E117: Unknown function: plug#begin

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no leída,
26 oct 2022, 1:40:47 p.m.26/10/22
para vim_use


no leída,
26 oct 2022, 3:48:39 p.m.26/10/22
para vim_use

Hello, I was setting up vim plug when this error occured:

Error detected while processing .vimrc:
line 5:
E117: Unknown function: plug#begin
line 7:
E492: Not an editor command: Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim'
line 9:
E117: Unknown function: plug#end

here's the .vimrc file

syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et ai si
set rnu
call plug#begin()
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim'
call plug#end()

Rellot's Screwdriver

no leída,
26 oct 2022, 3:48:50 p.m.26/10/22
para v...@vim.org
this error occured when conifiguring vim plugin
full error message:
Error detected while processing .vimrc:
line 5:
E117: Unknown function: plug#begin
line 7:
E492: Not an editor command: Plugin 'neoclide/coc.nvim'
line 9:
E117: Unknown function: plug#end

.vimrc (using vim 9.0)
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et ai si
set rnu
call plug#begin()

Plugin 'neoclide/coc.nvim'

call plug#end()

Tony Mechelynck

no leída,
26 oct 2022, 4:12:55 p.m.26/10/22
para vim...@googlegroups.com
This means Vim is trying to load the function plug#begin() then the
function plug#end() from the script <something>/autoload/plug.vim
where <something> is any one of the directories mentioned in
'runtimepath', and either not finding that script, or not finding
these functions within it. It also doesn't find the user-command Plug
so the former (script not found) seems more likely.

Try adding the following at the top of your vimrc, it should give you
a warning message for not finding files to be sourced:

if &verbose < 2
set verbose=2

Later you can manually :set vbs-=1 if you want to stop displaying all
those messages.

See :help autoload

Best regards,

David Lowry-Duda

no leída,
26 oct 2022, 6:17:41 p.m.26/10/22
para vim...@googlegroups.com
This sounds like an issue that is better suited for the vim-plug issue
tracker. I would guess that their first suggestion would be to check
that you downloaded the vim-plug plugin to the correct directory. I
suggest you include this in your description when you ask this at the
vim-plug repository.

Good luck - DLD

Owajigbanam Ogbuluijah

no leída,
26 oct 2022, 7:05:10 p.m.26/10/22
para vim...@googlegroups.com
Hi Rellot,

From the syntax, you may be trying to use junegunn/vim-plug. Ensure vim-plug is properly installed. These errors mean Vim can't find the functions which would have normally been registered by the plugin.

3 things
  1. Ensure the plugin is properly installed
  2. Use Plug, not Plugin
  3. Ensure you provide the plugin directory in plug#begin(<directory>)


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no leída,
28 oct 2022, 3:06:50 p.m.28/10/22
para vim_use
It's not finding where you put it. I do the following:

" installed at

" All my plugins are installed into this path
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')


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