Talking about “intellectual giants”, what would Edward Said have said about the situation in Lebanon today…?

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Sep 29, 2024, 1:56:45 PM (3 days ago) Sep 29
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the Angels’

Orders? and even if one of them pressed me

suddenly to his heart: I’d be consumed

in his more potent being. For beauty is nothing

but the beginning of terror, which we can still barely endure,

and while we stand in wonder it coolly disdains

to destroy us. Every Angel is terrifying.

And so I grip myself and choke down that call note

of dark sobbing. Ah, whom can we turn to

in our need? Not Angels, not humans,

and the sly animals see at once

how little at home we are

in the interpreted world. That leaves us

some tree on a slope, to which our eyes returned

day after day; leaves us yesterday’s street

and the coddled loyalty of an old habit

that liked it here, lingered, and never left.

O and the night, the night, when the wind full of worldspace

gnaws at our faces—, for whom won’t the night be there,

desired, softly disappointing, setting hard tasks

for the single heart. It is easier on lovers?

Ah, they only use each other to mask their fates.

You still don’t see? Fling the emptiness in your arms

out into the spaces we breathe; perhaps the birds

will feel the increase of air with more passionate flight.” 

(The first paragraph  - let’s call it that -  of Rainer Maria Rilke’s Duino Elegies

Pre and post-Holocaust Poetry endure while killer bombs continue to be dropped on the dwelling places of defenceless innocent men, women and children in Lebanon and several generations later, the current inhabitants of what was once the Northern Kingdom

Talking about “intellectual giants”, what would Edward Said have said about the situation in Lebanon today, that he has not said in the past, in relation to the latest developments in the Israel - Palestine Conflict / the Israel and the Arabs conundrum, since he (Said) passed away in September 2003?

When I attended his lecture in Stockholm, it must have been a year earlier  - little did we know that he was suffering from cancer - and on that occasion before he appeared on stage the atmosphere was already electrically charged with expectation as if “Surely some revelation is at hand” of the type the children of Israel & the mixed multitude received from the Lord of Hosts the event known as Torah Mi-Sinai, at the foot of Mt. Sinai. 

Everybody was there, certainly all the pro-Palestinian and the pro-Israel people - perhaps not exactly like stone age barbarians and savages, potential suicide bombers and wannabe murderous Israeli settlers about to make aliyah, now not at each others throats, but looking dignified, nicely scrubbed and dressed, not wearing battle fatigues and not armed with hand grenades and genocidal machine guns, sitting in civilised peace and tranquillity, side by side waiting for some precious words like anointing oil to pour from the lips of, as it were, the God-sent Edward Said in person…

I remember who was sitting next to me & Better Half, it was Schalom Haddad  an Oriental / Sephardic Jew from Libya, who after many trials and tribulations eventually migrated  - made it to the safe haven of Sweden, one of the many in the great exodus of Jews from North Africa  after the 1948 Arab –Israeli War … so much to be said about that era of expulsions and mass deportations and in its wake, also an imported Antisemitism which as you all understand, not without cause, must be now flourishing, full blast enjoying a rebirth  and seething like never before : Antisemitism in the Arab world.

Did I say “an imported antisemitism” ? 

Yes. Schalom told me that at one of the social studies classes at the University of Stockholm, an Arab (I can’t remember if he said that the Arab in question was Palestinian) and this was after the Munich Massacre, well, he said that this is what the Arab in question gave as a good example of the mathematical term “subtraction” in front of the whole class which I assume was another mixed multitude composed of mostly ethnic Swedes:

”You line up ten Israelis in Jerusalem; you shoot nine of them, how many remain?” 

Schalom said that at that point he had to raise his voice in that class, with one word: Objection - that the example was gross, anti-Semitic, and out of order

Which reminds me , yesterday I met Professor Bernard Porter at an annual family get together (the cousins) and I told him that  although both of us are non-native speakers of the Swedish Language, I was more of an outsider than he was because, as he had told us some years ago,  he probably had a drop or two of Viking blood coursing through his veins since some horny Dane must have raped one of his ancestral grandmothers - and that back in those days they used to refer to all the Vikings and Scandinavians as “Danes “; he further told me about the special affection that the Brits have for the Danes to this day, going back to before Shakespeare wrote Hamlet Prince of Denmark - sometime after  some of Shakespeare's players visited Pelisor castle in Denmark and that’s why the play has so much local colour / verisimilitude - such as this line from Hamlet which has earned Shakespeare so much endearment from the Danes : (Send him off to England where everybody is crazy -  if you’ve got enough mental elasticity,  you could be kind enough to give yourself some poetic latitude when interpreting The Bard of Avon ) -the exact wording , “ If that doesn't work, they'll ship him off to England, where his crazy act can do no harm.”

