users guide for python3 installation

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david glenn

2. 2. 2020 9:52:5102.02.20
komu: weewx-user
I am new to weewx and have very basic linux and python skills.  I'd like to run weewx on windows 10 with python 3.7.  I've read the 'Python 3 strategy' in the users group and it's outside my skill level.  The users guide for 2.7 seems very straightforward and meets the guide statement of " Ability to do simple Unix tasks such as changing file permissions and running commands".  that I can do.  Has an installation guide been developed for Windows 10 and python 3 and where can I find it?

To introduce myself, I am a retired research plant physiologist.  I built a raspberry pi weather station and developed the code for it to monitor the external weather as well as conditions in a small greenhouse.  After a year or so I decided that many of the sensors were unreliable so I purchased a Davis Vantage Pro unit and will use weewx to manage the data.  

I realize I could subscribe to the WeatherLInk Pro site and obtain what I want but I'd prefer to develop it myself (with your help).  As a colleague once wrote "what fun is it if it works out of the box".  My alternative is to use a RPI with python 2.7 and a samba server to shuttle the data to my PC but I'd rather handle it directly on the PC if possible.  I looked into downloading Python 2.7 on the WIN10 PC and it seems no longer provides it because it is being phased-out.

I greatly appreciate the time in helping me get started and any advice on my strategy,  David

Rich Altmaier

2. 2. 2020 11:37:4002.02.20
komu: weewx-user
Hi David, perhaps noone will agree with me but I suggest swapping the RPI for an Intel NUC. You can get a used one on ebay very reasonably. The reliability is much greater. I got tired of my RPI freezing every 2 months.
And need I say the NUC is 20 to 50 times faster? Loading multiple years of weewx database transfer on RPI, 2 minutes. On NUC, 2 seconds. Do you believe me?

Good luck!

Andrew Milner

2. 2. 2020 12:00:1902.02.20
komu: weewx-user
None of my 5 RPis - of different models - has ever exhibited freezing at 2 monthly intervals so I suspect you had something else causing your problem(s).


2. 2. 2020 12:08:0102.02.20
komu: weewx-user
On Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 8:37:40 AM UTC-8, Rich Altmaier wrote:
I got tired of my RPI freezing every 2 months.

Well there are hundreds of pi users here who could have helped you, some with pi that have been up literally years without problems.

But sure, throw a $500 computer at a $30 problem and you will certainly solve it.
(big NUC fan here with two of those two - great little boxes).


2. 2. 2020 12:13:0502.02.20
komu: weewx-user
hi david,

although python 2.7 works just fine, and will continue to work just fine, all new development is done in python3.

we will ensure that weewx4 works with both python2 and python3, but at some point there will probably be a version of weewx (weewx5?) that is python3 only.  at some point it is just too cumbersome to maintain backward compatibility - it increases the number of configuration/platform options, which results in many more configurations that have to be tested.

although it is possible to run weewx3 reliably on windows using python2.7, that requires some hacking.

weewx4 *should* be easier to run on windows, due primarily to the use of the python logger instead of syslog.  however, there are still many usb issues that must be tested in order to make every weewx extension run reliably on windows.  (to a lesser extent this is also true for macosx)

if you want to build a system right now, i would recommend that you use weewx3 and python 2.7 on a debian flavor of linux.

when weewx4 comes out (real soon now!) you will be able to upgrade weewx with little hassle, then later upgrade to python3 whenever you are ready for that step (mostly gated by when the weewx extensions that you need have been updated to work with python3).

making weewx4 work on windows will probably happen at some point, but it is not a high priority right now.



2. 2. 2020 12:22:1002.02.20
komu: weewx-user
On Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 6:52:51 AM UTC-8, david glenn wrote:
I've read the 'Python 3 strategy' in the users group and it's outside my skill level.
To introduce myself, I am a retired research plant physiologist.  I built a raspberry pi weather station and developed the code for it to monitor the external weather as well as conditions in a small greenhouse.  After a year or so I decided that many of the sensors were unreliable so I purchased a Davis Vantage Pro unit and will use weewx to manage the data.  

Then weewx is 'definitely' inside your skill level if you're willing to work a 'little' to get the minimal basic Linux skills needed to run a pi reliably.

Don't sweat python2 versus python3.  It's just about solved in the weewx world.  Lots of us are running the beta of weewx-v4 with python3 on pi with no problems.

