Verifying fairness | TLC Errors | Refinement | Verifying properties

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Jones Martins

Oct 19, 2021, 1:50:53 PM10/19/21
to tlaplus

Hello, esteemed colleagues

Having read Specifying Systems twice and a large part of the Hyperbook, I still have some doubts concerning how TLC works. I am not perfect, so it's possible I might have missed or misunderstood key concepts.

I have a few questions. I'd be able to separate them in different "conversations" if required.

1) Since Weak and Strong Fairness are based on the “eventually” and “always” operators, I'd like to know how TLC verifies them. More specifically, since behaviors are an infinite sequence of states, how can the model checker guarantee something eventually or always happens? Wouldn't that be impossible? What am I missing here?

2) Why does TLC not show which properties or invariants fail?

3) Is it correct to say verifying refinement works the same way as verifying properties?

4)  Is it possible to refine three (or more) specifications (C implements B, which implements A) such that:
A changes three variables atomically.
B changes two of those atomically and another one in the next step.
C changes each one in a different step.
My rationale is that C contains B steps, and B contains A steps.

Hillel says this: “We couldn’t write a spec which sets the lock and updates tmp as two separate actions.” Why?

5) From 14.1 of Specifying Systems, when verifying properties:
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ Temporal
Prop == ImpliedInit /\ [][ImpliedAction]_pvars /\ ImpliedTemporal
TLC checks:
Init /\ [][Next]_vars => ImpliedInit /\ [][ImpliedAction]_vars
Spec => ImpliedTemporal
Why does TLC ignore Temporal?

Best regards,
Jones Martins

Andrew Helwer

Oct 20, 2021, 4:05:48 PM10/20/21
to tlaplus
I can only really answer the first question. Behaviors are an infinite sequence of states, yes. However, those behaviors run around a finite state space. All temporal formulas, if false of a system, will have as their counterexample a "lasso" of states where the final state returns to a prior state in the behavior. Think of the simple formula <>P; it suffices as a counterexample to find a behavior that can run in an infinite loop of states where P is never satisfied. So TLC looks for lassos. Not all lassos are counterexamples, though; if you declare weak or strong fairness on actions, that can disallow lassos that would have continuously or continually skipped those actions as part of their infinite loop. Weak fairness disallows stuttering counterexamples for example, where stuttering is just a lasso that loops infinitely in the final state. Lassos with a larger "loop" require strong fairness to disallow. Hopefully that makes sense.


Stephan Merz

Oct 21, 2021, 4:38:13 AM10/21/21

On 19 Oct 2021, at 19:50, Jones Martins <> wrote:

Hello, esteemed colleagues

Having read Specifying Systems twice and a large part of the Hyperbook, I still have some doubts concerning how TLC works. I am not perfect, so it's possible I might have missed or misunderstood key concepts.

I have a few questions. I'd be able to separate them in different "conversations" if required.

1) Since Weak and Strong Fairness are based on the “eventually” and “always” operators, I'd like to know how TLC verifies them. More specifically, since behaviors are an infinite sequence of states, how can the model checker guarantee something eventually or always happens? Wouldn't that be impossible? What am I missing here?

as already indicated by Andrew, model checking of finite-state systems relies on a reduction of temporal logic properties to the exploration of finite graphs. There are several good textbooks on model checking that explain in detail how that works.

2) Why does TLC not show which properties or invariants fail? 

It does indicate which invariant fails but (unfortunately) not for temporal logic properties. I do not think that doing so would be a fundamental problem, but that it's just a limitation of the implementation, but others will know better.

3) Is it correct to say verifying refinement works the same way as verifying properties? 

TLA+ does not formally distinguish between properties and system specifications, since both are expressed as temporal logic properties. Both problems are expressed as the validity of implications Spec => F, and the tools help you verify such problems. Note that TLC only handles a subset of temporal logic formulas, but this subset covers specifications in standard form, so you can use TLC to verify refinement.

4)  Is it possible to refine three (or more) specifications (C implements B, which implements A) such that:
A changes three variables atomically.
B changes two of those atomically and another one in the next step.
C changes each one in a different step.
My rationale is that C contains B steps, and B contains A steps.

