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Anthony Akinola

Jul 1, 2019, 1:55:13 AM7/1/19
to, remi oyewumi

Ruga and the Fulani agenda, by Fani-Kayode

Published June 30, 2019
Femi Fani-Kayode
On 6th February 2014 the leader of IPOB and the lion of the East, my friend and brother Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, said the following, “As they campaign vigorously for elections, you would think, they are coming to grow the economy, enthrone justice, breed unity and tolerance, love for one another.
No, they are coming to elevate Hausa-Fulani supremacy, to reposition the security agencies by sacking all competent hands and replace them with their kinsmen to drive their ethnic domination of the Biafrans, the Fulani herdsmen will be armed and encouraged to slaughter us with impunity, and their masters will protect them. They are coming to ensure that my people are enslaved forever.
Those who do not, believe me, will soon see it happen before their eyes.”There is no gainsaying that he has been proved right. On 2nd December 2014, he went further by saying, “Then a group deadlier than Boko Haram will emerge, they will seize our farmland, rape our women, kill our people and their master will protect, defend and even arm them because their sole agenda is to enslave us forever. Those who cannot see it now will soon see it. The hatred in their souls for my people is legendary. They do not see us as humans. They kill, they slaughter, they burn and they destroy. Mindless bloodletting is in their DNA. My people are in trouble”.Five years later every word that Nnamdi has uttered in this prophecy has come to pass. Love him or hate him can anyone doubt the fact that God spoke through him on at least these two occasions?

What have we not seen in Nigeria? What have we not been through? What have we not suffered? What have we not been afflicted with? What have we not been subjected to?

First, it was political sharia. Then Islamist Boko Haram. Then terrorist Fulani herdsmen. And now Ruga cow settlements.

Nigeria has become the biggest shithole on the African continent. We are like an open public toilet that has never been flushed. Everything about our country stinks!

They say they want to establish Ruga settlements all over the country for the Fulani and their cows. Is cattle business Government business?

Cows were made for men, men were not made for cows. Cow-love is unnatural and bestial. For a man to view a cow as a woman and feel aroused by it is sickness.

They cannot push a nation to the brink of war simply because of their inexplicable and disgusting attraction to a mooing cow and their inordinate ambition and insatiable desire to conquer others.

They cannot use their cows and herdsmen from hell to cut us short and mow us down like the winter wheat and the summer grass.

They have taken everything from us: our nation, our dignity, our identity, our future, our self-respect, our destiny, our lives, our liberty, our faith, our hope, our resources, our substance and so much more. And now they want to take away our land!

Well, I have news for them: this will not happen without a fight! It can only happen over our dead bodies! They have removed the gloves and they are brazenly baring their fangs.

Ours is a government of the Fulani, by the Fulani and for the Fulani. Ours is not a nation but a conquered, occupied and subjugated vassal state which was specifically and cleverly crafted and forged for the benefit and advantage of the Fulani, their stooges and their cows.

This is self-evident. It is an incontrovertible and indisputable fact. And it raises a number of fundamental questions about our supposed unity and so-called nationhood.

We are constrained to ask: are we really one nation? Were we EVER one nation?

Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the Premier of the old Western Region of Nigeria and the erstwhile Leader of the Yoruba, raised this question in his famous book titled “Paths To Nigerian Freedom” as far back as 1947 and his answer was a resounding “no”.

He made the point that there was as much difference between a Turk and a German as there was between a Fulani and an Igbo. 72 years later, I have to say that I agree with him. It is one of the greatest ironies of our history that the same Awolowo that wrote that brilliant book and that displayed such remarkable, unprecedented and prophetic insight about the nature and future of our union was a major player in the savage and cruel war that was waged and brutal genocide that was unleashed against the innocent civilian population of Biafra in the name of keeping Nigeria one.

This contradiction in Awolowo’s otherwise great and extraordinary legacy of excellence, principle and patriotism is something that I have never been able to comprehend or understand.

Nigeria is not one nation and I do not believe that we ever were. We were just pretending and lying to one another: publicly professing love but secretly hating.

Whichever way you see it the following deeply profound and philosophical questions must be answered.
What does a compassionate, gentle, refined, beautiful, reticent and kind-hearted bird like the flamingo have in common with an aggressive, repugnant, violent, greedy, loud, flesh-eating, ugly winged-beast and bestial creature like a crow.

What does a peacok have in common with a vulture?
What does a kiwi have in common with an ostrich? What does a penguin have in common with a quail?

What does the noble, courageous and regal eagle have in common with a heartless chicken, a singing partridge, a humming pigeon, a red robin, a caged and chirping budgerigar or a cuckoo out of hell?

What do the refined, the civilised, the educated and the noble have in common with the ignorant, the bloodthirsty, the savage and the blood-lusting barbarian who hail from another world and from another century?

What does light have in common with darkness?
What does living have in common with the dead?
What does the blessed have in common with the cursed?

What do the children of the Most High God have in common with the sons and daughters of perdition and the seed of Satan?

Those that continue to insist on “one Nigeria” must answer these questions and rid themselves of their sadistic disposition, masochistic fantasies and destructive delusions.

The truth is that “one Nigeria” died long ago but the Fulanisation and Islamisation gambit of General Muhammadu Buhari has finally buried her and put a nail in her coffin.

To be continued

Femi Fani-Kayode was a former minister of aviation

Salimonu Kadiri

Jul 4, 2019, 1:53:44 PM7/4/19
​Femi Fani-Kayode is like a tussled and ruffled dog, barking away its panic and mistaking it for strength. He asserted, "They say they want to establish RUGA settlements all over the country for the Fulani and their cows," and he followed it up with a question, "Is cattle business Government business?" That is the type of question one should expect from a social Darwinist who believes in the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest. Livestock farming or animal husbandry just like crop or arable farming is the responsibility of government anywhere in the world. Nigerians consume over twenty-thousand of cows as beef per day and that should the business  of the government if it were not to abandon part of Section 16 (2c) of the 1999 Constitution which obliges the State (government), among other things, to direct its policy towards ensuring suitable and adequate food for all citizens. Nigeria, in fact, has had the most irresponsible government on earth which is why it has allowed nomadic pastoralism in the country till date whereby herdsmen have to trek hundred kilometres daily, to find forage and water for their cattle in wild growing forest. Why should Nigeria have Ministry of Agriculture, both at Federal and State's level, with employed agricultural Engineers and Veterinary Scientists, if livestock farming and animal husbandry are not part of their business? If Rural Grazing Areas (RUGA) are to be established, I think it will make sense economically, to establish them as ranches in the natural habitat of the animals.