You didn't mention which model pi you built your home-made station on, but if it's a pi3 or later you will have a 'very' stable pi-based system as long as:
  • you have a quality USB power supply
  • you have a quality microSD card
I might add lots of people build Arduino-based tiny sensors and sprinkle them around the house and out buildings etc. and integrate them with the pi running weewx.   I have a bunch of those monitoring the temperature in various rooms.  You can also do this with a remote pi as well if you have some of those laying around.

Take your pi, install weewx v4 beta on it running the Simulator.  Get your feet wet.  It works.

p q

2. 2. 2020 12:30:2302.02.20
I agree 100%.  I'm still running an old version of weewx but I'm going to move to 4 on python3 in the next couple of months. I'm going to do all the testing on a virtual machine to make the transition on my real station as smooth as possible.

Anyway, made a new temp sensor for my installation and wrote it up here: I'm not saying this is the right way to do it, but it is a way. I'm sure you can find other examples.

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Peter Quinn

david glenn

2. 2. 2020 18:00:5502.02.20
komu: weewx-user
thank you all for the encouragement and ideas.   The gist of the posts is go with the python 2.7 and version 3 of weewx.  That is probably the safest since the only 2 statements I know in python 3 are exit() = exit and print = print().  If I find the model 2 RPi unstable I'll go for the newer RPi model 4.  I have several model 2 B RPi's.  I discovered pi's just as the model 2 was released and went a little over-board with projects and purchases.  $35-55 isn't going to kill me for a new pi but I do have a loyalty to raspberry pi and hate to toss good hardware.  Good advice about the power supply and SD card-thanks

Again, thanks for the time and expertise to respond.  David

Susan Mackay

2. 2. 2020 21:57:3902.02.20
komu: weewx-user
I run WeeWx on a RPi zero w (plus other weather-related software plus the web server) and it idles along (I've seen some peaks of about 70% CPU but mostly idle between the 5-minute bursts. Even the web access only accounts for a few percent of CPU).
The RPi 4 is a nice device (I've just got on to play with) but I think it will be a waste if you are thinking of dedicating it to the WeeWx app.
Do you have a NAS or some other computer that is always on? If so then you can use that for the WeeWx database and web files so that you don't 'wear out' the SD card. (Also keeping the log files there or in a memory disk image can significantly reduce the wear.)

Chris Thompstone

5. 2. 2020 16:01:3505.02.20
komu: weewx-user
With the regard to SD card wear.  My install of weewx finally frozen after about 3/4 years running on an odroid (bit like a Pi), probably mmc card failure.

Since I have NAS on site anyway, I bought a new Pi4 and network boot it using NFS off the NAS (store the whole Pi SD card partitions on the NAS), so no SD in the Pi4.
Once got it network booting, installed weewx onto the Pi and been running none stop for several months without issue.

The Pi seems happy and is none the wiser.
Just backup my nas to elsewhere as normal.

Thomas Keffer

5. 2. 2020 16:04:0805.02.20
komu: weewx-user
5 years and 2 months on my SD card. Over a year of uptime.

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david glenn

13. 2. 2020 20:07:3413.02.20
komu: weewx-user
I have tried the various download strategies and come up short.  The Debian approach failed to load key files.  So I've tried the tarball approach with the following error: ( I created the 'weewx' file and downloaded the tar file into it)

pi@raspberry ~/weewx $ tar xvzf weewx-3.9.2.tar.gz
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

I've never tried to open a 'tar' file before but what I can read is that this is the correct syntax and using 'f'' indicates that a file will be used and follows in the command.  Any help is appreciated.  Mike

On Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 9:52:51 AM UTC-5, david glenn wrote:

John Kline

13. 2. 2020 20:16:3513.02.20
What’s the md5 checksum of your weewx-3.9.2.tar.gz file?

$ md5sum weewx-3.9.2.tar.gz 
320e3413f3af6c3484d3fda3b4431c0b  weewx-3.9.2.tar.gz

On Feb 13, 2020, at 5:07 PM, david glenn <> wrote:

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13. 2. 2020 20:44:2113.02.20
komu: weewx-user
On Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 5:07:34 PM UTC-8, david glenn wrote:
I have tried the various download strategies and come up short.  The Debian approach failed to load key files.  So I've tried the tarball approach with the following error: ( I created the 'weewx' file and downloaded the tar file into it)

pi@raspberry ~/weewx $ tar xvzf weewx-3.9.2.tar.gz
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Your file was truncated in transfer.