Hillel says this: “We couldn’t write a spec which sets the lock and updates tmp as two separate actions.” Why?

If all variables are visible then A will not refine B etc.: an observer would see a step that changes three variables, whereas B only allows two of them to change simultaneously. If the third variable is internal to B (expressed in a TLA formula of the form \EE z : ...) then refinement may hold and can be formally proved by introducing a "stuttering variable" [1]. However, TLC does not handle the \EE quantifier.

5) From 14.1 of Specifying Systems, when verifying properties:
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ Temporal
Prop == ImpliedInit /\ [][ImpliedAction]_pvars /\ ImpliedTemporal
TLC checks:
Init /\ [][Next]_vars => ImpliedInit /\ [][ImpliedAction]_vars
Spec => ImpliedTemporal
Why does TLC ignore Temporal?

It is used for verifying ImpliedTemporal, but ignored for verifying the safety part of the property. For machine closed specifications [2], the supplementary property does not affect the safety properties of a specification, and specifications of the form

Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ L

where L is a conjunction of fairness properties for sub-actions (essentially, disjuncts) of Next are machine closed.

A simple example of a specification that is not machine closed is the following:

Init == x = 0

Next == x=0 /\ (x'=1 \/ x'=2)

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_x /\ <>(x=2)

You can convince yourself that Spec => [](x # 1) but TLC will not check this.


[2] The Existence of Refinement Mappings,

Best regards,
Jones Martins

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Travis Allison

Oct 21, 2021, 3:10:13 PM10/21/21
Hi Stephan,

You mentioned, "There are several good textbooks on model checking that explain in detail how that works." Care to give some titles of textbooks you think are good?



Markus Kuppe

Oct 21, 2021, 6:09:40 PM10/21/21

On 10/21/21 12:09 PM, Travis Allison wrote:
> You mentioned, "There are several good textbooks on model checking that
> explain in detail how that works." Care to give some titles of textbooks
> you think are good?

Hi Travis,

studying the tableau method shown in "Temporal Verification of Reactive
Systems" [1] in addition to "Verifying arbitrary temporal formulas in
the temporal logic of actions" [2] would enable you to understand TLC's
liveness implementation. More generally, "Principles of Model Checking"
[3] is a good introduction.

By the way, Stephan is absolutely right. The fact that TLC does not
name the violated properties is due to a highly optimized
implementation. I'm happy to give pointers if somebody has the time to
address this shortcoming.



Jones Martins

Oct 24, 2021, 9:18:10 PM10/24/21
to tlaplus
Hi everyone,

Thank you, Andrew, Stephan, Travis, and Markus for your responses!

I'd like to clarify some of these questions:

1) I asked this question because I'm still confused by how WF and SF works (currently, I differentiate them by thinking a WF action has lower priority than an SF action). This confusion led me to find the formal definition of WF and SF in the Hyperbook.
Am I right in saying that verification means “breadth-first searching” a state graph until TLC finds a counterexample is found?
If so, when we search for properties of the form “<>P”, are we saying “There's at least one state in the state graph where P is true, and this spec reaches that state eventually”?
Now, for invariants of the form “[]P”, are we saying “P is true for all states of a state graph”?
And if those are true, how does TLC deal with composition of operations, such as <>[]?
Would you have any book or article recommendations expanding on that?

2) My mistake. I meant temporal properties. It seems to me an optimization trade-off, as Markus pointed out.
I believe finding refinement errors is also rather difficult, but for separate reasons.
It sounds like an interesting challenge. Although I don't think I'm ready for it, I'd like to read his pointers.

4) My main concern is what is an abstraction (refinement). In my example above I mention 3 specifications, but my explanation is confusing.
Here's an example:
I am currently dealing with a very simple Bully election algorithm.
The most abstracted version (called SpecA) contains three variables:
 - IsActive (mapping for each processor),
 - Leader (what process is leader),
 - PC (system state).
All three variables change in all states.

