Do you people ever get PAID for your work ...?

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May 3, 2016, 3:07:50 PM5/3/16
to TiddlyWiki
Dear all / Cari tuitti

All this giving away of knowledge is great for idiots like me.

SOMETIMES I wonder WHO are the idiots. The users or the advisors?

I am aware there is an "ethic" here in play.

BUT perhaps its a little TOO ethical.for its own good.

Thoughts from the Far Side.


Alex Hough

May 3, 2016, 4:41:50 PM5/3/16
to TiddlyWiki

I see TW as a utopian project concerned with knowledge, knowledge creation, sharing and cooperation.It's a creative commons, in line with the ethos of the Open Source movement. 

Part of the design skills possessed by Jeremy, Eric (who moderates the group) et al. is (as I see it at least) an understanding that engagement with a software project is what drives the innovation and cooperation. But I suspect that for many people here is that they are totally besotted with TW - addicts to playing with TW and addicts to the everyday soap opera played out on the TW lists, GitHub, Twitter and most excitingly the hangouts.

I've got used to some of the characters in the TW soap, and I find the ethos you describe hugely inspiring. Over the years  this TiddlyWorld has inspired me in many ways, exposing me to a whole new way of thinking.

It's a refreshing change from the feeling of being a consumer in a world where everything is commodified.

When I get to bring my attention to TiddlyWorld I relax. I see a beautiful place like a Japanese garden. There is no mess -- or at least not the kind of mess my two children make about the place. I may be wrong, but I get the feeling that "giving away knowledge" brings a feeling of deep satisfaction to those who choose to give it away (or share). 

I read this [1] the other day

TiddlyWiki isn't really "a non-linear web notebook", its a thinking about thinking tool, a tool to help communicate complex ideas and tool to help build communities to think about tools to help them think etc. It's a muse and meta-muse as well as something to manage your todo list and or your research project. 

Welcome, and enjoy!

best wishes

[1] yes.... and this highlights a frustration. I can't read that knowledge, and I can't cut and paste from the document -- -- to me its pointless creating knowledge if restrictions are put on sharing it. Its especially frustrating if the person producing the knowledge is funded from the public purse and the knowledge is closed off from the public it should seek to inform. If only the document was TiddlyWiki, I would have taken the quote above as a .tid file, and put it into my own TW. I'd link to the paper and anyone reading it could visit the source.  I'm with Aaron Swartz -- -- being in TW fulfils a need for me, one to share with sharers. Its acutually good for ones mental health too. The New Economics Foundation has sharing as one of five factors in its "5 ways to well-being" -- -- so... TiddlyWiki is a medicine too!

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May 3, 2016, 5:28:14 PM5/3/16
to TiddlyWiki

There is NOTHING i could disagree with in what you wrote. It is INSPIRING.

As Tigger says ...

  "The wonderful about Tiggers
    Is Tiggers are wonderful things."

BUT ALSO people need cash to live. So. I get interested in the economy of support that enables them to do so, or not..


Hegart Dmishiv

May 3, 2016, 9:16:06 PM5/3/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Josiah,

For myself, the open source community is a recognition of the fact that there is "nothing new under the sun". Or, as open source advocates are more prone to put it, we're all "standing on the shoulders of giants". What I'm doing with the TiddlyCRM project wouldn't be possible without Jeremy's contributions to TiddlyWiki, who in turn wouldn't have been able to create TW in the first place without the contributions of Brendan Eich and others who created Javascript, and so on backwards through the history of computing.

I choose to contribute my own progress back to the TW community freely, in recognition of the efforts of these forebears. Once TiddlyCRM is complete (to Full Release phase, anyway), I'll be releasing it freely under a license which respects Jeremy's licensing of TiddlyWiki. If I want to make money from this, it will be in supporting people to use TiddlyCRM, not in license fees for purchasing the product. In fact, one of my collaborators on TiddlyCRM has already intimated that he intends to do this, by providing ongoing (paid) support to users. There are numerous examples of open source projects which make money in the same way. Do a web search for "monetizing open source".


May 3, 2016, 9:30:34 PM5/3/16
to TiddlyWiki

I found that post interesting. Thanks for taking the time.

What strikes me is how maybe the money works out (at least for some). Still, I think i would be too self-interested for that level of giving.

I, frankly, am amazed at the giving away that Mr Ruston and also "Mr Eric" have actively done on TW.

Yes it enriches as all. But I have the niggle in me that perhaps it also strips somewhat the givers.

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