Well, at the start of the Edward Said lecture, there sat Schalom, perhaps patiently waiting for question time to shoot his hand up with a question either arising from what Said had just said at the lecture or perhaps like some of the veterans who, when it comes to asking questions at public lectures about matters of great concern to them and to their hearts, usually start with a mini-lecture of their own, concealed in a prearranged question  - a mini lecture which after 45 seconds usually succeeds in getting everybody in the audience a little impatient, thereby causing the MC to say,  “Could you please get to the point!  What's your question?”

The ultimate question, of course an existential question, has already been asked by Bob , the kind of question that the Christian Palestinians in Bethlehem could be asking, with Benjamin Netanyahu in mind: 

Is there a place for the hopeless sinner who has hurt all mankind just to save his own beliefs?”

The other question here and now is: How much closer are we to a final solution to this problem (no wicked pun intended ) since his 1993 Reith Lectures and after that, the numerous Edward Said Memorial Lectures ?

Some more hypocritical posturing about a “ two state solution” on which /what territories  - after Armageddon, the arrival of Jesus on the roof of the mosque in Damascus , and the advent of Sahib al Zaman, The Twelfth Imam, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan -alaihi salaam ?

About what's now being observed as Hezbollah martyrology - being so far away from the theatre of action, Islamically thinking, the Mumin wonders how would the Prophet of Islam  - sallallahu alaihi wa salaam have handled the Israel-Palestine situation that’s been bedevilling the ummah since The Nakba

How would those following Rasulullah’s (s.a.w.) directives to the best of their understanding  - those with tawakkul - have been dealing with the caravan being led by Benjamin Netanyahu & his crew ?


The Mumin probably only has this much to say, with these quotes from Imam Ali b. Abi Talib - alaihi salaam “the Lion of Allah”  -  according to Nahjul Balagha 

“Beware! I called you (insistently) to fight these people night and day, secretly and openly and exhorted you to attack them before they attacked you, because by Allah, no people have been attacked in the hearts of their houses but they suffered disgrace…”(  Sermon 27) … 

in the same vein, Sermon 34 

these, and the rest of what Imam Ali -alihi salaam says in Nahjul Balagha on War 

Of relevance too , what Imam Ali -alaihi salaam says in Nahjul Balagha : On Making Peace

These quotes are of relevance to some of the facts of the case : that Hezbollah was reputed to have stockpiles of some 200,000 rockets and ballistic guided missiles in their deadly arsenal  - you would think, enough to serve as a deterrent that would cause an adventurous Chief Netanyahu & Crew comprising Yoav Gallant and the voluble and for the moment triumphalist spokesman Daniel Hagari to put on their brakes  - so that Nathan Sachar wouldn’t have to ask these kinds of rhetorical questions

The big question in Israel right now is why Hezbollah's reaction to Hassan Nasrallah's death is so limited. According to all wargame scenarios, immediately after the attack in Beirut, Israel's power plants, airfields and fuel depots would have been subjected to barrages of homing ballistic robots. Israel's anti-robot system can handle tens of incoming robots in each sector. To damage its vital assets, Hezbollah would have to overwhelm air defenses with hundreds of simultaneous strikes—something Nasrallah used to describe with great drama in his speeches. Why is none of this happening?”

The answer which Nathan Sachar and everyone else knows is that Hezbollah has been unable to reply due to the fact that Lebanon lacks anything near a credible air force defence capability, and that’s why the IDF was able to bomb - to their heart's content  and without any real opposition in the air or on the ground, all ammunition depots and rocket launching sites that they could discern- after disrupting their pager communications…

If - instead of  saying that they would continue firing an occasional rocket / firecracker into Israel  - until the Israelis stopped their war on the defenceless Hamas warriors  who have long been totally defeated and destroyed  - if  Hezbollah had chosen the path of a full, all out attack - God forbid - with everything that they had - it would have been very different , but they didn’t and they haven’t …

End of story. 

Oluwatoyin Adepoju

Sep 29, 2024, 4:05:41 PM (3 days ago) Sep 29

Has Hamas been totally defeated and destroyed?

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Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Sep 29, 2024, 4:05:42 PM (3 days ago) Sep 29
I have strong suspicion that the secret services of U.S and its allies may have planted "assets" inside Hamas and Hezbollah to provoke Israel into military campaigns to downgrade the capacities of both group, which is happening now.

-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO)
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Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Editorial Adviser at News Updates(

He is a recipient of International Award/Recognition For Excellence In Data And Information Management, with 253 mentions on Academia( at July 22nd, 2024.

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Sep 29, 2024, 10:03:42 PM (3 days ago) Sep 29
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

C’mon ! 

Within that little enclave, that little totally besieged slither of land known as the Gaza Strip, Hamas has been totally degraded militarily, logistically, financially, its leadership and fighting force decimated, much of its infrastructure destroyed and thousands of those suspected of being able-bodied members of its sleeper cells in the West Bank have been detained or are currently being questioned and tortured in Israeli prisons. But Hamas has a lot of sympathisers worldwide .

