WTTC wants you to tell the world why #TourismMatters

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Thomas Latt

May 29, 2014, 11:44:25 PM5/29/14
to travelmyanmar

London, May 29, 2014


WTTC wants you to tell the world why #TourismMatters


MEMBERS of the tourism industry have been called to pick up their smartphones and change the world's perception of the industry one Instagram video at a time.


The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is rallying the trade to create and upload their own 15-second video to explain why they enjoy working in travel and tourism.


Participants are invited to answer one of the following questions:


1. How or why did you decide to start a career in the travel and tourism industry?

2. What has been the most fulfilling (or inspiring) moment in your travel and tourism career?

3. Who has been most influential to you in your your travel and tourism career?

4. Why would you recommend a career in your travel and tourism to someone?

5. How has a career in your travel and tourism affected/changed your life?


They can then tag WTTC with @WTandTC and use the hashtag #TourismMatters, putting them in the running to win the first prize of US$1,000, second prize of US$500 and US$250.


Said David Scowsill, president and CEO of WTTC: “Travel and tourism helps transport people to all corners of the world, immerse them in different cultures and experiences, and provides a livelihood to millions worldwide. It’s a fantastic industry to work in but we need to increase awareness of career opportunities.


“Graduates need to be moved away from always only considering banking or finance or law as careers with opportunities for progression and security and see travel and tourism as an excellent career option. We believe this campaign can play its part in doing that.”


This is especially so given new research from WTTC that shows the industry can create jobs and help solve problems such as youth unemployment and gender inequality across the world. Travel and tourism has been proven to employ a higher proportion of women and young people on average as compared to the entire workforce.


Said Scowsill: “Travel and tourism offers work-life balance, international opportunities, travel and good benefits. But we need people to realise this. People in the travel and tourism industry have a great thing in common....we love travel! So there are no better people to sell the sector and be brand ambassadors to help shift perceptions”.


Copyright TTG Asia Media Pte Ltd © 2014

~ an asian tour operator aato ~
“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.” — James Michener
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