COAS Appointment as Missed Opportunity for Unity

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Farooq A. Kperogi

May 29, 2021, 5:35:44 AM5/29/21
to USAAfrica Dialogue

Saturday, May 29, 2021

COAS Appointment as Missed Opportunity for Unity

By Farooq A. Kperogi

Twitter: @farooqkperogi

The appointment of my namesake, Major General Farouk Yahaya, as Chief of Army Staff to succeed the late Lieutenant General Ibrahim Attahiru who died in a plane crash on May 21 is yet another tone-deaf but entirely predictable mismanagement of Nigeria’s diversity at a time it desperately needs to be cared for with deliberate symbolic nourishment. 

There is no question that General Yahaya is qualified for the job. His CV shows evidence of immense professional and academic preparedness for the position. But the alternatives to him are just as qualified, so this is never about competence for the job. It’s about symbolism and the politics of representation at a time of heightened national storm and stress.

Many people had hoped that the regime would appoint Major General Benjamin Ahanotu from Anambra State as Attahiru’s successor both to water the perishingly shriveling tree of national unity in the country and to pacify the Southeast whose sense of alienation in the last five years is resurrecting the ghost of Biafra secessionist agitation.  

Since Ahanotu is just as professionally and academically prepared as Yahaya is, a lot more would have been gained in symbolic and substantive terms if the regime had chosen to not appoint another Northern Muslim to succeed a northern Muslim who succeeded a previous northern Muslim.

In no previous civilian administration has this ever happened. Former President Shehu Shagari had ethnic and religious diversity in his choice of Chief of Army Staff. He started with Lieutenant General Ipoola Alani Akinrinade, then appointed Lieutenant General Gibson Jalo, and finally Lieutenant General Mohammed Inuwa Wushishi.

Although Obasanjo’s choices of Chief of Army Staff didn’t reflect religious diversity, they reflected regional and ethnic diversity. Goodluck Jonathan also chose only Christians from the South-South and the Southeast, which we condemned, but his security council was more broad-based than Buhari’s is.

Many well-placed northern politicians who are disturbed by the widening intensity of fissiparity in the Nigerian polity told me they intervened to ensure that the regime appointed someone other than a northern Muslim as Chief of Army Staff. One man told me he was part of a group that reached out to Professor Ibrahim Gambari, Muhammadu Buhari’s Chief of Staff, to persuade him to advise his boss to appoint Ahanotu—or another qualified southerner—as Chief of Army Staff.

Perhaps, that was where the group erred. Gambari has no powers to influence consequential policy decisions in this regime. A personage who is intimately familiar with the workings of the Presidential Villa told me a few days ago that Gambari was recently caught dozing off in the waiting room of Sabiu “Tunde” Yusuf, the 30-something-year-old cousin of Buhari’s who is also his special assistant. 

The man said the fact of Gambari drifting off in Yusuf’s waiting room was indicative of the extended minutes, perhaps hours, that he had been waiting for the young man. But, for me, it emblematizes Gambari’s powerlessness and lack of access to the man he is supposed to be Chief of Staff to.

As dramatic as this revelation was, it wasn’t shocking to me. I have always known that Sabiu “Tunde” Yusuf, whose highest work experience prior to joining his cousin’s government was a phone recharge card seller, is the real successor to Abba Kyari.

In my November 23, 2019 column titled “Government of Buhari’s Family, By His Family, and For His Family,” I described him as “one of the most powerful people in Nigeria today. He determines who sees and who doesn’t see Buhari. Only Mamman Daura and Abba Kyari can overrule him.”

I also pointed out in my May 16, 2020 column titled “Real Reason the Buhari Cabal Picked Gambari as CoS” that Gambari’s linguistic “handicap” in the Hausa language would ensure that he isn’t sufficiently close enough with Buhari to have any meaningful interpersonal relationship with him. That, I said, would whittle away the influence of his office.

A May 25, 2020 exclusive Daily Trust story titled “How Buhari’s Chief of Staff, Gambari facilitated removal of TCN boss” proved me right. “The Special Assistant to the President (President Secretariat), Sabi’u Yusuf, the same day, wrote a letter referenced PRES/65-I/COS/3/750, addressed to the CoS, Prof. Gambari, conveying Buhari’s approval of his earlier memo,” the story said.

So, unlike Abba Kyari who had a direct access to Buhari and whom Buhari said all ministers should meet if they wanted anything from him, Gambari has an intermediary between him and Buhari, and that intermediary is a blood relative of his planted there by Mamman Daura, his Trinity College, Dublin-educated nephew on whom he has always been emotionally and intellectually dependent. 

As I pointed out in my May 30, 2020 column titled, “Gambari: Embrace and Alienation of an Outsider on the Inside,” “The real Chief of Staff to Buhari is Sabi’u ‘Tunde’ Yusuf (of course, acting on Mamman Daura’s behalf) while Ibrahim Gambari is only the public face of the office— with some legroom to do the most obvious official requirements of his job.”

I’ve gone to this length to rejig the reader’s memory just to make the case that anyone who wanted to influence the appointment of the new Chief of Army Staff should have gone to Mamman Daura who is the real, if unofficial, president of Nigeria. But Daura has a really retrograde and fossilized understanding of Nigeria’s ethnic and religious diversity.

Nonetheless, in case people who can influence Daura are reading this, he should be made self-aware that in moments such as Nigeria is going through now, even little symbolic acts of inclusion go a long way. At the twilight of his life, he has become the luckiest Nigerian alive. He has unofficial presidential powers without winning or rigging an election, staging a coup, or even being appointed. Even for the sake of his grandchildren, he should snap out of his provincial cocoon and save the country from avoidable implosion.

Nigeria’s chance for continued existence going forward will be dependent on intentional symbolic gestures that nurture national cohesion. National cohesion doesn’t magically emerge out of thin air because people who are luxuriating in the decadent orbits of power facilely proclaim Nigeria’s unity to be “settled” and “non-negotiable.” Nation-building is never “settled”; it is always in a state of negotiation and renegotiation. 

Unity is not an article of faith to be internalized and accepted unquestioningly. It is consciously sowed, watered, and nourished by acts of kindness to the disadvantaged, by equity and justice to all, by consensus-building, by deliberate healing of the existential wounds that naturally emerge in our interactions as constituents of a common national space, and by acknowledging and working to cover our ethnic, religious, regional, and cultural fissures. The efforts will never be perfect or fool-proof but doing something about a problem is always better than complacency and smug self-satisfaction.

Most progressive Muslim northerners I know are embarrassed to no end by the extreme and unprecedented Arewaization of appointments in this regime. They are embarrassed and worried because the lopsidedness of the appointments invites unearned hate to innocent northerners who don’t materially benefit from them, line the pockets of a privileged few, and alienate our compatriots from the South. That’s not sustainable if we still want a country. 

Personal website:
Twitter: @farooqkperogi
Nigeria's Digital Diaspora: Citizen Media, Democracy, and Participation

"The nice thing about pessimism is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised." G. F. Will

Toyin Falola

May 29, 2021, 6:23:08 AM5/29/21


I have been pondering over the issue of why 35 other Generals may be asked to retire, as I read but without confirmation, as soon as the appointment was announced. National unity is one consideration, but there are other issues, I suspect. How a group in power reads a political space is always critical. Situational politics is quick to disregard other considerations:


What is the agenda?

Is it about “national” control?

How do you establish the grip on power?

Do you want to prevent a coup and look for loyalists?

Who does resource distribution?

Which part of a country do you want to weaken?

What is the core ingredient of “factionalism” at a specific moment?

Who profits from chaos?




From: dialogue <> on behalf of "Farooq A. Kperogi" <>
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Date: Saturday, May 29, 2021 at 4:35 AM
To: dialogue <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - COAS Appointment as Missed Opportunity for Unity


Saturday, May 29, 2021

By Farooq A. Kperogi

Twitter: @farooqkperogi

The appointment of my namesake, Major General Farouk Yahaya, as Chief of Army Staff to succeed the late Lieutenant General Ibrahim Attahiru who died in a plane crash on May 21 is yet another tone-deaf but entirely predictable mismanagement of Nigeria’s diversity at a time it desperately needs to be cared for with deliberate symbolic nourishment. 

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Farooq A. Kperogi

May 29, 2021, 11:20:30 AM5/29/21
to USAAfrica Dialogue
It's a tradition in the Nigerian military, the police,  and even other paramilitary organizations that whenever someone junior has been appointed as head, all higher-ups have to be compulsorily retired so as not to create problems of respect,  discipline, and loyalty for the new head honcho.

 I guess discipline,  loyalty, and respect for the head are more important than the competence and institutional memories of retired senior officers. 


Twitter: @farooqkperogi

Sent from my phone. Please forgive typos and omissions.

May 29, 2021, 3:24:38 PM5/29/21
President Buhari is serving his personal interest and he doesn’t seem to care a hoot about what anyone says. He can fire as many generals for the sake of the one he wants to appoint from his ethnic group.  

Sent from my iPhone

On May 29, 2021, at 10:20 AM, Farooq A. Kperogi <> wrote:

Harrow, Kenneth

May 29, 2021, 3:24:55 PM5/29/21
to USAAfrica Dialogue
in other african countries, the military enjoys a considerable hold over the economy. egregious examples are burundi, egypt, zimbabwe. it is very widespread. no one's mentioned that here, or maybe i missed it. any thoughts to what extent it is true in nigeria?

kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839

From: <> on behalf of Farooq A. Kperogi <>
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2021 11:18 AM
To: USAAfrica Dialogue <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - COAS Appointment as Missed Opportunity for Unity

Farooq A. Kperogi

May 29, 2021, 8:11:11 PM5/29/21
to USAAfrica Dialogue

Fortunately, in Nigeria, the military has ceased to be that powerful. It used to be when the country was under military regimes. 