Netanyahu was making the genocidal point in his maniacal and triumphalist UN address, that it has to be a fight to the finish, and according to his unholy, bloodthirsty vision there should not be anyone left standing to identify as being a member of the Hamas Liberation Mission  or espousing any of the cardinal points in The Hamas Charterbringing us to the reality that it’s not so easy to kill an idea or an ideology; so Marx may be resting in peace and awaiting the resurrection at Highgate Cemetery, but even in this late century Marxism lives on; Hitler & his Gestapo are also gone but Aryan White Supremacy and Nazism in its various disguises is still rearing its ugly head. 

Not that Hamas has any connection with Nazism whatsoever, although there are those who like making bones about the one that they love referring to as ”Hitler’s Mufti”.

In June 1991 after three months in Egypt I was on my way to Gaza , through the Rafah Crossing from Cairo and on rehearsing what I was going to say to the Israeli guards when they asked me what my mission was  ( I had said half jokingly that I was a going to tell them " My main mission is the total liberation of my long suffering Palestinian brothers and sisters" and that’s why the Californian Jew who I suspected of being a CIA con man  - he had been teaching Bedouin Arabs in the Negev, some American English ) he stole my diary the night before I was going to depart for Gaza….

 You could say ditto about Hezbollah who has just got a new even more radical leader : Hashim Safi al-Din

This article in today's DN ( it out : 

Emma Bouvin: You can kill a person but not an idea

Updated yesterday 16:27 Published yesterday 12:09

File photo of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah

File photo of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah Photo: Anwar Amro/AFP

Hassan Nasrallah is confirmed dead. The Hezbollah leader, who in recent decades has shaped the Shiite militia group, will leave behind a gaping hole in what he himself called the "axis of resistance."

But his death will not stop any war.

This is a commenting text. The writer is responsible for analysis and positions in the text.



The death of Hassan Nasrallah will shake the entire Middle East in ways that can hardly be described in words.

Nasrallah was the terrorist leader who took over Hezbollah 32 years ago, when his predecessor Abbas al-Musawi was killed by Israel. He shaped the group into not only a powerful armed organization, but also a political force represented in the Lebanese parliament.

Among his like-minded people, Hassan Nasrallah has often been praised for standing up to Israel's occupation and defying the United States. A common statement from him was that Israel does not exist, but is only a puppet state for the United States.

Among his enemies, he was seen as the terrorist leader with countless civilian lives on his conscience, who acted as a proxy for Iran and wanted to develop the entire Middle East in the same direction as the Shia Muslim theocracy.

Hezbollah means "Party of God" and for its followers, Nasrallah was equated with God himself.

When he is killed, in a targeted Israeli attack, they will demand revenge with greater force than ever before. His followers are not few and in the past week, when Israel has attacked targets in Lebanon, they have probably grown even more.

There will be an outcry.

Around Lebanon and the Middle East, the news is sinking in. People have a hard time believing what they hear. Nasrallah? Death?

- It is completely incomprehensible. I can't take it in, says a Lebanese friend.

Nasrallah lived in hiding for years. He gave his speeches to followers via link, often broadcast live. But most recently, when he spoke after the pager attack in Lebanon, his speech is suspected to have been pre-recorded. A sign that he understood that Israel was after him.

Theories about how it could have happened have already begun to spread.

- He must have been sold out by Iran, says the same Lebanese friend.

Nasrallah and his Hezbollah have been Iran's most important asset. Iran has provided the militia with money and weapons, in return for Hezbollah attacking Iran's arch-enemy Israel. It seems strange that Iran would want to get rid of the charismatic terrorist leader, who has time and again succeeded in inciting his followers against the Jewish state and in defense of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei.

- They will surely get something for it. A new nuclear agreement or lifted sanctions. You will see, says my friend.

He is not a Hezbollah follower, but he fears that Nasrallah's death will have dire consequences for all of Lebanon. That factions start attacking each other again, that other groups take advantage of Hezbollah's power vacuum to gain positions and that a new civil war breaks out.

The last time Nasrallah gave a speech was on September 19 - at least that's when the speech was broadcast to the public. He then said that Israel has crossed all borders and vowed to take revenge.

- When I am going to do it, I will keep the plans within the smallest of circles, said the Hezbollah leader.

It is now rumored that this entire inner circle may be wiped out. Who will take over, if there is even a viable candidate left, is so far unclear.

What is clear is that such a candidate would have to stay completely hidden in order not to meet the same fate.

- Israel's message is clear. We will get at anyone who threatens the citizens of Israel, said Israeli Commander-in-Chief Herzl Halevi.

Already on Saturday morning, rocket attacks against Israeli military posts from Lebanon began. A Palestinian acquaintance who lives in Ramallah sent me video clips from his house, where the rockets flew over.