Try this:

pi@pi3:/tmp $ sha1sum weewx-3.9.2.tar.gz
c4feacb728b97630ec6c97a008eecd0263a40cc4  weewx-3.9.2.tar.gz

pi@pi3:/tmp $ md5sum weewx-3.9.2.tar.gz
320e3413f3af6c3484d3fda3b4431c0b  weewx-3.9.2.tar.gz

pi@pi3:/tmp $ sha256sum weewx-3.9.2.tar.gz
fae74c4160a2141f3f1681b998a691318770516af46366f194c3e9e3d6273b3c  weewx-3.9.2.tar.gz

If you see a checksum match for whatever checksum program you used, you got it all.

I downloaded it via:

cd /tmp

If you want to see what is in a .tar.gz (or .tgz which is the same thing - a gzipped tarball), you would do:

tar ztvf  weewx-3.9.2.tar.gz

david glenn

14. 2. 2020 17:21:4414.02.20
komu: weewx-user
I was able to successfully download and expand the tar file ie.  the checksums were correct.  However, the next 2 statements stopped me:

./ build
sudo ./ install

./ No such file or directory

I tried ~$ python    but no such file or directory

How do I install

Many thanks for the help.  Mike

On Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 9:52:51 AM UTC-5, david glenn wrote:

david glenn

14. 2. 2020 17:49:4414.02.20
komu: weewx-user
I found my error and the was in the tar download.  Unfortunately,  ./ build  fails to import configobj
I have been unable to download the module using: 

sudo apt-get install configobj
pip install configobj

in fact I cannot download 'pip'  !!!

what am I doing wrong?


On Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 9:52:51 AM UTC-5, david glenn wrote:

John Kline

14. 2. 2020 18:15:4514.02.20
sudo apt-get install python3-configobj

On Feb 14, 2020, at 2:49 PM, david glenn <> wrote:

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14. 2. 2020 18:19:5314.02.20
komu: weewx-user
On Friday, February 14, 2020 at 2:49:44 PM UTC-8, david glenn wrote:
I found my error and the was in the tar download.  Unfortunately,  ./ build  fails to import configobj
I have been unable to download the module using: 

sudo apt-get install configobj
pip install configobj

in fact I cannot download 'pip'  !!!

I think you need to up your linux-fu a bit.
Lets slow down and reiterate what exactly you are trying to do.
It seems like you are trying to install weewx 3.9.2 via using python 2.7 - is that correct ?

If that is correct, you need to follow exactly so you have the prerequisites installed.

You do not need pip to install configobj on a Raspi using python 2.7

If you're trying to use the beta weewx 4 using python3, the instructions are 'slightly' different, so let us know if that's what you're trying to do.



14. 2. 2020 18:20:5814.02.20
komu: weewx-user
On Friday, February 14, 2020 at 3:15:45 PM UTC-8, John Kline wrote:
sudo apt-get install python3-configobj

That's not going to work with weewx 3.9.2 which requires python2
(see my other reply from a minute ago) 

John Kline

14. 2. 2020 18:23:2614.02.20

That is correct.

For python2,

sudo apt-get install python-configobj

On Feb 14, 2020, at 3:21 PM, vince <> wrote:

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david glenn

14. 2. 2020 20:36:1714.02.20
komu: weewx-user
I am using python 2.7.  I tried the sudo apt-get install python-configobj  resulting in an error:

Err weezy/main python-configobj all 4.7.7+ds-4
404 not found 
E: unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing.

I did try apt-get update --fix-missing with no benefit.

this has to be something simple that I am unaware of.

thanks for your patience and time,  Mike

On Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 9:52:51 AM UTC-5, david glenn wrote:

John Kline

14. 2. 2020 21:47:0614.02.20
I see now why I sent you the command to install python3’s configobj.  The subject is python3 installation.

Back to python 2...

You should always update before you install.
Let’s try to get things into better shape.

Run the following commands in order:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean

Now reboot:
sudo reboot

Lastly, try to install configobj again:
sudo apt-get install python-configobj

On Feb 14, 2020, at 5:36 PM, david glenn <> wrote:

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15. 2. 2020 12:42:2515.02.20
komu: weewx-user
On Friday, February 14, 2020 at 5:36:17 PM UTC-8, david glenn wrote:
I am using python 2.7.  I tried the sudo apt-get install python-configobj  resulting in an error:

Err weezy/main python-configobj all 4.7.7+ds-4
404 not found 
E: unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing.

A 404 is file not found, so it's possible that the raspbian site on internet took a hiccup.

