed to provide them with decent jobs as the DA has on numerous occasions during elections campaigning that they would provide jobs. If the DA was successful in providing jobs, there would be no homeless people in Cape Town at all.

Cllr Ramsy is seemingly bored and does not know what to do with her time hence she is now exhibiting her racist tendencies.

Our advise to the Councillor is that instead of exposing herself and the party she represents, she should have lobbied the City Council to provide housing and jobs for the poor in Cape Town, this however would have not materialised given that the DA has successfully turned Cape Town into a City for the rich and white.

Having noted her ridiculous apology after a public outcry, we still maintain that she should be suspended immediately without pay and that an investigation be conducted against her. It can’t be correct that people always make racist comments and then apologise and expect us all to move on as though nothing has happened forgetting the pain and trauma that the victims go through.

We are of the view that this horrendous crime can no longer go unpunished. It is for this reason that we call on the speedily conclusion of the newly proposed Hate Speech Bill to allow our people to get the justice they deserve.

Issued by SAMWU Western Cape Province



Declaration of WFTU General Secretary, G. Mavrikos on Fidel Castro's demise

Forever immortal


On behalf of 92 million members of the WORLD FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS, I would like to convey to the cuban people,to the CTC, to the State and Party leadership of Socialist Cuba, our deepest condolences from the bottom of our hearts for the Comandante Fidel's death. He was a leader who, along with Che, along with all his comrades, fought and beat the imperialists and their instruments.

For the WFTU has been the greatest honor Comandante Fidel's own presence in its Congresses and his great speech to the delegates of the 10th WFTU Congress.

For the World Working Class will always be IMMORTAL.



Declaración del Secretario General de la FSM, G. Mavrikos sobre la muerte de Fidel Castro.

Inmortal para siempre


Por parte de los 92 millones de la FEDERACIÓN SINDICAL MUNDIAL, expreso hacia el pueblo cubano,el CTC, el liderazgo del Estado y del Partido de Cuba Socialista, las verdaderas condolencias desde lo más profundo de nuestros corazones por la muerte del inmortal Comandante Fidel. Fue el líder que junto con el Che, junto con todos sus camaradas, lucharon y derrotaron a los imperialistas así como a sus instrumentos.

Para la FSM el honor más grande fue la presencia del Comandante Fidel en sus Congresos y su discurso significativo ante los delegados durante el 10o Congreso de la FSM.

Para la Clase Obrera Mundial quedará siempre INMORTAL.




Déclaration du Secrétaire General de la FSM, George Mavrikos, sur la mort de Fidel Castro.


Immortel pour toujours


De la part des 92 millions de membres de la FEDERATION SYNDICALE MONDIALE, j'expresse au peuple cubain,la CTC, la direction d' Etat et du Parti du Cuba Socialiste, mes plus sincères condoléances pour la mort de Comandante Fidel. Il a été un vrai dirigeant qui, avec ses camarades, ont lutté et abattu les impérialistes et ses instruments.

Pour la FSM, la plus grande honneur a été la Présence de Comandante Fidel à ses Congrès et son discours de grande importance au 10ème Congrès de la FSM.

Pour la classe ouvrière mondiale sera toujours IMMORTEL.



Заявление Генерального секретаря ВФП Г. Маврикоса в связи с кончиной Фиделя Кастро


Навеки бессмертен


От имени 92 миллионов членов Всемирной Федерации Профсоюзов я хотел бы передать кубинскому народу, Кубинской конфедерации трудящихся — КТК, государственному и партийному руководству Социалистической Кубы наши, идущие из глубины наших сердец, самые глубокие соболезнования в связи с кончиной Команданте Фиделя. Он был лидером, который вместе с Че, вместе со всеми своими товарищами, боролись и били империалистов и тех, кто был орудием в их руках.

Большой честью для Всемирной Федерации Профсоюзов были личное присутствие Команданте Фиделя на Конгрессах ВФП и его выдающаяся речь перед делегатами 10-го Конгресса ВФП.

Он навсегда будет БЕССМЕРТНЫМ для Мирового Рабочего Класса.





Norman Mampane (Shopsteward Editor)

Congress of South African Trade Unions

110 Jorissen Cnr Simmonds Street



P.O.Box 1019



South Africa

Tel: +27 11 339-4911 Direct 010 219-1348

E-Mail: mam...@cosatu.org.za


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