Twitter: @farooqkperogi

Sent from my phone. Please forgive typos and omissions.

Harrow, Kenneth

May 30, 2021, 7:04:43 AM5/30/21
thanks farooq. how did that happen? a reaction against abacha?
what about ghana? togo? benin?

kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839

Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2021 4:10 PM

Cornelius Hamelberg

May 30, 2021, 11:50:25 AM5/30/21
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

N.B. If my memory serves me right, in his time Abacha retired 35 Yoruba generals. I read this in the Swedish papers.

Since, sadly, Lieutenant General Ibrahim Attahiru was not terminated by retrenchment or retirement his replacement, no doubt also a politically strategic decision is not surprising since it shows more of a continuity than a dramatic break with the past and the present.

However inelegant/ ugly Kperogi’s infelicity of expression “ the perishingly shriveling tree of national unity “ may be, this is the reality:

The first question for the uninitiated is, “Is a coup possible or likely, given the current situation in Nigeria? 

The answer is: Not likely! Masterminding and coordinating a coup in Nigeria is not child’s play. Most of the general and the regions have to be on board, That’s why Abacha was in Port Harcourt for Christmas in 1983, to put the finishing touches - a big party was thrown for him at the Officers mess (I can’t remember if he drank or not( but when all the communication lines were cut and the only place I could phone from was Scanastra, I thought there was something fishy going on...

The logic and the logistics of a coup taking place right under the noses of former General Buhari (now democratically elected for the second time as Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari) and his military appointees, so freshly appointed, speak against that possibility. Part of the logic underlines why he would not appoint a possible Biafran secessionist as head of the Nigerian Military at this very sensitive time when things are ostensibly falling apart. Certainly not in order to appease the ethnic separatist instincts of the South-Eastern Igbos who only gave Brother Buhari a meagre 5% of their votes at both the Presidential Elections which he won. Of course, there are another few million Igbos scattered throughout the rest of the Federation and goodness knows what percentage of their votes were devoted to Brother Buhari.

So, it’s not as if he’s going to bribe the Igbos or ensure their change of mind towards him by appointing one of their rank and file to the most sensitive position of Chief of the Nigerian Military. Such a move would have definitely only increased Igbo contempt for Brother Buhari , and if anything , I wouldn’t put it past them ( some of the Igbos) to at least surreptitiously prevail upon their Brother Major General Benjamin Ahanotu from Anambra State to stage a coup/ lead the secession like Ojukwu, or at the very least to increase the venom, the ammunition, the fire-power and the bombs against Boko Haram and any marauding Fulani Herdsmen found loitering or on the brink of encroaching / eating up the yams on any Southern farmlands. Even carpet bomb the Sambisa Forest

That logic also resuscitates the ghosts that still surround that awful Dreyfus Affair

Brother Buhari came to prominence with the New Year’s Eve coup of 1983 - after that heavily rigged Hiroshima Day Election of 6th August 1983. Brother Buhari did not come alone - in fact his partner the now late Tunde Idiagbon was demonstrably the idea-power behind the throne, starting with the much needed WAI (war against indiscipline) - no more dropping in at the office to sign in and then taking off for the rest of the day to go fishing. I saw first hand how the mountains and hills of garbage at Mile One Market were cleared away within the very first week of the Buhari- Idiagbon period, by presidential decree.

What about appointing someone with strong Amotekun connections but without any secessionist tendencies (smile) as overall head of the Nigerian Military?

(To be continued...

Harrow, Kenneth

May 30, 2021, 5:06:25 PM5/30/21
the question that i had concerned the problem of the military becoming the owners of the wealth. in egypt they own maybe 60-70% of the wealth of the country, of the factories and whatever else brings in money. why would they ever agree to yield power? remember there was a democratic process that came with the arab spring? a military coup finally ended the results of an election that put a muslim brotherhood figure in power. and then, boom, military back in place again. the filmmaker jihan al-tahri made a great film on the figures of power, from nasser to sadat to mubarek. they each depended on the military to wrest and remain in power. as they did, with the departure of the king, the military gradually became the owners of the land. that story is replicated through the continent as the dreams of independence became replaced by the sad story of authoritarian rule.
but not everywhere. i wonder how it was that some places, like nigeria, escaped that pattern. i think it is true that senegal is not in that situation. others like biya mean one party rule; how much is given to the military to sustain that? how much of kagame's rule is propped up by the military?

kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2021 11:44 AM
To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: COAS Appointment as Missed Opportunity for Unity
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Farooq A. Kperogi

May 30, 2021, 5:07:57 PM5/30/21
to USAAfrica Dialogue

I don't know, to be honest. But I suspect that the relative health of Nigeria's civil society plays a part. Ghana's civil society seems to be just as healthy as Nigeria's. There, too, the military isn't as overpowering as it used to be during periods of military regimes.

 I have some familiarity with the Republic of Benin, and my sense is that the military has retreated there as well. I don't know what's responsible for it. Maybe the fact of the military not being in power--either by proxy or in real terms--accounts for this.

I barely know about Togo, but it looks to me like a monocracy built around the Gnassingbé clan.


Personal website:
Twitter: @farooqkperogi
Nigeria's Digital Diaspora: Citizen Media, Democracy, and Participation

"The nice thing about pessimism is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised." G. F. Will

Cornelius Hamelberg

May 30, 2021, 5:08:08 PM5/30/21

A mere mention / suggestion of Major General Benjamin Ahanotu as Nigeria's military head under Brother Buhari and I think of Operation Python Dance 1 & 2 – how untenable that would be. In the case of Iran, the Shah’s SAVAK got tired of mowing down it’s own people and it was all over for the Shah of Iran from the moment that Imam Khomeini ( r.a.) said that “ The army is the people and the people is the army !”

Comparisons can be odious when made comparing places and situations that are very dissimilar, such as the odious example of how preposterous it would be to suggest that, big and fanciful grammar at a time when the country allegedly “desperately needs to be cared for with deliberate symbolic a time of heightened national storm and stress.” - that in order to appease or reassure Israeli Arabs, Benjamin Netanyahu should appoint someone from the Palestinian Arab ethnic group as head of the IDF, breaking tradition with the long line from Moshe Dayan, through Ehud Barak (modern Israel’s most decorated soldier ever) followed by Persian born Shaul Mofaz, and now we have Aviv Kochavi.

It’s an idea that would be pronounced dead on arrival.

Subject to correction from Wofa Akwasi, one of the strong points of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was that ethnically speaking, he came from a tiny minority tribe – so that for a while there was some kind of ethnic balance and equilibrium in the mix – his cabinet and military etc., without the traditional Ashanti – Ewe rivalry to spoil business , yet see how easily they toppled him and erected a monument to the event, in down-town Accra, known as “National Liberation Circle” which has now been appropriately renamed “Kwame Nkrumah Circle”

There’s every reason to start feeling nervous when John Campbell who has for some time now been making dire predictions about the future of Nigeria and the direction in which the country is heading. There’s even more cause for nervousness after the long Rothberg – Campbell statement entitled “Nigeria Is A failed Statebased on the incontrovertible facts on the ground, no mention of the moribund economy , overpopulation and poverty, but a very accurate assessment of the insecurity, the banditry, the Boko Haram terrorism and the ongoing general anarchy that now characterizes the last phase of Brother Buhari’s presidency as sufficient cause for any rapid disintegration, deterioration, even a military coup – in which the leader will righteously announce on Nigerian Radio, CNN and the BBC that they (the military) stepped in as the redeemer, “to save the nation”

In the short view from this distance I’d say that a guaranteed recipe for a hastened disintegration of Nigeria would be a failed coup in which the military was fractured and fragmented regionally, along ethnic lines - which would aid secession of say the East, the West, and the South, from the North….

(to be continued 


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Toyin Falola

May 30, 2021, 5:22:11 PM5/30/21

I wish I had time to answer Ken, as there are many books on the Egyptian military dating back to Sadat. It was a deliberate state policy that created the military dominance in the Egyptian economy.

The Nigerian military took a different tradition since it became bloated with the Civil War—it became more parasitic and not integral to the productive forces. In the 1980s, if you asked a primary school student what he would like to do as an adult, it would be to work for Customs or join the army—both were extremely lucrative. And to reflect the social order, if you ask that same student, if a boy, “what does you dad do at home?” He would say parlour (living room). What does your mom do? “Kitchen”.

Indeed, after 1999, Boko Haram replaced direct participation in government to make money. The greatest justification for large military/security budget has been the insurgency.

In politics, you allow whatever works to fester.  Just as senior officers made money from it, bandits are also now profiting by kidnapping school children to collect ransom.

If you approach Nigeria from rational politics, you can reach the conclusion that it is a “failed state”.

If you approach it from state capture and chaos, Nigeria works well, from the politicians to the Pentecostalist leaders who are stinkingly rich.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Okey Iheduru

May 31, 2021, 6:37:21 AM5/31/21
to USAAfrica Dialogue
I don't know Maj-Gen Farouk Yahaya, but I know at least 10 of the other very senior army officers who were not chosen as the Chief of Army Staff. They are as follows:

1. Maj-Gen Chike Ude (Enugu State) and Maj-Gen MSA Aliyu (Zamfara State) who were Directing Staff (faculty) colleagues of mine at the National Defense College (NDC), Abuja in 2012-2013 when they were both Brigadier-Generals. 