- They aim at the military base, but nothing hits it. Israel shoots down some and then the division falls on us, he says.

His daughter is terrified, but he himself feels torn. The sound of the rockets mixes with the sounds of his neighbor, where an engagement party is in full swing. The light and the dark, simultaneously and parallel.

- I think the revenge will be on a whole new level this time. You know... it's Nasrallah. He is like a God to them. I just hope they get better at aiming.

Israel seems to want to knock out the entire Hizbullah regime, to force the terrorist organization - or the resistance movement, as many also call them - to its knees. It is hoped that this will scare Hezbollah into submission, so that they will withdraw and stop attacking Israel.

We'll see how that goes. In general, it is said that you can kill a person, but not an idea.

The idea that Nasrallah stood for is still very much alive.

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Sep 29, 2024, 10:03:42 PM (3 days ago) Sep 29
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Talking about “ intellectual giants” and here I don’t count the guy who thinks that he is Goliath, as I wonder what the by all accounts brilliant Kwame Anthony Appiah thinks about the whole mess. 

Unlike Alan Dershowitz who is 1000% pro-Israel, Kwame Appiah the Humanist and Modern Renaissance Man doesn’t have a degree in law, but nevertheless it should be interesting to listen to how he weighs in on the current Israel-Palestine debacle.

It should also be worthwhile listening to some inputs from Paul Eidelberg, a great admirer of George S. Patton whose motto was to hit them hard and hit them frequently

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Sep 29, 2024, 10:03:42 PM (3 days ago) Sep 29
to USA Africa Dialogue Series
My own strong suspicion is that Netanyahu & his crew are hell-bent on provoking Iran to get into the fray in a big way so that deputy commander-in-Chief Lady Kamala can lead the Marines in the closing down of the Strait of Hormuz to all sea traffic in the Persian Gulf and then write the next happy chapter of her autobiography 

On Sunday 29 September 2024 at 22:05:42 UTC+2 Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA wrote:
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Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Sep 30, 2024, 9:04:08 AM (2 days ago) Sep 30
The interest of Hamas, Hezbollah and the interest of the other rocket throwing rascals in Yemen do not obviously tally with the interest of the ordinary Palestinians, otherwise, why have these so called liberation armies not changed their violence approach for the sake of these ordinary Palestinians who usually become the main victims during their continuous conflicts with Israel, considering the enormous war chest of the one they are fighting.

It is apparent that the interest of Hamas, Hezbollah, etc, is simply the continuous inflow of Petro dollar donations from Iran.

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Oluwatoyin Adepoju

Sep 30, 2024, 12:44:39 PM (2 days ago) Sep 30
to usaafricadialogue
Hamas does well, as Chidi states, to attack Israel in the name of Iranian petrodollars and the description of Hezbollah's emergence during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon needs to note they were not committed to driving away the Israelis but to amassing Iranian petrodollars.

I wonder how Sinwar and other Hamas leaders in Gaza spend such money in a  lifetime of hiding, often in tunnels.

Of course, Hamas leadership are too narrow minded to be credited with anything like aspirations to freedom for the Palestinians.

After all, Yasser Arafat and his PLO, who preceded Hamas were also pretrodollar motivated.



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Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Editorial Adviser at News Updates(

He is a recipient of International Award/Recognition For Excellence In Data And Information Management, with 253 mentions on Academia( at July 22nd, 2024.

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Sep 30, 2024, 4:18:31 PM (2 days ago) Sep 30
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Jesper Sundén:
The beginning of the end for Iran's 'ring of fire'
Jesper Sundén
Hassan Nasrallah was sitting in a meeting with other Hezbollah leaders when the bunker was attacked.
Hassan Nasrallah was sitting in a meeting with other Hezbollah leaders when the bunker was attacked. Photo: Fareed Khan/AP

Hassan Nasrallah's death does not mean the end of Hezbollah, but it could mean the beginning of the end for Iran's strong influence in the region.

Jesper Sundén
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Mthe ice snow ferments within Hezbollah that Iran is not coming to its rescue, in what must be described as the Shia militia's most difficult moment yet. Most of its leadership has been wiped out and their command and communication channels have been infiltrated. It raises questions about what Iran's so-called axis of resistance is really worth.

This axis consists, from north to south, of Hezbollah in Lebanon, other Shia militias in Syria and Iraq, the Palestinian terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza and the West Bank, and the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard general Qassem Soleimani described the groups as "a ring of fire" around Israel . All of them have received money and weapons from Iran and they have also been prepared to use violence to defend Iranian interests.

This made Iran a regional power, which began to make big plans. Not primarily about spreading their revolution - which used to be the regime's main goal - but about wiping out the state of Israel.

In 2015, the country's "supreme leader", Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, declared that Israel would cease to exist within 25 years. Two years later, in 2017, a clock was erected in Palestine Square in Tehran, counting down the time until 2040, when the goal would have been achieved.

