ReducedWongWangExcInh how to access?

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Celien Iliaens

غير مقروءة،
19‏/03‏/2021، 8:11:52 ص19‏/3‏/2021
إلى TVB Users

Hello everyone,

I am trying to build a simulation using the ReducedWongWangExcInh-model. However, when I try to load in this model, I get the following error: “’module’ object has no attribute ‘ReducedWongWangExcInh’”.

I am working through the downloaded TVB_Distribution from And from what I can see from the documentation on the website of TVB, there should indeed be a ReducedWongWangExcInh model within the models package, so I don’t understand why I cannot open it. ( I can use any other model from the package, it's really just this reducedWongWangExcInh that I cannot open)

Does anyone know how I can access this model?


Thank you very much in advance!


Popa Paula

غير مقروءة،
19‏/03‏/2021، 8:49:29 ص19‏/3‏/2021
Dear Celien,

Can you provide more information about the TVB distribution you have downloaded? In particular, which version and for which OS?

Thank you,

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Celien Iliaens

غير مقروءة،
19‏/03‏/2021، 9:34:59 ص19‏/3‏/2021
إلى TVB Users
Dear Paula, 

I have downloaded the 1.5.8 version of the TVB distribution. Both on linux and on Windows but I get the same error in both systems. 

Op vrijdag 19 maart 2021 om 13:49:29 UTC+1 schreef

Popa Paula

غير مقروءة،
19‏/03‏/2021، 10:00:07 ص19‏/3‏/2021
Dear Celien,

The ReducedWongWangExcInh model has not been added to the TVB_Distribution 1.5.8.
It is available though in the recent 2.1 alpha release that you can find here:
Another option would be to use directly the tvb-library from Pypi, and there the ReducedWongWangExcInh model is available from version 1.5.9 onward.
Also, mind that versions 1.5.* are based on Python 2, while the versions 2.* are compatible with Python 3.

Let me know if you need further help,

Celien Iliaens

غير مقروءة،
20‏/03‏/2021، 6:24:50 ص20‏/3‏/2021
إلى TVB Users

Dear Paula, 

Thank you very much for your help! I did not know there was an updated version of the TVB_Distribution. 

However, unfortunately things aren't going smoothly yet. When I downloaded the new version of TVB_Distribution (Windows), Jupyter was unable to connect to the Kernel. I then also tried another way by creating a new virtual environment and installing the tvb-library there. I got a little further there since I can open the ReducedWongWangExcInh model now but I cannot specifiy the parameters of the model. For some reason, when I look at the information about the model my output looks atypical (see attached image). 

Do you have any idea what is causing this? 

(Sorry for the many questions, I am still very new to this)

Kind regards,

Op vrijdag 19 maart 2021 om 15:00:07 UTC+1 schreef

Gianluca Gaglioti

غير مقروءة،
20‏/03‏/2021، 1:37:39 م20‏/3‏/2021
Dear Celien,

I am writing to you because I had similar problems when I started using TVB a few months ago. One of the differences between the old and the new version of TVB is that you have to use arrays and not integers / floats to specify the model parameters. I have attached an image to give you an example. I don't know if this is the problem but I hope it will help you. Let me know.

Kind regards,


Celien Iliaens

غير مقروءة،
21‏/03‏/2021، 9:13:20 ص21‏/3‏/2021
إلى TVB Users
Dear Gianluca, 

Thank you very much for your message. Indeed, using arrays to specify the parameters works fine. Thank you for your help!

Kind regards,

Op zaterdag 20 maart 2021 om 18:37:39 UTC+1 schreef
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