Fwd: Newton Trump Republicans For Jim Cote!

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Michelle Ciurea

Nov 1, 2021, 2:39:49 PM11/1/21
to West Newton Community

Just got this a day before the election. Is this for real?

I've never heard of this group, much else signed up for their emails. And the address it purportedly comes from seems to not exist.  

Would appreciate any light anyone could shed on this.   Thanks!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Newton GOP WARD 3 <Newto...@outlook.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 9:22 AM
Subject: Newton Trump Republicans For Jim Cote!
To: <michell...@gmail.com>


Newton's Trump Republicans 



Help Jim Cote Make Newton Great Again!

Why is Jim Cote the guy for us?

  • Favorite with State GOP leaders and RNC Higher ups!
  • Anti- DACA!
  • Against Newton sanctuary city status 
  • Denounced crooked Hillary Clinton
  • Calls out the media for covering up Hunter Biden's scandal!
  • Staunch Advocate against our lying Senators Warren & Markey!

 Let’s elect the best man for the job to Make Newton Great Again!

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Jason Harburger

Nov 1, 2021, 2:45:37 PM11/1/21
to michell...@gmail.com, West Newton Community
There has been a rash of anti Jim / pro Julia literature coming 1-2 days before the election with no obvious group behind it. I received a flyer in my door. It’s pretty dirty way to advocate for a candidate. 

I would recommend listening to the Ward 3 debate to see where the candidates stand on issues like housing, policing, and parks. I personally find that candidate viewpoints in this race do not adhere to party affiliations when it comes to housing access, so it’s important for folks to do their research.

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Emily Honig

Nov 1, 2021, 2:57:55 PM11/1/21
to jasonha...@gmail.com, michell...@gmail.com, West Newton Community
Although, at least some of these tweets about Covid appear to be real and are still on Jim's account. 



Iris Coloma-Gaines

Nov 1, 2021, 2:58:20 PM11/1/21
to jasonha...@gmail.com, michell...@gmail.com, West Newton Community
So is the information in this email about Jim Cote not true? Is he really anti-DACA? 

On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 2:45 PM Jason Harburger <jasonha...@gmail.com> wrote:

David Clark

Nov 1, 2021, 3:00:21 PM11/1/21
to jasonha...@gmail.com, michell...@gmail.com, West Newton Community
You wanna know what's dirty? Permitting adds onn facebook that say "re-elect JifnCote"

I used to like Jnm,  & was really torn on who to vote for - but that is just disingenuous slime  -- made the decision easy

On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 2:45 PM Jason Harburger <jasonha...@gmail.com> wrote:


David Clark
West Newton, MA 02465
617/697-2690 (c)
dmclark ·(skype / twitter)

Greer Swiston

Nov 1, 2021, 3:04:59 PM11/1/21
to emily...@gmail.com, Jason Harburger, Michelle Ciurea, West Newton Community
Please. This is not what this forum is for!

Please cease this particular thread.

Karen Bray

Nov 1, 2021, 3:21:32 PM11/1/21
to michell...@gmail.com, westnewtonn...@googlegroups.com
Yes this is all true about Jim Cote. 

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“You never see the true strength of a tea bag until it’s in hot water.” 

Michael Halle

Nov 1, 2021, 3:22:37 PM11/1/21
to michell...@gmail.com, West Newton Community
The address is Newton Cemetery, BTW. I hate these silly games.

I guess I say it isn’t like Jim Cote is some mysterious unknown challenger. He was Ward Councilor for several terms. He’s a Republican and an ex-Marine, and a person who cares about Newton. He’s supported by a majority of his ex-colleagues on City Council, and while you may not agree with them on every issue, they know him and would not likely be supporting someone with extreme views. Jim also walks the neighborhood enough that people know him pretty well.

Councilor Malakie is also no longer an outside challenger. She’s had one term and a record. She also cares about Newton. Her website lists eight City Councilors as endorsers.

Does Jim have some Republican talking-points-ish stuff in his twitter feed? Yup. Get the whole picture here. It seems pretty unvarnished to me.

For completeness and comparison, Councilor Malakie’s twitter feed is here:

As a reminder, Jim Cote can’t post to this list until after election day.


On Nov 1, 2021, at 2:39 PM, Michelle Ciurea <michell...@gmail.com> wrote:

Dan Proskauer

Nov 1, 2021, 3:25:30 PM11/1/21
to karenl...@gmail.com, michell...@gmail.com, westnewtonn...@googlegroups.com
I am going to lock this thread. It is not an appropriate use of this forum. Additionally, there is evidence that the email was sent from a non-existent “organization” which should raise everyone’s concern about propagating it any further. 



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