​ are we really one nation? Were we EVER one nation, Femi Fani-Kayode asked? Thereafter he veered off to answer the questions self as follows. Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the Premier of the Old Western Region of Nigeria and the erstwhile Leader of the Yoruba, raised this question in his famous book titled ''Paths To Nigerian Freedom" as far back as 1947 and his answer was a resounding "no". …//… It is one of the greatest ironies of our history that the same Awolowo that wrote that brilliant book and displayed such remarkable, unprecedented and prophetic insight about the nature and future of our nation was a major player in the savage and cruel war that was waged and brutal genocide that was unleashed against the innocent civilian population of Biafra in the name of keeping Nigeria one.
This Contradiction in Awolowo's otherwise and extraordinary legacy of excellence, principle and patriotism is something that I have never been able to comprehend or understand.
While it is true that Awolowo said that Nigeria was not a nation but a geographical expression, he also advocated that the various constituents of the geographical expression should work together under a Federal Constitution. Expressing his opposition to self-government for Nigeria as it was agitated from certain quarters in 1947, Awolowo wrote, among other reasons, that the existence of a microscopic literary class would lead to exploitation of the great majority illiterates by the intelligentsia. Obafemi Awolowo was totally against Unitary form of Government for Nigeria which he expressed in his 1960 Autobiography as follows, "The implicit and unshaken loyalty which the Ibos had shown to Dr. Azikiwe during the Ikoli -Akinsanya crisis, did not arise in my view from ideological faith but rather from linguistic affinity and ethnic self-assertion. This, I warned, was an ominous pointer to the future. Nigeria under a unitary constitution might be dominated by those, whatever their number, who owed greater allegiance to ethnic affinity than to principles and ideals. (p.164)" He continued, "As between the various ethnic groups, I argued, there were differing standards of civilisation as well as uneven stages in the adoption of western education and the emulation of western civilisation. A unitary constitution with only one central government would only result in frustration to the more pushful and more dynamic ethnic groups, whereas the division of the country into regions along ethnic lines would enable each linguistic group not only to develop its own peculiar culture and institutions but to move forward at its own pace, without being unnecessarily pushed or annoyingly slowed down by the others (p.164-165)." That Nigeria ever had Federal Constitution starting from 1951 was due to the efforts and insistence of Awolowo and Chief Bode Thomas while the NCNC preferred Unitary form of government. Femi Fani-Kayode will never comprehend or understand the role played by Awolowo during the civil war without the knowledge of what happened after the December 1959 Federal elections which produced the government that was to usher Nigeria into Independence in 1960 and the political developments that led to the actions of the Five Majors on 15 January 1966.
None of the three major political parties and their allies won enough seats in the Parliament to form the government in 1959. The two options for forming a government was either a national government of the three main parties, NPC, NCNC and AG or a coalition of the two. Awolowo the leader of the AG declared that he could serve in a national government led by Dr. Azikiwe of the NCNC but not in a government led by a feudalist from the NPC. An NCNC led national government would have had comfortable majority in the Parliament. Then, on 20 December 1959, Azikiwe announced that the NCNC had signed a coalition agreement with the NPC against the will of its ally, NEPU in the North. The agreement conceded the Prime Minister's post to the NPC while Azikiwe was to be President of the Senate. Awolowo decided to be the leader of opposition in the Federal Parliament. In fact, the AG was the opposition party in the Northern and Eastern Region's House of Assembly respectively. When the last colonial Governor, Sir James Robertson left office in November 1960, Azikiwe became Governor General and Dr Nwafor Orizu became the President of the Senate. The father of Femi, Chief Remi Fani-Kayode left AG to join the NCNC of which he subsequently became leader of opposition in the Western House of Assembly. Exploiting a crack within the fold of the AG leaders the NPC/NCNC controlled Federal government, on 29 May 1962, declared a six-month State of Emergency in the Western Region and appointed an Administrator. Towards the end of the Emergency rule, the Federal Government charged Awolowo in court for treasonable felony together with top ranking members of his party. They were all remanded in prison custody pending trials. The Fedral government seized the period of emergency rule to carve out a new Region, Midwest, for the minorities in Western Region At the end of the emergency rule, a small section of the AG had formed a new party under Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola, named United People's Party,(UPP). UPP and the NCNC in the Western House of Assembly formed a coalition government with Akintola as the Premier while Remi Fani-Kayode was the Deputy Premier. By September 1963 Awolowo and his comrades were jailed for planning to overthrow the federal coalition government of NPC/NCNC. On 1 July 1964, the Supreme Court of Nigeria confirmed the jail sentences of Awolowo and nine of his co-appellants. Before then, the Federal government in February 1964 released preliminary census figures for the population of Nigeria that gave Northern Nigeria a population of 29.7 million out of population of 55.7 million. The Eastern and Midwest Regions rejected the census figures and expected Western Region to do the same. On the contrary, the Western Nigerian government did not only accept the census figures, it announced that all the NCNC members of the region's House of Assembly, except five, had merged with the UPP to form a new party NNDP. In fact, Nigerian National Democratic Party, NNDP, was the first Nigerian political party formed by Herbert Macaulay in 1922 but was inherited by Nnamdi Azikiwe in 1946 when Herbert Macaulay died. Azikiwe used NNDP to contest elections in Lagos and Western Region up till 1951 and thereafter liquidated the party. Akintola and Fani-Kayode's government of Western Region published a white paper accusing NCNC of haven used its presence in the Federal government to practise what it termed IBOCRACY, a network which secured for the Igbo a disproportionate share of jobs, commercial opportunities, federal scholarships, etc. The NCNC controlled Eastern Region government, through its Attorney General filed a case against the use of 1963 Census figures to allocate seats for the upcoming Federal election in December 1964 at the Supreme Court but failed. As the election was approaching, the NPC, NNDP, MDF and the Niger Delta Congress of Eastern Nigeria inaugurated the Nigerian National Alliance (NNA) under which affiliated parties were to contest the federal election. On the other hand the UMBC and NEPU combined to form Northern Progressive Front which entered into alliance with the NCNC and AG to form United Progressive Grand Alliance (UPGA). Campaigns to the election were marred by violence and President Azikiwe suggested that the 30 December elections be postponed for six months and that the UN be asked to assist in conducting it. The Prime Minister, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, rejected the suggestion and the UPGA alliance announced that the election would be boycotted. The boycott was totally executed in the Eastern Region but partially in the North (Middle-belt and Kano), Western Region and Lagos. When the results of the election were declared, NCNC won all the fourteen seats to the Federal Parliament, in the Western Region, NNDP candidates were declared elected in 36 constituencies against 13 for the Action Group and 5 for the NCNC. In Lagos, Theophilus Owolabi Benson, was declared elected as an Independent candidate by five votes in his Constituency (he was not nominated by the NCNC). In the North , the NPC won 162 seats out of 167 seats. In spite of UPGA's boycott of the elections, the NNA won 198 seats out 312 seats in the parliament. Unless the election was invalidated, there was no way UPGA could catch up with the NNA. President Azikiwe rejected the results of the elections and refused to call on Abubakar Tafawa Balewa to form a government. Since President Azikiwe was formally adress as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, he tried to order the military and the police to back his suspension of Abubakar's government, to annul the elections and to appoint an interim government to conduct new elections. The British General Officer Commanding the Nigerian Army, Major General Welby-Everard, the Navy Commander, Commodore J.E. Wey,and the Inspector General of the Police, Mr. Louis Edet approached the Chief Justice of the Federation to ascertain under whose command they were to operate. It turned out that under the Royal Nigerian Army Act (no. 26 of 1960) and the Royal Nigerian Navy Act (no.9 of 1960), the Army and Navy were respectively under the general authority of the Defence Minister in matters of command, discipline and administration. The Council of Ministers and Prime Minister, but not the President despite his title as Commander in Chief, were vested with the authority for the operational use and control of these forces. Azikiwe capitulated and Balewa agreed to form National broad-based government after elections were conducted in the boycotted areas. To the chagrin of its allies in UPGA who remained in opposition, the NCNC joined Balewa led federal government, in March 1965​.

