Dear Chidi,
That's why the correct translation of Allahu Akbar is God is most great!
Professor Toyin Falola's generosity of spirit, especially in his eulogies which sometimes move the heart; and I may have read hundred of secular eulogies but still know of no better eulogist than him when it comes to expressing love and appreciation for other lives well-lived and a few true ideals taking a lifetime in fulfilling and up to the die-time still embracing - that sensibility is in accord with Ubuntu philosophy.
My album of the week Human is also man-made
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kenneth harrow
professor emeritus
dept of english
michigan state university
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We ought not lose sight of the fact that so far (1901 -2021) a grand total of seven African writers have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature :
1957 : Albert Camus (Algeria)
1986: Wole Soyinka (Nigeria)
1988: Naguib Mahfouz (Egypt)
1991: Nadine Gordimer (South Africa)
2003: J.M. Coetzee (South Africa)
2007: Doris Lessing (UK-Zimbabwe)
2021: Abdulrazak Gurnah ( Zanzibar)
Yesterday, my dear Brother Biko Agozino wrote to my equally dear Lord Olayinka Agbetuyi: “There is no comparison of Africans with African Americans, we are one people”- and since we are One People, United by Blood and History, albeit separated by the Atlantic Ocean, I'd like to squeeze in
1992; Derek Walcott ( Great Poet) – Saint Lucia
1993: Toni Morison ( United States)
And if it's by country, and a bit of colour added to the mixture, what about the one who so many people on this list-serve love to hate, Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul ( Trinidad and Tobago ) ?
We've got to admit that this year's Nobel Laureate for Literature was something of a dark horse. He wasn't even featured at Ladbrokes and that's why Professor Harrow is asking the question that must be burning in many minds, including Wa Thiongo's :
“what drove them to choose him over the most obvious of choices, ngugi.”?
By “ them” Professor Harrow means The Swedish Academy selection committee for the Nobel Prize in Literature
In my opinion, the Swedish Academy snubbed my dear friend Ngugi Wa Thiong'o ( we became friends, shared a few beers, whilst, as James Ngugi he was a writer-in-residence at the University of Ghana where I was a postgraduate student in African Literature in 1970). They ( the Swedish Academy) took their revenge on him, not inadvertently but deliberately they were going to teach him a lesson .that you don't preach to the Oyibo who are supposed to be awarding you their prize that it's time to stop using the Oyibo's Language and to start going places with your own God-given Mother Tongue) and this lesson should be driven home ( so they think – perhaps, not unanimously) by making the choice that they made - a so called radical departure from some former norm - and this new “breath of fresh air” is being vastly celebrated in the Swedish Media and at the same time it looks like their well calculated intention was to counter Wa Thiongo's advocacy of African Literature being written/ created in indigenous African languages by pointedly awarding the prize to Abdulrazak Gurnah whose first language /mother-tongue is Swahili but has wisely, nevertheless adopted Her Majesty's English as his chosen weapon/ vehicle of communication and as the surest means of delivering his literary skills to the world at large and bagging the Nobel Prize in Literature for 2021. The award took him by surprise, he says. Ditto – took Bob Dylan by surprise since the Ladbrokes odds on him winning the prize that year was 500 to 1
I sympathise with both Wa Thiongo'o and Gurnah, neither of whom is an uncle tom. Recently, I had to explain to a Swedish relative ( Karin Fant) that my Creole - my idiomatic/colloquial/conversational Creole / Krio Language skills are not great enough for me to write poetry in that language – but in global English, I find another kind of range as a world citizen
I followed the discussion on Swedish TV just before the winner was announced. The TV pundits all had their favourites - nothing wrong with that - on the way to seeing Wole Soyinka off to the airport bus after the PEN Conference in Stockholm in 1979, I had told him that he was then at the top of my list for the Nobel Prize. He had smiled and told me, “ I also have my favourites” and I'm sure that Philip Roth also had his favourites, most probably, so did Graham Greene. That's why there's nothing wrong with the Besserwisser Swedish pundits and some of the ignoramuses too pontificating about African Literature and telling us that e.g. Nigerians write in a peculiar English known as Nigerian English and that there are several kinds of Englishes, true ( we even have a recently appointed “full professor” of that kind of rubbish, writing in his own ridiculous, pompous, inflated way that he writes because he thinks that's how a very intelligent, half, or a great, big, highly educated, full professor should sound.