Gen. Ude had spent years as a military aide ("brain box") in the Ministry of Defense and later became Principal Staff Officer Coordination (PSO) at the College at NDC--pretty much like a college/university registrar. As a Major-General, he was GOC in Sokoto, and later the General Officer Commanding the Multinational Joint Task Force (comprising Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria) that pretty much pushed Boko Haram out of Chad and Nigeria, but the Nigerian Army and Air Force failed to dominate the vacated battle space. He's one of the smartest people I've ever met anywhere. A very fine officer! He could wipe out Boko Haram in a month, if given the free hand to do so. Nothing like "bandits" when he was in Sokoto. Who born them? Hi eyes could pierce through a concrete wall. On a different note, he'd win the first prize at any comedy try-out, but the audience would go home with cracked ribs!

Gen. Aliyu (popularly called "MSA") is an effable, but no-nonsense officer. We were together for barely three months but he left an impression on me as a very level-headed human being with a fair sense of judgement. He miraculously survived a roll-over car accident in Borno State in July 2017 after a long hospital stay (because he was wearing his seatbelt), but his colleague Maj-Gen Yushua M. Abubakar (who was also a faculty colleague of mine at NDC) died -- he wasn't wearing his seatbelt. Abubakar jovially called himself "The Emir of the Nigerian Army," even though privately he detested the feudal anachronism! To him, I was mai takarda!

2. Maj-Gen Chukwuemeka C. Okonkwo (Imo), Maj-Gen Y. P. Auta (Kebbi), Maj-Gen S. A. Yaro (Bauchi), Maj-Gen K. a. Y. Isiyaku (Niger), Maj-Gen H. P. Z. Vintenaba (Taraba) were all my students (Participants) in Course 20 at NDC, Abuja. I still remember them from Syndicate Room (seminar room) discussions and their formal presentations in Abacha Hall and during research paper proposal and Project defenses, as well as during foreign affairs simulation exercises. Fine officers! They're all graduates of the Master of Strategic Studies degree program at the University of Ibadan, a six months top-up program for highest performers at NDC, Abuja. I later got to know Okonkwo and Isiyaku much better after they left NDC.

Gen. Okonkwo, a certified engineer, had been a highly decorated staff officer as a Colonel in the UN Headquarters (Military Affairs/Peacekeeping) in New York City for at least four years before coming to NDC for his strategic studies course. I got to know him at a much deeper level when he was appointed Managing Director & CEO, Nigerian Army Post-Service Housing Development Ltd., following his promotion to Brigadier-General, from 2014-2016. The CEO of PHD Ltd. runs perhaps the largest real estate outfit in Nigeria! No other CEO in the history of PHD Ltd. comes close to the spectacular job he did sanitizing the post-service housing estates that had been pillaged by his predecessors across the country. Phase 5 Housing Estate in Kurudu, Abuja (near Jesuit College and Navy Town --post-service estate) which he revitalized is the best post-service estate in the country -- he opened it up to civilians to remove the aura of "barracks" which the other estates have become. Who wants to live in a "barracks" again after 35 years in the force? Phase 5 is now so nice that it counts as residents a recently retired Supreme Court Justice, the former Auditor-General of the Federation, very senior retired and serving officers, academics, the professions, and two high-end primary and middle schools. Phase 5 Kurudu is an interesting showpiece experiment in home-owners/residents self-governance in Nigeria.

Gen. Okonkwo's also excellence manifested during his service as Special Assistant (Special Projects) to COAS Buratai (2016-2018) and later as GOC, Operation Lafiya Dole in Monguno from 2018-2020, a period that saw the NA pushing Boko Haram back into Sambisa Forest's outermost boundaries with Lake Chad. He was shot at three times in the war front, but he survived them all. Again, the course of the war would have been different, but for insufficient and/obsolete equipment/war materiele which were compounded by political interference with specific campaigns from "high ups." He's currently GOC, Joint Task Force in Jos, Plateau State -- Nigeria's ethno-religious tinder box. By the way, Gen. Okonkwo is also a charismatic Pentecostal church pastor!

Gen. Isiyaku (popularly known as "KAY" (from his initials) is one of the classiest officers of the Nigerian Army. His first command as Brigadier-General after NDC/UI was GOC at Obinze, Imo State. He left with the reputation of creating the best example of civil-military relations between his Brigade and the citizens of the state. I met him again in July 2017 in Abuja when he became the pioneer Principal Staff Officer Coordination (PSO Coord) at the newly established Army War College Nigeria. I had gone there to give a lecture to Course 1 students, mostly senior Lt. Colonels and junior Colonels. But for him and the Commandant, Maj-Gen. Alani Okunloa (another colleague from NDC, Abuja), the students would have thrown me out of the college when I enraged them by saying that, if I had the power, I'd have all of them booted out of the army for buying into Prof. Osisioma Nwolise's nonsense (or perhaps epistemic fire) about "spiritual intelligence." Little did I know that Lt. Gen. Buratai, their Oga at the Top at the time, was the Chief Priest of this strange military "doctrine" that has eaten very, very deep into the psyche of most military officers in Nigeria today! They accused me vehemently of being "too critical" and "full of diaspora and American biases" when I talked about the frightening levels of state fragility exemplified by the growing list of internal security operations (ISOs) in 32 of the 36 states of the Federation and from which some of them benefitted materially as Commanders prior to enrolling in the College. I wonder what those students (mostly Brigadier-Generals by now) would be saying today about Nigeria?

Then, you have Maj-Gen Johnson Olawumi (Ekiti State), Maj-Gen Okwudili F. Azinta (Enugu State), and Maj-Gen Henry "Ayams" Ayamasaowei (Bayelsa State). 

Gen. Ayams (that's what everybody calls him) was a long-serving Academy Registrar at the Nigerian Defense Academy (NDA), Kaduna. Our chance encounter at an event in Abuja in 2012 led to working with him to recruit some Nigerian diaspora academics in STEM to spend their sabbaticals at NDA. A very charismatic fellow and dapper dresser (in civilian clothing), he's reputed for running a tight ship during his tenure. 

Gen. Azinta is one of the smartest senior military officers in Nigeria today, with a reputation for integrity and transformative leadership. I believe he's a First Class graduate of Chemistry, pioneer degree holding class at NDA. I met him at NDA in 2014 when he was the DMT--Director of Military Training as a Brigadier-General. I was at the academy to revamp their unbelievably watery General Education core and to help design the blueprint for the new Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies and Military Science. Within six months of his tenure at NDA, Gen. Azinta and the no-nonsense Commandant at the time, Maj-Gen. Inuwa M. Idris had withdrawn 42 cadets for all manner of indiscretions and even crimes. Most of them were children of very powerful people (including retired senior military officers) who were booted out for offenses ranging from drug trafficking, rape, AWOL (some notorious ones up to three weeks!), theft, forgeries, etc. This was the peak of Boko Haram insurgency when the terrorists occupied 14 local government areas, and declared their caliphate in Gwoza, Nigeria. For a long time, some of the NDA cadets didn't join the military to fight wars; many were there because their parents wanted a military officer in the family to compliment their other children who were doctors, engineers or lawyers, etc. It was from the ranks of this category of officers that Nigeria saw tactical and operational commanders who would take flight upon sighting Boko Haram, leaving the non-commissioned officers to fend for themselves. There was palpable fear that the insurgents could have made a dash for Abuja, if they knew how much the military was caught flat-footed in the raging fourth-generation war. Gen. Azinta was determined to boot all of them out of the Academy, and he pretty much succeeded. The academy also changed its curriculum: instead of continuous military training for five years, the first year for the 2013/2014 class was devoted exclusively to full military officer training. The rationale was that the cadets would be commissioned 2nd Lieutenants at short notice and shipped to the war front to stem the serious attrition of tactical-level officers, some of whom were melting as the triumphant Boko Haram was bearing down on them.

Gen. Azinta's next posting was the Nigerian Military Training Depot, Zaria which had seen its trainee size balloon from 3,000 to 9,000! Some troops were graduating without ever firing a weapon! Within a year, this no-nonsense General sanitized the Depot. From there he became GOC 7 Division in Maiduguri. He was sent there to literally take the war to the insurgents. Azinta is the quintessential servant-leader who could get his soldiers to do the impossible because they trust him and have no doubt he has their back. The 7 Division, set up in 2013, has had a quick succession of bad leaders, one of whom was shot by his soldiers for denying them their rations and for his "treasonable offense" in sending troops to be slaughtered by BH despite clear intelligence against that decision.

