Re: [theaidenlab/juicer] Exception thrown: "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 6, Size: 4" (#22)

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Neva Durand

Jul 4, 2017, 3:59:55 AM7/4/17
to theaidenlab/juicer, 3D Genomics, theaidenlab/juicer, Subscribed


The hic file creation stopped when the error was thrown. The awk code looks correct (except for one issue that I will say more about below); however, the hic file creation stopped because there were not enough fields on one line.

I would check that every line has 11 fields; here is a simple script to do that:

awk 'NF!=11{print "Problem at line",NR; exit}' Arrowhead.input

Finally, I see from your pre command that you are sending in the fragment file. There’s no point to doing this if you set the fragment number to 0 and 1. In other words, you should drop the “-f mm9_DpnII.txt”, or if you want fragment delimited resolutions, use the following code:

samtools view read1_2.hicup.bam | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"; OFS="\t"} {name1=$1; str1=and($2,16); chr1=substr($3, 4); pos1=$4; mapq1=$5; cigar1=$6; seq1=$10; getline; name2=$1; str2=and($2,16); chr2=substr($3, 4); pos2=$4; mapq2=$5; cigar2=$6; seq2=$10; if(name1==name2) { if (chr1>chr2){print str2, chr2, pos2, str1, chr1, pos1, mapq2, cigar2, seq2, mapq1, cigar1, seq1, name2, name1} else {print str1, chr1, pos1, str2, chr2, pos2, mapq1, cigar1, seq1, mapq2, cigar2, seq2, name1, name2}}}' | sort -k3,3d -k7,7d > fragment.input
perl fragment.input Arrowhead.input mm9_DpnII.txt

And then use the same command as before to create the .hic file.

We do recommend using the Juicer pipeline for creating these files; we handle duplicates and chimeras differently from other pipelines, the details of which are available in the supplementary materials of Rao&Huntley et al. | Cell 2014 and Durand&Shamim et al. | Cell Systems 2016.



On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 4:25 AM, lwtan90 <> wrote:


I generated the input file for pre from BAM file (generated by Babraham HiCUPs) with the kind solution provided in this forum. Subsequently, I ran pre command, and have generated the .hic file. I am not sure if it is successful as I have encountered an exception.

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 6, Size: 4 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck( at java.util.ArrayList.get( at java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableList.get( at at at at at at at
My question is how do I know if the hic file generated was complete and did not stop at the point where the exception was thrown?

Thank you.

Code for converting bam to input file for pre:
samtools view read1_2.hicup.bam | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"; OFS="\t"} {name1=$1; str1=and($2,16); chr1=substr($3, 4); pos1=$4; mapq1=$5; getline; name2=$1; str2=and($2,16); chr2=substr($3, 4); pos2=$4; mapq2=$5; if(name1==name2) { if (chr1>chr2){print name1, str2, chr2, pos2,1, str1, chr1, pos1, 0, mapq2, mapq1} else {print name1, str1, chr1, pos1, 0, str2, chr2, pos2 ,1, mapq1, mapq2}}}' | sort -k3,3d -k7,7d > Arrowhead.input
my command for generating .hic file:
java -Xmx2g -jar /mnt/projects/wlwtan/cardiac_epigenetics/george/juicer/juicer_tools.1.6.2_linux_jcuda.0.8.jar pre -f mm9_DpnII.txt -q 30 Arrowhead.input Arrowhead.hic mm9

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Neva Cherniavsky Durand, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist, Aiden Lab
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