Try "sudo apt-get update" again.  It should process pretty quickly and look like it didn't get confused or anything.
I just did one now on my pi3plus and it was pretty snappy.

pi@pi3plus:~ $ sudo apt-get update
Get:1 squeeze InRelease [2,537 B]
Get:2 stretch InRelease [25.4 kB]
Get:3 stretch InRelease [15.0 kB]
Get:4 squeeze/main all Packages [3,613 B]
Get:5 stretch/main armhf Packages [11.7 MB]
Get:6 stretch/main armhf Packages [220 kB]
Get:7 stretch/ui armhf Packages [45.0 kB]
Get:8 stretch/contrib armhf Packages [56.9 kB]
Get:9 stretch/non-free armhf Packages [95.5 kB]
Fetched 12.1 MB in 10s (1,157 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done 

John's other reply is of course correct, but if your system isn't totally up to date it'll do lots more updates to get your system current, so you might be changing more than one thing at a time.

Quickest way to get this one package installed is 'apt-get update' followed by the 'apt-get install' of the package you want (as root or via sudo of course)

But once you get weewx running right, I'd agree with doing the full 'apt-get upgrade' to catch up everything to current. 

david glenn

17. 2. 2020 12:01:4217.02.20
komu: weewx-user
I have tried the commands that John and Vince suggested in this thread with no success.  I suspect there is a flaw in my RPI.  I tried to download 'SCROT' to make a screen shot and it would not install.  So I have attached to images of the output from my attempts.  I realize I am pushing your patience and I thank you for your time.  Mike

On Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 9:52:51 AM UTC-5, david glenn wrote:
scrot install.JPG
configobj install.JPG

Thomas Keffer

17. 2. 2020 12:21:5117.02.20
komu: weewx-user
Well, did you follow the suggestion and do 

sudo apt-get update?

Your apt configuration is out of date. Configobj version 5.0 is the current version.


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17. 2. 2020 12:22:2117.02.20
komu: weewx-user
On Monday, February 17, 2020 at 9:01:42 AM UTC-8, david glenn wrote:
I have tried the commands that John and Vince suggested in this thread with no success.  I suspect there is a flaw in my RPI.  I tried to download 'SCROT' to make a screen shot and it would not install.  So I have attached to images of the output from my attempts.  I realize I am pushing your patience and I thank you for your time.  Mike

apt gets stupid sometimes...

Try to clean its cache out - it should be "sudo apt clean" or "sudo apt-get clean"

Then do "sudo apt-get update" (regenerate its knowledge of what's in which repo) and then try to install your package(s) again.

david glenn

17. 2. 2020 14:19:5817.02.20
komu: weewx-user
I did the sudo apt-get clean  then:

Run the following commands in order:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean

sudo reboot

sudo apt-get install python-configobj

the attached screen shot is the same result.  From the very beginning of this process I have had the ''0 upgraded, ..., 0 to remove and 27 not upgraded" and there has always been an " Err".to a number of files as it scrolls through the update.

Again, I appreciate your time in helping me.  Mike


17. 2. 2020 14:34:1417.02.20


maybe the issue is in the file /etc/apt/source.list

I don't know

see the mine:

deb buster main contrib non-free rpi
# Uncomment line below then 'apt-get update' to enable 'apt-get source'
#deb-src buster main contrib non-free rpi


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John Kline

17. 2. 2020 14:38:3817.02.20
Well, you don’t say what results you got from running any commands other than the pyton-objconfig.

For that install, I see you are getting a verification error.

As such, run these two commands:

$ sudo apt-key update
$ sudo apt-get update
If that doesn’t work, please state if there is any good reason not to just reinstall Raspbian on your Raspberry Pi?

On Feb 17, 2020, at 11:34 AM, salinois <> wrote:


17. 2. 2020 15:56:3317.02.20
komu: weewx-user
On Monday, February 17, 2020 at 11:19:58 AM UTC-8, david glenn wrote:
the attached screen shot is the same result.  From the very beginning of this process I have had the ''0 upgraded, ..., 0 to remove and 27 not upgraded" and there has always been an " Err".to a number of files as it scrolls through the update.

There are two things going on.

The '27 not upgraded' happens when the system has had a lot of upgrades over time.  If you google a bit you'll find the magic incantation for that, but it's not related to your problem.

Your screenshot helped, however.  It's indeed finding the package, but if you read closely it's saying the signature of the package can't be verified.  There's an option to install without the verification (don't use it - it's there to protect you from hacked packages), but John's reply saying how to update your keys is what you want to do.