Finally, I'd hate to see the NA lose Maj-Gen. Johnson Olawumi, a first class engineer and administrator. He and his colleagues built the first locally made armored car in Nigeria in 2011. Scratch that; the Research and Production Unit (RAP) and the Biafran Army already took that prize during the Nigerian civil war, 1967-1970! The then COAS, Lt. Gen. Ihejirika (2010-2014) was so impressed that he appointed then Brig-Gen. Olawumi his Principal Staff Officer--literally the gate-keeper to the COAS. If you met him in the evening in his golf shirt and pants and disarming intelligence and humility, you'd swear he'd never have anything to do with a scruffy military. In late 2013, he was appointed the Director-General of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), one of the most coveted "juicy" jobs that sees the most lobbying ever in the NA. Some critics demurred that Gen. Ihejirika would appoint an engineer to a position that is a traditional preserve of the Education Corps. Within six months, Gen. Olawumi transformed the NYSC, using technology to modernize the operations of an agency that hadn't changed much since the days of the famous (later infamous!) Col. Patrick Obasa. He's so confident in his abilities that he goes to any length to bring in talents to get any job done efficiently. He was promptly removed as D-G around August 2015 under the new PMB regime; too many favored officers were lobbying for the plum job. His reply to my sms about his reassignment was: "Good riddance to a bad dream!" Little did I know he didn't like the job; he preferred his armored personnel carriers, despite the fact that I probably had had more interactions with him than I had with any other NA officer up to that point. His subsequent command postings have equally benefitted from this shinning star in the NA.

As I noted above, I don't know Gen. Yahaya -- he was in Chile while his course mates were at NDC for their strategic studies course. He's probably as good as any of the officers I've highlighted here. Yes, it's the prerogative of the Commander-in-Chief to appoint whomsoever he likes as COAS, and that choice has never been based on merit in Nigeria's history. Ethnicity and/or religion may or may not have been a factor in the Yahaya choice. I'm saddened, however, that Nigeria is set to lose these incredibly talented officers along with 24 other Major Generals as a result of this coup-proofing organizational technology of the state and regime survival strategy that has seriously eroded the country's military effectiveness. Even then, did the C-in-C have to go this deep to find a suitable, coup-proof capable army chief? Quite often those Colonels who turn Abacha Lecture Hall at NDC into their sleeping rooms are usually the first to be promoted to Brigadier-Generals, topped with "lucrative" Brigade Command assignments. Additionally, there's a lot of favoritism in selecting officers for courses overseas; it would be miraculous if it wasn't the case. 

Sadly, also, some of the smartest officers tend to get weeded out much earlier, at the ranks of Major or Lt. Colonel!  Many people have advocated for a completely new military in Nigeria. I couldn't agree more with that position.

Okey C. Iheduru


May 31, 2021, 2:04:40 PM5/31/21


The question you ask is what Ibrahim Babangida ostensibly wanted to come and entrench.

It soon became clear that it was largely an ethno- religious agenda where the key posts were zoned to the Muslim North so that the Christians and southerners in the military became marginalised in favour of northerners or southerners who pledged loyalty to representatives of the Northern Oligarchy who held sway in the military.

This was why HE Obasanjo kept opposing Babangida's moves, starting with his ' now that you are there...' speech, meaning Babangida betrayed the trust of the tacit approval retired military officers gave his ' benevolent dictator' rule, which he was supposed to conduct in an even handed nationalistic  pattern of the Obasanjo/ YarAdua regime.  This also explains why Buhari/Idiagbon military regime described itself as an offshoot of the Mutrala/ Obasanjo military regime.  The cleansing which the Buhari military came to carry out obviously enraged some in the Northern Oligarchy  ( who controlled Nigeria's successful coups as part of the Barewa College's graduates strategy of influencing Nigeria's future in favour of the North, as Jibrin Ibrahim's piece on Barewa College revealed) as well as their collaborators all over the country.  

The question of who was really in charge of the military was made clear in the manner of the ignominious  exit of Ebitu Ukiwe's from Babangida's regime.  It was clear it was not a collective responsibility and the Armed Forces Ruling Council was a mere rubber stamp of dictator Babangida's will ( holding fort for the Northern Oligarchy) and dissent could cost you your job.

So its the confluence of ethnicity and religious loyalty that broke that pattern in Nigeria.  Religion played the most crucial role.  In other places you mentioned like Egypt religion played an over- arching dominant role.  The Egyptian top brass in nullifying the representatives of the Muslim brotherhood's election was playing to the gallery of the West, particularly America whom they knew would support the overthrow of a fundamental Islamist regime. 

 It would appear the Egyptian military's position was supported by an overwhelming moderate Muslims.  Babangida tried to use such ruse tactic to get America to support  his annulment of Aare Abiola's 1993 electoral victory by falsely claiming that the winner pledged to institute a jihad against the West if sworn in  because of his involvement in the Reparations Movement( How could Aare Abiola whose main source of wealth came from the West ever make the claim!  But the West seemed to have believed Babangida initially, before Aare Abiola's handlers launched a counter- veiling campaign again Babangida's machinations.)

The same religious dominance seems to be true of Kagame's Rwanda and Biya's Cameroon

Nigeria's monotheistic religious cultural disparity made it difficult for the military to put up such united front as in Egypt.

The military in Nigeria was ironically able to put up a united front in kleptocracy in the current civilian dispensation than under military rule because of 'us' ( military kleptocrats) defending our own against 'them" ( civilian kleptocrats.)  

All now operated kleptocracy unfettered under the banishment of rule of law ( military or civilian) with the Judiciary as the undertakers of such banishment


Sent from my Galaxy

-------- Original message --------
From: "Harrow, Kenneth" <>
Date: 30/05/2021 22:13 (GMT+00:00)
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: COAS Appointment as MissedOpportunity for Unity

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the question that i had concerned the problem of the military becoming the owners of the wealth. in egypt they own maybe 60-70% of the wealth of the country, of the factories and whatever else brings in money. why would they ever agree to yield power? remember there was a democratic process that came with the arab spring? a military coup finally ended the results of an election that put a muslim brotherhood figure in power. and then, boom, military back in place again. the filmmaker jihan al-tahri made a great film on the figures of power, from nasser to sadat to mubarek. they each depended on the military to wrest and remain in power. as they did, with the departure of the king, the military gradually became the owners of the land. that story is replicated through the continent as the dreams of independence became replaced by the sad story of authoritarian rule.
but not everywhere. i wonder how it was that some places, like nigeria, escaped that pattern. i think it is true that senegal is not in that situation. others like biya mean one party rule; how much is given to the military to sustain that? how much of kagame's rule is propped up by the military?

kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2021 11:44 AM
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Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: COAS Appointment as Missed Opportunity for Unity
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Oluwatoyin Adepoju

May 31, 2021, 2:04:40 PM5/31/21
to usaafricadialogue

Are these Nigerian officers or a construct of Okey's imagination, crafted from watching triumphanr films about the US army?

Is this the same army that has kleptocrats like Abacha and terrorist enablers like Buhari, the same military that has bombed an IDP camp, that does nothing against Fulani herdsmen terrorism and is unable to defeat Boko Haram?

If it's the same military, then something is very wrong somewhere.

Anyway, my dad was also a soldier in the Nigerian army, after being a school teacher and after graduating from Uni of Ife.

A person of broad culture-an enthusiastic amateur photographer from the days of his photography  apprenticeship, a keen sportsman and broad ranging  bibliophile-it was the  family  library he assembled and his own personal library that initiated me into multidisciplinary scholarship.




May 31, 2021, 2:05:05 PM5/31/21
to USAAfrica Dialogue
With due respects, the gloomy atmosphere of the tragic death of the COAS cannot be an avenue to create unity, whatever, the perspective. I'm not sure that it is wise reasoning to gloss over the death of the COAS  to appoint someone else in pursuit of unity. The said group comprised mostly those who rejoiced at the death of the COAS because of his tough stand against secessionist agitations. Incidentally, more southerners died in that plane crash than the mockery of the misguided mockers represented



May 31, 2021, 5:42:26 PM5/31/21

Professor Iheduru has demonstrated here a very close affiliation with the Nigerian military over the past ten years that is truly remarkable for his depth of knowledge about senior officers.

TF's insights about the shortcomings of the Nigerian military establishment are also very insightful.


Sent from my Galaxy

-------- Original message --------
From: Okey Iheduru <>
Date: 31/05/2021 11:51 (GMT+00:00)
To: USAAfrica Dialogue <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - COAS Appointment as MissedOpportunity for Unity

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I don't know Maj-Gen Farouk Yahaya, but I know at least 10 of the other very senior army officers who were not chosen as the Chief of Army Staff. They are as follows:

1. Maj-Gen Chike Ude (Enugu State) and Maj-Gen MSA Aliyu (Zamfara State) who were Directing Staff (faculty) colleagues of mine at the National Defense College (NDC), Abuja in 2012-2013 when they were both Brigadier-Generals. 

Gen. Ude had spent years as a military aide ("brain box") in the Ministry of Defense and later became Principal Staff Officer Coordination (PSO) at the College at NDC--pretty much like a college/university registrar. As a Major-General, he was GOC in Sokoto, and later the General Officer Commanding the Multinational Joint Task Force (comprising Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria) that pretty much pushed Boko Haram out of Chad and Nigeria, but the Nigerian Army and Air Force failed to dominate the vacated battle space. He's one of the smartest people I've ever met anywhere. A very fine officer! He could wipe out Boko Haram in a month, if given the free hand to do so. Nothing like "bandits" when he was in Sokoto. Who born them? Hi eyes could pierce through a concrete wall. On a different note, he'd win the first prize at any comedy try-out, but the audience would go home with cracked ribs!

Gen. Aliyu (popularly called "MSA") is an effable, but no-nonsense officer. We were together for barely three months but he left an impression on me as a very level-headed human being with a fair sense of judgement. He miraculously survived a roll-over car accident in Borno State in July 2017 after a long hospital stay (because he was wearing his seatbelt), but his colleague Maj-Gen Yushua M. Abubakar (who was also a faculty colleague of mine at NDC) died -- he wasn't wearing his seatbelt. Abubakar jovially called himself "The Emir of the Nigerian Army," even though privately he detested the feudal anachronism! To him, I was mai takarda!

