issue subtituting new lines

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Eli the Bearded

May 19, 2020, 1:40:41 PM5/19/20
I use several versions of vim throughout the day, all inside xterms, and
some inside tmux running in an xterm. Some versions of vim I have
noticed break my long standing way of adding newlines in a :s///
substitute command.

To make all %% sequences turn into a new line, what I'd type is:

colon percent s slash percent percent slash ctrl-v ctrl-m slash g enter

And that would look like this in vi, nvi, and vim up until recently:


On the versions that break that, it instead looks like this:


Which will not (does not) provide the subtitution I want.

I have found the vim I'm using on NetBSD inside xterms without tmux
do this, but that same vim on NetBSD inside xterms with tmux does not
do that.

VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Jan 7 2020 09:55:54)
Included patches: 1-2200

:r! uname -sr
NetBSD 8.1

Inside tmux, $TERM is "screen", outside tmux $TERM is "xterm",
$XTERM_VERSION is "XTerm(330)". Figuring out the exact differences
between the screen and xterm terminal definitions is not something I
want to dive into.

If I use vim.old on that same system, the substitute works inside and
outside of tmux. On vim.old:

VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Jun 11 2019 15:16:00)
Included patches: 1-1517

Is this a known bug that has been fixed in a patch after 2200? If so,
I'll request the vim here be updated. If not, can this be fixed? (And
then I'll request the update.)


Christian Brabandt

May 19, 2020, 1:58:55 PM5/19/20
A feature or a bug i suppose. What you are seeing are the effects of the
modifyOtherKeys feature of Vim and xterm (see :h modifyOtherKeys).

I am not sure why it happens for you when pressing CTRL-V in command
line mode, it does work for me as expected, unless you accidentally
pressed Shift-Ctrl-V instead of Ctrl-V

To disable it, set the t_TI and t_TE terminal settings to the empty

let &t_TI=""
let &t_TE=""

Das Beste in einem Menschen ist das, was er selber nicht kennt.
-- Jean Paul

Eli the Bearded

May 19, 2020, 5:58:58 PM5/19/20
Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> On Di, 19 Mai 2020, Eli the Bearded wrote:
>> And that would look like this in vi, nvi, and vim up until recently:
>> :%s/%%/^M/g
>> On the versions that break that, it instead looks like this:
>> :%s/%%/^[[27;5;109~/g
> A feature or a bug i suppose. What you are seeing are the effects of the
> modifyOtherKeys feature of Vim and xterm (see :h modifyOtherKeys).
> I am not sure why it happens for you when pressing CTRL-V in command
> line mode, it does work for me as expected, unless you accidentally
> pressed Shift-Ctrl-V instead of Ctrl-V

No, I was quite careful in what I typed. But reading :h modifyOtherKeys
leads me to understand what is going on.

If, when modifyOtherKeys is enabled, instead of:

colon percent s slash percent percent slash ctrl-v ctrl-m slash g enter

I type:

colon percent s slash percent percent slash ctrl-v enter slash g enter

I get the:


output I expect. xterm and vim are trying to represent a <ctrl-m> as
different than <enter> with that setting and I'm seeing the results. But
since <enter> is what I really want, actually using <enter> works.

I'll have to mull over if I consider this an improvement or not.

> To disable it, set the t_TI and t_TE terminal settings to the empty
> string:
> let &t_TI=""
> let &t_TE=""

Why that syntax instead of "set t_TI=|set t_TE="? I'm already using
"set t_Co=0" in ~/.vimrc to disable colors. (Specifically it sets
the number of colors available to zero.) In testing, both forms seem
to work in .vimrc, and neither seems to work from the ":" prompt --
even after I ":!ls" as suggested by the help page.

Thanks for finding that.


Ken Takata

May 19, 2020, 10:03:19 PM5/19/20
to vim_use
I think this behavior is fixed in 8.1.2350.
Both Ctrl-V Ctrl-M and Ctrl-V <Enter> will input ^M now.

Ken Takata
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