Setup VIVO with Virtuoso

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Pablo E Díaz Ramírez

2021. gada 4. nov. 19:03:4304.11.21
Hello everyone in the Vivo Community, I have a problem when installing ViVO, my goal is to use the Virtuoso Triple Store, I already made the configuration shown in the documentation in the file AplicationSetup.n3, I don't know if something else is missing I have the server running Virtuoso and it works perfectly Could you help me attached image Greetings

Gross, Benjamin

2021. gada 4. nov. 20:15:1304.11.21
Hi Pablo,
I haven’t tried using Virtuoso before, but based on the error it looks like it’s missing a configuration value. Did you set a value after hasEndPointURI in the Virtuoso settings part of applicationSetup.n3? See here:

Also make sure you didn’t accidentally leave the ‘#’ in front. If you have it set correctly but you’re still receiving the error, we can open an issue on the Vitro GitHub.


Benjamin Gross
VIVO Product Manager, Science Group

Accelerating innovation

On Nov 4, 2021, at 5:03 PM, Pablo E Díaz Ramírez <> wrote:

Hello everyone in the Vivo Community, I have a problem when installing ViVO, my goal is to use the Virtuoso Triple Store, I already made the configuration shown in the documentation in the file AplicationSetup.n3, I don't know if something else is missing I have the server running Virtuoso and it works perfectly Could you help me attached image Greetings

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Pablo E Díaz Ramírez

2021. gada 4. nov. 21:45:5604.11.21
Hello Thanks for the answer I am attaching the configuration file AplicationSetup.n3


Brian Lowe

2021. gada 5. nov. 04:23:5805.11.21

Hi Pablo,


It looks like the Virtuoso content triple source requires the “hasEndpointURI” parameter, even though it doesn’t actually use it – and it isn’t shown in the wiki documentation.  Try adding it to your applicationSetup.n3 with any value you like, such as in this example:



    a   vitroWebapp:triplesource.impl.virtuoso.ContentTripleSourceVirtuoso ,

            vitroWebapp:modules.tripleSource.ContentTripleSource ;

    # The URI where Virtuoso can be accessed: don't include the /sparql path.

            :hasBaseURI http://localhost:8890

           :hasEndpointURI "derived from base URI" ;

            #    # The name and password of a Virtuoso account that has the SPARQL_UPDATE role.

           :hasUsername "dba" ;

           :hasPassword "admin" .


Let us know if that works for you.  If so, we should update the documentation accordingly and open an issue to remove that required parameter from future versions.




De la: <> În numele Pablo E Díaz Ramírez
Trimis: vineri, 5 noiembrie 2021 03:46
Subiect: Re: [vivo-tech] Setup VIVO with Virtuoso

Pablo E Díaz Ramírez

2021. gada 5. nov. 17:24:3305.11.21
Hello I made the configuration that you suggested is giving me a different error attached images, the user which has configured has the permissions to Perform the SPARQL_UPDATE, I am executing VIVO in Docker, there would be 3 separate containers, one for the VIVO, another for the Solr and the third Virtuoso, of this I have exposed the ports 8890 and for the Vivo the port 8080. You would know to tell me what the error that is happening now is due to. Thanks for Your Time.

Brian Lowe

2021. gada 5. nov. 17:53:1605.11.21

Hi Pablo,


My experience with Docker is quite limited, but I believe that if you have Virtuoso running in a separate container, you’ll want to change the :hasBaseURI to something other than localhost.  I think you’ll want to supply the hostname/ID of the container that is running Virtuoso.  (So, for example, if your Virtuoso container is called ‘virtuoso’, the line in applicationSetup.n3 might look like :hasBaseURI "http://virtuoso:8890").


(Corrections/additions from those more familiar with these types of Docker deployments welcome.)




De la: <> În numele Pablo E Díaz Ramírez
Trimis: vineri, 5 noiembrie 2021 23:24

Subiect: Re: [vivo-tech] Setup VIVO with Virtuoso


Hello I made the configuration that you suggested is giving me a different error attached images, the user which has configured has the permissions to Perform the SPARQL_UPDATE, I am executing VIVO in Docker, there would be 3 separate containers, one for the VIVO, another for the Solr and the third Virtuoso, of this I have exposed the ports 8890 and for the Vivo the port 8080. You would know to tell me what the error that is happening now is due to. Thanks for Your Time.

Pablo E Díaz Ramírez

2021. gada 5. nov. 22:13:3505.11.21
Hello, thanks for the help and I managed to connect the Visrtuoso DB with the Vivo and run the App, now it happens to me that I am inserting the test data that came from the Github repo in a triple .n3 and the data does not load ...

Dragan Ivanovic

2021. gada 6. nov. 10:58:3006.11.21

Hi Pablo,

It might be that your docker container has no access to the Internet. Maybe you can try to download sample data ( and then to open "Add/Remove RDF Data" VIVO page and upload the downloaded n3 file (instead of entering URL). Anyway, if you want to discuss your issue with the VIVO technical team, I can add that in the agenda for our next meeting (Tuesday, 10am Eastern Time). You can access the Zoom call by using this access link



Pablo E Díaz Ramírez

2021. gada 6. nov. 12:01:0206.11.21
Hello, precisely, I have the test data in local and I try to load it as you suggest and it does not load the data even I was checking in the Virtuoso Database and there is no reference in it to the VIVO ontology

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