In 2019, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, Hossein Salami, claimed that Khamenei's vision had turned from a dream into an achievable goal. And to that end, the Lebanese Shia militia played a central role.

Hezbollah was the crown jewel of Iran's axis of resistance and Hassan Nasrallah its brightest star.

When Nasrallah spoke, much of the Arab world listened. He was seen as legendary because he was the only Arab leader to defeat Israel, when the country saw itself forced to leave Lebanon in 2000 . That his name in Arabic also means "God's victory" did not make matters worse.

With Iranian money and weapons, Hezbollah was built into the world's most powerful non-state army, said to have 100,000 soldiers and an arsenal of over 150,000 missiles, including thousands of precision-guided robots.

This army played a crucial role in supporting Bashar al-Assad's dictatorship in Syria and it has also trained other Iranian-backed militias. That gave Hezbollah reason to expect Iran to come to its rescue, if needed.

Perhaps this contributed to Hezbollah becoming overconfident. The Shia militia could not imagine the consequences of shelling northern Israel and refusing to stop until there was a ceasefire in Gaza. Perhaps Hezbollah also relied on the deterrent capabilities of its precision weapons.

The same feeling probably also existed in Iran, where the regime-controlled Tehran Times wrote at the end of June that the doomsday clock for Israel's destruction would start ticking faster if Israel started a war with Lebanon. Then Israeli cities would turn into a graveyard for its soldiers, according to the newspaper.

But now Nasrallah is dead and Hezbollah is in ruins.

Most of the leadership layer has been eliminated and also several of the regional leaders. That Israel was able to knock out so many of them in such a short time indicates leaks from within and that their communications have been intercepted. It makes management and coordination difficult.

Discontent is now simmering over Iran reportedly urging Hezbollah to hold back and not fire its precision-guided robots at Israel. This is to avoid risking a major war. But also because Iran now seems to have abandoned Hezbollah. Because no help comes from there.

Instead, Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei said after Nasrallah's death that Hezbollah itself should lead the resistance against Israel, with the support of the other parts of the resistance axis. And the Iranian foreign minister wrote on social media that Hezbollah is "fully capable of defending itself, Lebanon and the people of Lebanon on its own."

Nor is the dictatorship in Syria, which Hezbollah helped save when it was in trouble, particularly interested in assisting the Shia militia. Bashar al-Assad expressed his condolences and claimed that Nasrallah's death does not weaken the resistance, but instead strengthens it.

Yemen's Houthi rebels, however, responded to the death note by firing a drone at Tel Aviv on Saturday, prompting Israel to bomb Yemeni oil depots, power plants and ports. The Houthis claim that this did no great harm, but perhaps they wonder why there were not more in the axis of resistance who acted against Israel.

Because the question is what the alliance with Iran is worth to its allies if the regime remains passive when its closest friends - such as Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh - are killed by Israel.

The uncertainty surrounding it could lead to a crisis of confidence for Iran, which then appears weak. In the long run, it could prove to be the beginning of the end for Iran's regional influence.

But at the moment, Khamenei seems to agree with Iranian President Pezeshkian that the best thing is to try to avoid war. This is to be able to save their own regime by resuming the relationship with the West and in this way avoid sanctions that strangle the economy and curb popular discontent.

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Sep 30, 2024, 4:18:31 PM (2 days ago) Sep 30
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Chidi ! Chidi ! Chidi !

Thinking a-loud 

In Krio we say “ me mot full”

Mot = mouth in Krio

Mot = word in French 

Freedom of speech 

That’s what they taught the boss 

That’s what colonialism has done for some of us 

Resulting in the Yes Sir Master, Yes Your Majesty

Yes Your Royal Highness, Yes Your Excellency 

Goodluck Jonathan, Muhammadu Buhari, Bola 

Ahmed Tinubu, Yes Ojogbon Falola, Yes Dr. Sir Warrior

Yes Professor Longhair, Yes The Yessa Massa syndrome, Yes !

Call the messenger !  - Yessir !

Bring me the file ! - Yessir !

Expensive Shit !

Massa’s interests first !

Isn’t it massa that gave you 

The Certificate

The paper

The ink

All paid for in Naira? 

This is exactly how it is 

mired in extreme poverty

Body, mind & soul complaining

sitting over there with Say-Tokyo-Kid 

at Port Harcourt or at the Owerri Motor Park 

( Headquarters of The resistance )

for God Almighty’s sake, being the good & righteous

poet that you are, hatching insurrection and revolution everywhere 

Hellfire and damnation planning to overthrow your extreme right-wing gofernment 

You & Adepoju, brothers-in-arms, on the same theme here : Money, Money, Money

enough to make some uncommitted revolutionaries to go off on a tangent ( deviate )

and puke, or is it all just some more evil, counter-revolutionary, Zionist propaganda

With the leadership of both in transit to Jannah - the abode of the martyrs -beyond our material world, in which frame of mind do you say, “It is apparent that the interest of Hamas, Hezbollah, etc, is simply the continuous inflow of Petro dollar donations from Iran.”, O Chidi Anthony Opara ?