​In spite of the imprisonment of Chief Obafemi Awolowo, his party, Action Group, was waxing stronger in the West and it was thought that the AG would win the impending elections to the Western House of Assembly on 11 October 1965. When the election was rigged in favour of NNDP, there arose general revolt in the West resulting in operation WETÌÈ. On 15 January 1966, the young Majors in the Army struck but unfortunately, their ranks were infiltrated by ethnic supremacists who supplanted them and getting the coup executed ethnically. Major General Johnson Thompson Umunaike Aguiyi Ironsi took over after upstaging the revolutionary Majors. Joseph Tarka, Aminu Kano and Odemo of Ishara singularly and collectively appealed to General Ironsi to release political prisoners incarcerated under the previous civilian regime but they were ignored. Instead, General Ironsi appointed a one-man commission of enquiry in the person of Francis Nwokedi to propose a unitary form of government for Nigeria. By the end of March 1966, Francis Nwokedi had submitted its report for a unitary form of government for Nigeria and General Ironsi in some of his public pronouncements, without plebiscite, said that Nigerians wanted one government and not many governments. His Attorney General of the Federation, Michael Chike Gabriel Onyuike, had fine-tuned Nwokeki's proposal legally for a unitary  government for Nigeria, culminating in Decree no. 34 of 24 May 1966. It was the desire of General Ironsi to implement the age-long NCNC ideology of unitary form of government that made him not to release Obafemi Awolowo, an ardent federalist and a great opponent of unitary government for Nigeria, from prison. Riot broke out throughout the North in protest against Unitary government on 28 May 1966 culminating in the military coup of 29 July 1966, in which General Ironsi and his host, Francis Adekunle Fajuyi were killed. Lieutenant Colonel Yakubu Gowon took over and on 2 August 1966, he pardoned and released political prisoners including Awolowo. Later in August 1966, Western Leaders of Thought was formed in Ibadan and it conferred the title of Leader of the Yorubas on Awolowo. Accepting the title, he said among other things, "It gives me much pleasure to address this gathering of Western Nigeria leaders. The times in which we live are very difficult and most trying. There is disaffection everywhere in the country and, in most parts, there is pronounced bitterness. The emotion for revenge wells high in almost every heart and our potentially great country now stands perilously on the brink of disintegration and chaos. Though the first scene in the first act of this prolonged tragedy was performed here in the West, the actual performances and dramatis personae of this belong, at present, to the other parts of the Republic. It would be criminal folly, however, for us in the West to rejoice at the misfortunes of our fellow-citizens for the happiness of Nigeria are indivisible and so are their misfortunes and adversities. There are two things which we must seek to do immediately. Firstly, we must seek to arrest the process of Nigeria's disintegration and reunite the country. Secondly, we must put an end to the prevailing internecine hostilities, and we must organise our affairs in such a manner as to prevent a recrudescence of these hostilities. …//… It is my humble opinion that the search for unity, be it for Western Nigeria or for the entire Republic need not elude us. It need not elude us, provided the leaders of thought throughout the land are prepared to forget our unedifying past, and devote our full attention to selfless service to our people by promoting their welfare and happiness, recognise that revenge, naked self-interest, and injurious self-aggrandizement are obstacles to unity, and we must resolutely eschew them. The unity which we seek today must be unity based on selfless service to our fellowmen. This kind of unity can never fail. The bloody hostilities which we have witnessed in recent times are political, not personal. We must, therefore, seek political solutions to them. …//… It is extremely sad to note that some leaders of thought in the country are seriously suggesting that the so-called component units of the country should go their own separate ways as so many sovereign states. Those who advocate this course are invoking terrible, unknowable and unpredictable disasters and catastophes on the heads of the 56 million innocent people of this country. In any case, these advocates must be reminded that there are more than four component parts in Nigeria. There are 10 major component parts as follows: (1) Hausa/Fulani - 13.6 million; (2) Yoruba - 13 million; (3) Ibo - 7.8 million; (4) Efik/Ibibio - 3.2 million; (5) Kanuri - 2.9 million; (6) Tiv - 1.5 million; (7) Ijaw - 0.9 million; (8) Edo - 0.9 million; (9)  Uhrobo - 0.6 million; (10) Nupe - 0.5 million. There are 41 minor component units. Thirty-two of these are in the Northern Provinces, while nine are in the Eastern Provinces. I give these data in order that those who are insisting on the breaking-up of the country may appreciate, before it is too late, the magnitude of the unspeakable calamities which the success of their advocacy is sure to import." (p.202-203, Crisis and Conflict in Nigeria, vol.1, by A.H.M. Kirk-Greene). When it appeared to Awolowo that Lieutenant Colonel Ojukwu was preparing to take Eastern Region  out of Nigeria, on 1 May 1967, he told Western Leader of thought at Ibadan, "The Eastern Region must be encouraged to remain part of the Federation. If the Eastern Region is allowed by acts of omission or commission to secede from or opt out of Nigeria, then the Western Region and Lagos must also stay out of the Federation (p.415, Crisis and Conflict in Nigeria , Vol.1, by A.H.M. Kirk-Greene)." The above quoted speeches of Awolowo explain why he was against the disintegration of Nigeria and he was not alone with that opinion as Samuel Gomsu Ikoku, Anthony Eronsile Enahoro, Ukpabi Asika, Joseph Tarka and others supported the war against Biafra secession. The civil war, like all wars, was perhaps savage and brutal, but it was never a war planned and executed to wipe  the Igbo in particular out of existence. After abandoning Biafra and visiting Nigeria in 1969, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe at a press conference in London on 28 August 1969 said that the accusation against Nigeria of "genocide is palpably false." The leader of Biafra himself, Lieutenant Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, in a BBC interview of 13 January 2000 was asked if he felt responsible for the waste of lives in the war and he responded rhetorically, "how could I feel responsible when I saved people from genocide?" If Ojukwu said that his secession war prevented genocide from occurring, from where did Femi Fani-Kayode get the genocide against the innocent civilian population of Biafra to which he is linking Chief Obafemi Awolowo?

​When a crusader is deficient in integrity, who will believe in his gospel? That is the case of Femi Fani-Kayode, the son of Remi Fani-Kayode. It was President Olusegun Obasanjo who took Femi Fani-Kayode from pigsty, showered him clean and clothed him as a Presidential spokesman before elevating him to Minister of aviation. After the end of Obasanjo's Presidency in 2007, a new king that knew no Joseph ascended the throne and Femi became a political vagabond. His situation became worse when the EFCC accused him of being light-fingered for pocketing N250 million belonging to the Ministry of aviation. He was arraigned in court but like all corruption cases in Nigeria, the case was knocked into coma. He accused Stela Adaeze Oduah, the Minister of Aviation under President Jonathan of mass termination of Yorubas in the ministry and replacing them with Igbo. When the Governor of Lagos, Babatunde Fashola relocated some Igbo vagrants from Lagos to Onitsha in 2013, and the Governor of Anambra State, Peter Obi, made politics out of it, Femi was on the war path with the Igbo. He wrote, How the Igbo Introduced Tribalism to Nigerian Politics; Lagos, The Igbo and the Servants of Truth; and The Bitter Truth About the Igbo. 
The APC was officially registered as a political party in July 2013 and on 7 February 2014, Femi Fani-Kayode announced in Ile Ife that he had joined the APC. When it was being contemplated that Bola Ahmed Tinubu would be vice running mate to Muhammadu Buhari, Femi Fani-Kayode exploded in anger against Muslim-Muslim ticket. President Jonathan took notice of Femi Fani-Kayode and invited him to a close-door meeting at the Presidential Villa towards the end of May 2014. On 2 June 2014 Femi Fani-Kayode announced that he had quitted APC. Sooner, President Goodluck Jonathan appointed Femi Fani-Kayode as the Director of his Presidential Campaign for 2015 elections. Out of the Presidential campaign funds received from former National Security Adviser, the EFCC has discovered that eight-hundred million naira (N800 million) was stollen and the EFCC had traced the funds to 18 different bank accounts opened in the name of his Igbo girl friend. The case is still ongoing. Femi Fani-Kayode now consider Fulani people of Nigeria as the most dangerous creature God has ever created. The same Femi Fani-Kayode once traced his ancestors to Sokoto and even claimed that his middle name is Lateef. In one of his writings, he asserted, "For four generations now, the Fani-Kayode have contributed positively to the affairs of this country...… I have a little Fulani blood in me too and I am very proud of that…"             
I look down on no other human being, no other race and no other nationality and I do not claim that the Yoruba are better than anyone else.
​Femi Fani-Kayode cannot be proud of the little Fulani blood in him and then turn around to hate pure-blooded Fulani.
S. Kadiri 

