Theme dev (Selenized) help: SpellRare and undercurl not working in Vim, works in NeoVim

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Daniel Gray

Apr 1, 2020, 1:15:50 PM4/1/20

I'm currently working on a theme called Selenized

We're using to template
our theme.

The issue I'm having is

We cannot seem to get SpellRare to work in Vim, yet it works in NeoVim.

The Vim config is extremely simple:

set t_Co=16
set termguicolors
colorscheme selenized
set spelllang=en_au
setlocal spell spelllang=en_au
set spell
set nu
syntax on

My NeoVim config is the same except that it doesn't have set t_Co=16
because that's not supported.

We want the theme when running in Vim to look the same as it does in

I included a screenshot:

as well as the generated theme:

I'm hoping someone can give us a hand as we really want to support Vim
too, not just NeoVim.

Daniel Gray (dng) 0x41911F722B0F9AE3

Christian Brabandt

Apr 2, 2020, 3:20:45 AM4/2/20
First of all, I am not really sure what the problem is. I saw a long
discussion, but did not find a clear problem description :/

So what exactly is not working with SpellRare? Can you please provide a
reproducible example with just the required highlighting commands?

Also `:set t_Co=16` and `:set termguicolors` does not make any sense.
Either your terminal does support only 16 colors (in which case it won't
support rgb colors, or it supports rgb colors, so the `:set t_Co=16`
should not be set.

Them you shouldn't have to `:set t_Co=16` and rather rely on Vim for
determining the capabilities of the terminal rather than overriding it.
This means, you have to configure your terminal correctly (e.g. if you
export TERM=xterm, then Vim will think your terminal is only capable of
using 16 colors).

And finally, I haven't actually seen any modern terminal, that does not
support at least 256 colors. So you might want to decide not to support
16 color terminals only.


Tony Mechelynck

Apr 2, 2020, 3:45:56 AM4/2/20
to vim_use, Vim mailing list
AFAIK, the Linux non-X console ($TERM == 'linux', accessed with
Ctrl-Alt-F1 to Ctrl-Alt-F6, come back with Ctrl-Alt-F7) can only do 8
background and 16 foreground colours; or maybe also 16 background
colours without the ability to blink. Of course it might be regarded
as “non-modern”, but it is still in use. I occasionally use it, even
with Vim.

Best regards,

Christian Brabandt

Apr 2, 2020, 4:15:55 AM4/2/20
to vim_use, Vim mailing list
I believe even the linux console (since v3.16) can detect and use the
rgb ansi terminal color codes, but rounds them back to 16 color codes.

DAU: Ich habe ein Makro geschrieben, das testet ob der Benutzer anwesend ist.
EDV: Wie das denn?
DAU: Naja, es fragt eben danach.


Apr 3, 2020, 5:50:07 AM4/3/20
On 2020-04-02, Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> On Mi, 01 Apr 2020, Daniel Gray wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently working on a theme called Selenized
>> We're using to template
>> our theme.
>> The issue I'm having is
>> We cannot seem to get SpellRare to work in Vim, yet it works in NeoVim.

> First of all, I am not really sure what the problem is.

I think that the OP's issue amounts to `undercurl` not producing an
underline in Vim's terminal. I can reproduce it in my terminals
(macOS's and iTerm2):

hi SpellBad cterm=undercurl
hi SpellBad cterm=underline
hi SpellBad cterm=undercurl

(The highlight group, termguicolors, and `gui` do not really matter).

Is that intended behaviour?



Apr 3, 2020, 5:55:05 AM4/3/20
On 2020-04-03, Lifepillar <> wrote:

> in Vim's terminal

Sorry, I mean in terminal Vim. And btw, I am using Vim 8.2.0350.

Should Vim fallback to `underline` when the terminal does not support


Dominique Pellé

Apr 3, 2020, 5:58:09 AM4/3/20
to Vim List
In vim :help undercurl, I see:

"undercurl" is a curly underline. When "undercurl" is not possible
then "underline" is used. In general "undercurl" and "strikethrough"
is only available in the GUI.
=== END QUOTE ===

So we should check whether we at least see an underline in
the terminal.

In any case, this ticket needs a better description with
a clear reproducible case to avoid wasting time of developers.


Daniel Gray

Apr 4, 2020, 1:21:46 AM4/4/20
On 20/04/03 11:57AM, Dominique Pellé wrote:
>In vim :help undercurl, I see:
>=== BEGIN QUOTE ===
>"undercurl" is a curly underline. When "undercurl" is not possible
>then "underline" is used. In general "undercurl" and "strikethrough"
>is only available in the GUI.
>=== END QUOTE ===
>So we should check whether we at least see an underline in
>the terminal.
>In any case, this ticket needs a better description with
>a clear reproducible case to avoid wasting time of developers.