All I wanted to say before I got slightly carried away is that none of the TV pundits had even mentioned the name Abdulrazak Gurnah.
One last little thing: You know, there are the sort of writers that are discerned as purposefully working for a Nobel Prize in Literature award - whereas e.g. Jamaica Kincaid said explicitly in an interview with her that I read about a year ago that she does not want the Nobel Prize!
You also know that if, e-g. You are a homophobe, there's no way you're going to be awarded a Nobel Prize in anything.
Here's another quality that the Nobel Committee must have found particularly endearing about this year's Noble laureate reminiscent of Lakunle lecturing Sidi :
“A savage custom, barbaric, out-dated,
Rejected, denounced, accursed,
Excommunicated, archaic, degrading,
Humiliating, unspeakable, redundant.
Retrogressive, remarkable, unpalatable...
An ignoble custom, infamous, ignominious
Shaming our heritage before the world.”
Well, here is Abdulrazak on the attack ( against FGM)
On Oct 8, 2021, at 14:18, Cornelius Hamelberg <> wrote:
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On Oct 8, 2021, at 14:18, Cornelius Hamelberg <> wrote:
We ought not lose sight of the fact that so far (1901 -2021) a grand total of seven African writers have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature :
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Lord Agbetuyi,
Of course, I don't know where and when Adepoju was born. For all I care, he could have been a contemporary of Hume, or have been rubbing noses with his other idol, Kant, in real-time or moralising with Aristotle, discussing the ethics of a good life with him or dancing the Egungun and entering the Agemo phase cheek to cheek with Susan Wenger in Oshogbo, but the impression he wants to giver that he and I “ were classmates in elementary school” in Fulham and of course that he was the brighter star, all that is as a result of what colonialism and a sound or not so sound colonial education has done to some of us, that some of us are forever so hung up on all that. As the Last Poets put it,
talk about the mind
about: “My mind is stronger than yours!”
got that bitch's mind uptight!"
don't know a damn thing about the mind
they'd be right “
When higher education becomes a democratic right and everyone has free access to it, then the village elitism mentality will disappear quickly; for now, even the elementary science teacher believes himself to be Einstein, everybody wants to be a professor of Big English ( big deal) sound real English and talk down to the rest of us plebs who are doing our best to sound or act Nigerian, want to be Professor of music, to be a professor of piano, Saxo - “ full professor “ to teach it at Berkley - and they think that only the efulefu are fit to be real musicians, poets, actors, painters, dancers, footballers, surfers, basketball stars, racing car champions,,,
In 1970 my Better Half already had a Masters in Modern Languages (Spanish, Italian, and English) but was more interested in I.T.A . Wallace- Johnson, Zik, Kwame Nkrumah and the West African Youth League.
It's 3.30 a.m. over here in Stockholm and I hope that Adepoju has read and thoroughly digested what Wale Ghazal posted today...
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Lord Agbetuyi,
Of course, I don't know where and when Adepoju was born. For all I care, he could have been a contemporary of Hume, or have been rubbing noses with his other idol, Kant, in real-time or moralising with Aristotle, discussing the ethics of a good life with him or dancing the Egungun and entering the Agemo phase cheek to cheek with Susan Wenger in Oshogbo, but the impression he wants to giver that he and I “ were classmates in elementary school” in Fulham and of course that he was the brighter star, all that is as a result of what colonialism and a sound or not so sound colonial education has done to some of us, that some of us are forever so hung up on all that. As the Last Poets put it,
“Niggaz talk about the mind
Talk about: “My mind is stronger than yours!”
"I got that bitch's mind uptight!"
Niggaz don't know a damn thing about the mind
Or they'd be right “
When higher education becomes a democratic right and everyone has free access to it, then the village elitism mentality will disappear quickly; for now, even the elementary science teacher believes himself to be Einstein, everybody wants to be a professor of Big English ( big deal) sound real English and talk down to the rest of us plebs who are doing our best to sound or act Nigerian, want to be Professor of music, to be a professor of piano, Saxo - “ full professor “ to teach it at Berkley - and they think that only the efulefu are fit to be real musicians, poets, actors, painters, dancers, footballers, surfers, basketball stars, racing car champions,,,
In 1970 my Better Half already had a Masters in Modern Languages (Spanish, Italian, and English) but was more interested in I.T.A . Wallace- Johnson, Zik, Kwame Nkrumah and the West African Youth League.
