plot_type = line (with markers) for ET, rain for week, month, year

瀏覽次數:51 次

William Garber

2022年11月13日 晚上7:48:342022/11/13
I am having trouble setting "plot_type = line"  (with markers) for ET and rain for week, month, year.  It works for day.  I changed settings in weewx.conf as follows:
                     # Make sure the y-axis increment is at least 0.02 for the rain plot            
                     yscale = None, None, 0.02
#                    plot_type = bar                                                                
                     plot_type = line
                     marker_type = box
                     marker_size = 2
                         fill_color = "#000000"
                         aggregate_type = sum
                         aggregate_interval = day
                         data_type = rain
                         data_binding = weatherwm_binding
                         label = WWM rain (daily total)
                         # color = "#64B5F6"                                                        
                         color = "#4080bf"
                         fill_color = "#000000"
                         aggregate_type = sum
                         aggregate_interval = day
                         data_type = rain
                         data_binding = wmod_binding
                         label = WMOD rain (daily total)
                         color = "#FF7777"

                         fill_color = "#000000"
                         aggregate_type = sum
                         aggregate_interval = day
                         data_type = rain
                         data_binding = wx_binding
                         label = AT rain (hourly total)
#                         label = AT Rain                                                          
                         color = "#66CDAA"
and similar for day, month and year.  the day one drew a line and markers.  the others just drew markers and no bar or line.  

this is a weewx.conf for a merge of three weather stations.  it just uses wee_report not the server.  The bar graph overlaps for the three data points so you can only see the tallest bar.
It would be a mediocre solution if I could set an transparent bar color and have a bar outline.  What this really needs is the original question, how to draw a line graph.

I erased /var/www/html/weewx/*
then I re-ran wee_reports.

is there anything else I need to do please?

William Garber

2022年11月13日 晚上8:14:072022/11/13
I also cleared browser cache, cookies and offline web data, exited the browser and refreshed the page.  I looked again and day, month and year were working (lines with markers) but week still is not.

William Garber

2022年11月13日 晚上8:37:052022/11/13
since the bug is for the weekly report, could this have something to do with the fact that it is Sunday at 5:30 Pacific Time.  I think my computer uses UTC.  It is fedora linux.
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