On Mi, 01 Apr 2020, Ni Va wrote:
> I know it is the same but, for human readable reason, I want to keep camelCase notation fileName I had before saving this file with Vim.
> It is not OS windows 64 bits enterprise last update that is in cause, but really Vim because when I save the same file with notepad++, this does not modify the camelCase notation of filename.
> So it is certainly an option, not of the OS but of Vim. I see that filencoding talked about lowercase depending on which encoding you choose.. but not really got fix for this problem for instant.
I cannot reproduce this. Please provide a reproducible example starting
from vim --clean and mention what filesystem you save on. Best is to
start in an empty directory.
Alkohol ist nicht die Antwort. Hilft aber, die Frage nicht so ernst
zu nehmen.
-- Klaus Klages