Init == ...
Next == \E p \in Procs: (ProcessActivates /\ ElectionWhenActivated) \/ (ProcessDeactivates /\ ElectionWhenDeactivated)
Spec == Init /\ [Next]_vars /\ Liveness

Now I'm writing SpecB, where elections (should) happen AFTER a process' status changes instead of immediately.
Would it be possible to SpecB implement SpecA? Or not, it's impossible because three variables always need to change together even in Spec2, Spec3, and so on...

Thank you very much.

Jones Martins

Stephan Merz

Oct 25, 2021, 12:47:42 PM10/25/21

On 25 Oct 2021, at 03:18, Jones Martins <> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Thank you, Andrew, Stephan, Travis, and Markus for your responses!

I'd like to clarify some of these questions:

1) I asked this question because I'm still confused by how WF and SF works (currently, I differentiate them by thinking a WF action has lower priority than an SF action). This confusion led me to find the formal definition of WF and SF in the Hyperbook.
Am I right in saying that verification means “breadth-first searching” a state graph until TLC finds a counterexample is found?

TLC explores the state graph in a breadth-first search. When it encounters a state that violates an invariant, it reports the invariant violation and stops. (Temporal) properties are evaluated periodically during the construction of the state graph and again at the end when the entire graph has been computed, so it is not guaranteed that TLC will stop at the earliest possible point, and counter-examples to temporal properties are also not guaranteed to be of minimal length.

If so, when we search for properties of the form “<>P”, are we saying “There's at least one state in the state graph where P is true, and this spec reaches that state eventually”?

We are saying "Every behavior that satisfies Spec has a suffix for which P is true". If P happens to be a state predicate, then this is the same as saying "Every behavior that satisfies Spec will eventually reach a state where P is true".

Now, for invariants of the form “[]P”, are we saying “P is true for all states of a state graph”?

Yes, if P is a state predicate. In general, it means "Every suffix of any behavior satisfying Spec must satisfy P".

And if those are true, how does TLC deal with composition of operations, such as <>[]?
Would you have any book or article recommendations expanding on that?

Unlike CTL model checking, LTL / TLA model checking doesn't work by recursively checking the sub-formulas of a formula, and in fact it doesn't make sense to say that a state satisfies a property of the form []P since temporal formulas are evaluated over sequences of states, not states.  Markus already provided pointers to the literature, the textbooks by Baier/Katoen [1] and by Clarke, Grumberg et al. [2] are probably the most comprehensive ones.

2) My mistake. I meant temporal properties. It seems to me an optimization trade-off, as Markus pointed out.
I believe finding refinement errors is also rather difficult, but for separate reasons.
It sounds like an interesting challenge. Although I don't think I'm ready for it, I'd like to read his pointers.

4) My main concern is what is an abstraction (refinement). In my example above I mention 3 specifications, but my explanation is confusing.
Here's an example:
I am currently dealing with a very simple Bully election algorithm.
The most abstracted version (called SpecA) contains three variables:
 - IsActive (mapping for each processor),
 - Leader (what process is leader),
 - PC (system state).
All three variables change in all states.

Init == ...
Next == \E p \in Procs: (ProcessActivates /\ ElectionWhenActivated) \/ (ProcessDeactivates /\ ElectionWhenDeactivated)
Spec == Init /\ [Next]_vars /\ Liveness

Now I'm writing SpecB, where elections (should) happen AFTER a process' status changes instead of immediately.
Would it be possible to SpecB implement SpecA? Or not, it's impossible because three variables always need to change together even in Spec2, Spec3, and so on...

If the activation status of processes and the leader (i.e., the result of election) are externally observable and your high-level spec says that election happens immediately when the activation status changes then refinements must also do this. Otherwise, an external observer could detect a difference between the behavior of the low-level system (where first the activation status changes and later a process is elected) and the high-level system (where the two happen simultaneously). For example, you might prove an invariant of the high-level spec that asserts that the leader is always active, and that invariant could be violated in the lower-level spec where the current leader gets deactivated before a new leader is elected. Refinement preserves all properties.

Hope this helps,


Thank you very much.