I'm hazily remembering some mention of a distribution key expiring in the recent past, so the apt-key command should catch your set of keys for the repos up to current.  Give it a try.  It's probably your issue at this point.

david glenn

17. 2. 2020 16:57:1017.02.20
komu: weewx-user
I'm re-installing Raspbian.  That was my thought at this point, too.  Thanks for all your help.  Hopefully I'll have a "YEAH" on my next post.  

david glenn

18. 2. 2020 21:17:3218.02.20
komu: weewx-user
Yeah!!!  I re-installed Raspbian and installed the configobj and all worked.  Now I am confronted by the weewx setup.  I have a Davis Vantage Pro wireless using  WeatherLink.  I can see the IP address of the Davis Instrument and I entered that into the weewx input matrix.  However, when I check the 'tail -f', I see :  Socket error while opening port 22222 to ethernet host  and it was unable to load drivers and connection refused.

also I don't understand this statement to view the website:  file:///var/www/html/weewx/index.html  

I am close to getting this done.  I do appreciate all the help.  Mike


18. 2. 2020 23:06:0918.02.20
komu: weewx-user
On Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 6:17:32 PM UTC-8, david glenn wrote:
Yeah!!!  I re-installed Raspbian and installed the configobj and all worked.  Now I am confronted by the weewx setup.  I have a Davis Vantage Pro wireless using  WeatherLink.  I can see the IP address of the Davis Instrument and I entered that into the weewx input matrix.  However, when I check the 'tail -f', I see :  Socket error while opening port 22222 to ethernet host  and it was unable to load drivers and connection refused.

Connection refused means you tried to connect to a port on the remote ip address that the other computer wasn't listening on.    Are you sure your WeatherLink IP is and that it's listening on port 22222 ?   Is it possible your weewx host has that ip address ?

(incidentally, you typed 192:160.0.115 above which isn't an ip address, but I'm hoping that's just a typo in your post)

also I don't understand this statement to view the website:  file:///var/www/html/weewx/index.html  

You're going to have to point us at where you're reading that so we have full context.

david glenn

19. 2. 2020 17:19:0519.02.20
komu: weewx-user
I changed the IP to the RPi's and it seemed successful.  A screen shot is attached.  Hopefully it demonstrates the proper information.

If I  'run' the program

sudo ./bin/weewxd weewx.conf

there is nothing returned.  

I see from the documentation that weewx can be greatly modified by folks who know what they are doing.  I'm at my limit.  The statement below comes from the user guide using


After about 5 minutes, open the station web page in a web browser. You should see your station information and data. If your hardware supports hardware archiving, then how long you wait will depend on the archive interval set in your hardware.


"open the station web page".  I have no idea the url for the station web page and I cannot find it in the users guide.  WeeWx did generate an WeeWX icon in CHROME but it takes me to the downloads section of the site.

the statement above---  file:///home/weewx/et citera  returns a 'no such file or directory'.

I am close to getting this completed and thanks for all your time and patience.


19. 2. 2020 18:13:3019.02.20
komu: weewx-user
On Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 2:19:05 PM UTC-8, david glenn wrote:
I changed the IP to the RPi's and it seemed successful.  A screen shot is attached.  Hopefully it demonstrates the proper information.

If I  'run' the program

sudo ./bin/weewxd weewx.conf

there is nothing returned.  

I see from the documentation that weewx can be greatly modified by folks who know what they are doing.  I'm at my limit.  The statement below comes from the user guide using

 Step back from the stressfulness of this for a second and look at it a little differently:
  • you have a weewx raspi on the network
  • you have a WeatherlinkIP thing on the network that talks with your Davis
  • you need to configure weewx to find that WeatherlinkIP thing to talk to it over the network
  • now to do that, do you think you'd put the ip address of the pi in the weewx.conf file ?
No, you wouldn't.  
  • You need to put the ip address of the WeatherlinkIP device in weewx.conf so weewx knows th address of the remote thing it's talking to.

So in weewx.conf in the [Vantage] section, you would want "type = ethernet" and "host = x.x.x.x" where x.x.x.x is the address on your network for the WeatherLinkIP thingy.

We can't tell you what x.x.x.x is unfortunately, as we're not on your home network.

If you do that, and restart weewx (which in general you need to do anytime you edit weewx.conf), your weewx should talk to your WeatherlinkIP and you should see it look like it's doing something.

