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Salimonu Kadiri

Jul 25, 2019, 5:24:32 PM7/25/19
​According to Muazu Jubril Jaji, on page 57 of The Daily Trust of 13 June 2013, the national income earning of Nigeria from 1960 to 1999 (39 years) was N4.8 trillion. But in 14 years of PDP rule from 1999 to 2013, Nigeria earned N50 trillion. In the 16 years of PDP rule (1999-2015), the political elites in Nigeria and the civil servants that served under them converted national assets and patrimony into their private wealth. Nigerian millionaires have no factories and they manufacture no products for export or internal consumptions. Their wealth are directly proportional to their nearness to the centre of government power, federal, state or local. The very government officials who steal money set aside to generate and distribute electricity for the nation have become tycoons as generator importers. Every household generates its own electricity through noisy and poison fuming generator. Scores of Nigerians die daily from inhaling carbon mono-oxide from their generators. Crude oil, a nature's gift to all Nigerians which is constitutionally placed in the hands of the federal government to exploit and manage for the benefit of all Nigerians, has been converted to personal wealth through the issuance of oil block license to friends cronies and concubines. The very elements that have sabotaged national crude oil refineries from refining crude oil have become *oil marketers* and fuel importers. Nigeria is the only crude oil exporting country in the world that depends hundred per cent on fuel import for her domestic needs. As the PDP led government's enquiry of 2012 had shown, billions of dollars were paid as fuel subsidies to people who imported no fuel. Compulsory Free Primary Education Act evolved from Millenium Development Goal of year 2000 which stipulated that all Nigerian children of school age must by 2015 be in school. Funds sourced internally and externally to put Nigerian children in schools were stolen by public officials. While children became almajiris in the North prowling streets with bowls in their hands to beg for alms, in the South, children have become experts in manoeuvring within traffic hold-ups to hawk handkerchiefs, toys and pornographic magazines to drivers and passengers to earn a living. Those deprived and wickedly nurtured Nigerian children have now grown up to  be insurgents, bandits, kidnappers, ritualists, human traffickers, organ (human) traffickers and armed robbers as direct consequences of mindless plundering of our national treasury and patrimony. As if struck with blindness, intellectual ethnic irredentists and merchant of hatred attribute all crimes in Nigeria to Fulani herdsmen. Yet, Musa Umar, the District Head of Daura, the home village of President Buhari, was kidnapped on May 1, 2019 and the kidnappers demanded thirty million dollars ($30 million) ransom for his release. Musa Umar, who is said to be an in-law of President Buhari was released after 60 days. Thirteen of the kidnappers, aged between 20 and 46 were eventually arrested in their hideouts in Katsina and Kano States. None of them were herdsmen. Police Public Relation Officer, Frank Mba disclosed that the items recovered from the suspects included chemicals for the production of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), 20 AK-47 rifles, laptops which contained manual for manufacturing bombs, military uniforms and other dangerous weapons. Mr. Mba appealed to the National Assembly to improve the security of the country by strengthening legislation on heinous crimes such as kidnapping, cattle rustling and unlawful possession of weapons. That Bill was sent to the National Assembly in February 2016 and was knocked into coma by Saraki Dogara led Legislature.       
We Wanted To Make $30 Million From President Buhari's In-law Kidnap, Suspects Say Mba called on the National Assembly to improve the security of the country and to also strengthen legislation on ...

​I agree with the Emir of Kano, Lamido Sanusi's thesis on Nigeria's real problem when he stated among other things that, "Tribalism is not our problem. Tribalism and religion are artificial problems created by selfish leaders for their own personal interest. There are only two major tribes in Nigeria. The Elites and the Masses. Once you make a lot of money, you belong to the elite tribe. When you are a commoner or suffering, you belong to the tribe of the masses. If you are an elite, and you need more power, or elective position, you sow seed of tribalism and religion among the masses, so as to sway their emotion for your personal victory. This happens at both the national and state level. Unfortunately, after the election when they have won and join their 'sworn enemies' to drink and party, the gullible masses continue to fight each other. 
Igbo leaders in Kano, and the State Governor, Abdullahi Ganduje, today, 21 July, rejected the call by some Northern political leaders that Fulani herdsmen in the Southern part of the country relocate to the North. This was at a dinner in Kano that the call was “divisive and retrogressive ...
​Nigerian elites are the parents of Nigerian criminals.

Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju

Jul 25, 2019, 9:05:39 PM7/25/19
to usaafricadialogue
' As if struck with blindness, intellectual ethnic irredentists and merchant of hatred attribute all crimes in Nigeria to Fulani herdsmen. ' 

Can you imagine-

all those deluded victims of kidnapping describing their captors as Fulani people

the deluded vituperations of the Yoruba cultural organisation Afenifere claiming Fulani kidnappers, bandits and herdsmen are lying siege to Yorubaland 

the illusions of the Igbo cultural groups and SE governors making similar accusations in the SE 

the deluded victims of massacres in the Middle Belt owned up to by Miyetti Allah 

the phantoms the fed govt gave Miyettyi Allah Fulani soci-cultural organisation 100B ostensibly to put an end to kidnapping by their members.....

all illusions...

they should own up and tell us the truth....

all a hoax

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Cornelius Hamelberg

Jul 26, 2019, 12:34:34 AM7/26/19

Baba Kadiri,

Please excuse me for taking up only a slight aspect of your very serious posting which deserves a lot more attention, especially the full contents of His Eminence Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, Emir of Kano ‘s speech which is of the moment!

That will be addressed – as it deserves to be – in a separate thread, a separate thread because this thread is already being cluttered by some of the usual Islamophobic and anti-Fulani inanities that we are to expect and to suffer from, from our Toyin Adepoju - and because what His Eminence the Emir of Kano says and says so succinctly, is of the uttermost importance for Nigeria’s future peace, prosperity and tranquillity for all – including Toyin Adepoju.

But here, it’s your premise which also turns out to be your conclusion – reminiscent of Madiba Nelson Mandela who, because he was a very deliberative and relatively speaking “slow” speaker was advised by his campaign manager to start debates and speeches with his conclusion (just in case – the nature of dialogues, debates and timed/ timed out speeches these days, just in case he would not have enough time to arrive at his conclusion, starting from premise through the several stages of methodical reasoning, unto his conclusion/denouement

You: A first impression is that the screaming headline of your submission, begging/ pleading for attention sounds like a sour grapes poor man’s appeal for justice or a sour grapes, holier-than-thou poor pastor who habitually preaches the virtue of the kind of poverty that was an important feature of Galilean Judaism, in Jesus lifetime, and hence Jesus, true to that tradition also preached “Blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!” And we are to suppose that that kind of pastor could examine his own conscience and the Nigerian polity and the Nigerian economic reality in which the victims of your allegation live – some of the victims - those who survive, still shuffering, still shmiling and left with no alternative other than to concur with you and your blanket condemnation:


It is a general but nonetheless very confident mass indictment of the plutocracy’s ancestry and in my opinion, it’s an indictment that has to be examined and cross-examined. Implied: a common ancestry: the criminals, united by wealth, separated and indicted by poverty. And the judges that are to bring the criminals to justice are they rich or poor? It’s a good question for the criminologists amongst us. Maybe some of the judges are also parents of some of the criminals? Well, as Wordsworth famously surmised, “the child is father of the man

Going a little further back in time, with the genealogies of the “selfish elites” as yet not identified by their family names, we would be talking about the grandparents and the great grandparents of the aforementioned criminals, eh, Baba Kadiri? 

But it’s not that criminality is in anyone’s genes/ DNA, in spite of Christianity's gobbledegook / hullabaloo / codswallop about “original sin at the root of corruption, so to speak, for which your great-grand father Adam (and Grandma Eve) and the subtile serpent, are all to blame?

A further reading of what you have to say, confirms that first impression, the emphasis of course on selfish – and hopefully, not everyone that belongs to the Nigerian elites, is necessarily selfish; some must be filled with the holy spirit of generosity of tzedakah/ Sadaqah and Alhamdulillah, you have fortuitously mentioned a someone who certainly belongs to the pinnacle of Nigeria’s religious elite, His Eminence the Emir of Kano. by all accounts himself a generous one and it is he who you have chosen to pinpoint the problem, as crisply as he does. To quote a piece of Christian scripture, as Saint Paul put it,

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Now, dear Baba Kadiri, I should like to caution you a little. As you must know, some people – maybe, all people are very sensitive about their ancestors - for example, just as there are many thousands of persons alive today who are descendants of the prophet of Islam – SalAllahu alaihi wa salaam and proudly bear the title Sayyid - so too there are descendants of the prophets Sahaba who hold their ancestors in high regard - and irrespective of who our ancestors are, we cannot hold them responsible for our own misdeeds. I’m sure that you agree with me about that., even if Jesus is supposed to have died for your sins.

