Nigerian President is Terrorism Mastermind Declares T.Y. Danjuma, Former Nigeria Defense Minister

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Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju

Jun 30, 2019, 3:00:39 PM6/30/19
to usaafricadialogue

600 [NaijaObserver] <>

28 June 2019



Gen . TY Danjuma explodes

Retired Lt. Gen. Theophilous Danjuma yesterday asked the people of Middle-Belt, South-West, South-South & South-East to forget all about 2019 Elections but to first fight back the Fulani murderous invaders and reclaim their lands which are now under Fulani occupation.

General Danjuma stated unambiguously that President Buhari is the direct founder and sponsor of Miyetti Allah and had concluded plans to provide safe heavens for all West African Fulanis in the entire SOUTH and the MIDDLE BELT. He made it clear that War had already been declared, going by the spate of relentless killings here and there, lamenting that helpless victims are predominantly Christians.

The retired General warned that Buhari has used Tinubu to divide South-West and that plans are underway to overrun Yoruba Kingdom and make them subordinate to Hausa-Fulani Oligarchy.

He equally lamented that from secrets file obtained, the conquest of Yoruba would commence as soon as they are through with Middle-Belt reqions. And that soonest they take hostage of Yoruba, their brothers from Sudan, Guinea, and other West African descent would combine to fight South-East and South-South.

Danjuma regretted that while the rest of Middle Belt and South are under invasion led by Army Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Buratai, our politicians are playing to the gallery, giving Buhari all necessary supports.

Danjuma opined that at present the Presidency has been taken over by Miyetti Allah and has vowed to retain Buhari in power even if it means shedding the blood of any opposition. Stating that should the people fail to rise now and put an end to this, either you are a moslem after 2019 or in Exile.

War has been going on in Taraba and parts of Jigawa States and hundreds are killed daily. In Kaduna few days ago more that 220 persons were killed by foreign mercinaries imported by Buhari's Fulanis.

As I write this, information coming that Imo State shall be the hotbed because of its centralised location and once it is captured, the entire SE/SS is gone. And that Imo governorship election shall be used to ignite the Holocaust.

Sent from my iPhone


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Cornelius Hamelberg

Jul 1, 2019, 11:17:34 PM7/1/19

This is the most irresponsible, treasonous, despicable calumny, ever posted to this forum.

Talk is cheap, and bearing false witness against your president who you hate is easy, especially this kind of malicious, open incitement based on a paranoid, grand conspiracy theory and fear-mongering of international dimensions; saying that Brother Buhari wants to lead the Fulani peoples of West Africa into a jihad aimed at establishing a regional caliphate based in Nigeria is clearly only playing into the hands of those who are enemies of the country’s collective future by stoking the already smoldering fires and hoping to reap its own whirlwind of violence, bloodshed, ethnic and religious civil strife/ war in Nigeria.

The questions asked so far boil down to this single question: Could T.Y. Danjuma please furnish us with evidence or proof that supports all his vile accusations. In many instances, it’s a simple and reasonable requirement as is written in the Holy Quran: "Produce your proof, if you are truthful!”

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Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju

Jul 2, 2019, 4:53:56 AM7/2/19
to usaafricadialogue

Claims of outrage while ignoring history that supports what you claim to fulminate against is cheap.

Please be directed to the questions I asked of your fellow traveler Olayinka.

When you answer those questions, providing evidence to justify your responses, then we can dialogue.

Meanwhile, be informed that the report on Danjuma represents the dominant view in Southern Nigeria of the intentions of Buhari and his terrorist right wing Fulani brethren.

The Danjuma report concretises the description by ex head of state and former military leader Olusegun Obasanjo and Cardinal Okogie of the ongoing Fulanisation and Islamisation strategies pursued in different but correlative ways by Nigeria's two terrorist groups, Fulani herdsmen militia and Boko Haram Islamic terrorism.

It has taken the South years to reach this level of understanding of the monumental betrayal to which they are being subjected by a man to whom their naively gave their mandate while the rest of us were shouting the man is a Boko Haram sympathiser and an ethnic bigot of the worst kind.

The South has at last reached this point of awareness, having got  there with the aid of the relentless, remorseless, blood soaked  dedication of Buhari and his circle to the core mission of his Presidency, the one goal he has pursued with unflagging determination.

