Connecting Tortoise client to NAS server

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Aug 10, 2022, 10:42:17 AM8/10/22
to TortoiseSVN
Hey everyone!

I've launched a svn server based on garethflowers/docker-svn-server (Github) on my Synology DS220+ NAS. First tried this tutorial but that failed on the iF.SVNAdmin package (error 500).

The image was downloaded via the Synology GUI of Docker:

The svn server was launched via PuTTY using the following command:
sudo docker run --name svn-nas -d --restart=always --volume /volume1/Data_SVN:/var/opt/svn --publish 3690:3690 garethflowers/svn-server

Data_SVN is the shared folder I've created on the NAS to store versioning data.

A repo was created using the following command:
sudo docker exec -it svn-nas svnadmin create repo01

When right-clicking a folder in Windows (computer in the same network as NAS) and selecting TortoiseVPN > Repo-Browser it refuses to find the repository. I've tried:
  • svn://ip-address
  • svn://ip-address:3690
  • svn://hostname
  • svn://hostname:3690
  • svn://ip-address:3690/var/opt/svn
  • svn://hostname:3690/var/opt/svn
  • (and numerous other combinations)
Nothing works. Did I make a mistake in my command line to start the Docker container? Should I try another path?

In any case: thank you for reading!

Synology DSM 7.1-42661 Update 4
Docker 20.10.3-1306
docker-svn-server 1.7.0

Daniel Sahlberg

Aug 11, 2022, 3:30:41 AM8/11/22
to TortoiseSVN
onsdag 10 augusti 2022 kl. 16:42:17 UTC+2 skrev
Hey everyone!

I've launched a svn server based on garethflowers/docker-svn-server (Github) on my Synology DS220+ NAS. First tried this tutorial but that failed on the iF.SVNAdmin package (error 500).

The image was downloaded via the Synology GUI of Docker:

The svn server was launched via PuTTY using the following command:
sudo docker run --name svn-nas -d --restart=always --volume /volume1/Data_SVN:/var/opt/svn --publish 3690:3690 garethflowers/svn-server

Data_SVN is the shared folder I've created on the NAS to store versioning data.

A repo was created using the following command:
sudo docker exec -it svn-nas svnadmin create repo01

When right-clicking a folder in Windows (computer in the same network as NAS) and selecting TortoiseVPN > Repo-Browser it refuses to find the repository. I've tried:
  • svn://ip-address
  • svn://ip-address:3690
  • svn://hostname
  • svn://hostname:3690
  • svn://ip-address:3690/var/opt/svn
  • svn://hostname:3690/var/opt/svn
  • (and numerous other combinations)
You should also specify the repo name on the URL. Did you try svn://hostname/repo01 or svn://ip-address/repo01? (Using hostname instead of ip address has more to do with the setup of your network than with Subversion, since it assumes the hostname is resolvable on your network).

More details can be found in the Subversion book:

Kind regards,


Aug 12, 2022, 9:48:52 AM8/12/22
to TortoiseSVN
Thanks Daniel! I think I did (or perhaps I tried things like "svn://hostname/var/opt/svn/repo01") but I got stuck in quarantine due to a Covid infection so I'll verify once I get back to work :)

The hostname is resolved in my hosts file but after numerous attempts one starts checking with IP anyway.


Aug 17, 2022, 5:58:37 AM8/17/22
to TortoiseSVN
Success! It indeed connects to svn://hostname/repo01 but when trying to create a new folder I get the following:
[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
Subversion reported an error:

Authorization failed

Shouldn't it be showing an authentication pop-up at this point or do I need to set something else first?

Daniel Sahlberg

Aug 17, 2022, 7:36:24 AM8/17/22
to TortoiseSVN
onsdag 17 augusti 2022 kl. 11:58:37 UTC+2 skrev
Success! It indeed connects to svn://hostname/repo01 but when trying to create a new folder I get the following:

Very good, thanks for confirmation!
[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
Subversion reported an error:

Authorization failed

Shouldn't it be showing an authentication pop-up at this point or do I need to set something else first?

I have not used svnserve for a very long time, personally preferring to tunnel over HTTPS.

In the the SVN Book,, there is a section on how to configure authentication and authorization on the server. How to edit this within the Docker image is outside of my knowledge. If you have trouble configuring the authentication/authorization (after you've figured out how to edit these files!) you should probably ask at since it concerns the server itself and not the TortoiseSVN client.

Kind regards,


Aug 22, 2022, 10:22:19 AM8/22/22
to TortoiseSVN
Thank you for your support, Daniel. All working fine! I indeed had to configure some security settings first but this was pretty straightforward. It actually happens outside of the Docker image as the workspace for SVN is in a shared folder on the NAS (in my case "/volume1/Data_SVN" routed to "/var/opt/svn" inside the Docker image) which holds the repositories. In the repo folders the security setting files can be found.

For future reference I'd like to note that it may be better to use elleflorio/svn-server instead of garethflowers/svn-server (suggested by garethflowers himself here) as the one by elleflorio includes http access and saves its settings outside of the Docker container.

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