Also set debug=1 in weewx.conf while you're in there, so we get better debugging info in your logs.

david glenn

19. 2. 2020 20:32:3919.02.20
komu: weewx-user
attached is a screen shot showing how I launched weewx  and then the error messages associated with the new IP,

I use 'Advanced IP scanner' to ID the IP addresses:  On Davis Instruments, Inc. 00:1D:0A:71:19:80

The weewx.conf file indicates Vantage Pro 2 as the instrument.

thanks,  Mike
screenshot 2.png

rich T

19. 2. 2020 20:46:2019.02.20
komu: weewx-user


Can you post the Vantage Section of your weewx.conf?

Glenn McKechnie

19. 2. 2020 23:50:3019.02.20
Unless you've configured weewx to run as a non root user, I'd suggest
it's because it hasn't the permissions to run the driver.

Your screenshot shows that user pi is starting it. Try the following...

cd /home/weewx
sudo ./bin/weewxd weewx.conf
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rorpi - read only raspberry pi & various weewx addons

david glenn

20. 2. 2020 9:06:0920.02.20
komu: weewx-user
To answer Glenn's question I have tried :  

cd /home/weewx
sudo ./bin/weewxd weewx.conf

and nothing was returned.  

In weewx.config there is the statement:  WEEWX_ROOT = /home/weewx if that is of any value

I have attached the Vantage portion of weewx.config.  It is a plain text document.

thanks again
Vantage section of config

david glenn

20. 2. 2020 9:13:1820.02.20
komu: weewx-user
It may not be relevant but I am using the WeatherLink LIVE  device to receive the sensor data and transfer it to my network.

Andrew Milner

20. 2. 2020 10:46:1020.02.20
komu: weewx-user
weewx is designed for unix/linux systems, so in my opinion you should be running on a native linux/usinx system rather than some variety of linux running on windows 10.

run on an RPI and get to know the delights of linux/raspbian/whatever.  Collect the data in the sqlite database.  Generate a website also on the rpi to display the wether data using one of the weewx skins customised to your requirements.  Use your browser on the windows PC to view your web pages being updated on the RPi.  Use SSH to access the RPI over your home netwoek so you never actually use the RPI GUI.

Not sure what data files you want on the PC as they would all be kept within the database on the RPi

david glenn

20. 2. 2020 11:16:0920.02.20
komu: weewx-user
Andrew, you misunderstand what I am trying to do.  I have weewx on a RPI and I'm using Raspbian as the OS.  I am at the point that weewx is not accepting the IP address of the WeatherLink LIVE on my network.  I dug into the Davis knowledge base and it clearly states that the port to use is 22222.  Using 'Advanced IP scanner', I can verify that the IP address of the Davis instrument is  Both parameters are correctly noted in the weewx.config file.  So there is some, likely simple, parameter that I am missing.  Any insight is greatly appreciated.

Thomas Keffer

20. 2. 2020 11:22:4320.02.20
komu: weewx-user
WeatherLink Live is not supported by weewx. At least, not yet. See Issue #412.

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20. 2. 2020 12:33:1120.02.20
komu: weewx-user
On Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 8:22:43 AM UTC-8, Thomas Keffer wrote:
WeatherLink Live is not supported by weewx. At least, not yet. See Issue #412.

David - this thread is a good example of why we need complete+clear problem descriptions:
  • what is your exact station setup
  • what system and os are you running weewx on
  • how are you connecting the station to the weewx computer
  • what version of weewx
  • installed via which method
It was not obvious from the previous thread posts til this morning that you were trying to interface with an unsupported method....and you battled it for 18 days before that was realized by the people trying to help.  Ouch.


20. 2. 2020 12:39:3020.02.20
komu: weewx-user
On Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 8:22:43 AM UTC-8, Thomas Keffer wrote:
WeatherLink Live is not supported by weewx. At least, not yet. See Issue #412.

I added a comment to the issue above, but FWIW it looks like this one would be a slam dunk with a driver that is based on the WeatherFlow UDP driver.  The WF gear broadcasts JSON via UDP.  Looks like Davis just uses a different port and JSON payload.   The WF driver is super stable so it would be a great starting point.

david glenn

20. 2. 2020 12:44:3420.02.20
komu: weewx-user
well that settles that.  I am so sorry I used up so much of your time and experience.  I'll go look into a 'plan B'.  Thanks again to all who tried to help. Indirectly, I learned a lot about Linux and Raspbian.   Mike
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