FW: Transition of a dear sister, friend and comrade....

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Toyin Falola

Jul 2, 2023, 3:09:17 PM7/2/23
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From: Kassahun Checole <kche...@awprsp.com>
Date: Saturday, July 1, 2023 at 3:10 PM
To: Kassahun Checole <kche...@awprsp.com>
Subject: Transition of a dear sister, friend and comrade....

Dear friends, 


I am sorry to be a bearer of bad news, the passing of distinguished fighter, Prof. Micere Mugo after a long and heroic and valiant battle with a cursed disease.  Throughout, our heroine exemplified bravery and a spirit of resilience.   I have always said that she was my inspiration.  In the middle of fighting against a seemingly insurmountable pain and suffering, she cared more about my small  trivalis and always consoled me to be patient and persevere.  She will be dearly missed.


Here is a small note that I sent to her dear daughter, Mumbi, early this morning.  And also below, I have posted links  to a couple of her books that I had the privilege of publishing.


Please join me in saying farewell, may the ancestors welcome with joy and appreciation of all the good that you have done on our behalf throughout your life.


Travel well, sister, mother, friend, fighter for peace and justice and a wonderful comrade.



Our dear daughter, Mumbi:


Say it is not so!  Is it true that the ancestors have made the call!


First, it is our sisters  Ama Ata Aidoo, Hassana Alidou and now it is our giant oak tree,  Micere Mugo, beloved mother of Njeri and Mumbi.


Wish it was not true, but the drums are sounding louder and stronger.  Perhaps the ancestors have won and claimed her at the urging of Njeri, who has missed her mom for a long time, has kept a vigil and most likely did not want to see her mother suffer any longer.


Now that our inspiration, our rod of strength is gone, what do we do?  I suppose the best honor we can bestow on her is to keep fighting for every inch of our space on this earth, for peace and for change in our lands, and for justice.


For you Mumbi, you should know that we honor you equally.  Just like your mom, you have fought a good fight.  I know you will keep your head high and proud.  You are an accomplished daughter, and we celebrate you.


Let the drumming continue and let us celebrate our departed sister, PanAfricanist leader and a loving mother, true and true.









Kassahun Checole, Publisher

Africa World Press, Inc. &

The Red Sea Press, Inc.

541 W. Ingham Avenue, Suite B

Trenton, NJ 08638

609-695-6466 (Fax)


Jul 2, 2023, 3:53:00 PM7/2/23
to usaafric...@googlegroups.com
May her soul rest peacefully with her ancestors and Creator. 
Segun Ogungbemi

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 2, 2023, at 2:09 PM, Toyin Falola <toyin...@austin.utexas.edu> wrote:

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Michael Afolayan

Jul 2, 2023, 4:05:44 PM7/2/23
to usaafric...@googlegroups.com
Great note to Mumbi!
May all of us closely or remotely related to this great mind be comforted and may her legacy outlive her.

Oluwatoyin Adepoju

Jul 2, 2023, 9:07:29 PM7/2/23
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