One last little point – and I thought about this today when I read this obituary piece about Binyavanga Wainaina in the July, 2019 issue of NEW AFRICAN - about him returning to trouble the ancestors (smile)

World views differ. Other / alternate world views, other rationalizations also make sense. Two of my East African friends, from Zimbabwe and Tanzania respectively, broke the solemn news to me, believe it or not, that they are fervent disciples of Nigerian pastor TB Joshua.. “But I thought you guys were revolutionaries!” , I remonstrated. It was explained to me that some of our ancestors were cursed, way back in time and that Jesus is the one who can nullify the efficacy of those ancient curses., redeem us from corruption and assure us of a place in the Kingdom of Heaven. I couldn’t believe my ears, but I was too polite to ask them if it was “ The Curse of Ham that they were referring to

If all of the above is all too depressing, then here’s something to bring some good cheer - (maybe some cherished illusions) to relieve of us of so much gloom and as I listened to him I thought, Congratulation to Wole Soyinka on his birthday, of 13th July 2019: Pastor Adeboye: Swimming in Glory 


Cornelius Hamelberg

Jul 26, 2019, 9:59:42 AM7/26/19

 “Nigerian millionaires have no factories and they manufacture no products for export or internal consumptions.( Baba Kadiri)

Perhaps, generally speaking, this could be true/ verifiable. Otherwise ( if we want to be pedantic) is this not just another sweeping over-generalization? Cornelius Ignoramus seems to remember that there was an Arthur Nzeribe , a Nigerian millionaire. And what about Nigeria and Africa’s richest human being, Aliko Dangote ?

Soup grapes sometimes takes some consolation in homilies such as “Blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven” and “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:” or - not being ambitious takes refuge in this saying of the wisest human that ever lived: “All is vanity

On Thu, 25 Jul 2019 at 19:24, Salimonu Kadiri <> wrote:

Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju

Jul 26, 2019, 9:59:56 AM7/26/19
to usaafricadialogue
This is not fair.

I was about to add that the international terrorist watch agencies describing Boko Haram and Fulani militia as among the deadliest in the world need to stop lying agst any ethnicity in Nigeria using humongous  figures of killings and accounts of savage attacks agst defenseless communities whom the militia massacre, disperse, dispossess of their land and proceed to occupy it and yet someone is trying to vilify me.


Could these  international terrorist watch agencies just want to break up Nigeria?

Could they be in league with these others crying the same thing-  deluded victims of kidnapping describing their captors as Fulani people, the Yoruba cultural organisation Afenifere claiming Fulani kidnappers, bandits and herdsmen are lying siege to Yorubaland,  Igbo cultural groups and SE governors making similar accusations in the SE, victims of massacres in the Middle Belt owned up to by Miyetti Allah Fulani Socio-Cultural Organization,   Miyettyi Allah Fulani and the fed govt who gave Miyetti Allah 100B ostensibly to put an end to kidnapping by their members.....

In fact, why this focus on right wing Fulani- a coinage meant to identify a dominant  ethno-supremacist  mindset within the group in question- across nigeria?

mass hysteria?


In the midst of general underdevelopment, why are particular people within a particular profession being so described by other Nigerians and professional terrorism monitors outside nigeria?

Cornelius Hamelberg

Jul 26, 2019, 11:55:29 AM7/26/19

He spends most of his remaining days on earth, busy, bad-mouthing al-slam and vilifying the already much maligned Fulani Herdsmen and our other innocent, law-abiding Fulani Brethren.

When he is taken to task for this, not that he has yet been allegedly bruised by a Fulani bullet or allegedly maimed by a Fulani Herdsman’s machete, like the typical cry-baby that he is, he starts complaining bitterly that “This is not fair”, “someone is trying to vilify me.” Is he not the one vilifying others, vilifying and casting aspersions on even the most eminent religious Fulani leaders?

He writes about lying siege to Yorubaland,  Igbo cultural groups and SE governors making similar accusations in the SEthat  bandits and herdsmen are lying siege to Yorubaland”

Lying? Another Adepoju Freudian slip if ever there was one! The only correct word that the English Language pundit would normally have in mind would be “laying siege to”, not “lying siege to” -as Don Kperogi would point out and castigate him, because it’s quite clear that in spite of all the courses he has taken Adepoju probably doesn’t know the difference between “laying” and “lying” - of maybe it was only a Freudian slip,for just as Jesus of Nazareth is reported to have said,

out of the abundance of heart, the mouth speaketh”

Elsewhere, Jesus of Nazareth vilified alleged liars thus:

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

N. B. At least Baba Kadiri did not say, “The devil is the father of all the criminals in Nigeria”

I know a couple of professional terrorism / anti-terrorism experts. Adepoju should understand that it doesn't matter how many millions of so called international terrorist watch agencies” allege: if the alleged perpetrators have not been identified these accusations remain allegations only. For a surety, it’s impossible for Fulani herdsmen to be everywhere in the Federation simultaneously, committing every known crime, and enjoying a monopoly and immunity to kill, kidnap, grab both land and pussy ( rape) with impunity, all other Nigerians ( and criminals) being innocent victims of such barbarity. Only the Almighty is omnipresent, abi ao lie?

Mr. Adepoju, I know that this reply too will not surface here

Something else that might interest you:

 Have a nice weekend and plesae stay away from our dear Fulani Herdsmen!

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