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Is this brilliant analysis not devoid of context?
The philosophers you have invoked formulated their ideas in the context of anxiety and stress, the rise of state power, and fascism.
The world has been reborn in some new ways: the cumulative technologies of the last 40 years are far more than what the world has since Ancient Egypt. Fukuma is one of the first to notice this trend in his book, The End of History, which the rise of China has dented. And now a more devastating context: the rise of Non-Governmental Individuals, as in Gates, Musk, amazon founder—cumulated into oligarchs, will certainly redefine the meaning of democracy and freedom.
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Even more down to earth than your Hegel, Heidegger , Nietzsche and the superman of the comic strip ( Batman etc) do we not have Toynbee and his cyclical history ?
As mankind rapidly approaches the age of leisure, apart from writing poetry and composing so much music in one billionth of a second, even more worrying, AI and porn -in reality,
AI is said to be transforming the porn industry : there’s the spectre of AI creating and marketing the superwoman and perhaps thereby precipitating the collapse of civilisation, as we currently know it, although at this stage the statistics are not reliable …
Dr Oohay,
This is not looking too good either :
Here’s where we are on the map of Europe to partly explain why here in Sweden we are seriously worried about a third world war breaking out
A Third World War would be more disastrous than WW1 and WW2 .
For the latently superstitious there is no conflict between que sera sera and “fatalism”. There are those who are latently worried about the visions of Anton Johansson:
For those of us who are superstitious, believe in prophecy etc. this is most serious:
Anton Johansson : The Fate of Nations
The Prophecies of Anton Johansson about a third World War
As son of the soil Teju Cole rightly titled those fact of life - as when evil is rewarded as a way of life without any challenge from the law : “Every Day Is for the Thief”- and so beyond good and evil, beyond Trump wanting to buy Greenland lock, stock, and barrel - he maybe wants to buy Mars too (but the Martians aren’t selling) Uncle Sam has already staked his claim by planting the American flag on the moon, and, sky’s the limit , so apart from adding all the territories of present day Canada , Trump is probably toying with the idea of adding to his America’s greatness by paying cash to buy the sun, the moon and the stars, for, verily, buying is not the same as stealing is it, except for the slave trade of course) that, and this kind of breakneck, rat race competition
“Well, I don’t know, but I’ve been told
The streets in heaven are lined with gold
I ask you how things could get much worse
If the Russians happen to get up there first”
And now for Trump, there’s also China plus all the reasons why unlike Siddhartha, Prince Hamlet would have liked to take some time out.
Also worthy of consideration by the everyday-is-for-the-thief people, the posthumous rewards that the thief on the cross besides Jesus was looking forward to, over yonder in paradise, after Jesus promised, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” - thus giving some grounds for hope of salvation to the tiff-tiff people
In the meantime over here on mother earth, there's all that existential agony because our collective existence is at stake, threatened by AI which the experts say is smarter than the best of us and could therefore be beyond our control as Stephen Hawking was already warning us, a long time ago. You may be taking all this in your stride with some stoic philosophical calm, but all this worries the Negro who dreams of mankind surviving, forever.
This AI business, is it going to be a three layered system - first world, second world and what one of the Naipauls referred to a “turd” world where, hopefully because of technological backwardness we may ,than God remain human and not have developed into being automatons or spare body/ reserve body parts for the first world populations
So what’s going to happen in the next 100 years?
For the time being, also deeply worrying, is the kind of dangerous propaganda and plausible conspiracy that AI should be able to manufacture. Not so long ago it was about who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines; just a few days ago it was preacher man Elon Musk Exposes The Truth Behind Wildfires—It’s Worse Than You Think! followed shortly thereafter by the question have you heard about Smart LA City 2028 ?
Well, here’s the Good News and it ain’t exactly Gospel, but you can believe it if you want to.
More good news: This futurologist analysis says that by the year 2100 Nigeria will be the most populous Muslim country on the planet
By then someone else could be singing this song : You Can Close Your Eyes
Lou Reed : What's Good
Rogie : My Lovely Elizabeth
Prometheus - we take it from there
Here’s George Galloway spitting fire
If only by a general consensus AI
would be used to secure eternal peace
“not the peace of the grave
but the peace of the brave”
as Chairman Arafat used to say
Depending on Trump
(so much responsibility
on one man's shoulders)
the next world war will
begin for real either
in the Middle East
or in Poland
once again.
I followed some of this live on Swedish TV:
Baltic Sea Region NATO Leaders and Rutte Meet in Helsinki
Faith can move mountains ?
Selamino, Ethiopia’s greatest guitarist
enough reason not to worry.
