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Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM

Nov 1, 2020, 11:09:48 AM11/1/20
to USA African Dialogue Series
"Wall Street Journal" and "Playboy Magazine" social media handles, which have the highest number of "likes"? Which of the two is more influential in the real world?

As a Poet, would I ever be as famous as a former "BBNaija Housemate"? Who is or would be more influential in the real world? 

There are social media posts that influence decision makers which do not get up to 10 "likes".

There are also social media posts that decision makers would not look at twice,  but they have 500+ "likes".

"Only the deep can call to the deep"-Obafemi Awolowo. 

The "deep" however are few. 

-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO).

Chidi Anthony Opara is a "Life Time Achievement" Awardee, Registered Freight Forwarder, Professional Fellow Of Institute Of Information Managerment, Africa, Poet and Publisher of PublicInformationProjects

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