prof Yemi Osinbajo , the warrior scholar and Africa

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Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth

May 9, 2023, 10:10:52 AM5/9/23
Putting an End to #War in #africa
Professor Yemi Osinbajo, Current Nigerian Vice president, perhaps the worlds best black vice president to date recently spoke about the warrior scholar. the modern soldier fights with his mind, not with his muscles, nor his muzzles, nor the awesome fighting machines. the modern soldier is a scholar, a warrior scholar.
war belongs to the cinema screen and that is where is should remain.
Perhaps we need a crop of scholars taking together as their specialities such disciplines as Spirituality, Neuro science, Psychiatry or psychology, Leadership, African history and culture, politics ,philosophy,, international relations and War, to give us extra insights as to what to do about war in africa,
i learn from professor sean mcfate in his book, Goliath ,why the west isnt winning ,, that most of the worlds war scholars are not interested in wars going on in africa but most of the worlds wars are taking place in africa!.he is a professor of defence studies at the national defence university usa  to put an end to war in africa we must study war, its like ther is really no where is africa where you could embark on seriuos study of WAr
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