Från: <> för Anthony Akinola <>
Skickat: den 1 juli 2019 01:20
Till:; remi oyewumi
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Jul 4, 2019, 3:50:11 PM7/4/19
You have fully supplied the English meaning of RUGA. In the acrimonious aggressive debate someone vouched for the fact its not an English acronym but a Fulani word!


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-------- Original message --------
From: Salimonu Kadiri <>
Date: 04/07/2019 18:55 (GMT+00:00)
Subject: Sv: USA Africa Dialogue Series - FANI-KAYODE ON RUGA SETTLEMENT

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​Femi Fani-Kayode is like a tussled and ruffled dog, barking away its panic and mistaking it for strength. He asserted, "They say they want to establish RUGA settlements all over the country for the Fulani and their cows," and he followed it up with a question, "Is cattle business Government business?" That is the type of question one should expect from a social Darwinist who believes in the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest. Livestock farming or animal husbandry just like crop or arable farming is the responsibility of government anywhere in the world. Nigerians consume over twenty-thousand of cows as beef per day and that should the business  of the government if it were not to abandon part of Section 16 (2c) of the 1999 Constitution which obliges the State (government), among other things, to direct its policy towards ensuring suitable and adequate food for all citizens. Nigeria, in fact, has had the most irresponsible government on earth which is why it has allowed nomadic pastoralism in the country till date whereby herdsmen have to trek hundred kilometres daily, to find forage and water for their cattle in wild growing forest. Why should Nigeria have Ministry of Agriculture, both at Federal and State's level, with employed agricultural Engineers and Veterinary Scientists, if livestock farming and animal husbandry are not part of their business? If Rural Grazing Areas (RUGA) are to be established, I think it will make sense economically, to establish them as ranches in the natural habitat of the animals.

​ are we really one nation? Were we EVER one nation, Femi Fani-Kayode asked? Thereafter he veered off to answer the questions self as follows. Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the Premier of the Old Western Region of Nigeria and the erstwhile Leader of the Yoruba, raised this question in his famous book titled ''Paths To Nigerian Freedom" as far back as 1947 and his answer was a resounding "no". …//… It is one of the greatest ironies of our history that the same Awolowo that wrote that brilliant book and displayed such remarkable, unprecedented and prophetic insight about the nature and future of our nation was a major player in the savage and cruel war that was waged and brutal genocide that was unleashed against the innocent civilian population of Biafra in the name of keeping Nigeria one.
This Contradiction in Awolowo's otherwise and extraordinary legacy of excellence, principle and patriotism is something that I have never been able to comprehend or understand.
While it is true that Awolowo said that Nigeria was not a nation but a geographical expression, he also advocated that the various constituents of the geographical expression should work together under a Federal Constitution. Expressing his opposition to self-government for Nigeria as it was agitated from certain quarters in 1947, Awolowo wrote, among other reasons, that the existence of a microscopic literary class would lead to exploitation of the great majority illiterates by the intelligentsia. Obafemi Awolowo was totally against Unitary form of Government for Nigeria which he expressed in his 1960 Autobiography as follows, "The implicit and unshaken loyalty which the Ibos had shown to Dr. Azikiwe during the Ikoli -Akinsanya crisis, did not arise in my view from ideological faith but rather from linguistic affinity and ethnic self-assertion. This, I warned, was an ominous pointer to the future. Nigeria under a unitary constitution might be dominated by those, whatever their number, who owed greater allegiance to ethnic affinity than to principles and ideals. (p.164)" He continued, "As between the various ethnic groups, I argued, there were differing standards of civilisation as well as uneven stages in the adoption of western education and the emulation of western civilisation. A unitary constitution with only one central government would only result in frustration to the more pushful and more dynamic ethnic groups, whereas the division of the country into regions along ethnic lines would enable each linguistic group not only to develop its own peculiar culture and institutions but to move forward at its own pace, without being unnecessarily pushed or annoyingly slowed down by the others (p.164-165)." That Nigeria ever had Federal Constitution starting from 1951 was due to the efforts and insistence of Awolowo and Chief Bode Thomas while the NCNC preferred Unitary form of government. Femi Fani-Kayode will never comprehend or understand the role played by Awolowo during the civil war without the knowledge of what happened after the December 1959 Federal elections which produced the government that was to usher Nigeria into Independence in 1960 and the political developments that led to the actions of the Five Majors on 15 January 1966.
None of the three major political parties and their allies won enough seats in the Parliament to form the government in 1959. The two options for forming a government was either a national government of the three main parties, NPC, NCNC and AG or a coalition of the two. Awolowo the leader of the AG declared that he could serve in a national government led by Dr. Azikiwe of the NCNC but not in a government led by a feudalist from the NPC. An NCNC led national government would have had comfortable majority in the Parliament. Then, on 20 December 1959, Azikiwe announced that the NCNC had signed a coalition agreement with the NPC against the will of its ally, NEPU in the North. The agreement conceded the Prime Minister's post to the NPC while Azikiwe was to be President of the Senate. Awolowo decided to be the leader of opposition in the Federal Parliament. In fact, the AG was the opposition party in the Northern and Eastern Region's House of Assembly respectively. When the last colonial Governor, Sir James Robertson left office in November 1960, Azikiwe became Governor General and Dr Nwafor Orizu became the President of the Senate. The father of Femi, Chief Remi Fani-Kayode left AG to join the NCNC of which he subsequently became leader of opposition in the Western House of Assembly. Exploiting a crack within the fold of the AG leaders the NPC/NCNC controlled Federal government, on 29 May 1962, declared a six-month State of Emergency in the Western Region and appointed an Administrator. Towards the end of the Emergency rule, the Federal Government charged Awolowo in court for treasonable felony together with top ranking members of his party. They were all remanded in prison custody pending trials. The Fedral government seized the period of emergency rule to carve out a new Region, Midwest, for the minorities in Western Region At the end of the emergency rule, a small section of the AG had formed a new party under Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola, named United People's Party,(UPP). UPP and the NCNC in the Western House of Assembly formed a coalition government with Akintola as the Premier while Remi Fani-Kayode was the Deputy Premier. By September 1963 Awolowo and his comrades were jailed for planning to overthrow the federal coalition government of NPC/NCNC. On 1 July 1964, the Supreme Court of Nigeria confirmed the jail sentences of Awolowo and nine of his co-appellants. Before then, the Federal government in February 1964 released preliminary census figures for the population of Nigeria that gave Northern Nigeria a population of 29.7 million out of population of 55.7 million. The Eastern and Midwest Regions rejected the census figures and expected Western Region to do the same. On the contrary, the Western Nigerian government did not only accept the census figures, it announced that all the NCNC members of the region's House of Assembly, except five, had merged with the UPP to form a new party NNDP. In fact, Nigerian National Democratic Party, NNDP, was the first Nigerian political party formed by Herbert Macaulay in 1922 but was inherited by Nnamdi Azikiwe in 1946 when Herbert Macaulay died. Azikiwe used NNDP to contest elections in Lagos and Western Region up till 1951 and thereafter liquidated the party. Akintola and Fani-Kayode's government of Western Region published a white paper accusing NCNC of haven used its presence in the Federal government to practise what it termed IBOCRACY, a network which secured for the Igbo a disproportionate share of jobs, commercial opportunities, federal scholarships, etc. The NCNC controlled Eastern Region government, through its Attorney General filed a case against the use of 1963 Census figures to allocate seats for the upcoming Federal election in December 1964 at the Supreme Court but failed. As the election was approaching, the NPC, NNDP, MDF and the Niger Delta Congress of Eastern Nigeria inaugurated the Nigerian National Alliance (NNA) under which affiliated parties were to contest the federal election. On the other hand the UMBC and NEPU combined to form Northern Progressive Front which entered into alliance with the NCNC and AG to form United Progressive Grand Alliance (UPGA). Campaigns to the election were marred by violence and President Azikiwe suggested that the 30 December elections be postponed for six months and that the UN be asked to assist in conducting it. The Prime Minister, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, rejected the suggestion and the UPGA alliance announced that the election would be boycotted. The boycott was totally executed in the Eastern Region but partially in the North (Middle-belt and Kano), Western Region and Lagos. When the results of the election were declared, NCNC won all the fourteen seats to the Federal Parliament, in the Western Region, NNDP candidates were declared elected in 36 constituencies against 13 for the Action Group and 5 for the NCNC. In Lagos, Theophilus Owolabi Benson, was declared elected as an Independent candidate by five votes in his Constituency (he was not nominated by the NCNC). In the North , the NPC won 162 seats out of 167 seats. In spite of UPGA's boycott of the elections, the NNA won 198 seats out 312 seats in the parliament. Unless the election was invalidated, there was no way UPGA could catch up with the NNA. President Azikiwe rejected the results of the elections and refused to call on Abubakar Tafawa Balewa to form a government. Since President Azikiwe was formally adress as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, he tried to order the military and the police to back his suspension of Abubakar's government, to annul the elections and to appoint an interim government to conduct new elections. The British General Officer Commanding the Nigerian Army, Major General Welby-Everard, the Navy Commander, Commodore J.E. Wey,and the Inspector General of the Police, Mr. Louis Edet approached the Chief Justice of the Federation to ascertain under whose command they were to operate. It turned out that under the Royal Nigerian Army Act (no. 26 of 1960) and the Royal Nigerian Navy Act (no.9 of 1960), the Army and Navy were respectively under the general authority of the Defence Minister in matters of command, discipline and administration. The Council of Ministers and Prime Minister, but not the President despite his title as Commander in Chief, were vested with the authority for the operational use and control of these forces. Azikiwe capitulated and Balewa agreed to form National broad-based government after elections were conducted in the boycotted areas. To the chagrin of its allies in UPGA who remained in opposition, the NCNC joined Balewa led federal government, in March 1965​.

