for kenneth: Saint Augustinee and Seun Kuti

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Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth

May 22, 2023, 1:51:54 PM5/22/23
Keneth  I am no saint but here are Saint Augustine and Seun   Kuti

Saint Augustine was a member of a gang boasting about crimes he did not commit whereas a reading of psychology might show that  seun kuti  never really slapped a policeman until may 13 3023. its said he bragged about slapping several policemen. it  might  not be true. if seun kuti had previously slapped a police man it would hade the headlines. i trust  the nigerian police.,
interestingly seun kuti has been conferred with the title GO standing for general over seer  Saint Augustine was  Archbishop almost by popular demand  and seun  KUti  GO by the popular  demand of the inmates of a correction centre                one of the names given to fela  kuti by his numerous fans is seun is Augustine 22 or Augustine ll.
 like saint augustine. fela kuti was  a philosopher and philanderer .augustine a priest and fela chief priest
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