Jones Martins

On Thursday, 21 October 2021 at 19:09:40 UTC-3 Markus Alexander Kuppe wrote:

On 10/21/21 12:09 PM, Travis Allison wrote:
> You mentioned, "There are several good textbooks on model checking that
> explain in detail how that works." Care to give some titles of textbooks
> you think are good?

Hi Travis,

studying the tableau method shown in "Temporal Verification of Reactive
Systems" [1] in addition to "Verifying arbitrary temporal formulas in
the temporal logic of actions" [2] would enable you to understand TLC's
liveness implementation. More generally, "Principles of Model Checking"
[3] is a good introduction.

By the way, Stephan is absolutely right. The fact that TLC does not
name the violated properties is due to a highly optimized
implementation. I'm happy to give pointers if somebody has the time to
address this shortcoming.



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Andrew Helwer

Oct 26, 2021, 9:24:58 AM10/26/21
to tlaplus
For understanding weak and strong fairness I encourage you to read my original comment more closely. Fairness can be used in to separate ways:
  1. As assertions/assumptions
  2. As properties to check
In the first case, asserting or assuming weak fairness disallows certain counterexamples to temporal properties. For example if I have the temporal property <>P and I haven't assumed any fairness properties of the system, there is a counterexample where the system just stutters in the starting state. Asserting weak fairness over all the actions in my spec will disallow such trivial stuttering counterexamples. Asserting weak fairness of an action says "if this action is continuously enabled, then it must eventually be taken" - so the system can't stutter indefinitely in a state where a weakly-fair action exists that will take it out of that state. Strong fairness is similar, but says "if this action is continually enabled, then it must eventually be taken" although the distinction between continual and continuous is often mysterious to people. Imagine a system that can indefinitely oscillate back and forth between the start state and another state. Asserting weak fairness would not stop this from being a counterexample to <>P; you would have to assert strong fairness on an action taking you out of the start state to disallow this counterexample. Usually you use strong fairness to assert that the "happy path" will be taken in a loop where the system can error out then retry, like delivering a message over a lossy network.

In the second case, this is generally used in refinement where a lower-level spec performs multiple steps that would be equivalent to a single step in the higher-level spec. You want to check that the lower-level spec will eventually make state progress as it is defined in the higher-level spec, and fairness is a convenient way to do that.


Jones Martins

Oct 27, 2021, 9:09:07 PM10/27/21

Thanks again, Stephan and Andrew.

I believe all my questions have been answered, especially the one about refinement.
“Refinement preserves all properties.” is the key!

I am fairly new to model checking, so when thinking about refinement, I compared it to “filling in the details.”

In the election example, this would be:
1) Election begins.
2) ??? (Refinement, allowed through stuttering steps)
3) Someone is elected.

In a two-player game (tic-tac-toe, maybe), this would be:
1) Game starts.
2) ??? (Refinement, allowed through stuttering steps)
3) There's a draw or a winner.

Is there any way of specifying systems in such a high level of abstraction, or would it be 'pointless'?



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Stephan Merz

Oct 28, 2021, 2:36:57 AM10/28/21
It is completely within the spirit of TLA+ to first write a high-level spec and then check that an algorithm refines that spec. For example, you may have a look at the module SyncTerminationDetected at [1] that provides a high-level spec of termination detection for nodes on a ring with synchronous communication, and for which TLC can check that Dijkstra's algorithm from EWD 840 is a refinement.


Jones Martins

Oct 28, 2021, 11:17:03 AM10/28/21

Thank you, Stephan, for the example. I'll be glad to study it thoroughly.
When I first started writing specs, I wasn't sure people started with such high-level abstractions. I'm glad I'm going in the right direction.


Markus Kuppe

Nov 3, 2021, 7:56:44 PM11/3/21

On 10/21/21 3:09 PM, Markus Kuppe wrote:
> By the way, Stephan is absolutely right.  The fact that TLC does not
> name the violated properties is due to a highly optimized
> implementation.  I'm happy to give pointers if somebody has the time to
> address this shortcoming.

Corresponding Github issue (also shows a workaround):

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