​In spite of the imprisonment of Chief Obafemi Awolowo, his party, Action Group, was waxing stronger in the West and it was thought that the AG would win the impending elections to the Western House of Assembly on 11 October 1965. When the election was rigged in favour of NNDP, there arose general revolt in the West resulting in operation WETÌÈ. On 15 January 1966, the young Majors in the Army struck but unfortunately, their ranks were infiltrated by ethnic supremacists who supplanted them and getting the coup executed ethnically. Major General Johnson Thompson Umunaike Aguiyi Ironsi took over after upstaging the revolutionary Majors. Joseph Tarka, Aminu Kano and Odemo of Ishara singularly and collectively appealed to General Ironsi to release political prisoners incarcerated under the previous civilian regime but they were ignored. Instead, General Ironsi appointed a one-man commission of enquiry in the person of Francis Nwokedi to propose a unitary form of government for Nigeria. By the end of March 1966, Francis Nwokedi had submitted its report for a unitary form of government for Nigeria and General Ironsi in some of his public pronouncements, without plebiscite, said that Nigerians wanted one government and not many governments. His Attorney General of the Federation, Michael Chike Gabriel Onyuike, had fine-tuned Nwokeki's proposal legally for a unitary  government for Nigeria, culminating in Decree no. 34 of 24 May 1966. It was the desire of General Ironsi to implement the age-long NCNC ideology of unitary form of government that made him not to release Obafemi Awolowo, an ardent federalist and a great opponent of unitary government for Nigeria, from prison. Riot broke out throughout the North in protest against Unitary government on 28 May 1966 culminating in the military coup of 29 July 1966, in which General Ironsi and his host, Francis Adekunle Fajuyi were killed. Lieutenant Colonel Yakubu Gowon took over and on 2 August 1966, he pardoned and released political prisoners including Awolowo. Later in August 1966, Western Leaders of Thought was formed in Ibadan and it conferred the title of Leader of the Yorubas on Awolowo. Accepting the title, he said among other things, "It gives me much pleasure to address this gathering of Western Nigeria leaders. The times in which we live are very difficult and most trying. There is disaffection everywhere in the country and, in most parts, there is pronounced bitterness. The emotion for revenge wells high in almost every heart and our potentially great country now stands perilously on the brink of disintegration and chaos. Though the first scene in the first act of this prolonged tragedy was performed here in the West, the actual performances and dramatis personae of this belong, at present, to the other parts of the Republic. It would be criminal folly, however, for us in the West to rejoice at the misfortunes of our fellow-citizens for the happiness of Nigeria are indivisible and so are their misfortunes and adversities. There are two things which we must seek to do immediately. Firstly, we must seek to arrest the process of Nigeria's disintegration and reunite the country. Secondly, we must put an end to the prevailing internecine hostilities, and we must organise our affairs in such a manner as to prevent a recrudescence of these hostilities. …//… It is my humble opinion that the search for unity, be it for Western Nigeria or for the entire Republic need not elude us. It need not elude us, provided the leaders of thought throughout the land are prepared to forget our unedifying past, and devote our full attention to selfless service to our people by promoting their welfare and happiness, recognise that revenge, naked self-interest, and injurious self-aggrandizement are obstacles to unity, and we must resolutely eschew them. The unity which we seek today must be unity based on selfless service to our fellowmen. This kind of unity can never fail. The bloody hostilities which we have witnessed in recent times are political, not personal. We must, therefore, seek political solutions to them. …//… It is extremely sad to note that some leaders of thought in the country are seriously suggesting that the so-called component units of the country should go their own separate ways as so many sovereign states. Those who advocate this course are invoking terrible, unknowable and unpredictable disasters and catastophes on the heads of the 56 million innocent people of this country. In any case, these advocates must be reminded that there are more than four component parts in Nigeria. There are 10 major component parts as follows: (1) Hausa/Fulani - 13.6 million; (2) Yoruba - 13 million; (3) Ibo - 7.8 million; (4) Efik/Ibibio - 3.2 million; (5) Kanuri - 2.9 million; (6) Tiv - 1.5 million; (7) Ijaw - 0.9 million; (8) Edo - 0.9 million; (9)  Uhrobo - 0.6 million; (10) Nupe - 0.5 million. There are 41 minor component units. Thirty-two of these are in the Northern Provinces, while nine are in the Eastern Provinces. I give these data in order that those who are insisting on the breaking-up of the country may appreciate, before it is too late, the magnitude of the unspeakable calamities which the success of their advocacy is sure to import." (p.202-203, Crisis and Conflict in Nigeria, vol.1, by A.H.M. Kirk-Greene). When it appeared to Awolowo that Lieutenant Colonel Ojukwu was preparing to take Eastern Region  out of Nigeria, on 1 May 1967, he told Western Leader of thought at Ibadan, "The Eastern Region must be encouraged to remain part of the Federation. If the Eastern Region is allowed by acts of omission or commission to secede from or opt out of Nigeria, then the Western Region and Lagos must also stay out of the Federation (p.415, Crisis and Conflict in Nigeria , Vol.1, by A.H.M. Kirk-Greene)." The above quoted speeches of Awolowo explain why he was against the disintegration of Nigeria and he was not alone with that opinion as Samuel Gomsu Ikoku, Anthony Eronsile Enahoro, Ukpabi Asika, Joseph Tarka and others supported the war against Biafra secession. The civil war, like all wars, was perhaps savage and brutal, but it was never a war planned and executed to wipe  the Igbo in particular out of existence. After abandoning Biafra and visiting Nigeria in 1969, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe at a press conference in London on 28 August 1969 said that the accusation against Nigeria of "genocide is palpably false." The leader of Biafra himself, Lieutenant Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, in a BBC interview of 13 January 2000 was asked if he felt responsible for the waste of lives in the war and he responded rhetorically, "how could I feel responsible when I saved people from genocide?" If Ojukwu said that his secession war prevented genocide from occurring, from where did Femi Fani-Kayode get the genocide against the innocent civilian population of Biafra to which he is linking Chief Obafemi Awolowo?