Exactly this kind of observation ( It is apparent that the interest of Hamas, Hezbollah, etc, is simply the continuous inflow of Petro dollar donations from Iran) is a favourite polemic of

certain kinds of cynics and some of the all-weather friends sometimes crowned with the title “Professional Jew” 

People are fighting for their freedom, and that’s all that you can say? In early 1985, I heard similar charges levelled at the ANC, that some of their big men ( and women) were only busy having a good time over there in Angola  -I  heard this directly from people , freshly from Angola…

However, this part of your statement calling for a change in tactics, has to be examined critically :  

“why have these so called liberation armies not changed their violence approach for the sake of these ordinary Palestinians who usually become the main victims during their continuous conflicts with Israel, considering the enormous war chest of the one they are fighting.”

Peace in the Middle East could be the first stage of universal world peace -with peace in the Middle East, the Middle East would develop ,the Middle East would prosper, and that pipeline that Netanyahu showed on his map  during his UN address   -his vision of a prosperous economic future would be loaded with plenty of Gaza’s offshore gas waiting to be exploited.

The question is, who wants to be in charge and in control of Gaza’s oil and  gas reserves  -worth at least $900 Billion…? 

On Monday 30 September 2024 at 15:04:08 UTC+2 Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA wrote:
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Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Sep 30, 2024, 4:18:32 PM (2 days ago) Sep 30

The real persons running Hamas, Hezbollah, etc, are not in the trenches. 

They sit in luxurious mansions in peaceful cities of Arab states with their immediate families and enjoy their gains of the wars. 

The aforementioned puppeteers grab and keep the largest chunks of the Petro dollars and proceeds from illegitimate arms sales.

Those in the trenches are the puppets.

-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO)
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Michael Afolayan

Oct 1, 2024, 4:16:18 AM (yesterday) Oct 1
What a depressing revelation, a model blanketly applicable to the exploitative system that characterizes the relationship between the suffering masses and the power grabber minority around the globe. In the context of the rhetoric of the Yoruba, underscored in Akinwumi Isola's classic play, Ẹfùnṣetán Aníwúrà, "Òṣìṣẹ́ wà lóòrùn, ẹni máa jẹ ẹ́ wà ní bòòji tí gbéjú gbéré" (The laborer roasts under the blazing heat of the sun; the master comfortably sits under the shade, looking pretty). Even here at home, kingpins send their children to the Americas, Europe and the Middle-East to study and live; but they instruct the poor man's children to go and take the bullets for them on mere chicken change!

So sad!


-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO)

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Oluwatoyin Adepoju

Oct 1, 2024, 4:16:18 AM (yesterday) Oct 1

Well said Chidi.

Sinwar, Dief and others described as giving orders in Gaza, living desperate lives, are letting themselves be used by those having a good time outside.

This must be true even of the crippled and blind founder of Hamas assassinated by Israel in Gaza.

The Gaza foot soldiers  know this and yet persist in what they call a liberation struggle.



-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO)
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Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Oct 1, 2024, 6:14:38 AM (yesterday) Oct 1

Your resort to sarcasm in this matter will not obscure the truth.

Sinwar and co can give orders only because they are field commanders and that does not mean that they are not or cannot be puppets.

I understand that it takes time for some persons to disbelieve what they have believed for some time, even if that happens to be false or half truth.

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Oluwatoyin Adepoju

Oct 1, 2024, 8:58:05 AM (yesterday) Oct 1


There is no evidence in support of your claim about chains of authority in Gaza.

Your entire argument has no basis in the history of the Palestinian struggle, from the PLO before Arafat's ascension to after, from the PLO to Fathah, to the split between Fatah and Hamas.

Your claim also has no grounding in the history of Hezbollah.

You are treating very serious issues with the dismissive brush of a person without a grounding in the history of the subject or its current dynamics.

Rather than resting on your pro-Israel biases, try and educate yourself on.this complex history.

Even Israeli's are not likely to make the kinds of claims you are making.

If you believe you really understand what you are talking about then justify your views.

Explain why you think the real decision makers for Gaza are fat cats outside Gaza whose only motive is drinking Iranian petrodollars and why Hezbollah's central logic for existence is the same motive.



-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO)
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Oct 1, 2024, 8:58:05 AM (yesterday) Oct 1
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Chidi Anthony Opara & Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju:

Sitting over there in your luxurious comfort zones in Nigeria, complaining about the recently martyred Ismail Haniyeh and Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, if you guys want to be more real and sincere you had better not “Draw the lace and black curtains and shut out the whole truth

Closer to home, far from the Middle East the way the crow flies, here’s Fela complaining again about what Michael Afolayan has just been crying about on behalf of himself and the impoverished masses in Nigeria  : 

No Buredi ( No Bread

“For Africa here e be home... No Buredi! 

