Taking COSATU Today Forward, 15 August 2016

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Norman Mampane

Aug 15, 2016, 7:15:38 AM8/15/16
to cosatu-d...@googlegroups.com, cosatu-d...@gmail.com, Khanyisile Fakude, Alfred Mafuleka, Babsy Nhlapo, Bernard Hlakole, Bheki Ntshalintshali, Dibuseng Pakose, Dolly Ngali, en...@cosatu.org.za, George Mahlangu, Gertrude Mtsweni, Jabulile Tshehla, Jacqueline Bodibe, Ja...@cosatu.org.za, Jo...@cosatu.org.za, Mu...@cosatu.org.za, Theo Steele, Nhlanhla Ngwenya, Nthabiseng Makhajane, Nthuseng Mpisi, Pet...@cosatu.org.za, Shadow Mahlong, sibu...@cosatu.org.za, Sifiso Khumalo, th...@cosatu.org.za, Tshidi Makhathini, Zakhele Cele, Anele Gxoyiya, Bongani Masuku, masukub...@gmail.com, d...@cosatu.org.za, Dumisani Dakile, el...@cosatu.org.za, Fidel Mlombo, Freda Oosthuysen, Khaliphile Cotoza, Kopano Konopi, Louisa Nxumalo, man...@cosatu.org.za, Ma...@cosatu.org.za, Matserane Wa Mapena, Matthew Parks, Mike Louw, Mkhawuleli Maleki, Monyatso Mahlatsi, Mph...@cosatu.org.za, Nokhwezi Buthelezi, nts...@cosatu.org.za, Patience Lebatlang, Pat...@cosatu.org.za, phi...@cosatu.org.za, Ruth Mosiane, s...@cosatu.org.za, Sidumo Dlamini, Solly Phetoe, Thabo Mokoena, Thandi Makapela, Thokozani Mtini, Toeki Kgabo, Tony Ehrenreich, Tyotyo James, wel...@cosatu.org.za, Zanele Matebula, z...@cosatu.org.za, Zingiswa Losi, Norman Mampane, nmam...@cosatu.org.za, Donald Ratau, Fiona Kleinhans, j...@cosatu.org.za, J...@cosatu.org.za, Sis...@cosatu.org.za, Khwez...@cosatu.org.za, Phumeza Mpalweni, Edwin Mkhize, Gerald Twala, Macv...@cosatu.org.za, Vuyiswa Jentile, Sizwe Pamla, Xolani Malamlela, Abel Tlhole Pitso, Job Dliso, Lumka Tamboer, Tshepo Mabulana, Gosalamang Jantjies

Taking COSATU Today Forward

‘Whoever sides with the revolutionary people in deed as well as in word is a revolutionary in the full sense’-Mao


Our side of the story

 Monday 15 August 2016

‘Unity and Cohesion of COSATU to Advance the National Democratic Revolution’

COSATU Cares!ITUC: HIV/AIDS Must Not Drop Off the Global Agenda16 days of activism http://www.ei-ie.org/kroppr/eikropped/2014_SRGBV_141692924314169292434046.jpg



Workers Parliament: Back to Basics!

Ø  POPCRU strongly denounces the stabbing of 5 prison officials at the Sun City Correctional Facility

South Africa

Ø  SACP Gauteng Prepares for Mass Struggles against installation of Counter-Revolutionary Regime in the Province

Ø  ANC Statement on the occasion of the 90th birthday of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Commandante Fidel Castro    

International-Workers’ Solidarity!

Ø  No to the Exploitation of Youth Through Precarious Work!

Workers’ Parliament!-Back to Basics…                   

popcru logo     POPCRU strongly denounces the stabbing of 5 prison officials at the Sun City Correctional Facility

Richard Mamabolo, POPCRU National Spokesperson, 15 August 2016  

The Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) strongly condemns the stabbing of 5 correctional services members who were attacked when intervening to halt a gang-related altercation between inmates at the Sun City correctional facility over the weekend.

Both inmates and officials got injured from this unfortunate, planned altercation where these gangs were fighting against another. These officials have since been rushed to the Mulbarton Hospital for medical treatment with serious injuries.

This altercation happened at a time when half of the staff complement was off-duty in line with the Department of Correctional Services’ (DCS) shift pattern model, with a small number of officials having to overlook just below 500 inmates in the specific section that saw this altercation.

In the current shift pattern, there are two shifts with half of the staff at home while the other is at work at any given time, while nationally, the DCS training colleges can only accommodate 1000 trainees per year, simply indicating that, provided no measures are taken, the understaffing challenge will not be addressed in the near future cause of the growing prison population, therefore compromising the much-needed rehabilitation process.

We have on numerous occasions raised with the DCS that there are no proper shift patterns as they cause staff shortage on a regular basis, a challenge compounded by the fact that we also have understaffing and overcrowding within our facilities, meaning the current shift patterns aggravates the situation and urgently need to be reviewed.

