Barometer adding 8 to real value

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Tim Tuck

Sep 25, 2020, 2:22:09 AM9/25/20

Hi all,

Continuing to debug my new server and I've just noticed that the barometer is showing 1004hPa even though the MQTT packet shows it to be 996.3.

timt@metoffice:~$ mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t weather/#
{"dateTime": "1601013660.0", "inTemp_C": "26.599999999999998", "outTemp_C": "20.699999999999996", "inHumidity": "37.0", "outHumidity": "36.0", "pressure_mbar": "996.3", "relbarometer": "996.3", "luminosity": "10710.0", "uvradiation": "9.9", "UV": "1.0", "pm2_5_microgram_per_meter_cubed": "9.0", "soilMoist1_centibar": "50.0", "soilMoist2_centibar": "29.0", "soilMoist3_centibar": "25.0", "soilMoist4_centibar": "31.0", "pm2_51_24hav": "14.0", "lightning_strike_count": "0.0", "rain_cm": "0.0", "stormRain_cm": "0.0", "rainRate_cm_per_hour": "0.0", "dayRain_cm": "0.0", "weekRain": "12.8", "monthRain_cm": "3.1600000000000006", "yearRain_cm": "112.06", "windDir": "319.0", "windSpeed_kph": "15.840039370176598", "windGust_kph": "21.96005458138119", "daymaxwind": "12.8", "wh65_batt": "0.0", "wh41_ch1_batt": "4.0", "wh51_ch1_batt": "0.0", "wh51_ch2_batt": "0.0", "wh51_ch3_batt": "0.0", "wh51_ch4_batt": "0.0", "wh57_batt": "5.0", "radiation_Wpm2": "84.5303867403315", "altimeter_mbar": "1004.3553534926064", "appTemp_C": "16.512917758224905", "barometer_mbar": "1004.0931570392244", "beaufort_count": "3.0", "cloudbase_meter": "2013.8479366602753", "dewpoint_C": "5.086570041655606", "heatindex_C": "20.699999999999996", "humidex_C": "20.699999999999996", "inDewpoint_C": "10.699081138141231", "maxSolarRad_Wpm2": "298.5536941056219", "windchill_C": "20.699999999999996", "hourRain_cm": "0.0", "rain24_cm": "0.0", "usUnits": "16.0"}

Anyone with ideas about this problem ?

FYI my production server shows the correct pressure.

Both servers get the data from the same GW1000

It appears that the test server is adding 8 to the measured number when I compare the graphs of the two servers.

How?? I don't know!

Any help appreciated.



See comparisons below...

Test server

Production Server

Graham Eddy

Sep 25, 2020, 2:58:11 AM9/25/20
pressure and barometer are present in weewx packet



Production Server



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Tim Tuck

Sep 25, 2020, 3:49:35 AM9/25/20

On 25/9/20 4:57 pm, Graham Eddy wrote:

pressure and barometer are present in weewx packet

Hi Graham,

Yes, I've just seen that myself. While a test of the driver shows it returning the right pressure, its the barometer_mbar value that gets displayed

If we run both MQTT and test the driver we can see the returned values.

timt@metoffice:~$ mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t weather/#

{"dateTime": "1601019066.0", "inTemp_C": "25.4", "outTemp_C": "11.500000000000002", "inHumidity": "40.0", "outHumidity": "74.0", "pressure_mbar": "1000.0", "relbarometer": "1000.0", "luminosity": "46.0", "uvradiation": "0.0", "UV": "0.0", "pm2_5_microgram_per_meter_cubed": "8.0", "soilMoist1_centibar": "50.0", "soilMoist2_centibar": "29.0", "soilMoist3_centibar": "25.0", "soilMoist4_centibar": "31.0", "pm2_51_24hav": "17.9", "lightning_strike_count": "0.0", "rain_cm": "0.0", "stormRain_cm": "0.1", "rainRate_cm_per_hour": "0.299999999694", "dayRain_cm": "0.1", "weekRain": "13.8", "monthRain_cm": "3.2600000000000007", "yearRain_cm": "112.16", "windDir": "273.0", "windSpeed_kph": "18.360045633613783", "windGust_kph": "27.720068897809043", "daymaxwind": "18.4", "wh65_batt": "0.0", "wh41_ch1_batt": "4.0", "wh51_ch1_batt": "0.0", "wh51_ch2_batt": "0.0", "wh51_ch3_batt": "0.0", "wh51_ch4_batt": "0.0", "wh57_batt": "5.0", "radiation_Wpm2": "0.36306235201262826", "altimeter_mbar": "1008.0797115649902", "appTemp_C": "7.237890566791039", "barometer_mbar": "1008.0759302730186", "beaufort_count": "3.0", "cloudbase_meter": "624.7758702411626", "dewpoint_C": "7.026720747689982", "heatindex_C": "11.500000000000002", "humidex_C": "11.522561280043154", "inDewpoint_C": "10.80615363413136", "maxSolarRad_Wpm2": "8.546640595353704", "windchill_C": "11.500000000000002", "hourRain_cm": "0.05", "rain24_cm": "0.05", "usUnits": "16.0"}
^Ctimt@metoffice:~sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python3 -m user.gw1000 --test-driver --ip-address=
Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf

Interrogating GW1000 at

2020-09-25 17:31:10 AEST (1601019070): UV: 0, dateTime: 1601019070, dayRain: 1.0, daymaxwind: 18.4, inHumidity: 40, inTemp: 25.4, lightning_distance: None, lightning_last_det_time: None, lightning_strike_count: None, luminosity: 46.0, monthRain: 32.6, outHumidity: 74, outTemp: 11.5, pm2_5: 8.0, pm2_51_24hav: 17.9, pressure: 1000.0, rain: None, rainRate: 3.0, relbarometer: 1000.0, soilMoist1: 50, soilMoist2: 29, soilMoist3: 25, soilMoist4: 31, stormRain: 1.0, usUnits: 17, uvradiation: 0.0, weekRain: 13.8, wh41_ch1_batt: 4, wh51_ch1_batt: 0, wh51_ch2_batt: 0, wh51_ch3_batt: 0, wh51_ch4_batt: 0, wh57_batt: 5, wh65_batt: 0, windDir: 273, windGust: 7.7, windSpeed: 5.1, yearRain: 1121.6
^C/usr/share/weewx/user/ DeprecationWarning: isAlive() is deprecated, use is_alive() instead
  if self.thread.isAlive():

Both my other server and my dashboard on Ecowitt show the Barometer value as pressure_mbar not barometer_mbar

It's curious as to why there are so many outputs for pressure, and why do they have a difference of 8 ?

My hand held temp & pressure unit shows the value of pressure the same as pressure_mbar.

I don't know if this is a driver issue or a config issue or an issue with the GW1000?



Graham Eddy

Sep 25, 2020, 4:34:47 AM9/25/20
there have been numerous threads over many years discussing the different types of ‘pressure’ and what they mean.
very briefly, atmospheric pressure reduces with altitude, so there is a standard altitude (sea level) for comparison purposes
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