Placing 3D Models

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Paata Tsereteli

Apr 2, 2014, 9:26:55 AM4/2/14
I have placed several 3D models on google earth, but now I am no longer able to do that.
Could you please tell me what is wrong and if there is any way for me to place 3D models again?

Google Craig

Apr 4, 2014, 11:30:23 AM4/4/14
Hi Paata, 

I've tried to answer this for you HERE and HERE.

The answer again is that 3D models are no longer placed in Google Earth. 

The 3D Building program has been retired, as stated HERE.

What this means is that, since October 2013, you can no longer have your 3D models placed into Google Earth.

If you have any more questions, please reply here, and do not create another thread asking the same question.

Thank you,

    - Craig


Apr 7, 2014, 4:28:44 PM4/7/14
Hey Craig,

Kudos to you for how you stick with it and stay patient when answering the same questions over and over. Appreciate the care to responding that you put in.



May 29, 2014, 4:46:57 AM5/29/14
I too only discovered in the past month that the 3D model contributions of SketchUp enthusiasts ceased to be accepted last October.

Like many contributors, I don't do this all year round, and had taken a break from this most satisfying of pastimes. I often refer to it as "the best game on my PC".

Resuming my hobby in March this year, I lovingly created a new model and went to upload it to the 3D Warehouse, only to find that everything has gone. No more community comments and ratings. No more upload to the Google Earth 3D layer.

I haven't been as prolific in my geo-modelling as some, but I return to the hobby when the creative and contemplative mood takes me. My contributions are at

...and I have a couple of other models that I have not finished, one of which has been on the go since 2011!  I was in no hurry. Now it's all wasted.

Truly saddened by this. Many, many people I am certain will feel exactly as I do. And there will still, even today, be those who are unaware of the cancellation of the GE 3D Layer pipeline.

--Thomas (aka 3dBloke)

Google Craig

May 29, 2014, 12:16:50 PM5/29/14
Hi 3dBloke, as a fellow SketchUp modeler, I can completely understand and relate to what you've written. And I agree that other modelers may not yet know of the retirement of the 3D program. I wish there was a mechanism for us to make folks aware of the change, but there just isn't one (many people are using older versions of SketchUp so there's no mechanism to change those legacy versions).

I hope you're still able to use SketchUp in a creative way, and continue to enjoy modeling.


    - Craig
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