Newbie Having A Hard Time Importing Tiddly Plugins From Other Sources

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Jun 29, 2018, 8:36:31 PM6/29/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hey, so I've barely began to toy around with TiddlyWiki a few days ago, about five or four days, and have been trying to add plugins that I'm hoping will optimize my experience in using TiddlyWiki for note keeping and the like.

I have seen the starting plugins given from the "Empty Version" of Tiddly, and was curious to add more from other sources.

One in particular is the table of contents plugin by FND. Linking discussion here:!topic/tiddlywiki/96ollIZcJMk

I was kinda confused about this plugin at first seeing the "Not executed because this plugin needs a newer version of TiddlyWiki" message in the DevPad site's PluginManager.

It didn't help that I'm an absolute disaster when it comes to reading code.

I have read the tutorial on Tiddly and it still didn't make sense. Dragging the plugin address didn't work as I thought it would. Importing it this way tends to leave out all the essential shadowed files. This would then lead me to dragging and importing those files one by one, which I'm not sure is what I'm supposed to do..?

So if it's not too much to ask, I would greatly appreciate the help in figuring this out as well as some sort of simpler way in adding plugins in the future.

Mark S.

Jun 29, 2018, 9:22:31 PM6/29/18
to TiddlyWiki
Are you using the Empty from, which is TW5 based? Because FND's site is for TWC. Plugins for TWC and TW5 are incompatible.

-- Mark


Jun 29, 2018, 11:27:29 PM6/29/18
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for replying. Yes, I'm using TW5 Empty which explains so much now.

I've also been trying to install this one: and other github based plugins but the import tool just gives me links. (
Like, I would understand why its simply copying and pasting the address down, but many of the installation pages just say to drag and drop but it doesn't really help install the way they're describing how its supposed to be installed.. if that makes sense..?

I should also mention that I'm using this on a chromebook.

Mark S.

Jun 30, 2018, 12:06:40 AM6/30/18
to TiddlyWiki
Tiddlymap appears to work with TW5 empty edition.

What browser are you using? I'm using Firefox, but I'm pretty sure it will work with Chrome -- assuming you are set up to save. What save mechanism are you using?

 With the tiddlymaps page open in one tab, and the "empty" in the other you click and hold down on each of the 5 links (including font awesome) and drag them over to the next tab (empty tw) at the top where a green drop bar appears. Release on the green bar, and the tiddler is added to an import list. When you've dragged them all, click on "import" button. The tiddlers will be created and there will be a list of the imported plugins. Save your empty tw and then reload. You must reload for the imported plugins to become active.

This is where it becomes important to know how you are saving. If you are saving using the default mechanism (i.e. you aren't using an extension or a server to save)  then the TW you reload will be the one that appears at the top of  your download list -- not the one currently in your browser tab. I know that's not how things work in regular applications, but it is how it works with the default TW save mechanism.

Good luck!
-- Mark


Jun 30, 2018, 12:39:28 AM6/30/18
to TiddlyWiki
Okay, so I wasn't able to drag and drop them as you did, but I was able to do it, finally.

Before I explain how, I show tell you that:
  • I am using Chrome as a browser
  • the "save automatically" option is on
  • not really using any addons/ extensions for saving, just manually saving it each time
The way I was able to add the Maps plugin was by downloading the entire TiddlyWiki, from there I was able to drag and import the files needed from like described in the instalation guide.

Not sure what this means, but thanks again!
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