Error during Migrating from Perforce to SVN

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Ibrahim Ibbu

May 5, 2019, 11:56:56 AM5/5/19
to TortoiseSVN-dev
Hi SVN team,

I am trying to migrate my project from Perforce to SVN. 

Currently I am following the url “”  but below given “” command failed with segmentation fault (core dumped)


[root@sce-github p42svn]# perl --branch //depot/App=trunk --debug > Myp4.dump

process_options: branch //depot/App/ => trunk/

process_options: save-changenum =

Fetching perforce change list

p4_get_changes: branch //depot/App/

got 70322 changes from 85 to 790090

Fetching perforce label list

Found 0 Perforce labels

p4_get_change_details: 85

is_wanted_file: //depot/App/Welcome.txt

is_wanted_file: considering //depot/App/

p4 85 (of 790090) to svn r1 (of 70322) (1 actions)

p4add2svn: //depot/App/Welcome.txt@85n, 0.0% done, eta 1+05:17:57

depot2svnpath: //depot/App/Welcome.txt => trunk/Welcome.txt

svn_add_parent_dirs: trunk/Welcome.txt

p4_get_file_content: //depot/App/Welcome.txt@85

Segmentation fault (core dumped)  


& there is another way I found as per the below article,*checkout*/p42svn/tags/0.40/www/migration.html


Below is the command output:


root@sce-github p42svn]# ./p42svnsync sync /SVN/svn-repos -v > svn-repos 2>&1 &

[1] 6971

[root@sce-github p42svn]# pwd


[1]+  Done                    ./p42svnsync sync /SVN/svn-repos -v > svn-repos 2>&1

[root@sce-github p42svn]# cd /SVN/svn-repos

[root@sce-github svn-repos]# pwd


[root@sce-github svn-repos]# ls -lrt

total 24

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May  5 02:41 locks

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  229 May  5 02:41 README.txt

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May  5 02:41 conf

-r--r--r-- 1 root root    2 May  5 02:41 format

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May  5 02:41 hooks

drwxr-sr-x 6 root root 4096 May  5 02:43 db


I could not see any source code here, Please verify it once as I am not sure on SVN stuff.


Redirected logfile content:


[root@sce-github p42svn]# more svn-repos

Warning: svn repository has never been synchronized, starting from zero

property 'p42svn:lock-pid' set on repository revision 0

Loading existing revs from /tmp/p42svnsync_revs_aysV

Loading existing files from /tmp/p42svnsync_files_cBIs

Fetching perforce change list

Fetching perforce label list

Found 0 Perforce labels

p4 1 (of 790090) to svn r1 (of 269282) (1 actions)

property 'p42svn:sync-duration' set on repository revision 0:23:49

property 'p42svn:lock-pid' deleted from repository revision 0  


Please provide if you have any trace on this issue on SVN dump issue.

Any help is much appreciated. 





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