Article: Remembering the Boy Omar Farouq

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Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM

Mar 31, 2021, 5:08:40 AM3/31/21
to USA African Dialogue Series

By Tosin Arebuwa

Many of us would still recall the story of the boy Omar Farouq.  On August 10, 2020, a Sharia court in the Hausawa Filin Hockey area of the Kano metropolis, Kano State, northern Nigeria, sentenced a 13-year old boy to 10 years in prison.  He had been accused, tried and found guilty of using disparaging language on “Allah”  during an argument with a friend.........


Chidi Anthony Opara is a "Life Time Achievement" Awardee, Registered Freight Forwarder, Professional Fellow Of Institute Of Information Managerment, Africa, Poet and Publisher of PublicInformationProjects

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