2. Maj-Gen Chukwuemeka C. Okonkwo (Imo), Maj-Gen Y. P. Auta (Kebbi), Maj-Gen S. A. Yaro (Bauchi), Maj-Gen K. a. Y. Isiyaku (Niger), Maj-Gen H. P. Z. Vintenaba (Taraba) were all my students (Participants) in Course 20 at NDC, Abuja. I still remember them from Syndicate Room (seminar room) discussions and their formal presentations in Abacha Hall and during research paper proposal and Project defenses, as well as during foreign affairs simulation exercises. Fine officers! They're all graduates of the Master of Strategic Studies degree program at the University of Ibadan, a six months top-up program for highest performers at NDC, Abuja. I later got to know Okonkwo and Isiyaku much better after they left NDC.

Gen. Okonkwo, a certified engineer, had been a highly decorated staff officer as a Colonel in the UN Headquarters (Military Affairs/Peacekeeping) in New York City for at least four years before coming to NDC for his strategic studies course. I got to know him at a much deeper level when he was appointed Managing Director & CEO, Nigerian Army Post-Service Housing Development Ltd., following his promotion to Brigadier-General, from 2014-2016. The CEO of PHD Ltd. runs perhaps the largest real estate outfit in Nigeria! No other CEO in the history of PHD Ltd. comes close to the spectacular job he did sanitizing the post-service housing estates that had been pillaged by his predecessors across the country. Phase 5 Housing Estate in Kurudu, Abuja (near Jesuit College and Navy Town --post-service estate) which he revitalized is the best post-service estate in the country -- he opened it up to civilians to remove the aura of "barracks" which the other estates have become. Who wants to live in a "barracks" again after 35 years in the force? Phase 5 is now so nice that it counts as residents a recently retired Supreme Court Justice, the former Auditor-General of the Federation, very senior retired and serving officers, academics, the professions, and two high-end primary and middle schools. Phase 5 Kurudu is an interesting showpiece experiment in home-owners/residents self-governance in Nigeria.

Gen. Okonkwo's also excellence manifested during his service as Special Assistant (Special Projects) to COAS Buratai (2016-2018) and later as GOC, Operation Lafiya Dole in Monguno from 2018-2020, a period that saw the NA pushing Boko Haram back into Sambisa Forest's outermost boundaries with Lake Chad. He was shot at three times in the war front, but he survived them all. Again, the course of the war would have been different, but for insufficient and/obsolete equipment/war materiele which were compounded by political interference with specific campaigns from "high ups." He's currently GOC, Joint Task Force in Jos, Plateau State -- Nigeria's ethno-religious tinder box. By the way, Gen. Okonkwo is also a charismatic Pentecostal church pastor!

Gen. Isiyaku (popularly known as "KAY" (from his initials) is one of the classiest officers of the Nigerian Army. His first command as Brigadier-General after NDC/UI was GOC at Obinze, Imo State. He left with the reputation of creating the best example of civil-military relations between his Brigade and the citizens of the state. I met him again in July 2017 in Abuja when he became the pioneer Principal Staff Officer Coordination (PSO Coord) at the newly established Army War College Nigeria. I had gone there to give a lecture to Course 1 students, mostly senior Lt. Colonels and junior Colonels. But for him and the Commandant, Maj-Gen. Alani Okunloa (another colleague from NDC, Abuja), the students would have thrown me out of the college when I enraged them by saying that, if I had the power, I'd have all of them booted out of the army for buying into Prof. Osisioma Nwolise's nonsense (or perhaps epistemic fire) about "spiritual intelligence." Little did I know that Lt. Gen. Buratai, their Oga at the Top at the time, was the Chief Priest of this strange military "doctrine" that has eaten very, very deep into the psyche of most military officers in Nigeria today! They accused me vehemently of being "too critical" and "full of diaspora and American biases" when I talked about the frightening levels of state fragility exemplified by the growing list of internal security operations (ISOs) in 32 of the 36 states of the Federation and from which some of them benefitted materially as Commanders prior to enrolling in the College. I wonder what those students (mostly Brigadier-Generals by now) would be saying today about Nigeria?

Then, you have Maj-Gen Johnson Olawumi (Ekiti State), Maj-Gen Okwudili F. Azinta (Enugu State), and Maj-Gen Henry "Ayams" Ayamasaowei (Bayelsa State). 

Gen. Ayams (that's what everybody calls him) was a long-serving Academy Registrar at the Nigerian Defense Academy (NDA), Kaduna. Our chance encounter at an event in Abuja in 2012 led to working with him to recruit some Nigerian diaspora academics in STEM to spend their sabbaticals at NDA. A very charismatic fellow and dapper dresser (in civilian clothing), he's reputed for running a tight ship during his tenure. 

Gen. Azinta is one of the smartest senior military officers in Nigeria today, with a reputation for integrity and transformative leadership. I believe he's a First Class graduate of Chemistry, pioneer degree holding class at NDA. I met him at NDA in 2014 when he was the DMT--Director of Military Training as a Brigadier-General. I was at the academy to revamp their unbelievably watery General Education core and to help design the blueprint for the new Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies and Military Science. Within six months of his tenure at NDA, Gen. Azinta and the no-nonsense Commandant at the time, Maj-Gen. Inuwa M. Idris had withdrawn 42 cadets for all manner of indiscretions and even crimes. Most of them were children of very powerful people (including retired senior military officers) who were booted out for offenses ranging from drug trafficking, rape, AWOL (some notorious ones up to three weeks!), theft, forgeries, etc. This was the peak of Boko Haram insurgency when the terrorists occupied 14 local government areas, and declared their caliphate in Gwoza, Nigeria. For a long time, some of the NDA cadets didn't join the military to fight wars; many were there because their parents wanted a military officer in the family to compliment their other children who were doctors, engineers or lawyers, etc. It was from the ranks of this category of officers that Nigeria saw tactical and operational commanders who would take flight upon sighting Boko Haram, leaving the non-commissioned officers to fend for themselves. There was palpable fear that the insurgents could have made a dash for Abuja, if they knew how much the military was caught flat-footed in the raging fourth-generation war. Gen. Azinta was determined to boot all of them out of the Academy, and he pretty much succeeded. The academy also changed its curriculum: instead of continuous military training for five years, the first year for the 2013/2014 class was devoted exclusively to full military officer training. The rationale was that the cadets would be commissioned 2nd Lieutenants at short notice and shipped to the war front to stem the serious attrition of tactical-level officers, some of whom were melting as the triumphant Boko Haram was bearing down on them.

Gen. Azinta's next posting was the Nigerian Military Training Depot, Zaria which had seen its trainee size balloon from 3,000 to 9,000! Some troops were graduating without ever firing a weapon! Within a year, this no-nonsense General sanitized the Depot. From there he became GOC 7 Division in Maiduguri. He was sent there to literally take the war to the insurgents. Azinta is the quintessential servant-leader who could get his soldiers to do the impossible because they trust him and have no doubt he has their back. The 7 Division, set up in 2013, has had a quick succession of bad leaders, one of whom was shot by his soldiers for denying them their rations and for his "treasonable offense" in sending troops to be slaughtered by BH despite clear intelligence against that decision.

Finally, I'd hate to see the NA lose Maj-Gen. Johnson Olawumi, a first class engineer and administrator. He and his colleagues built the first locally made armored car in Nigeria in 2011. Scratch that; the Research and Production Unit (RAP) and the Biafran Army already took that prize during the Nigerian civil war, 1967-1970! The then COAS, Lt. Gen. Ihejirika (2010-2014) was so impressed that he appointed then Brig-Gen. Olawumi his Principal Staff Officer--literally the gate-keeper to the COAS. If you met him in the evening in his golf shirt and pants and disarming intelligence and humility, you'd swear he'd never have anything to do with a scruffy military. In late 2013, he was appointed the Director-General of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), one of the most coveted "juicy" jobs that sees the most lobbying ever in the NA. Some critics demurred that Gen. Ihejirika would appoint an engineer to a position that is a traditional preserve of the Education Corps. Within six months, Gen. Olawumi transformed the NYSC, using technology to modernize the operations of an agency that hadn't changed much since the days of the famous (later infamous!) Col. Patrick Obasa. He's so confident in his abilities that he goes to any length to bring in talents to get any job done efficiently. He was promptly removed as D-G around August 2015 under the new PMB regime; too many favored officers were lobbying for the plum job. His reply to my sms about his reassignment was: "Good riddance to a bad dream!" Little did I know he didn't like the job; he preferred his armored personnel carriers, despite the fact that I probably had had more interactions with him than I had with any other NA officer up to that point. His subsequent command postings have equally benefitted from this shinning star in the NA.

As I noted above, I don't know Gen. Yahaya -- he was in Chile while his course mates were at NDC for their strategic studies course. He's probably as good as any of the officers I've highlighted here. Yes, it's the prerogative of the Commander-in-Chief to appoint whomsoever he likes as COAS, and that choice has never been based on merit in Nigeria's history. Ethnicity and/or religion may or may not have been a factor in the Yahaya choice. I'm saddened, however, that Nigeria is set to lose these incredibly talented officers along with 24 other Major Generals as a result of this coup-proofing organizational technology of the state and regime survival strategy that has seriously eroded the country's military effectiveness. Even then, did the C-in-C have to go this deep to find a suitable, coup-proof capable army chief? Quite often those Colonels who turn Abacha Lecture Hall at NDC into their sleeping rooms are usually the first to be promoted to Brigadier-Generals, topped with "lucrative" Brigade Command assignments. Additionally, there's a lot of favoritism in selecting officers for courses overseas; it would be miraculous if it wasn't the case. 