​When a crusader is deficient in integrity, who will believe in his gospel? That is the case of Femi Fani-Kayode, the son of Remi Fani-Kayode. It was President Olusegun Obasanjo who took Femi Fani-Kayode from pigsty, showered him clean and clothed him as a Presidential spokesman before elevating him to Minister of aviation. After the end of Obasanjo's Presidency in 2007, a new king that knew no Joseph ascended the throne and Femi became a political vagabond. His situation became worse when the EFCC accused him of being light-fingered for pocketing N250 million belonging to the Ministry of aviation. He was arraigned in court but like all corruption cases in Nigeria, the case was knocked into coma. He accused Stela Adaeze Oduah, the Minister of Aviation under President Jonathan of mass termination of Yorubas in the ministry and replacing them with Igbo. When the Governor of Lagos, Babatunde Fashola relocated some Igbo vagrants from Lagos to Onitsha in 2013, and the Governor of Anambra State, Peter Obi, made politics out of it, Femi was on the war path with the Igbo. He wrote, How the Igbo Introduced Tribalism to Nigerian Politics; Lagos, The Igbo and the Servants of Truth; and The Bitter Truth About the Igbo. 
The APC was officially registered as a political party in July 2013 and on 7 February 2014, Femi Fani-Kayode announced in Ile Ife that he had joined the APC. When it was being contemplated that Bola Ahmed Tinubu would be vice running mate to Muhammadu Buhari, Femi Fani-Kayode exploded in anger against Muslim-Muslim ticket. President Jonathan took notice of Femi Fani-Kayode and invited him to a close-door meeting at the Presidential Villa towards the end of May 2014. On 2 June 2014 Femi Fani-Kayode announced that he had quitted APC. Sooner, President Goodluck Jonathan appointed Femi Fani-Kayode as the Director of his Presidential Campaign for 2015 elections. Out of the Presidential campaign funds received from former National Security Adviser, the EFCC has discovered that eight-hundred million naira (N800 million) was stollen and the EFCC had traced the funds to 18 different bank accounts opened in the name of his Igbo girl friend. The case is still ongoing. Femi Fani-Kayode now consider Fulani people of Nigeria as the most dangerous creature God has ever created. The same Femi Fani-Kayode once traced his ancestors to Sokoto and even claimed that his middle name is Lateef. In one of his writings, he asserted, "For four generations now, the Fani-Kayode have contributed positively to the affairs of this country...… I have a little Fulani blood in me too and I am very proud of that…"             
I look down on no other human being, no other race and no other nationality and I do not claim that the Yoruba are better than anyone else.
​Femi Fani-Kayode cannot be proud of the little Fulani blood in him and then turn around to hate pure-blooded Fulani.
S. Kadiri 

Från: <> för Anthony Akinola <>
Skickat: den 1 juli 2019 01:20
Till:; remi oyewumi

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Anthony Akinola

Jul 4, 2019, 3:50:11 PM7/4/19
 Many thanks for this brilliant historical presentation.
Anthony Akinola

Femi Segun

Jul 5, 2019, 8:30:38 AM7/5/19
to 'Chika Onyeani' via USA Africa Dialogue Series
Alagba Salmonu Kadiri,
Your knowledge of history is legendary. It is good to have elders in the house.  Elihu, one of the friends of Job said in Job 32:7, with age comes wisdom. We learn a lot from you. But on this matter of Buhari and his solidarity cum support for the rampaging Fulani herdsmen, you have been selective and deliberate in  responding to the issues at hand. I am not a fan of Femi-Kayode, even though we share the same first same. Yet, one cannot but agree with him that there is no sense in a situation where the Government will look on as people roam the bushes and roads with AK-47, use cows to block road and kidnap people for ransom. PMB had admitted  that many of these terrorists are not even from Nigeria and as Victor Okafor noted in one of the threads here, it is treasonable for such a President to now say he wants to settle them in different parts of the country on the excuse that it will make for a good economic activity. Except you are in bed with Myetti Allah that the lives of cattle are more valuable than those of human beings, one would expect you to task your well beloved Buhari to behave as a statesman and authorise the disarming of the rampaging Fulani herdsmen, demand that they vacate the lands that they have forcefully occupied in Benue State and other parts of the country and get those responsible for such criminal acts apprehended and prosecuted. Was it not this same Buhari who traveled all the way from wherever to meet  Lamidi  Ona-Olapo Adesina, former Governor of Oyo state to protest what he regarded as the killing of his people when there were clashes between farmers and herdsmen in Oke Ogun in year 2000? He could have remained as an ethnic defender of his people and not contest to be the President of a heterogeneous country like Nigeria. It is a betrayal of trust  and a breach of the Constitution that he swore to protect for him to occupy that office while covertly or overtly supporting his Fulani kinsmen or  appear to be  placing them above other Nigerians. If you are from Benue or Taraba State and you plan to travel home for holiday but suddenly realise that all your family members at home are now leaving in Internally Displaced Camps in their ancestral homes, how will you react? Will you still defend the Government under whose watch this happened to your people? I mean will you still defend a Government who rationalise this act of aggression under the excuse that these are mere clashes between two group of people? Will you take serious a Government who rationalise such violent  displacements under the excuse that Lake Chad is drying up? What will you do if any of your kinsmen or women has been kidnapped for ransom by Fulani herdsmen who used cow to block road and take people to the bush as it happened at the Akure airport road about three Sundays ago? Or are you like the Vice President who is saying these acts of criminality are exaggerated, when indeed they are happening? Does the involvement of other Nigerians in kidnapping vitiate the preponderance of this criminal act among those who pretend to be rearing cattle when indeed they are after filthy lucre through kidnapping for ransom? Eni oro kan lo mo o. 

