Cheat Training start next week!

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Calleva's River School

2020年2月26日 16:55:202020/2/26
收件人 Cheat Training
Greetings Cheat Friends!

I am so very excited to paddle with you this Cheat Season. Please be aware that we will be sending out important information from this email list, often twice a week. Be sure to check it prior to each class meeting. We will often send out the type of workout that we plan to do just to give you a heads up.

Cheat Elite: expect to receive a different email about your program.

The following is some information about the way the training program is structured and what to expect. First, let me introduce you to our amazing Cheat Training staff for this season.

Tom McEwan- Inventor of Cheat Training. No one knows more sneaks on the Cheat than this man.
Ashley McEwan- Along with instructing I will be communicating and organizing the logistics of our workouts. Ask me any questions!
Matthew Hanlon- Matthew's quiet manner on the river emphasizes good technique and solid leadership.
Charlie Miller- Enthusiastic surfer of all types of features. Beautiful roll technique and understanding of the water.
Sam Williamson- expect this guy to kick butt in the race this year.

We will be supported by a solid group of assistant instructors who have logged years of runs on the Cheat, knowledge of attaining tricks, and incredible safety skills:
Jim Wilson
Jen Sass
Juliana O'Neil
Keith Pendergrast
Mike Graham

Cheat Training consists of 8 weeks of twice a week workouts. A workout means that we have a larger group than some of our instructional programs. We try to keep you moving and motivated to build strength, endurance, and confidence so that you can paddle the Cheat and do your personal best in Rick Gusic's Cheat River Massacre-ence (new name, same good time). If you commit to coming to all of the workouts, you will find yourself in great paddling shape and ready to have an amazing summer season. We understand that cold water and weather can be intimidating. Just come out and push yourself a little bit every time. 

Wednesdays are for attaining! We most often meet at Anglers and paddle upstream. Attaining builds your strength and improves control of your long boat. It also can teach so much about reading the river and understanding why your boat acts the way it does in different conditions. 

Wednesday March 4th is the first attainment. Because it is before daylight savings, please arrive between 4-5 pm. Check in with Steve-O in the lower lot (he can hold a clipboard but not a paddle :) He will put you in a group with an instructor and let you know what the workout is. 

For the following 7 Wednesdays, plan to arrive between 5-6 pm. Please don't go out early or you will miss the lesson and end up paddling down when we are all paddling up which breaks our attainment-frustrated hearts. Turns around time is at sunset or 8 pm, which ever happens first. At that time, we will all turn around and race down to the take out. Please be a part of this. It is the early stages of learning how to race successfully!

Saturdays in March are downriver runs on the Potomac. New this year- please drop your boat at Great Falls before parking at the take out at Sycamore Island. We will not have boat transportation to the put in. Then head down to the take out at Sycamore Island, You can park either in the lower lot on Clara Barton or the upper lot on MacArthur. We will pull a big bus in on the MacArthur lot and transport you up to Great Falls. We will be dividing up into 4 groups this year based on mythological creatures (and the speed at which you like to paddle). Get excited!

Saturdays in April are all-day trips to the Cheat! Plan to leave at 7 am and return around 11 pm. Or don't return! camp up near the Cheat and join the Creeking Clinics Sundays April 5, 12, and 19.
Carpooling is recommended so be sure to make friends. More information will be coming about the cheat trips. 

Gear You will need to have a long boat and cold weather gear. The minimum for this is a drytop and neoprene pants. Dress for a swim and a hike- meaning good river shoes. Drysuits and pogies are recommended. 

Cheat Race is May 1st at 5 pm! 

Please ask me any questions you may have. Get ready to be challenged but also supported. It's going to be a great season!  


Ashley McEwan

vv new email address vv

Calleva's River School 
13015 Riley's Lock Rd 
Poolesville, MD 20837

Beginner Kayak Classes start in May!

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