Sadly, also, some of the smartest officers tend to get weeded out much earlier, at the ranks of Major or Lt. Colonel!  Many people have advocated for a completely new military in Nigeria. I couldn't agree more with that position.

On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 2:22 PM Toyin Falola <> wrote:

Okey C. Iheduru

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Cornelius Hamelberg

Jun 1, 2021, 6:38:14 AM6/1/21

Once again, I'm in full agreement with the sentiment expressed by Dr. Sikiru Eniola, a man of heart. 

Joel Osteen ( the USA’s greatest Pentecostal orator) usually starts with something “funnyto get his flock into a more relaxed mood before launching into the main thesis of his sermon. How I wish that I could do like him, even without a thesis and without a sermon to deliver. The only funny thing that I’ve heard all day is when I went for walk with my Better Half this afternoon and she told me the real meaning of weed / weeds ( not cannabis) that they are powerful to the extent that they crowd out other plants, flowers and take over vast areas...

I have been following the serpentine progress of this thread from my quiet corner over here in Stockholm and praying with the chorus, “O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend. The brightest heaven of invention !” Big grammar himself would like to elevate the on-going discussion to an “evolution” before the ascension – the ongoing evolution of the Nigerian higher intelligence/s and other specifically human species characteristics which we are all witnessing as being manifested in this thread. Considering the darkness in which some of us are otherwise living in, if the logic being adopted/advanced by some of the various professors and the premises on which they build continue in a positive direction they might even lead to some kind of denouement and at the end of the day, I might even get enlightened. Like the Buddha. Some light-awakening, after which, never back to sleep. Baba Ram Dass did say or propose that if your therapist is a Buddha then at the end of your therapy you should be enlightened. I’m sure that before he himself gets old, arthritic, demented or decrepit and before I myself metamorphose into vermin or a mere skeleton the one who started this thread will agree with me that in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit some of our politicians are probably in need of all three - the Buddha, the therapy, and the enlightenment.

Youth unemployment, massive, apart from the fact that their heads must be reeling, how is the ordinary man and the ordinary woman in the street feeling about all this ? Latest from BBC, more than a hundred school children kidnapped somewhere in Niger, less than an hour’s drive away from Abuja and all Big Grammar can say is that like a real or “demented” idiot Brother Buhari should do something “symbolic” such as appoint the most qualified Igbo-man as head of the Nigerian Military and then the multi-ethnic nation would begin to heal and security would be a fait accompli. Big Grammar could be right and not all that demented after all, Major General Benjamin Ahanotu from Anambra could make a difference , at least we would have to try him and the rest of the no nonsense Nigerian Military, to see.

From what can be gathered from this thread so far, especially from Lord Agbetuyi’s last epistle, (and some other background info) it’s obvious that after the 1966 Nigerian coup d’état a coup d’état can’t succeed in Nigeria without the express approval and blessings of some of the core Northern oligarchy (nobility, elite money, silent or overt support from their clergy, the religious hierarchy...

So, as far away from enlightenment as possible (my own peculiar logic) I’d like to start with this last thing first: Re- Professor Iheduru to Professor Harrow - In other places you mentioned like Egypt religion played an over- arching dominant role. The Egyptian top brass in nullifying the representatives of the Muslim brotherhood’s election was playing to the gallery of the West, particularly America whom they knew would support the overthrow of a fundamental Islamist regime.” 

I’d just like to add this reasonable conjecture: In doing his best to avoid direct, face to face parley with representatives of the then Israel Government, the Muslim Brotherhood’s President Mahmud Morsi's greatest mistake was in appointing el-Sisi as his representative (ambassador) to the Israelis, to discuss / negotiate Egypt- Israel relations (co-operation?) about what was then transpiring at the Sinai Peninsular. I’m sure that after the Israelis had done with cuddling El-Sisi , he must have been cooing, like a baby boy. The rest, as they say, is history. I conveyed this insight to Hamdi Hassan who pooh-poohed it and can only come up with the question, “ When were you last in Egypt?” Well even to get a correct answer to that question, there are several ways of knowing.

Isn’t the general consensus that the short lived Murtala Muhammaed regime is the cleanest that there has ever been?

It’s also common knowledge that the Nigerian Military has some of the most academically qualified personnel ( doctors, engineers etc.) in the world. But when it comes to appointing a Military Chief - even in the meritocracy that’s supposed to be the order of the day in the military, surely that’s a very politically sensitive position, even in the United States? With such qualified military manpower, I wonder why there are not more men and women with a military background holding other key positions. Cornelius Ignoramus is thinking of e.g. Gabi Ashkenazi who was the head of Israel’s Military and is now Israel’s Foreign Minister

With regard to the monetary and the military in Nigeria, and if Nigeria’s top military brass have large financial holdings like their counterparts in Egypt, in that interview with Stella, Emeka Ojukwu was definitive - that the military takes over for one reason and one reason only “for profit

The Federal Minister of Transportation for example is a very lucrative position - when Umaru Dikko held that portfolio wasn’t he responsible for purchasing aeroplanes, tanks, boots, military vehicles?

Which reminds me, I have named my ten Nigerian men – Moses Ochonu eleven and would like to add someone who I wish was here: insightful, incisive: Shehu Dikko, number twelve and twelve is the symbolic number for ORGANISATION...


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Jun 1, 2021, 6:39:20 AM6/1/21

If your argument of more southern deaths in the plane crash is right then there is nothing wrong with Buhari appointing a southerner this time around ( and not necessarily a south easterner) to fulfil the constitutional mandate of national spread and opportunites in such sensitive positions. The casualties of the plane crash meant soldiers across the country are equally making the necessary ultimate sacrifice to save their country.   Is the President saying only northerners can be trusted in such positions?  After all the electorate voted him into office from the geographical divides.

This has to go beyond people disliking the diseased COAS for his tough anti- secessionist stance. Whoever is appointed has it as their duty to be anti- secessionist wherever they come from and can be fired for dereliction of such duty if found wanting.

  The columnist wrote correctly of the symbolic effect of such hire, but I go beyond that  Mr President failed again in upholding the constitutional demand of geographical spread ( as he did in the successive appointments to the position of MD of NNPC.

President Buhari's attitude speaks loud of the implication that he sees such positions as jobs for the ' home boys.'  He could rise above such narrow perspectives and aspire to be seen as a statesman in his remaining position as a lameduck president i.e on his way out of office.  He should now set his sights firmly on the judgement of posterity.

I maintain there has to be specific constitutional sanctions against presidents resorting to such prebendal politics in the future.  The Constitution is so vague people like President Buhari can commit blue murder on such count and be seen as broken no law.  The Constitution is too vague in giving teeth to its cohesive provisions and law makers should rise to their duties as statesmen and women to legislate effective amendments after the Buhari administration since this lot are not interested.  This is another indication that this lot are not true progressives

That again underlines the need for a new party of governance in waiting for the 2023 elections.  A democracy is always  a work in progress, especially if true progressives are in charge.


Sent from my Galaxy

-------- Original message --------
Date: 31/05/2021 19:10 (GMT+00:00)
To: USAAfrica Dialogue <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - COAS Appointment as MissedOpportunity for Unity

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With due respects, the gloomy atmosphere of the tragic death of the COAS cannot be an avenue to create unity, whatever, the perspective. I'm not sure that it is wise reasoning to gloss over the death of the COAS  to appoint someone else in pursuit of unity. The said group comprised mostly those who rejoiced at the death of the COAS because of his tough stand against secessionist agitations. Incidentally, more southerners died in that plane crash than the mockery of the misguided mockers represented

On Sat, May 29, 2021, 10:35 AM Farooq A. Kperogi < wrote:
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Cornelius Hamelberg

Jun 1, 2021, 4:32:41 PM6/1/21

Lord Agbetuyi,

Some more little tittle-tattle from yours truly.

I’m not trying to be pedantic, but the whole tone of your submissions in this thread is such that it’s difficult to determine whether or not it was a Freudian slip of your pen or a typical typographical error of Your Lordship when you refer to the late head of the Nigerian Military as the diseased and not the deceased. The former choice of words would be atypical of you as would be “vermin” as another specimen of the beloved Almighty’s creation. Heaven forbid that you would be so mean-spirited; but then again there’s posterity ever on the horizon, not to mention those who don’t know you, another reason why we have to be careful with the words we use and the unintended mischief of our typographical errors.

Rule of thumb number two: “You shall neither take revenge from nor bear a grudge against the members of your people; you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord.” (Vayikra /Leviticus 19: 18) Number three: Speak no devil of the dearly departed. Four: Save the nation from further degeneration.