We need proper strategies to deal away with gangsterim within correctional facilities, and that can only be achieved by employing proper rehabilitation processes, and not the installation of surveillance facilities.

The DCS needs to focus on its core business of rehabilitating inmates.

Inmates should not remain indolent in correctional facilities, but do consistent work that will ensure these facilities become self-sufficient.

They must contribute towards the running costs and decent up-keeping of these centres as this will contribute towards their rehabilitation and skills development.

Issued by POPCRU  

             South Africa                                                                                  

SACP  SACP Gauteng Prepares for Mass Struggles against installation of Counter-Revolutionary Regime in the Province

Jacob Mamabolo, SACP Gauteng Provincial Secretary, 14 August 2016


The South African Communist Party Gauteng Province held a Special PEC meeting on Sunday, 14th August 2016 in Johannesburg, a continuation of a Special Provincial Working Committee (PWC) meeting held on Sunday, 7th August 2016.


The PEC welcomed the preliminary assessment made by the Politburo of the 13th National Congress Central Committee through a Press Statement released on Monday, 8th August 2016.


In particular, the PEC reaffirmed the profound principle of the Politburo that the process of analysis must be robust, frank and honest without degenerating into finger pointing and blame game.


The PEC further agreed that we all take collective responsibility for the strength and weaknesses of the National Democratic Revolution (NDR). We therefore adopted a Political Report titled "SACP Gauteng Province's Reflections on the 2016 Local Government elections outcomes."


The Committee thanked the working class and revolutionary people of our province for voting for the African National Congress (ANC), which remains the most popular movement and revolutionary choice of the people. 


We congratulated the Red Brigade for an excellent contribution to the achievement of the electoral support we achieved in our province.


We conducted a comprehensive and detailed broader political analysis focusing on the root causes and historic factors that saw the ANC losing support in three Metros in one election. The PEC agreed that these results posed a real danger with a great potential to finally implode and degenerate the NDR.


We therefore identified the following three broad factors, namely:


•    Poor and severe living conditions of the working class underpinned by high levels of poverty, unemployment and inequality. This originates from the historic factors of a racially based Colonialism of a Special Type (CST). This includes the history and negative impact of the capitalist system and its tendency of crisis internationally. These historic factors tend to reproduce poverty, unemployment and inequality.


•    The urgent need for a strong, united and decisive branch in all Voting Districts across the province, with the capacity and capability, based on a consistent political education programme to mobilise the working class.


•    An aggressive, determined and confident historic class enemy sponsored by Imperialism that wages a low intensity counter-revolution to finally defeat the ANC-led Alliance.


The PEC identified the contradictions and implications for the working class with the potential installation of a counter-revolutionary regime especially in Tshwane and City of Joburg.


We resolved to reposition the Party and our lower structures in the province to wage consistent mass struggles in anticipation of a reactionary and counter-revolutionary regime. This regime will be composed of the DA and EFF coalition. We strongly believe that EFF-DA coalition will be huge disaster for the working class.


The PEC also committed to following up on a picket it held at ETV offices in Hyde Park in July 2016, against the use of opinion polls to de-campaign the ANC in the elections. In this regard, the PEC will consult with the Central Committee on the way forward. We have noted that while media houses can report on polls, we have a problem with them manufacturing and cooking these polls as they sacrifice the diversity of views and therefore compromise their impartiality and violate the principles of fair reporting.


The PEC has also reaffirmed what the Politburo and Cosatu has said to the extent that the ANC will not have any coalition discussions with the DA, which is the enemy of our people and the official representative of the colonial and imperialist masters in our country.


We have also realised the urgent need to strengthen Alliance relations between all partners to drive the programme to go back to the people especially in the townships where the working class resides. The PEC has recommitted itself to fight against factionalism, corruption and corporate capture of organs of state.


The SACP realises that these elections and the results that followed, present the broad revolutionary movement with an opportunity to correct its mistakes and to go back to its revolutionary traditions.


This is indeed an opportune time for the ANC to reclaim its historical space within the working class and the poor.


Issued by SACP GP


To access the sound visit https://soundcloud.com/1921_sacp/sacp-gp-press-conference-14-august



ANC   ANC Statement on the occasion of the 90th birthday of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Commandante Fidel Castro

Zizi Kodwa, ANC National Spokesperson, 13 August 2016

The African National Congress (ANC) joins the peoples and revolutionary movements of the Global South in celebrating the 90th birthday of the great Cuban Leader and Revolutionary, Commandate Fidel Castro Ruz.

Comrade Castro is a longstanding supporter and friend of the ANC and the South African people, and remains a global icon for his commitment to internationalism and solidarity of the nations of the Global South.