  Ranching is what is practised in all civilised societies, not RUGA or cattle colonies. Colony denotes domination and control. Why should one part of the country even ever contemplate controlling others if there is no implicit assumption of superiority-a nonsensical sentiment that was rife with inscribing 'Born to Rule' on the plate number of  cars in Sokoto State prior to Obasanjo's administration from 1999-2007 and still being peddled in various forms today?

Regardless of their political leanings, elders should go beyond parochial interests and provide nonprejudicial analysis of issues and provide solutions. I expect your response, Alagba Kadiri. 

On Thu, Jul 4, 2019 at 6:53 PM Salimonu Kadiri <> wrote:

Salimonu Kadiri

Jul 6, 2019, 11:38:23 PM7/6/19
​The Nigerian nation is a pathological country that produces pathological people, especially the literate class, who so fear inferiority that they compensate it with imaginary superiority and from their deluded stance, look down on majority ordinary Nigerians. As Chief Obafemi Awolowo presumed it in 1947, the microscopic literary class in Nigeria today are exploiting are  the great majority of illiterates. Dear Femi, when you look at Nigeria's public institutions, they are manned by people with academic papers certifying to their abilities to produce socio-economic and industrial needs of Nigerians. Hitherto, educated public Nigerian officials have not been able to demonstrate their expertise for ordinary Nigerians to experience. That might be due to the fact that we have been parading intellectual pygmies as giants of knowledge. Educationally, Nigeria has one of the highest manpower index in the world, but as it is commonly said the hood does not make the monk and wearing of our oversized intellectual ego has rendered us incapable to pump potable water, generate and distribute electricity, refine crude oil, build and maintain good roads, develop our agriculture both crops and pastoral, etc. It is shameful that majority of crop farmers still use hoes and cutlasses in farming just as livestock farmers roam about in search of fodders in the wild growing bush for their cattle, in the twenty-first century.
​You wrote, "I am not a fan of Femi Fani-Kayode, even though we share the same first name. Yet, one cannot but agree with him that there is no sense in a situation where the government will look on as people roam the bushes and roads with Ak47, use cow to block road and kidnap people for ransom." The underlined is to express my appreciation of you for not attributing the crime of kidnapping to Fulani herdsmen. You will agree with me that no sensible person will ever deploy cows to kidnap people for ransom. This is because it is impossible to hide a hostage among cows and the slow movement of cows will make the kidnappers vulnerable to detection by the law enforcing agencies. When Chief Olu Falae was kidnapped in Ondo State in 2015, all Nigerian print and electronic media carried the news that he was kidnapped by Fulani herdsmen. The local Chairman of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN), in Ondo, Bello Garba cried out, "Most of the Fulani people that came into Ondo came in as cattle breeders and you don't expect them to just leave their animals and be kidnapping. We have been residing in Ondo State for more than 100 years and no one has ever accused us of any heinous crime in Ondo State or caught us with weapons. As an Ondo resident, I condemn this act. Clearly, this is impersonation. We live with our families in Ondo. How can we engage in such act? We are pleading with law enforcement agents to do more investigation and expose the real perpetrators." 
The implication of what Bello Garba said is that the Fulani in Ondo State are indigene of the State by virtue of having lived their for over 100 years. They have no other homeplace in Nigeria than in Ondo State. Five of the eight kidnappers of Falae were eventually arrested in the States of Ekiti, Ondo, Kogi and Niger respectively. According to Sahara Reporters of 15 October 2015, the names of the arrested kidnappers were, Bello Jannu, Umaru Ibrahim, Abubakar Auta, Idris Lawal and Masahuda Mohammed. The kidnappers were neither Fulani nor herdsmen. Why did they kidnap Falae? See Up till today, Nigerian intellectuals, even on this forum, still refer to Olu Falae's kidnapping as having been perpetrated by Fulani herdsmen contrary to proven evidence. You may not know that I am not a Fulani but I am assuring you that I am a Nigerian and above all, a human being just like any ethnic person in the world. The fundamental human rights of all Nigerians to good standard of living as enshrined in the Nigerian Constitution must be protected at all cost. Fulani people of Nigeria, have every right to decent means of livelihood as all other Nigerians.