It's 3.30 a.m. over here in Stockholm and I hope that Adepoju has read and thoroughly digested what Wale Ghazal posted today...
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kenneth harrow
professor emeritus
dept of english
michigan state university
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Lord Agbetuyi,
First of all. please forgive me for being such an Anglophile, to the extent that I mistakenly said that my Better Half's Masters in Modern Languages ( Stockholm University), was in Italian, Spanish, and English, when in fact it's in Italian, French and Spanish. She studied English at the University of Washington in Seattle ( the birthplace of Jimi Hendrix) and returned to Stockholm speaking her mother-tongue Swedish with a deliberately cultivated American American accent, she tells me, until her parents put a stop to that by imitating her. She's a good English to Swedish translator. Generally, Swedish publishers only employ competent mother-tongue speakers to translate, so she translated e.g. Bruno Bettelheim's The Empty Fortress into Swedish whilst we were in Nigeria. I wish she would be given the honour to translate Professor Falola's A Mouth Sweeter Than Salt; it deserves to be translated. I also wish that she was sitting in the Swedish Academy and having a little say-so about who is going to bag the next Nobel Prize in Literature.
Yes, indeed Abiola Irele.
Sad to say that by the 10th of October ( my blessed mother's birthday – also the day that my dear Pir, Dr Javad Nurbakhsh passed away in 2008) I am more acquainted with Abiola Irele's The African Experience in Literature and Ideology, than with the man himself, after circa twenty hours of seminars with him - at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, At one such fruitful seminar at which visiting Professor Gerald Moore ( full professor) was in attendance it emerged that Tchicaya U Tam'si was his ( Moore's) favourite Congolese poet, which doesn't say much, since the then Zaire didn't have that many poets...
We have to forgive Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju's occasional affliction, his general delusions of grandeur ( Oga Farooqi too, more often deluded ) and in this specific case, improbable as it sounds we have to forgive Adepoju for believing that Abiola Irele was one of his ( Adepoju's) great fans. What on earth gave him that idea?
I Like the irrepressible Mark Steyn ( no fool, not full, not half, no p, no h, no d and no big grrrr
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kenneth harrow
professor emeritus
dept of english
michigan state university
Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju,
“The fool said in his heart, "There is no God"; they have dealt corruptly; they have committed abominable deeds; no one does good.” ( Tehillim 14:1 )
But away from feeble abstractions and inanities to the nightmare realities:
Today is the anniversary of the Lekki Massacre which according to the BBC's Focus on Africa, Major-General Buhari & the Nigerian Powers that be are still vigorously dismissing as a “phantom“ – that it never happened as if they are not fully aware of the contents of Surah al Alaq
As to the existence of your adversary, the tempter, as we continue to observe much of the worldly world's political behaviour all you have to do is to read the below for the beginning of a glimmering of understanding : (Jesus tempted by the devil)
“Again, the devil took Him ( Jesus) up on an exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”
Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ”
Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him”
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On one hand, we have Stephen Hawking and God and on the other hand, we have Gerald L. Schroeder and The Science of God
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Unfortunately, Hawking's view of God could affect some religious doubting Thomases in mainstream Christianity. We don't have to worry about the House of Israel because, as the Torah records in Shemot / Exodus 19: 9
“And the Lord said to Moses, "Behold, I am coming to you in the thickness of the cloud, in order that the people hear when I speak to you, and they will also believe in you forever." And Moses relayed the words of the people to the Lord.”
For some faint-hearted Christians it could be different, but here is Bishop Robert Barron answering the question: Is Stephen Hawking Right About God?
There's also The Veritas Forum which sheds light on some of these questions
As far as Muslims are concerned the atheists (kuffar) will soon meet their Creator and get to know if God exists or not and if hell according to Christianity and if the hell, according to Islam has any real fire or if it's merely metaphorical
A Muslim by definition believes in God.
