quoting presidents

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Harrow, Kenneth

2022年3月29日 上午8:54:442022/3/29
this is the new york times this morning, john leonhardt. i agree completely with his point. my point here is that citing the words of putin or zelensky as if they were actually speaking frankly is an incorrect reading.i like leonhardt's analyses.


"2. Politics as performance

It’s often naïve to take the words of political leaders literally. The public speech of politicians tends to combine an honest expression of their views with an attempt to influence others. Zelensky, an actor by training, is well aware of the performative part of politics.

Over the past few weeks, he has repeatedly asked for forms of help that he surely knows he will not get, my colleague Max Fisher says. The clearest example is a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Establishing one could require the West to shoot down Russian planes and even bomb air-defense systems inside Russia, potentially starting a world war.

Still, making unreasonable requests has value to Zelensky. It signals to Ukrainians that he is doing everything possible to defeat Russia and also makes it harder for the West to say no to other requests. “He’s asking for the moon, knowing he’ll get less,” Eric Schmitt, a senior writer at The Times who has long covered military affairs, told me. “But it keeps the pressure on the West to deliver the stuff he needs.”


kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839


Toyin Falola

2022年3月29日 上午9:04:202022/3/29


In war, you calculate human risk and the cost to pay. Rebuilding is possible but difficult. “Bravery in war,” as the Yoruba put it, is “to know when to retreat.” A retreat is not an act of cowardice, but diplomatic calculations—“Those who fight and run, live to fight another day”. Those who praise us today will condemn us tomorrow. Those who condemn us today will praise us tomorrow. Without the crucifixion, there is no Christianity. In our persecution and sufferings lie the foundation of our glory.


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Harrow, Kenneth

2022年3月29日 上午10:26:302022/3/29
toyin, here is a path to peace. offer to pay putin for his losses. why not? it would cost more to the world for this war to linger on, and he would save face.

might be a hard sell!!

kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839


From: usaafric...@googlegroups.com <usaafric...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Toyin Falola <toyin...@austin.utexas.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 9:03 AM
To: usaafric...@googlegroups.com <usaafric...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: quoting presidents

Emmanuel Udogu

2022年3月29日 下午1:46:272022/3/29

I have argued relentlessly that the “law of self-interest” eclipses national interest in politics. Sadly, we have political actors who are determined to sacrifice fellow citizens to promote their self-interest in part because they want to be national heroes. 

Recently, I recalled how one of America’s great journalists of the Nixon epoch reported with excitement that President Bush was a “war president,” when he declared war in 2001 and 2003. Indeed, he wrote: “Bush is a war president” suggesting the uniqueness of being a war president. 

I have seen one of the dramatis personae in this unfortunate military saga in Ukraine receive standing ovations in Parliament after Parliament (some even attempted to out-perform the other in their praises) for his courageous position on this war. In truth, these enthusiastic plaudits for an underdog continue to galvanize him into more actions at the expense of his fellow compatriots. 

Furthermore, arms manufacturers on both sides of the war are delighted to test their new inventions at the expense of Ukrainian and Russian lives, and may be fanning the embers of the war. This situation is regrettable!

Peace is by far better than the outcomes of war. Thus, I recommend a diplomatic solution to this quagmire in which “there will be neither victor nor vanquished!” Thus, I pray for the success of the contemporary meeting of both sides.

Ike Udogu

Ogedi Ohajekwe

2022年3月29日 下午2:38:462022/3/29
Peace through ‘settlement’, wining or losing without any deterrence (positive or negative) is mere postponement of conflict.


On Mar 29, 2022, at 1:46 PM, Emmanuel Udogu <udo...@appstate.edu> wrote:

Toyin Falola

2022年3月29日 下午2:48:392022/3/29
Social cohesion, abolition of a state of abjections, observing the rites of passage in structured communities, a good night sleep, waking up healthy, manifesting love and affections are for more important than winning a war!
The law of Moses was transcended by a one sentence philosophy:
Love thy neighbor as thyself
and Marx added centuries later:
Workers of the World 

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 29, 2022, at 1:38 PM, Ogedi Ohajekwe <ged...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Peace through ‘settlement’, wining or losing without any deterrence (positive or negative) is mere postponement of conflict.

Oluwatoyin Adepoju

2022年3月29日 下午2:56:582022/3/29
A sublime summation:

"Social cohesion, abolition of a state of abjections, observing the rites of passage in structured communities, a good night sleep, waking up healthy, manifesting love and affections are for more important than winning a war!
The law of Moses was transcended by a one sentence philosophy:
Love thy neighbor as thyself
and Marx added centuries later:
Workers of the World 


Harrow, Kenneth

2022年3月29日 下午5:27:002022/3/29
love thy neighbor as thyself was already there, waiting if you will for jesus to enunciate it; but rabbi akiva, and before him in leviticus
Another time a non-Jew came before Shammai and said, "I will convert if you can teach me the entire Torah while I stand on one foot." Shammai pushed the non-Jews aside with the ruler that was in his hand. The non-Jew came before Hillel and Hillel converted him saying, "What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor, that is the entire Torah, the rest is just commentary, now go and study."

i say this because it is often thought jews had a god of punishment and revenge, which is true; but also a god of love and care, which you can see above.
christians gave jews a bad reputation!

kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839


From: usaafric...@googlegroups.com <usaafric...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Oluwatoyin Adepoju <ovde...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 2:48 PM
To: usaafricadialogue <USAAfric...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [External] USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: quoting presidents
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