What section of code contains the charting functions?

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не прочитано,
25 бер. 2023 р., 17:32:2525.03.23
Кому: weewx...@googlegroups.com
Some time ago Tom, I believe, published a note on how to modify the
Current Conditions part of the graphing, the part which goes along the
left side of the page showing current data, the Celestial Data, High/Low
and Station info.  I added a delta sign and he showed the code to pull
in the temperature from 24 hours ago.

Now I want to fiddle with getting rid of some of the graphs on the right
hand side of the page, since I don't have my station furnishing UV
values, nor evaporation, and inside humidity.

The left side is generated by code in the current.inc part, I think if I
recall correctly, but when I went there looking for the stuff on the
right, there wasn't code to do so.

I'm not sure if I missed it in the doc stuff I scanned looking for it,
or was considered to detailed to be needed much.

Apologies if I've missed something, but what file contains that (and I
assume it is modifiable) so I can clean up my display a bit?


Tom Keffer

не прочитано,
25 бер. 2023 р., 17:38:5625.03.23
Кому: weewx...@googlegroups.com
Which version?  Version 4.6 has substantial changes in how this is done.

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не прочитано,
25 бер. 2023 р., 17:43:0125.03.23
Кому: weewx...@googlegroups.com

Oh, I didn't realize that.  One instance I'm running on my Pi is 4.5.1 interfacing to an IP-100 driver and has been running for a long time, and the one I'm just working with now on a newer Pi (400) interfacing to a TWI-8000 is running 4.9.1.

Should I update the one running 4.5.1 so as to not run into problems like this, or if it is stable and cranking away, just leave well enough alone?


Tom Keffer

не прочитано,
25 бер. 2023 р., 17:57:0825.03.23
Кому: weewx...@googlegroups.com
Before V4.6, whether a plot image was included was pretty much hardwired into index.html.tmpl. You simply delete or comment out anything you don't need.

For example, to eliminate daily UV plots delete lines 55-57 in index.html.tmpl:

            #if $day.UV.has_data
            <img src="dayuv.png"        alt="$obs.label.UV" />
            #end if

You would have to repeat this for the week, month, and year plots.

V4.6 and later does auto-provisioning. The skin configuration file includes pretty much all types in the wview_extended schema, but looks in the database to decide whether to actually include a plot. For example, to eliminate all UV plots look in skin.conf, under [DisplayOptions], option "plot_groups". It looks something like this:

    plot_groups = barometer, tempdew, tempfeel, hum, wind, winddir, windvec, rain, ET, UV, radiation, lightning, tempin, humin, tempext, humext, tempext2, humext2, templeaf, wetleaf, tempsoil, moistsoil, pm

Just remove any plots you don't want to see from the list.



не прочитано,
25 бер. 2023 р., 18:02:1125.03.23
Кому: weewx...@googlegroups.com
Thanks, I'm off to experiment.  Dale

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