The Quran is explicit about those who are led astray
Did Hawking and Schroeder ever discuss the matter, I wonder
On Oct 22, 2021, at 10:43, Cornelius Hamelberg <> wrote:
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My sense is that every POTUS would have answered the question about hypersonic weapons and Taiwan just about the same way that Biden did. What else would he have said, “oh yeah, China can have Taiwan” or US will not develop hypersonic weapons and counters to such weapons.
Biden is POTUS and will first and foremost protect and defend strategic interests of US. China off course will do the same. That is what serious responsible countries do. No permanent enemies, no permanent friends, only permanent interests. The world should hope that none of this will lead to actual military conflict in that region either deliberately or by some miscalculation.
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There must be a resolution to the Taiwan issue -- just as there must be a resolution to the Palestinian and Western Sahara question. The status quo is not sustainable, and neither should we accept a situation where people are forced to remain or be part of a country they do not want to belong to. Since 1949 Taiwan has met all the requirements of Statehood…what’s the problem, what’s the wahala?
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This is implausible and thinking about it may not make sense. But let’s try: Say the people and the government of Taiwan move to an island in the Caribbean or somewhere in Africa or Latin America, would China have the right to claim the new land as one of its provinces?
Recall that Taiwan started off withthe exiled leaders of the Kuomintang (KMT)fleeing to Taiwan after the victory of the PRCon the mainland.
The Taiwanese government has not
always sought statehood. Many Taiwanesepreferred to be part of Mainland China.I don’t know what the figures are right nowand the upcoming December referendum doesnot include a question on independence.
It is true to say, though, that the KMT has oftensupported unification with the mainland whilethe DPP tends to call for independence.The matter is not straightforward.
Trump and Biden decided to jump into thepro- independence camp and support theDPP’s current position.
So I would say that the wahala dates to 1949at the birth of Communist China and theevolution of the cold War when the Cold Warbelligerents used the Taiwan - MainlandChina situation for their own political gains.The wahala started when the UN refusedto recognize mainland China, and insteadrecognized Taiwan. This went on for abouttwo decades and is now resurfacingsomewhat.
Professor Gloria Emeagwali
Prof. of History/African Studies, CCSU; gloriaemeagwali
Recipient of the 2014 Distinguished Research
Excellence Award, Univ. of Texas at Austin;
2019 Distinguished Africanist Award
New York African Studies Association
From: <> on behalf of Sabella Abidde <>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2021 7:50 PM
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Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Today's Quote
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A very useful query, Professor Abidde (Sabella)! Well, with nimble knowledge from my Legal Negotiations and International Law courses, I may add the following: probably Mainland China can still claim the new place out of intransigence (or arrogance?), especially if the island in the Caribbean or Africa is re-named "Nationalist China"! To be safe, the nomad Taiwanese can cleverly rename the new island either Republic of Formosa or Republic of Taiwan. How about that?
A.B. Assensoh.
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kenneth harrow
professor emeritus
dept of english
michigan state university
Exactly as you say: “ The onus of proof lies solely on the one making the allegations”
Absolutely! He who feels it knows.
I ran into the same unfortunate situation on the 20th of October this year at our local ICA Supermarket at Enskede, where I live. I had bought some groceries at Willys at Fridhemsplan half an hour earlier ( tomatoes, paprika, ecological cucumbers) and some toast bread at COOP, and now a single item at ICA, a jar of pasta sauce, a tomato and garlic mix, stood patiently in the queue, and when it was my turn, the blond, blue-eyed urchin serving as a cashier at the checkout demanded that he wanted to see what was in my shopping basket.
Did you purchase these other things here?, he gaped at me
No, I told him
Do you have a receipt?
Yes, it's in the basket.
He takes a look and comes up with a receipt from the library - in a triumphant gotcha mode he then
exclaims for everybody in the Supermarket to wake up and take notice:
But this is a receipt from the library!
Just rummage a little further in the basket, I instruct him.
Reluctantly, he comes up with the receipt from Willys.
Can you prove that these tomatoes in your basket are from Willys and not from us ? asks the slow-brain, low-intelligence, cheeky blond & blue-eyed bugger.
IDIOT! - I reply in full battle Naija mode
NO! You can't tell him that - cackled a young lady further down in the queue behind me in protest-support of the urchin.
