I set scrolljump=-50, it works well for me.
But sometimes when I paste it is annoying when the cursor jumps.
I have experimented with:
au InsertEnter * let &scrolljump=1
au InsertLeave * let &scrolljump=-50
but this doesn't seem to affect pasting.
Does anyone know of or have a suggestion for this ?
Could I remap 'p' to set scrolljump=1 then p again ?
thx for all things vim,
Thanks Tony.
Is there a way around the recursion of mapping p to call a function that
issues a p between setting scrolljump values ? Perhaps with an alias ?
Something weird, like this ???
function! MyPaste() abort
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> p p
let &scrolljump=1
execute "normal p"
let &scrolljump=-50
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> p :call MyPaste()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> p :call MyPaste()<CR>