Under his leadership, the Communist Party of Cuba and the Cuban people were among the strongest supporters of South Africa’s struggle for liberation; lending various forms of material and political support to the liberation forces during the dark days of apartheid.

Today the ANC reaffirms our solidarity with the Cuban people, who continue to suffer as a result of an illegal and inhumane commercial, economic and financial embargo stretching over 5 decades.

The occasion of the 90th birthday of this great leader comes as South Africa marks 20 years of bilateral relations with the Republic of Cuba, with party-to-party relations between the ANC and the Communist Party of Cuba stretching back even further.

South Africa and the Republic of Cuba enjoy a range of cooperation across a range of fields including knowledge exchange, trade and investment, and military cooperation.

Our two parties enjoy a long history of cooperation dating back to the anti-apartheid struggle, when Cuba led by Comrade Castro, lent invaluable military assistance not just to the ANC but also to other frontline states battling the might of the apartheid military apparatus.

In the 1960’s the first group of South African students arrived in Cuba for training in medicine and other sciences. Since then hundreds of South Africa medical doctors have been trained in Cuba as part of the government’s efforts to strengthen our public health system. As part of this successful programme the Republic of Cuba have also come to South Africa to serve in rural hospitals and clinics around the country. Cuba has also supported South Africa with engineers working in various fields in the country.

In September 1998 Comrade Castro visited democratic South Africa the invitation of President Nelson Mandela where he addressed a special sitting of the National Assembly. The speech was televised countrywide to a rapturous public reception.

He spoke of Cuba’s proud record in Africa, including thousands of Cuban soldiers on duty or fighting in Africa in various wars for independence. He said: “This is why we know better and appreciate the human qualities of the sons of Africa, much more than those who colonized and exploited this continent for centuries."

It was the Freedom Front and the then Democratic Party (now the Democratic Alliance) - parties that had sat in the apartheid parliament for decades, upholding and defending white privilege, that decided to boycott the sitting, denouncing the great revolutionary that was an icon to millions of South Africans as a ‘terrorist’.

These objections notwithstanding, there was overwhelming public support for Compañero Fidel’s visit from all sectors in South Africa; who were thankful for Cuba’s contribution to South Africa’s freedom struggle – and to freedom struggles across the continent.

The ANC is pleased to say that bilateral trade relations between South Africa and the Republic of Cuba continue to grow from strength to strength.

In 2010 President Jacob Zuma visited Cuba where he pledged an R350m economic assistance package to the country, particularly to assist with agricultural and infrastructure development. Further agreements aimed at stimulating trade between the two countries have subsequently been signed.

Through the Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) continues to engage with the Republic of Cuba with a view of strengthening political and trade ties.

Compañero Fidel’s leadership remains an inspiration to revolutionary movements worldwide committed to the values of egalitarianism and social justice for all.

As President Nelson Mandela said at the time of Comrade Castro’s visit to South Africa: we would not enjoy freedom today were it not for “Cuba’s selfless support for the struggle to free all of South Africa’s people and the countries of our region from the inhumane and destructive system of apartheid.”

The African National Congress continues to draw inspiration from his leadership. May he have a long life!

 La Batalla de Ideas Continua!

 ¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre! 

Vas bien, Fidel


http://www.world-psi.org/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/images/news/psiyoungworkers_v2_small.jpg?itok=yOIVcsf6    No to the Exploitation of Youth Through Precarious Work!

PSI, 13 August 2016


On 12 August, International Youth Day, PSI's General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli inquires: "How can we eradicate inequality and achieve sustainable consumption and production in a world where future generations have nothing ahead but insecurity?"

Jobs with a Future for Young Workers in Public Services!

No to the exploitation of Youth through Precarious Work and Outsourcing!

International Youth Day, 12 August 2016

The United Nations has designated the theme of International Youth Day 2016 as “The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Consumption and Production”. The UN notes “the leading role of young people in ensuring poverty eradication and achieving sustainable development through sustainable consumption and production.”

Public Services International (PSI) welcomes the UN highlighting the essential role of young workers in sustainable development, but the reality of the today’s social and economic conditions undermines the potential of young workers to truly participate and contribute towards sustainable development or sustainable production.

PSI General Secretary, Rosa Pavanelli, says: “For the past 40 years, liberalisation, privatisation and deregulation have undermined wages, secure employment and reduced the quality of and access to public services. The financial crisis only intensified these trends.

Today's globalised world produces precarious work, rising unemployment and increasing inequality which disproportionately affect young people. The insecurities faced by young workers hinder the development of their professional and personal lives. They have few chances for decent livelihoods as far too many face a future of precarious jobs, or worse, unemployment.

How can we eradicate inequality and achieve sustainable consumption and production in a world where future generations have nothing ahead but insecurity? To build a socially just society, we require universal access to fundamental public services such as healthcare, water and education that are guaranteed and funded by a fair tax system.”