There are also, these three
The King James Version of the Bible
The Owerri Motor Park Shakespeare
Muammar Gaddafi’s Sheikh Speare
No nuclear conflagration
World without end, Amen
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You could take a good look at the contents of Yasser Arafat Nobel Prize Speech
The context of that poignant couplet
“The peace of the brave,
Not the peace of the grave”
is clear 👍 : We traverse the Camp David Accords (1978) through the Oslo Accords (1993) followed by The Nobel Peace Prize 1994 awarded jointly to Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East".
This partly explains Chairman Arafat’s optimism, bordering chivalry , the statement in the wake of the Nobel Prize for peace ( I read in The Jerusalem Post that Argentina's President Javier Milei has been awarded the 2025 'Jewish Nobel Prize ( basically for supporting the maniacal Israeli war criminals genocidal decimation of Palestinian women and children )
Sadly, less than eleven months after Yitzhak Rabin’s Nobel Prize Lecture Chairman Arafat's peace partner Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated -shot at very close range by Yigal Amir, “a right-wing Israeli extremist who opposed the terms of the Oslo Accords”
I remember that day so well. Maurice Oxenburgh, my Jewish brother-in-law from Australia was visiting - my friend Umar ( African American ) phoned; I answered - “What’s happening? “ He replied, “ They have shot your friend “ I was mortified , I thought that he was referring to my friend Ishaq Muhammad (my dear Hausa bro from Ghana) who Umar used to refer to as “your friend” - we were all friends really but Umar had fallen out with Ishaq , so whenever talking about Ishaq would refer to him as “your friend” - so I asked, “ Is he alive ?” - and, astaghfirullah, Umar, typical field Negro replied “ Check it out on CNN Mutha-fkker!”
No offence meant or intended, but if Dr Oohay wants to be absolutely cynical he could say that Yitzhak Rabin found his peace of the grave during his peace partner Yasser Arafat’s watch
That assassination was horrible.
What of Anwar Sadat's assassination after he made peace with Israel, from what I recall?
What was the motive?
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But you know the motive!
You want to tease out a reply from Cornelius Ignoramus ?
My understanding of the Sadat saga was considerably reinforced much later, after reading Ariel Sharon’s autobiography WARRIOR
Have you listened to the speech that Sadat made in the Israeli Knesset ?
Are you familiar with Hassan al-Banna , Sayyid Qutb,
the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood ?
In just one or two words: The Assassins must have sentenced Sadat to death for being an Arab uncle tom, much worse than a house negro, not merely a munafiq and a traitor, and a betrayer of the ethos, principles and doctrines of Gamal Abdel Nasser and Pan-Arabism
I spent four months in Egypt in 1991. Shortly after the month of Ramadan, after visiting a Coptic church in Alexandria, two plain clothes security agents accompanied me to the police station to enquire from me,” Who are you and what is your mission?” I was released shortly after my explanation. That was in the heyday of Sadat’s successor Hosni Mubarak
I would have of course fared worse at the Rafah Crossing where, as I had told my coach who was rehearsing questions and answers with me, if the Israeli border guards at Rafah were to ask me, “ What is the purpose of your visit?”, I would have told them “ What will be will be : From the rivers to the sea, Palestine must be FREE !”
Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju,
As Dylan sang, “ But I’ll know my song well before I start singing”
You are familiar with the concept No Peace without justice
In January 1986, my formal study of the Palestine issue did not begin with the Nakba.and of course Ilan Pappé and his seminal The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine was only published in 2006. Nowadays you have materials readily available at RADIO ISLAM
My formal study of the Palestine issue started with some of the writings of Ismail al-Faruqi and with Roger Garaudy’s 1982 publication The case of Israel: A study of political Zionism
The Zionists on the other hand would prefer that you begin with either the Biblical promise to Abraham or with the aim of further demonizing the enemy, fast forward to the one they refer to as Hitler’s Mufti // “Hitler’s Mufti”.
Whilst you’re at it ( attaining a more comprehensive understanding, not merely based on fantasy and wishful thinking but more importantly based on a sense of history, conveniently beginning with Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab’s Conquest of Jerusalem ( 637) on which event Article 11 Of the Hamas Covenant is based, whilst at the same time acknowledging that the idea of the world being divided into dar-al-Islam and dar-al-harb is not etched in stone , and that if it indeed it was ( that any territory once conquered/ Islamized should forever legally be under Islamic jurisdiction) then it would be the onus of the Islamic Jihadists to reclaim much of Andalusian Spain which was formerly under Islamic control, and perhaps, also, the guardians of the Islamic Republic of Iran to bring some of the territories formerly under Nader Shah that were subsequently subsumed under the USSR umbrella some of which are currently former Soviet Republics, in addition to Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan…
It’s being projected that by 2054 Nigeria will be the country that has the most Muslim’s on planet earth and by that time may have well morphed or progressive into being a Muslim Majority Democracy, Inshallah, or would you prefer that all the Nigerian Muslims become Roman Catholics and start praying to Jesus?
Please answer the question.
Following Ray Chehade on Facebook one gets the insight that should not be necessary