​Sometimes in 2018, Jubrin Ibrahim's article titled : Combating Fake News and the Emotive Pathway to Self-Destruction was posted on this list serve. He pointed out how the social media were being inundated with images of allegedly Fulani herdsmen carrying sophisticated weapons they use to kill innocent farmers in the Middle Belt and seize their ancestral lands. Perhaps after assuming that Jubrin Ibrahim was a Fulani and a Muslim, Moses E. Ochonu responded under the title : Referring to herdsmen killings as ''allegedly Fulani'' atrocities. His contrary views to Jibrin Ibrahim's on the subject contained six points of which three are relevant to recall. In his item three, Moses wrote, ''It is not fake news that thousands of people, Benue, Plateau and Adamawa have been displaced from their ancestral homes and lands and are now living in refugee camps … in their own States. It is fake news that caused their displacement but rather well-armed herdsmen militias who have since moved into deserted villages with their cattle.'' Item four : It is not a fake news that these herdsmen militias and their cattle (some say stolen cattle) have taken over rural communities from where indigenous farmers were uprooted through mass killings. Item six : It is not fake news (if challenged I'll provide links to published direct quotes and interviews that were never repudiated) that Miyetti Allah officials have on several occasions claimed massacres and even described to journalists how they mobilized for attacks on communities they claim stole their cattle. Moses was challenged to provide the links and he did. As a layman I cruised curiously through the links to find out communities where indigenous farmers in Benue, Plateau and Adamawa were uprooted through mass killings by herdsmen who had taken over those communities. I perused the links meticulously to find out where Miyetti Allah officials were boasting of their escapades of massacres in communities to journalist. In order to keep the story short, I will go through three of the links which Professor Ochonu claimed confirmed Fulani herdsmen criminal behaviour in Nigeria. (i)    
Nigeria: Deadly nomad-versus-farmer conflict escalates. Roaming Fulani cattle herdsman accused of launching deadly raids against farming communities and targeting Christians.
​I could not find correlation between the headline : Deadly Nomad Versus Farmer Conflict Escalates, and Haruna Mohammed, 16, herding his father's sheep on the week's end in Akwanga. The link revealed, ''In a wide-open field in Akwanga, central Nigeria, Haruna guides his father's flock of nearly 200 cows to a stream in the forest.'' The boy carried no gun and he held a stick across his shoulders in a traditional manner. That he guided his father's cattle only at the weekend was an indication that he attended school during the weekdays. It was not confirmed if he was a Fulani or if his parents were Fulani. Where a 16 year-old equipped with an ordinary stick to guide a flock of 200 cows to a stream in the forest alone, can reasonably not be an occupied territory taken over by alien forces.
Sola Ojo, Kaduna The leadership of Fulani pastoralist groups Miyetti Allah yesterday rose from an emergency meeting in Kaduna, urging
​The accompanying photograph to the article did not show explicitly that it was Miyetti Allah's leaders who were at the meeting. According to online sun news, the gathering complained that armed militia groups were causing havoc to the Fulani pastoralists in the Benue valley. And the Sun news quoted them as saying, ''Consequently, we affirm our support and solidarity for the legal action taken by the Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore, Fulani Socio-cultural Association, to challenge the negative anti-grazing law at the Federal High Court, Abuja." The group never advocated violence but a civil case in law court against anti-grazing law enacted and being implemented in Benue. Just as it is in Ondo State, Fulani people have settled in Benue for over a century where they were professional cattle breeders. As Benue residents, they have paid taxes and democratically, they have been members of the State's House of Assembly beside Chairing some local government Councils. For decades, Fulani have roamed about in the wild-growing bushes of Benue and suddenly they are being prohibited to do that by Benue State's government without alternative offer. Permanent Benue-resident Fulani who have no other home-state than Benue are being asked to leave if they cannot abide by anti-grazing law. In order to enforce the law, Benue government recruited what it called livestock guards armed and empowered to seize cattle from Fulani herdsmen, if they dare graze their cattle in open forest. Prior to the enactment of anti-grazing law by the government of Benue State, some self-styled indigenes of Benue had organised themselves into armed extortionists. They demanded that Fulani herdsmen grazing their cattle in the bush should pay them because the wild forest in which the cattle were being grazed was their ancestral land.
​The armed extortionists in Benue State soon became cow rustlers but to the entire world, the government of Benue State presented the situations as conflicts between Fulani herdsmen and crops farmers.
Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, MACBAN, has raised the alarm over incessant killings of its members in some parts of Kwara State by suspected men of Vigilante Group of Nigeria.
​Two unarmed herdsmen and their cattle are seen on a grassland near a bush. They did not look combat ready and they were not in a farmland. Just as it were in Benue State, there is an organised extortionists sect in Kwara State called, Vigilante Group Of Nigeria. Premised on a confirmed report that Kwara's vigilante group of Nigeria had killed some herdsmen at Gwanara, in Baruten local government area of the state the local Chairman of MACBAN, issued the said warning that if measures were not taken against Kwara's Vigilante Group of Nigeria, Fulani herdsmen would defend themselves. What ultimatum is in saying that if the government of Kwara did not stop Vigilante Group of Nigeria from killing Fulani and stealing their cows, they, the Fulani would defend themselves? In the good olden days a herdsman was armed with a cutlass to cut down branches of trees for their animals to feed on its leaves and a stick to whip a diverging cow into row. With armed cattle rustlers in modern time, a Fulani herdsman is compelled to carry AK47. cattle-rustlers.html 
A man who had always supplied guns to cattle rustlers with which they carry out their criminal acts, has been arrested.
​I have links where Miyetti Allah denied killings attributed to them in Plateau and where soldiers eventually paraded the killers who were neither Fulani nor herdsmen but common criminals. Nowadays, it is a trend to imagine any heinous crime and paste it on all Fulani or herdsmen. Recently, a supposed man of God, and a Senior Pastor of Omega Fire Ministries, Apostle Johnson Suleman, said at a public conference that four herdsmen, close to his church were caught plotting to attack his church. He claimed that the four attack-plotters were handed over to the police but on getting back the following day, the police said that they had transferred the attackers to the headquarters in Abuja. In this age of mobile phone camera, it is very strange that the senior Pastor could not provide pictures of the arrested culprits.  
According to Suleman, the police said the herdsmen had been transferred to the headquarters.
​Dear Femi, you wrote, ''PMB had admitted that many of these terrorists are not even from Nigeria and as Victor Okafor noted in one of the threads here, it is treasonable for such a President to now say he wants to settle them in different parts of the country on the excuse that it will make for a good economic activity." May I draw your attention to the fact that cultivated and livestock farmers clashes were rampant during President Jonathan's tenure? The clashes were deliberated upon the 2014 National Conference organised by Jonathan. Delegates from all the 36 States in Nigeria unanimously agreed thus, "In the long term, cattle routes and grazing reserves must be phased out to lay emphasis on ranching and that states which have large livestock populations should endeavour to maintain grazing reserves." It was further resolved that, "An integrated development and livelihoods modernization program should be designed and implemented to address the issue of settling nomadic herdsmen into settled communities, based on established cattle ranches with fodder development technologies, and including abattoirs, processors and other businesses along the livestock value chain."  The above lofty ideas arose when some delegates suggested that cattle routes and grazing reserves, that had been obliterated by urban developments, be revived. Please note that nomadic herdsmen, whether they are Nigerians or ECOWA, have never been declared, either by the United Nations or Nigerian government, as terrorists. Having said that, I think one should applaud Buhari for stealing a good idea from his predecessor in office. When his regime first, in 2018, proposed to transform livestock farming from nomadism to ranching and assisting all farmers to increase output through modern methods in order to ensure food security in Nigeria, the idea was extracted from President Jonathan's inaugurated 2014 National Conference. The National Economic Council to which all the 36 States in Nigeria belong is chaired by the Vice President Yemi Osinbajo. National Livestock Transformation Plan (NLTP) has been approved by State Governors at the National Economic Council chaired by Yemi Osinbajo , the Vice President. 13 States are said to be already in the process of implementing the plan to transform livestock production system in Nigeria along market-oriented value chain while ensuring an atmosphere of peace and justice. The States are Adamawa, Benue, Edo, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa, Ondo, Plateau, Taraba and Zamfara. Audu Ogbe  the Minister of Agriculture was not only aware of NLTP, his ministry would take active part in its implementation. Immediately Buhari dissolved the cabinet after his presidential inauguration for the second term and Audu Ogbe was no longer around, tricksters waded in, abducted NLTP and renamed it Rural Grazing Area (RUGA). MACBAN in collaboration with tricksters in the Ministry of Agriculture then tried to hoodwink Buhari by announcing on the television that the Federal government had approved RUGA which would be established in all the 36 States of the country and which under the supervision of the Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo. When on 28 June 2019,Osinbajo denied supervising RUGA, Buhari announced its suspension. NLTP is quite different from RUGA, because while the former is voluntary, the latter is to be imposed. With the information available to Nigerians now, RUGA is a storm in a tea cup, while NLTP as originally intended is on course. Only States that want it shall have it, Osinbajo has promised.
S. Kadiri      

Från: <> för Femi Segun <>
Skickat: den 5 juli 2019 11:08
Till: 'Chika Onyeani' via USA Africa Dialogue Series
Ämne: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - FANI-KAYODE ON RUGA SETTLEMENT


Jul 8, 2019, 9:01:14 AM7/8/19
Moses Ochonu & Toyin Adepoju:

I hope this posting by  S. Kadiri  goes a long way in clearing misconceptions on the conflict.  Toyin this is a rider to what I just posted to you.

Moses,  Im BEGGING you in the name of the God you worship who stands for the truth ( and Im on my knees now) please stop following Toyin Adepoju who is being led by the rabble and stop applauding him.  Instead by virtue of your calling and POSITION you should LEAD him to the right path.  Toyin has no position to defend and can write virtually anything;  you do!  The role of  intellectuals is to lead the commonalty and not abdicate their responsibility by allowing themselves to be led astray by the rabble. You cannot sink to adopt Toyin' Adepojus tactics; its well beneath you We should ALL be forces for resolution and not provocation.  You know I am not Fulani because we have met in the flesh and I am unlikely to be a crazy defender of Fulani interests for selfish reasons.

Let us pledge ( the three of us)  to file this particular rejoinder for future reference so we dont continue to return to the same time worn unsubstantiated tired arguments.


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Sent: Saturday, July 6, 2019 10:57:27 PM

Subject: Sv: USA Africa Dialogue Series - FANI-KAYODE ON RUGA SETTLEMENT
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S. Kadiri      

Från: <> för Femi Segun <>
Skickat: den 5 juli 2019 11:08
Till: 'Chika Onyeani' via USA Africa Dialogue Series
Ämne: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - FANI-KAYODE ON RUGA SETTLEMENT

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