DOUBLE IDIOT! ( I'm now referring to both of them) I must prove to you ( s.o.b.) that I didn't steal some of your miserable ICA tomatoes? The proof is in your hands, the receipt from Willys! You could if you want please call the police!
( Does he think that I have no respect for the eighth commandment: Do Not Steal -
and to date, I have never stolen anything or kidnapped anybody. But how is he supposed to know that? As far as the urchin is concerned, I probably look like a criminal who goes around stealing some miserable-looking tomatoes from ICA. I felt constrained to show him my bank balance which at that moment stood at Swkr. 121, 000, enough to buy a pyramid of tomatoes currently rotting in Gaza without a harbour from which the poor Palestinians can export their tomatoes. I mention this because I remember empathizing with the former Mayor of Gaza, Rashad al-Shawwa when I saw real tears rolling down his cheek as he addressed us at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs in 1986, as he pleaded with the then Swedish Government to please help them build a harbour for them so that they could export their tomatoes. And also to help with building playgrounds for the Gaza kids. That was of course long before Ariel Sharon unilaterally vacated Gaza, lock, stock and barrel between August and September 2005
Last night I asked Samuel my spiritual guide and adviser about the inadvisability of my losing my cool and saying “ idiot” to that miscreant with reference to Matthew 5: 22 ( Revised Standard Version) which says ( Jesus, speaking) :
“ But I say to you, that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment: whoever insults his brother shall be liable to the council, and whoever says, “ You fool” shall be liable to the hell fire”
According to Samuel, the caveat is “everyone who is angry with his brother WITHOUT CAUSE ….
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kenneth harrow
professor emeritus
dept of english
michigan state university
Dear Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju,
Your silver tongue is not going to get us anywhere.
I was merely recording that incident as a diary entry.
I pray constantly that the Almighty will help me to be humble ( The Prophet Moses was the most humble human being that ever trod this earth.) If only I had been humble instead of egotistical - thinking that damn right I'm also “somebody”, I would have reacted differently. And if only I could have opted to adopt this strategy from Sun-Tzu's The Art of War - from the section on Initial Estimations which recommends, “ If they are angry, perturb them; be deferential to foster their arrogance” - to foster their arrogance” their arrogance which already knows no bounds because it is so overconfident in its assumption - that's how and why you get the enemy exactly where you want him and then deliver the coup de grâce.
In my own very limited experience, some people are so extremely confident in their self-esteem/conceit, delusions etc., that they don't know or even realise when they are standing very close to danger until it's too late...
By the way, I thought of you directly when the Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi III intimated us last night with the thrilling news that there is an older form of Ifa that precedes the Ifa that you Adepoju have been researching.
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“in the states we'd attribute this to racism “, says Kenneth Harrow, the Oyibo...
Sweden is different. Different breed. The Oyibo in Sweden is not the same as the Oyibo in the United States. The Swedish Oyibo does not have the plantation overseer mentality in his veins or in his DNA. In Sweden, race biology is no more
Because I'm old enough to be his grandfather I give the Swedish urchin the benefit of the doubt, after all, I have been buying my groceries at that ICA Supermarket since 2008 and this is the very first time that anyone has asked to “see” what's in my bag. He's new at the job, and, if anything maybe, he was being a little overzealous...
After the incident, I went home ( a five minutes walk) and returned to the scene of the crime hoping that this time he would make a very fundamental mistake in which case he would get to know that he was messing with the wrong nigger. I went with another bag ( some books from the library) hoping that he was going to ask, “ and what's in the bag ? ” - but this time he didn't say anything. Somehow, he must have correctly figured out that this time at the very least I would drop the bomb on him. All he said was if I would like to take advantage of the 5% special reduction on my purchase ( Tuesdays to Thursday). I told him no. I started feeling sorry for him since it was getting close to closing time, didn't want him to start feeling worried or insecure about how he was going to get home safely, and if that was the reception committee waiting for him outside, all dressed in black...
This evening I went to the store to get some chewing gum - changed my mind, also told him that we still have some unfinished business to settle and that I'll be talking to him when he's not sitting behind the till. Let him go figure out what I want to “talk” about. I want to show him the receipts and the time on the receipts from Wills and COOP.
There's The Passion Translation of Psalm 23 which I heard for the first time just before midnight
I want to talk about Psalm 91 and The Passion Translation of Psalm 91
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