> --
Thanks for you help. So i have read several articles of vi's help.
I have understood that when my file is call foo.txt, :helptags .
creates my tags file, and that is what i want.
:h tag-highlight
is apparently the section to set the highlight, but i don't understand
I can read:
"If you want to highlight all the tags in your file, you can use the
<F11> -- Generate tags.vim file, and highlight tags.
<F12> -- Just highlight tags based on existing tags.vim file.
:map <F11> :sp tags<CR>:%s/^\([^ :]*:\)\=\([^ ]*\).*/syntax
keyword Tag \2/<CR>:wq! tags.vim<CR>/^<CR><F12>
:map <F12> :so tags.vim<CR>"
1) How can i know free shortcuts on my machine? it seams that F11 is
used for a wider window.
2) For exemple, is it possible to use Ctrl+F11? should i write <C-
F11>... does not work...
3) I have one tags.vim file her:
What is the utility of this file? Does it allow to define coloration?
4) How to use it?
I copied tags.vim file in my current directory, and i copied a "true"
helpfile from directory
I tried so execute the command for F11, but it does not work...
5) After that, if i modify my .txt file, i will have to launch again :h
tag-highlight, if i change my file. But of course, i want to define
hightlighting one time forever. Is it possible?
Best regards,
Mathieu Roux