This is a goal he initiated by  securing the control of the security services in the hands of his Northern Muslim brethren immediately  he came to power while taking 6 months to inaugurate his cabinet.

He is still  pursuing this goal through a  strategy    for a nation  wide settlement of Fulani herdsmen across Nigeria, using the country's resources in raping the country,  even when he is yet to install a cabinet.

He is  thus demonstrating his priorities in pursuing a  plan the foundations of which have been  created by the massacres by  the terrorist armies of Miyetti Allah Fulani Socio-Cultural Organisation aka Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association, horrors he presents his national colonization plans as a means of redressing.

Again, address the qs directed at your fellow traveler Olayinka.

The right wing Fulani have unleashed a war on Nigeria. Peoples are now compelled to face the reality of this war.


Cornelius Hamelberg

Jul 2, 2019, 11:32:19 AM7/2/19

 Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju,

The mood I’m in, I just got the news that my grandson Tarriq has just been awarded a Bachelor of Science (B. Sc) degree in Psychology with a 2:1 from your best British University, so, naturally, I’m also rejoicing and will not be treating you un-nicely, unlike any of your rampaging Fulani herdsmen or your toto harami brethren. Nevertheless, let’s try to be serious:

A perfect idiot sows the seeds of discord, that’s exactly what he does and you want me to justify him? In that case please tell me who you think is crazy, is it me or is it him or is it you?

Am I supposed to be ashamed of myself for being angry?

To begin with there is nothing false or inane or indeed insane about my sense of outrage which is shared by many other Nigerians – it is not a “claim” it’s real, it’s reasonable, it’s a valid reaction and a deep-seated and righteous emotion. I am angry. I don’t claim to be angry, I am. ANGRY and

you’re still acting as a dictator with a superior spherical brain and like a wishful-thinking would -be bully you would like to dictate the parameters of this dialogue. Unfortunately, even if you were the president of Nigeria that would not give you the moral authority to make me think like you or give you the power to direct or compel me to answer any of your questions directed at Sir Olayinka your fellow Nigerian.

I am not in a position to answer such questions. Cornelius Ignoramus is not omniscient. He is not telepathic or clairvoyant. He is not even in Nigeria. However, he does have enough imagination to speculate and on very reasonable grounds confirm what is obviously a southern Christian plot now being hatched with people like Danjuma as one of the ringleaders of as we say in Nigeria, “certain elements” - certain disgruntled elements (sour pussies) who lost the last two elections and now they continue to spend big money and want to get even by making Nigeria ungovernable, it’s clear to see that they want to divide and fragment - to explode the country along the fault-lines of the Christian- Muslim fault axis and that’s why you have all these kidnappings in the South – and such criminal activity is not being done by either our Northern Fulani herdsmen or your Boko Haram.

What is necessary is not speculation from any side – from you or the thunder& the lightning you see in your so-called “The Danjuma report “ - neither your or his perverse public opinions, or your well-known Islamophobia or any other prejudices which you want to lance as “ the dominant view” or any other quantifiable or unquantifiable estimates of Islamophobia and the lost sheep of Israel still lurching in the wilderness, in the Southern Baptist Christian South. What’s called for is a serious investigation if you want to ascertain or can ascertain  Danjuma’s spurious claims, perhaps less spurious as claims that e.g. Jesus or Danjuma or Pastor Joshua as Nigeria’s Messiah/ Redeemer

I suppose that your best possible argument is – arguably  – that the situation that Brother Buhari inherited from Goodluck Jonathan has not been much improved. Goodluck Jonathan himself did not do enough to curb the Boko Haram menace - - this is not an unjust summation of his failure, especially when you consider his charismatics lethargy, the lapse of time before he even deigned to react and respond adequately days and weeks after the kidnapping of the Chibok girls. As the saying goes,

“A man of words and not of deeds

Is like a garden full of weeds.”

If only my Baba Kadiri and people like Professors Ayo Olukotun and Bolaji Aluko would weigh in on this very topical and very controversial matter that threatens to destroy Nigeria

Wise up! It is the enemies of Nigeria and not President Buhari that wants to destabilise Nigeria.

No insults please!

Pressure - Be Conscious

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