I had mixed feelings when it was reported that Boko Haram's director of operations Abubakar Shekau had just kicked the bucket/ bitten the dust. But I did not feel “Good Riddance” or “who is going to take his place?” And it was only a day or two later – after that piece of fake news about Shekau’s demise that I imagine that I was as distraught as Dr. Sikuru Eniola, possibly even more so when I first heard the breaking news of Lieutenant General Ibrahim Attahirus tragic death. I’m still puzzled why his death was not widely lamented in the Naija media or in this forum. My first thought was that it must have been a planned assassination – like the plane crash of Pakistan’s Zia ul Haq, in his case with some of his top generals and the United States Ambassador on board – all sacrificed to get one man. In case you’re wondering how could a Saro man be distraught about the tragic death of Nigeria’s military head – well, all the world’s a stage etc. and that's how humans apply universal meaning to what’s known as tragedy. BTW, I cried profusely when we first got news that Maxwell Khobe had died of his gunshot wounds - bullets lodged in his stomach. Wailed like a banshee when Anna Lindh was butchered.

Of course, Dr. Eniola can further speak for himself, and so can Presidential Brother Buhari who has not committed any crime or violated any constitution, when, all things considered, including military intelligence that ordinary mortals like his Lordship may not be privy to, Brother Buhari appointed Major-General Faruk Yahaya as his next trusted Chief of Staff. Mighty Congratulations to him. It’s a very challenging job, Brother Buhari’s song should not be “ No one to depend on “: just see what been happening in Mali, recently

Re - all the hoopla about symbolically appeasing what some people believe to be the under-representation of this or that that tribe in some key positions - if only we could be less tribe- conscious and more for the good of the nation-conscious, more grateful that the man deemed to be best man for the job is appointed – even though as you know the President can’t please everybody, no matter who he appoints or disappoints. Trump didn’t with his many hirings and firings, nor can the Swedish Academy in announcing Noble Laureate for Literature, every year. I suppose that there too, in the name of tribalism you and your cronies in this thread would like to introduce a quota system whereby the Prize having been awarded to a Yoruba-man in the person of Brother Soyinka, for balance in the ethnic stew it’s high time that it should be awarded to e.g. Chinua Achebe, the so called “father of African Literature”, albeit posthumously. Failing which I suppose some people would like to accuse the Swedish Academy of tribalism and racism, or something worse ( genocide

Reminds me of when F. W. de Klerk was asked about how he felt being the last whitey to be president of South Africa and he answered that since the colour of his skin was no longer an issue, how could the questioner be sure that he was the last white man to ever become President of South Africa? Long way to go: Ditto of course, when tribe ceases to be an issue in Nigeria, then anyone can become President of the Country or head of the military, but not before.

It’s worth noticing that occasionally a Black man has been appointed head of the awesome US Military which has many “Black”soldiers (without fear that with payback time in mind that Black Military Commander might join al-Qaeda in bombing the Pentagon or the monument to the Pilgrim Fathers or the slave owner, particularly now that the Tulsa Race Massacre happened only a hundred years ago is fresh in the mind. Or that Black Military Commander (Powell, Austin) could want to secede and raise their own Biafra flag over Rufus or Georgia , with Atlanta as their New Jerusalem, their eternal Capital.

I cannot remember the figures that Baba Kadiri gave for the ratios of Nigerian ethnicities represented in Nigeria’s national army (Tiv, Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa) – but what’s clear with the current devil situation in the country is that the Southern Governors want to be in charge of their own security and also in charge of their Southern pastures, grazing rights etc. a nice balance between State and Federal authority (and, hopefully, bigger budgetary allocations to finance the security services and militias/ peoples’ defence committees such as Amotekun. For the time being no the time being no armed insurrection, mini civil war or confrontation anticipated between the Federal and the state about ramming ranches and Fulani beef down their unwilling throats

More seriously, less of a side issue: Nietzsche : Of Love of One's Neighbour

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Harrow, Kenneth

Jun 1, 2021, 4:33:16 PM6/1/21
tons of information; none suggesting they have their hands in the honey pot. is that true? all those billions of oil dollars, going where?

kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839

From: <> on behalf of OLAYINKA AGBETUYI <>
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2021 5:00 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - COAS Appointment as MissedOpportunity for Unity


Jun 2, 2021, 12:58:29 PM6/2/21


But Baba Kadiri has drawn our attention to series of reports and stalled EFCC court cases dating back more than twelve years informing us that the Nigerian military licentiously dipped their hands in the cookie jar.e. g.  Air Marshall Alex Barde the late Chief of Defence Staff who was transporting his loot in hard cash, was waylaid by armed robbers and promptly despatched to the beyond ( a case of there being no honour even among robbers.)

What we are saying is that Nigerians forbade the military class and the military institution from being the defacto owners of Nigerian industries, except they did so clandestinely through unlawful surrogacy  and it is such surrogacies that the EFCC( the anti- corruption body) is still trying to unravel with limited success because of the role of members of the judiciary in subverting the rule of law they were supposed to uphold, through frivolous bastardisation of provisions of the law.

How the Egyptian constitution operated to allow the military and its top echelon overtly own 60% of Egyptian wealth beats me hollow.  As Farouk suggested, it means there is not much enlightened and developed Civil Society in Egypt that attempted to challenge this anomaly and separate the Egyptian corporate person from a fraction of that corporate person called the military and then re-nationalise the recovered loot on behalf of the corporate whole: the Egyptian society.

Nigeria would have gone the same way, if the Nigerian Civil Society and the Nigerian Press did not collaborate to topple Babangida from power.  Abacha his successor tried to finish his predecessor's game by removing the demarcation lines between the Nigerian Central Bank and his bedroom vault through naked brutalisation of the citizenry but Nigerians made sure he did not live long enough to tell a gleeful tale of his success.

I can only say the Egyptian society appeared so tame because of the fatalistic belief of moderate Islam in Egypt i.e that ' whatever will be will be.'

You can see the venom Buhari receives from this forum alone  ( which at one moment made you declare communication venom was ' scary, ' let alone the social media warriors, how the sophisticated Nigerian society would not simply roll over for the military the way the Egyptian society did for their own military.  That was why the only means the Nigerian military could dip in the honey pot was through surrogacy.


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-------- Original message --------
From: "Harrow, Kenneth" <>
Date: 01/06/2021 21:43 (GMT+00:00)
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - COAS Appointment asMissedOpportunity for Unity

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tons of information; none suggesting they have their hands in the honey pot. is that true? all those billions of oil dollars, going where?

kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839

Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - COAS Appointment as MissedOpportunity for Unity

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Harrow, Kenneth

Jun 2, 2021, 5:05:22 PM6/2/21
thanks oaa. i missed this.
the situation in egypt is pretty clear. i strongly recommend jihan el tahir's trilogy, the modern egyptian pharoahs, which has three parts; nasser, sadat, mubarak. if you want the full story of how the military got to where they are, you can see it in her films. it starts with the ouster of the king, farouk, by the military, with nasser one of the leaders. it then works out that the new president, general naguib, won the support of the revolutionaries. he was for democracy; nasser for revolution, and after 2 years nasser easily ousted naguib and took power. there were students, democrats, the muslim brotherhood, and the army. over nasser's years in power the military assumed total control. i suppose gradually the military leaders got their rewords. that continued under sadat and mubarak, both of whom were military leaders. the brotherhood was generally too weak to compete seriously, and periodically thousands of their leaders and supporters were jailed.
that changed with the arab spring, resulting in the election that gave the presidency to morsi, a moderate muslim brotherhood leader. he was overthrown by...guess who...the military, with al-sisi in power.
the military owns too much land and business to let go of power. this is true elsewhere. it is the strongest incentive for them to retain power and oppose democracy. i am glad nigeria managed to avoid falling into the trap of egypt. it was not fatalism at all; it was politics, and eventually the politics of the iron fist that won.

kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839

Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 12:57 PM

Salimonu Kadiri

Jun 2, 2021, 5:06:54 PM6/2/21
​Conventionally, Buhari has not committed any wrong in bypassing about twenty-five Generals to appoint Major-General Farouk Yahaya as Nigeria's new Chief of Army Staff (COAS). Since all the bypassed Army Generals would, prematurely, be retired for the sake of Command respect, one can safely state that the appointment of Farouk Yahaya as COAS over his seniors is a waste of talents and resources unless the appointing can prove that his appointee, Farouk Yahaya, will make a better COAS than the superseded officers. Two main words that are never considered while making appointments into offices in Nigeria, whether in the military or in the civil service, are competence/merit and justice. This did not start with Buhari who is only following praxis in the Army. Let's look at some past examples.

Lieutenant Colonel Wellington Umoh Bassey, was enlisted in the British Nigerian Army (BNA) in 1944 as a Non-Commission Officer (NCO). He was Commissioned as an officer in 1946 and rose to the rank of a Major in 1957. On the other hand, Major-General J. T. U. Aguiyi Ironsi was enlisted as an NCO in the BNA in 1947 simultaneously with Brigadier S. A. Ademulegun who were both commissioned as officers in 1949. While Ironsi was promoted to the rank of a Major in April 1959, Ademulegun was promoted to the rank of a Major in June 1959. In April 1963, both Bassey, Ironsi and Ademulegun were promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Within the same year, 1963, Ironsi and Ademulegun were given accelerated promotions to the ranks of Colonel and Brigadier, with Ironsi being promoted to Major General in 1965, while Bassey was stagnant at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. It is noteworthy that Bassey was an Ibibio from the then Eastern Region and remarkably he was superseded in promotion by Brigadiers Maimalari and Ogundipe (Commissioned in 1953), Colonels Shodeinde (Commissioned in 1950), Adebayo (Commissioned in 1953) and Kuru Muhammed ( Commissioned in 1954), all of them from the main ethnic group.

