the lat time i wrote to president joe Biden asking for one trillion dollars for the well-being of children around the world.
it's what we do with children that the world would eventually become
so, let's secure a better future than we hope to get bearing in mind the state of the world's children particularly in a country like Nigeria with 20 million out of school children but with vast Gas and oil deposits and resources.
Nigeria has presently 200 Trillion cubic litres of GAs discovered accidentally so its been said if they actively search for gas, they may discover 600 trillion cubic litres of Gas! .n price water house cooper,s a professional services firm asserts Nigeria ha 800 billion dollar's worth of dead Nigeria is swimming in wealth
childhood experience like childhood deprivation has been held by to be responsible for some of the leadership disasters in Africa.
childhood deprivation has been used to explain why some grown-ups make toys out of real cars or real private jets being that they did not have the benefit of Toys as kids,
without wasting much space i want to outline areas of intervention as follows:
1childrens arts, crafts and performance
2childrens nutrition
3chirens radio, television and film production and online media
4childrens literature and library development
5childrens health
6 child rights
7Childrens clubs like cub scouts and brownie and 4 h clubs and red cross
8 Childrens clothing and foot ware
9childrens numeracy, literacy and digital skills
10 child protection and security