Land-e boku-boku from north to south... No Buredi!

Food-u boku-boku from top to down... No Buredi!

Gold dey underground like water... No Buredi!

Diamond dey underground like san-san... No Buredi!

Oil dey flow underground like-e river... No Buredi!”

The Arab in the street has more or less the same problem : Oil dey flow underground like-e river... No Buredi! With the Ukraine War going on and wheat supplies from that country still down, out of necessity ( supply and demand) raise the price of bread by 50 US cents a loaf and Pharaoh El-Sisi will be fighting to beat down a revolt by the masses….

But in Nigeria, the masses are not revolting, even if they're not only shuffering, suffocating, and shmiling, nor is the state of affairs in Nigeria as bad as in Gaza, the so called Occupied Territories on the West Bank, and now Lebanon where ever since those explosions in the harbour, the economy has been nose-diving and now at the beginning of this latest Israel-Lebanon War the economy has already hit the rock bottom leaving the long suffering everybody there gasping, how much worse can it get? 

I’d not be surprised if you believe that the money - the cash flow that we would like to see lubricating the Nigerian peoples pockets is basically “ the root of all  evil”, even though the people’s money should be made capable of doing a lot more good. But when it comes to man’s inhumanity to man, when it comes to Hamas & Hezbollah sacrificing and fighting for Palestinian Freedom, you are now blaming it all on - for lack of a better word, on greed and on petro-dollars which unlike diamonds, are not forever. 

First of all,  permit me to be presumptuous  and to request that you please try to understand that generally speaking at this critical period and in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks the worldwide Arab and Muslim consciousness has been infiltrated and then invaded and occupied by  various conspiracy theories arising from  a series of  significant tragic events that have overtaken The Ummah  - not just the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and not just the 1,455,590 Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq, after  President George W. Bush proclaimed on 20th of September, 2001, “Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists"

The linchpin of the conspiracy theories can be projected onto this map  which the ummah fears is already taking shape as a project in progress they believe is in the pipeline namely the spectre of GREATER ISRAEL which step by step according to the paranoia fed by that ruinous document  - a forgery - known as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion , they see unfolding in real time, as it were, with incremental inevitably, right in front of their eyes:

 ERETZ YISRAELGreater Israel 

 I daresay that if it’s the whole truth that you're after,  you are invited to start here with this bird's eye view of the whole bloody mess ; 

Golda Meir

Let me tell you something that we Israelis have against Moses. He took us 40 years through the desert in order to bring us to the one spot in the Middle East that has no oil!

And for your consideration

We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.

Briefly, situating the whole mess in its historical context, let’s not start with the fatalism that the kuffar so easily associates with Jewish, Christian and  Islamic eschatology. No, it would be preferable to start with The rise of Islam  and then fast forward to this Quranic Surah : Victory  - Surah Al-Fath - the 48th Chapter of the Quran  because out of a firm belief in that revelation, no matter what, Muslims are assured of ultimate victory…

From there, we may fast forward to what was promoted by the Roman Catholic Church : The Crusades and from there to Islam  in Europe - back then - before the ever-present fear of Eurabia, knocking at The Gates of Vienna  ; from there we may fast forward to the First World War and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire; and after dealing with Thomas Edward Lawrence out of whom was spun Lawrence of Arabia,  for a synoptic Turkish religious point of view about how the Saudi Dynasty was created  you could take a look at “ Confessions of a British Spy

And from there, fast forward to the creation of the State of Israel  in1948  - The Arab-Israeli War of 1948  -  Nasser  - the Suez Canal  - The Six-Day War - The Yom Kippur WarThe Islamic Revolution in Iran( January 1978 - February 1979 ) The Iraq - Iran War which Iraq and allies imposed on Iran  Sep 22, 1980 – Aug 20, 1988 - after Saddam invaded and occupied the Abadan oil province of Iran The 1982 Lebanon War …the Creation of Hamas in 1987 …The 1st IntifadaThe Oslo Accords1994 : Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin awarded Peace Prize …2000-2005 : The 2nd Intifada …August 2005 : Sharon pulls out of Gaza ... .Aug 23, 2005 – Aug 31, 2005 : Hurricane KatrinaRabbi Ovadia Yosef says that “Hurricane Katrina is a punishment meted out by God as a result of US President George W. Bush's support for the Gaza and northern West Bank disengagement.”

At this point Trump’s America is probably not in as much danger as it would be likely to be under Commander-in-Chief Kamala who recently boycotted Netanyahu's address to the US Congress 

So how did we get to the quagmire where we are now and how come the Aryan Johnny-Just-Come Settlers are also currently engaged in ethnically cleansing Palestine, eighteen years after Ilan Pappé published  The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine ?