The reality seems to be that is not occuring in both Gnome Terminal or

For example I tested this with:

hi SpellBad ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline
hi SpellCap ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline
hi SpellLocal ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline
hi SpellRare ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline


hi SpellBad ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=undercurl
hi SpellCap ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=undercurl
hi SpellLocal ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=undercurl
hi SpellRare ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=undercurl

This was the result (a screenshot).

Everything seems to work as intended in NeoVim, but not Vim :(

The undercurl does seem to work in gVim though.

Dominique Pellé

Apr 5, 2020, 6:39:18 AM4/5/20
to Vim List
If I do that:

$ cat > test.vim <<EOF
set spellfile=/tmp/en.utf8.add spelllang=en_us spell t_Co=256
hi clear

hi SpellBad guisp=red gui=undercurl guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE term=undercurl cterm=undercurl
hi SpellCap guisp=orange gui=undercurl guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE term=undercurl cterm=undercurl
hi SpellRare guisp=blue gui=undercurl guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE term=undercurl cterm=undercurl
hi SpellLocal guisp=green gui=undercurl guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE term=undercurl cterm=undercurl

spellrare emacs
call setline(1, 'is your favourite edditor vim or emacs?')

$ vim -f -g --clean -S test.vim # Gives the expected undercurl in
gvim-gtk3 (good)
$ vim --clean -S test.vim # No undercurl and no underline in terminal (bug!)

I expected that vim should fallback to underline in the terminal
since the doc says:

=== BEGIN QUOTE :help undercurl ===
"undercurl" is a curly underline. When "undercurl" is not possible
then "underline" is used. In general "undercurl" and "strikethrough"
is only available in the GUI.
=== END QUOTE ===

A workaround is to use term=underline cterm=underline
instead of term=undercurl cterm=undercurl as in this example:

$ cat > test.vim <<EOF
set spellfile=/tmp/en.utf8.add spelllang=en_us spell t_Co=256
hi clear

hi SpellBad guisp=red gui=undercurl guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE term=underline cterm=underline
hi SpellCap guisp=orange gui=undercurl guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE term=underline cterm=underline
hi SpellRare guisp=blue gui=undercurl guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE term=underline cterm=underline
hi SpellLocal guisp=green gui=undercurl guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE term=underline cterm=underline

spellrare emacs
call setline(1, 'is your favourite edditor vim or emacs?')

Then it works as expected:

$ vim --clean -S test.vim # underline in terminal (good)

But still, I think that term=undercurl cterm=undercurl should
have a fall-back on underline automatically.


Dominique Pellé

Apr 5, 2020, 7:59:02 AM4/5/20
to Vim List
I've just built neovim and handling of undercurl is indeed nicer
with neovim. I can actually see colored undercurl in the terminal
(not even having to fallback to underline). I never realized
that some terminals support undercurls. Very nice! I'd love
to see this in Vim too. I see undercurls using neovim in at least
those terminals which are Ubuntu-18.04 standard packages:

- xfce4-terminal-0.8.4
- gnome-terminal-3.28.2

But I don't see undercurls with neovim using xterm (XTerm(330)).

And with konsole-17.12.3, neovim misbehave: it shows spurious
characters around words that should have undercurls.

I also noticed that neovim does not have the ":spellrare" command
which was introduced in vim-8.1.1838.

And I noticed yet a bug in vim. Neovim uses a blue undercurl
for both words "vim" and "emacs", whereas vim never show that "vim"
is a rare word. Using :spelldump, I can see indeed that "vim" is marked
as rare word in the en_us dictionary since there is a question mark in its

So why isn't word "vim" highlighted as a rare word with spelllang=en_us
in vim gtk3?


Dominique Pellé

Apr 5, 2020, 9:36:00 AM4/5/20
to Vim List
I see that this patch was meant to make undercurl work in
terminals that support it:

commit 8b9e20afb0da79a21155988a38704b5777cc2efe
Author: Bram Moolenaar <>
Date: Tue Nov 28 21:25:21 2017 +0100

patch 8.0.1358: undercurl is not used in the terminal

Problem: Undercurl is not used in the terminal. (Kovid Goyal)
Solution: Only fall back to underline when undercurl highlighting is not
defined. (closes #1306)

But somehow it does not work: I see neither undercurl nor underline
when using vim >= 8.0.1358 in various terminals.

There was no tests added to verify 8.0.1358.

If I go back to vim-8.0.1357, then I could see at least underline being
used in the terminal where undercurl is specified.
I tried with xterm (330), xfce4-terminal and gnome-terminal 3.28.2
and all used underlines prior with vim < 8.0.1357 as fallback to undercurl.

So patch 8.0.1358 introduced a regression.

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