After the military coup of January 15, 1966, if seniority in the Army had been followed, Lieutenant Colonel Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, would not have been appointed the Military Governor of Eastern Region since five Lieutenant Colonels by date of promotions were senior to him. For instance, Lieutenant Colonel Bassey was already a Major in 1957 when Ojukwu was Commissioned in 1957 to become a Captain in 1961. Lieutenant Colonel U. O. Imo (Igbo) was Commissioned as an officer in 1955 and was promoted to a Captain in 1957 when Ojukwu was Commissioned.  George Kurubo, an Jaw, was Commissioned in 1955, two years before Ojukwu (1957) and Lieutenant Colonels Philip Effiong (Ibibio) and Henry Njoku (Igbo) were commissioned officers in 1956, a year before Ojukwu was Commissioned. Thus, in appointing Ojukwu as the Military Governor of Eastern Region, Ironsi shoved aside three non-Igbo Easterners and two Igbos to pave way for Ojukwu.

Ironically, after the coup of July 29, 1966, Ojukwu demanded that hierarchy in Army ranks should be respected and he demanded that either Brigadier Ogundipe or Colonel Adebayo should succeed Ironsi presumed dead in the military putsch. However, Ojukwu did not relinquish the Military Governor's post in the East to any of his senior Lieutenant Colonels, Ibibio or Igbo, from the East for the sake of uniting the minority Ijaw, Efik, and Ibibio people with the Igbo majority in the region. The typical style of, do as I say and not as I do was in display.
S. Kadiri       

From: <> on behalf of OLAYINKA AGBETUYI <>
Sent: 31 May 2021 23:00
To: <>
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - COAS Appointment as MissedOpportunity for Unity

Cornelius Hamelberg

Jun 2, 2021, 6:27:34 PM6/2/21

Indeed Ken,

I don’t know, but I’ve been told

The Streets of Heaven

Are lined with gold...”

Indeed, “tons of information”. How I wish all the dossiers could also meet the public squarely in the eye. As the saying goes “one does not hide a lamp under a bushel´ basket”like Okey, one exposes or reveals it for all to see ! With Boko Haram as a thorn in the flesh , a thorn in the soft underbelly of the Buhari regime, this is surely the juiciest piece of information which if true should be brought to Mr. President’s attention. We can skip the rest and just focus on this wee bit of Okey Iheduru faithfully waxing poetic about one of his Igbo tribesmen when he says – and this is serious:

He could wipe out Boko Haram in a month, if given the free hand to do so. Nothing like "bandits" when he was in Sokoto. Who born them? 

Are we to believe that if he (Iheduru) had made this recommendation to Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan, then Boko Haram would have ceased to exist, would have been vaporised or turned to dust, referred to as history, a thing of the past, past terror ? But maybe, they would have resurrected under another name? Boko Haram II – as in “he who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day”?

In his day Goodluck Jonathan said that Boko Haram members and sympathisers were to be found in both the Police and in the Military….

Wiping out“Boko Haram does sound a little genocidal - in the same class as “exterminate all the brutes” – not that the Nigerian Military necessarily minds being dragged to the ICC for War Crimes. It was bad enough what they did to Shia Sheikh Zakaria and his Islamic Movement, with impunity…

There are subtle nuances in the vocabulary: for instance, Naftali Bennett wants to “decimate” Hamas

The academics in this thread still have to wait and see, since President Buhari’s nomination for the post has to be confirmed by the Senate which, after all may not lay so much emphasis on seniority as the greatest merit. I have it on good authority that Ojukwu was not the most senior military figure when he was appointed Military Governor of the Eastern Region, nor was Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi when he became military head of state...

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Jun 3, 2021, 5:02:15 AM6/3/21

Indeed. Nigeria has a tradition of bypassing seniority and making the appointment of service chiefs a predominantly political affair as you and Farooq have demonstrated.

But we still insist that can be done within the purview of constitutionality by reflecting geographical spread in such appointments.

President Buhari failed glaringly in this respect when it comes to his appointments into the office of the COAS.


Sent from my Galaxy

-------- Original message --------
From: Salimonu Kadiri <>
Date: 02/06/2021 22:13 (GMT+00:00)
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - COAS Appointment asMissedOpportunity for Unity

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​Conventionally, Buhari has not committed any wrong in bypassing about twenty-five Generals to appoint Major-General Farouk Yahaya as Nigeria's new Chief of Army Staff (COAS). Since all the bypassed Army Generals would, prematurely, be retired for the sake of Command respect, one can safely state that the appointment of Farouk Yahaya as COAS over his seniors is a waste of talents and resources unless the appointing can prove that his appointee, Farouk Yahaya, will make a better COAS than the superseded officers. Two main words that are never considered while making appointments into offices in Nigeria, whether in the military or in the civil service, are competence/merit and justice. This did not start with Buhari who is only following praxis in the Army. Let's look at some past examples.

Lieutenant Colonel Wellington Umoh Bassey, was enlisted in the British Nigerian Army (BNA) in 1944 as a Non-Commission Officer (NCO). He was Commissioned as an officer in 1946 and rose to the rank of a Major in 1957. On the other hand, Major-General J. T. U. Aguiyi Ironsi was enlisted as an NCO in the BNA in 1947 simultaneously with Brigadier S. A. Ademulegun who were both commissioned as officers in 1949. While Ironsi was promoted to the rank of a Major in April 1959, Ademulegun was promoted to the rank of a Major in June 1959. In April 1963, both Bassey, Ironsi and Ademulegun were promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Within the same year, 1963, Ironsi and Ademulegun were given accelerated promotions to the ranks of Colonel and Brigadier, with Ironsi being promoted to Major General in 1965, while Bassey was stagnant at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. It is noteworthy that Bassey was an Ibibio from the then Eastern Region and remarkably he was superseded in promotion by Brigadiers Maimalari and Ogundipe (Commissioned in 1953), Colonels Shodeinde (Commissioned in 1950), Adebayo (Commissioned in 1953) and Kuru Muhammed ( Commissioned in 1954), all of them from the main ethnic group.

After the military coup of January 15, 1966, if seniority in the Army had been followed, Lieutenant Colonel Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, would not have been appointed the Military Governor of Eastern Region since five Lieutenant Colonels by date of promotions were senior to him. For instance, Lieutenant Colonel Bassey was already a Major in 1957 when Ojukwu was Commissioned in 1957 to become a Captain in 1961. Lieutenant Colonel U. O. Imo (Igbo) was Commissioned as an officer in 1955 and was promoted to a Captain in 1957 when Ojukwu was Commissioned.  George Kurubo, an Jaw, was Commissioned in 1955, two years before Ojukwu (1957) and Lieutenant Colonels Philip Effiong (Ibibio) and Henry Njoku (Igbo) were commissioned officers in 1956, a year before Ojukwu was Commissioned. Thus, in appointing Ojukwu as the Military Governor of Eastern Region, Ironsi shoved aside three non-Igbo Easterners and two Igbos to pave way for Ojukwu.

Ironically, after the coup of July 29, 1966, Ojukwu demanded that hierarchy in Army ranks should be respected and he demanded that either Brigadier Ogundipe or Colonel Adebayo should succeed Ironsi presumed dead in the military putsch. However, Ojukwu did not relinquish the Military Governor's post in the East to any of his senior Lieutenant Colonels, Ibibio or Igbo, from the East for the sake of uniting the minority Ijaw, Efik, and Ibibio people with the Igbo majority in the region. The typical style of, do as I say and not as I do was in display.
S. Kadiri       
From: <> on behalf of OLAYINKA AGBETUYI <>
Sent: 31 May 2021 23:00
To: <>
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - COAS Appointment as MissedOpportunity for Unity

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Cornelius Hamelberg

Jun 3, 2021, 8:54:36 AM6/3/21

The anti-Buharists are still on the rampage and at this late hour surprisingly it’s about President Buhari’s nomination of the next chief of staff that will lead the war on terror and help restore security against wanton banditry, ransom kidnappings and the general anarchy that is spreading throughout the Federation with the aim of making the country “ungovernable”. I daresay, if Brother Buhari - himself a very experienced former Major- General and military head of state had appointed the best possible candidate from the planet Mars there would have been little or no tittle-tattle from the Naija earthlings, but a fellow Nigerian of their own kind elicits some more toothless “ academic” tittle tattle from the darkness brigade who do not question the competence of the President’s nominee (his choice is impeccable, his competence is beyond dispute) what they want to see is preferably one of their own ethnic kith and kin installed. The President’s choice they say is Nigerian alright but not of the ethnicity that they would like to see. Of course, given the regional fissures and other fault lines in the body politic,nothing could be worse than an unpopular chief of staff under whom rebellion and insubordination would be a likely outcome – as history has shown us, all over the world.

During the Sierra leone Civil War ECOMOG  was under a Nigerian Commander, without any problems, but the Tribe/ ethnnic fixated Nigeria wants to see some untenable "proportionality" in their visions of ethnic based appointment - I suppose they want to see the same  in Nigeria's National Football Team,.How absurd can we be? That was just the army. What about doctors, medicine - you don't want to be operated by a qualified Fulani Doctor ?  Don't want to chop FUlani beef ? Marry Fulah Musu? 

If things get worse as is likely, almost inevitable according to all indications here, the next stage could be that the army declares a state of emergency and martial law.

What is going to happen after that is anybody’s guess

Did you know the word incorrectly is spelled incorrectly in every English Dictionary?


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