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Dr. Oohay

Oct 1, 2024, 8:58:05 AM (yesterday) Oct 1
What a belated reading of the handwriting that has LONG been on the wall so many decades. Many of the “elites” keep mISUSING the poor (in the name of the poor). Oh hypocrites, how long shall ye continue to engage in this way of being in the world. I hear Biko reminding us again and again that the greatest weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.

Live well as you would want all others to live.


Oct 1, 2024, 6:04:20 PM (22 hours ago) Oct 1
to USA Africa Dialogue Series


#  The linchpin of the conspiracy theories can be projected onto this map  which the ummah fears is already taking shape as a project in progress they believe is in the pipeline namely the spectre of GREATER ISRAEL which step by step according to the paranoia fed by that ruinous document  - a forgery - known as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion , they see unfolding in real time, as it were, with incremental inevitability, right in front of their eyes:

 ERETZ YISRAELGreater Israel 

# It was not an easy time for Hamas dislodging Fatah after winning the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections,  

Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Oct 1, 2024, 6:04:20 PM (22 hours ago) Oct 1

I am surprised that you are asking for evidence. 

Evidence of what by the way? 

Evidence that Iran finances Hamas, Hezbollah, etc, who they publicly call "axis of resistance" from their fat Petro dollars vault? 

Evidence that anyone who finances a group controls it? 

Evidence that Hamas, Hezbollah, etc, operations like global movement of funds to avoid detection and seizure, sourcing and purchase of weapons, etc, cannot be coordinated from the trenches by the likes of Sinwar, who have no experience in such intricate matters?

-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO)
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Oct 1, 2024, 6:04:20 PM (22 hours ago) Oct 1
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Ladies & Gentlemen,

Today being Nigeria’s 64th Independence Day Anniversary, instead of Anti-government Protests and some of the ongoing online bitching about the aspirations of the rank and file Palestinians under Fatah and specifically Gaza under Hamas leadership, if things were ideal everywhere, wouldn’t we all be at the hearth known as home, what some of the criminals in the diaspora disdainfully refer to as Tarzan’s jungle others as “shithole countries“, doing what the brain workers ( milk and apples) greatest IQ professors and professionals know how to do best, namely either sitting on their haunches writing books or like the rest of us the praise- singers, singing and dancing and having a good time?

The Nobel Prize for Literature will be announced on the 10th of October; meanwhile, the good literary news from over here is that Teju Cole will be our guest at the International Writers Scene at Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden on the 11th of November !

For the connoisseurs, some vintage Teju Cole : On Photography 

Starting with Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, no need to make so much palaver about the integrity of Hamas which started off as a purifier in contrast with what was alleged to have been a corruption-ridden Fatah , and from the very beginning to now, no reason to doubt the Hamas leaders aspirations and very best of intentions considering that in the strategic interests of that well known ploy “divide and rule”  Hamas was formed with the tacit blessings of the CIA etc, to counterbalance the all encompassing power monopoly of Fatah, under the PLO umbrella. It was not an easy time for Hamas dislodging  after winning the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections,  nor were the gun-battles that were fought to ascertain Hamas position as the unchallenged Palestinian administration in Gaza, entirely avoidable.

The funding and weaponization of Hamas - a Sunni group -the1st and 2nd Intifadas and later conflicts leading to 7th October requires a distinct chapter in its 27 year history…

Not that I blame him that much, but it would appear that the problem with Chidi in particular is that sitting over there at the Owerri Motor Park,  even after reading the Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch reports on the Occupied Territories, it seems to  still be so easy for Chidi to conflate Boko Haram Terrorism and other evils with the earlier aspirations of Hamas to resurrect the Islamic Caliphate to its former glory - which started on that day in the year 638 when Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab entered Jerusalem as its Conqueror   -as a result of which Article  11 is  the centrepiece of the 1988 Hamas Charter  and it states ;

Article Eleven:

The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that. Palestine is an Islamic Waqf land consecrated for Moslem generations until Judgement Day. This being so, who could claim to have the right to represent Moslem generations till Judgement Day?

This is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgement.

It happened like this: When the leaders of the Islamic armies conquered Syria and Iraq, they sent to the Caliph of the Moslems, Umar bin-el-Khatab, asking for his advice concerning the conquered land - whether they should divide it among the soldiers, or leave it for its owners, or what? After consultations and discussions between the Caliph of the Moslems, Omar bin-el-Khatab and companions of the Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, it was decided that the land should be left with its owners who could benefit by its fruit. As for the real ownership of the land and the land itself, it should be consecrated for Moslem generations till Judgement Day. Those who are on the land, are there only to benefit from its fruit. This Waqf remains as long as earth and heaven remain. Any procedure in contradiction to Islamic Sharia, where Palestine is concerned, is null and void.

"Verily, this is a certain truth. Wherefore praise the name of thy Lord, the great Allah." (The Inevitable - verse 95).

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