Unemployment affects up to 50% of young workers and is the main cause of social exclusion. Many young people agree to precarious and unfair working conditions rather than staying indefinitely unemployed, with long term consequences on their income and consumption. PSI would also like to highlight the negative impact of the growing use of internships as a free or very cheap labour force, and its effect on employment trends across all sectors of the economy. These precarious internships are actually replacing entry level jobs at a time when unemployment is a key problem facing young people across the globe. Internships should be paid and should not be another form of exploitation of young workers.

Trade unions have an important role to play in combating social dumping that undermines workers’ rights and ultimately leads to the loss of acquired rights. It is important to note that precarious work is also holding young workers from joining a trade union and allowing them protections afforded to union members.

At the same time, public services are being cut all over the world and health services are becoming a privilege that only permanent workers can afford. The global trend to introduce selective cash transfers for social services in combination with privatization, instead of the provision of universally accessible quality public services, contributes to a further deterioration of social cohesion.

PSI calls on all its affiliates to stand up for the rights of young workers. We cannot accept a future with worsening working and living conditions. We want inclusive and equitable societies that offer opportunities for all! There will be no sustainable production without offering stable jobs and income to the workers!

Join us online:

·         Call employers to End #precariouswork

·         Advocate for health as a fundamental right #Health4all

·         Join the network on twitter and facebook using #PSI4Youth

·         Support the global campaign against unpaid internships: http://wepayourinterns.org/

As young workers, we often undergo heavy pressure due to the numerous threats that jeopardize our future. We all have to find ways to build our lives regardless of these uncertainties. PSI Young Workers have decided to celebrate International Youth Day by calling trade unions to denounce and tackle precarious work.

You can help commemorate IYD along with all PSI Young Workers with the simple click of a button!

Join our online campaign running from 12 August to 12 September 2016:

Join us on Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram and send a photo or a statement with the UN hashtag #Youthday or #youth2030 and call to end #precariouswork. Explain how precarious work affected your life or the life of a close friend or relative. Explain how it was an obstacle to the achievement of your goals and aspirations in life.

Organise an event or activity

One visible and interactive way to commemorate International Youth Day is by organising an event or activity in your workplace or community. Whether it’s five or 500 people, you can help celebrate the Day. Work with your union to brainstorm about the type of event you want: seminars, lectures, debates or round table discussions to promote intergenerational understanding and partnerships on the issue of how to tackle precarious work and advocate for a more stable, sustainable future for us.

Be an advocate

Another great way of commemorating International Youth Day and of helping bring about positive change is to be an advocate on the issue: speak out and take action to influence positive change. Some questions you could ask: How can we reconcile job security and flexibility? Can we guarantee stable income and consumption without stable employment? How is this relevant to our community? What can we do to reduce the impact of precarious work on individual development?

Spread the word

Not everyone has to endure precarious work nor sees this as a major source of inequity for the workers. Events and campaigns can be great ways of increasing knowledge and awareness of the issue, but sometimes just having a discussion or informal chat with your union members, friends, peers and family can be a simple yet powerful way to change their view and mobilise them on this issue.

PSI resources

PSI website: http://www.world-psi.org/en/issue/young-workers

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PSI4Youth

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PSI4Youth

Please email PSIWeb...@world-psi.org if your union is planning any special events to mark the International Youth Day on 12 August this year, so we can promote your news and photos.



Enabling COSATU Members to Tweet Effectively

NB: @cosatu2015 has been revamped and now it’s @COSATU2015_

Introduction to COSATU Official Twitter Accounts

Ø  @COSATU2015_

Official tweets on current affairs, ideological disposition and for a Question & Answer platform

Ø  @COSATU TODAY @_cosatu

Seconds- COSATU roving official tweets on events, quotable sound-bites on speeches/interviews, newsflash etc.

How to Register a COSATU Member Twitter Account         

Ø  Go Google and type twitter/sign up

Ø  Versions of name/surname must be completed

Ø  Choose a username/password and don’t forget them

Ø  Update your profile; picture, bio

o   Picture size should be 700k

o   Bio-short narrative who you are

Ø  Examples of Bio; Africa's largest Federation Official tweets, the home of the toiling classes across the world, with more than 2million membership...Amandla! Johannesburg, South Africa · http://www.cosatu.org.za

Ø  Choose who to follow and type @COSATU2015_ and @COSATU TODAY @_cosatu

Ø  And you’re skinning in the game through COSATU tweets

Communicating messages that matter is like artwork

Social Media generation is here and is unavoidable

‘Let’s skin in the game of COSATU Tweets’



Norman Mampane (Shopsteward Editor)

Congress of South African Trade Unions

110 Jorissen Cnr Simmonds Street



P.O.Box 1019



South Africa

Tel: +27 11 339-4911 Direct 010 219-1348

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