strange difference in UI for identical .vimrc

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Aryeh Friedman

Aug 3, 2022, 7:37:38 PM8/3/22
I have two machines with 8.2.2263 and 8.2.5052 respectively with the
following .vimrc (same NIS account/NFS home dir) and in the 2263
machine shows a transparent background (which is what I want) and the
5052 shows and opaque one which is not what I want (See screen shots).
How do I make 5052 behave like 2263.

.vimrc (note both machines get the syntax highlighting correct and
2263 is accessed via ssh using XFCE4's Terminal emulator from the
machine 5052 is on):
set term=xterm-256color
set t_Co=256
set t_u7=
set noautoindent
runtime colorscheme colors/slate.vim
syntax enable
:set noincsearch
:hi Constant ctermfg=220
:hi String ctermfg=220
:hi Identifier ctermfg=lightblue
:hi javaCommentTitle ctermfg=yellow
:hi javaDocComment ctermfg=178
:hi javaCommentTitle ctermfg=178
:hi javaAnnotation ctermfg=lightblue
:hi Comment ctermfg=178
:hi javaDocTags ctermfg=Yellow
:hi htmlTag ctermfg=220
:hi htmlEndTag ctermfg=220
:hi javaScriptBraces ctermfg=white
:hi javaScriptParens ctermfg=white
:hi javaScriptType ctermfg=white
:hi javaScriptFunction ctermfg=lightblue
:hi xmlTag ctermfg=lightblue
:hi xmlTagName ctermfg=lightblue
":set t_ti=^[[?1049h
":set t_te=
set mouse-=a

Aryeh M. Friedman, Lead Developer,

Aryeh Friedman

Aug 3, 2022, 8:28:30 PM8/3/22
Oops forgot the screenshots
Screenshot from 2022-08-03 20-26-22.png
Screenshot from 2022-08-03 20-26-57.png

Grant Taylor

Aug 3, 2022, 9:30:13 PM8/3/22
On 8/3/22 5:37 PM, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
> I have two machines with 8.2.2263 and 8.2.5052 respectively with
> the following .vimrc (same NIS account/NFS home dir) and in the 2263
> machine shows a transparent background (which is what I want) and the
> 5052 shows and opaque one which is not what I want (See screen shots).
> How do I make 5052 behave like 2263.

This seems like a Window Manager / Desktop Environment issue more than
it seems like a Vim issue to me.

Though I would naively assume that a common NFS mounted home directory
would have the same WM / DE preferences too.

What happens if you run gVim on each machine displaying on the other
machine remote X11 display (possibly via SSH forwarding)?

Grant. . . .
unix || die

Aryeh Friedman

Aug 3, 2022, 10:28:20 PM8/3/22
On Wed, Aug 3, 2022 at 9:30 PM 'Grant Taylor' via vim_use
<> wrote:
> On 8/3/22 5:37 PM, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
> > I have two machines with 8.2.2263 and 8.2.5052 respectively with
> > the following .vimrc (same NIS account/NFS home dir) and in the 2263
> > machine shows a transparent background (which is what I want) and the
> > 5052 shows and opaque one which is not what I want (See screen shots).
> > How do I make 5052 behave like 2263.
> This seems like a Window Manager / Desktop Environment issue more than
> it seems like a Vim issue to me.

Thats what I thought to but see experiment below.

> Though I would naively assume that a common NFS mounted home directory
> would have the same WM / DE preferences too.

Since I always ssh into machine that shows the background (it is my
"work" vm and my desktop is for more general purpose computing like
this email and watching youtube). BTW both machines are FreeBSD 12.1

> What happens if you run gVim on each machine displaying on the other
> machine remote X11 display (possibly via SSH forwarding)?

It seems now that FreeBSD has switched over to Wayland you can not do
intermachine remote xproto stuff. Gvim does open with an opaque
background on the desktop machine though.

Maxim Kim

Aug 4, 2022, 12:58:29 AM8/4/22
to vim_use
Colorschemes were changed, now all of them define Normal highlight.

To make it transparent, you can follow :h :colorscheme (several paragraphs down):

If a color scheme is almost right, you can add modifications on top of it by
using the |ColorScheme| autocommand.  For example, to remove the background
color (can make it transparent in some terminals): >
    augroup my_colorschemes
      au Colorscheme pablo hi Normal ctermbg=NONE
    augroup END

Change a couple more colors: >
    augroup my_colorschemes
      au Colorscheme pablo hi Normal ctermbg=NONE
              \ | higlight Special ctermfg=63
              \ | highlight Identifier ctermfg=44
    augroup END

Also :h new-colorschemes-9

Colorschemes from have been included.
They were made to work consistently across many types of terminals.  Although
generally an improvement, a lot of personal preference is involved.  You can
always get the old version if you prefer it, look here:
четверг, 4 августа 2022 г. в 09:28:20 UTC+7,
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