Making linear documents / compiling a report for export. Best practice

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HC Haase

Feb 23, 2016, 8:10:00 AM2/23/16
to TiddlyWiki

While tiddlywiki is great for storing and linking information. But not so great if you need to piece your information (tiddlers) together to a more structured text.

My objective here is to: easily sort tiddlers in a custom order and export
is there a:

  1. plug-in to help with this or
  2. a particular good workflow?

This structured text could be many things e.g. articles and reports. My concrete case right now, is a report/ documentation of workflows and routines in my job. When introducing others, I would like to hand them my documentation structured in a particular way, like:

  1. introduction stuff
  2. middle stuff
  3. ending stuff
  4. reference stuff

My relevant tiddlers however do not sort (by title, date, tag) like that.

The workflows I have tried so far:

1. field with priority

a. Add a new field: “priority” with numbers 1,2,3
b. in advanced search filter by tag and priority
c. export the search.

However imputing the priority is slow and needs to be maintained.

2. Transclusion in a tiddler for export.

a. in advanced search filter by tag
b. copy the search result and paste it in a new tiddler
d. add curly {{brackets}} around every line to transclude them
e. rearrange them as desired
f. export tiddler

However faster than method 1, its still slow but a bit easier to maintain/ put new tiddlers in.

My vision of the ideal method would be to be able to save and export a story view. this way I could put stories together as needed and export them.

Dose anyone have suggestion on how to best to structure tiddelers for export?

Mark S.

Feb 23, 2016, 12:00:07 PM2/23/16
to TiddlyWiki
About #1, changing priorities is a lot easier if you set up a list with an editable field.  Here's something I use to remind about topics that I'm currently interested in:

<$list filter="[tag[Current]sort[priority]]" >
<tr><td style="text-align:center;padding:1px;width:1px"><$edit-text size="2" field="priority"/></td>
<td style="width:100%;padding:5px">{{!!title}}  </td>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>Tiddler</$link></td>
<td><a href={{!!location}} target="_blank">Direct Link</a></td>

I can just go down the resulting list and change the priority of the tiddler, without having to find the tiddler, open it, and edit the priority field.


Jed Carty

Feb 23, 2016, 12:32:52 PM2/23/16
to TiddlyWiki
Would something like the resume edition with a longer output be useful? Because what you want is possible and isn't too hard if you do it correctly.

You make a tiddler that will display your output with something like this in the text field:

<$list filter='[tag[Section]sort[order]]'>
<$transclude mode=block/>

Then you make a tiddler for each section and tag them with Section and put this in the text field::

<$list filter='[tag[SectionName]sort[order]]'>
<$transclude mode=block/>

Then you make your content tiddlers and tag them with the section names (SectionName in theprevious one should be replaced with whatever you want your section name to be.)

The 'order' field in the tiddlers tagged with Section will set the order of the sections, the order field in the smaller tiddlers will set the order within the section.

You can use a system like in the resume builder to select which tiddlers to include and to set the order.

HC Haase

Feb 25, 2016, 3:52:09 AM2/25/16
@ Mark S.
Thansk.. That proofed really helpful.

I think this really should be part of  the standard tiddllywiki or a plug-in. Of course I have the code now and wil save and use it my self, but for non-coders/ new to TW like me, functionality like this deserve to be included.

HC Haase

Mar 15, 2016, 9:45:22 AM3/15/16
to TiddlyWiki
I found a kin of workaround. it may be obvious to some but I didn't thought of it.

if you make a story with the desired order of tiddlers, you can simply make an advanced search for the story with


and export the search.

Alex Hough

Mar 15, 2016, 10:31:11 AM3/15/16
to TiddlyWiki

Very good!


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Ste Wilson

May 13, 2016, 7:32:41 AM5/13/16
Ive managed to get which is all the tiddlers in the right order by using

<$list filter='[tag[Statics]]'>
<$transclude mode=block/>

as the list field in the Statics tiddler contains the correct order.

So far so good.  Now the question is:

Is there a way to get the tiddler tittles as section headings?

And a second question...if I have sub-tiddlers i.e. vectors is a subset of statics, the explanations of vectors are tagged vectors, not statics. can i insert them in the correct place or do I just need new tag for the lot, ':$/Thebook' for example?

And finally is there a quick way plugin for tags and tiddlers that would make that job easy if it's needed?

Jed Carty

May 13, 2016, 11:37:25 AM5/13/16
to TiddlyWiki
The quick answer is that it is possible and that you want to use templates here. You make a tiddler called StaticsTemplate that has something like this in the text field:



Then change you Statics tiddler to this:

<$list filter='[tag[Statics]]' template=StaticsTiddler>


Then you can change the StaticsTiddler to include whatever else you want in your sections.

Ákos Szederjei

May 13, 2016, 11:55:36 AM5/13/16
Another mystery for me Ladies and Gentlemen!

Why is abbreviation RoF (captial R, small o, capital F) in italics, and
ROF (all letters in capital) not?

The same goes for the more naughty version of XxX and XXX. :)


c pa

May 13, 2016, 2:54:39 PM5/13/16
to TiddlyWiki,
I think you are looking at the difference between a TiddlyLink to a non-existing tiddler vs. straight text

ROF does not create a link to the corresponding text because it doesn't contain a mixture of upper and lower case letters

RoF creates a tiddlyLink. If there is no tiddler named RoF then it displays in italics (= doesn't exist)

Ákos Szederjei

May 13, 2016, 5:19:57 PM5/13/16
Should the syntax for tiddlyLink not look like:



But you are right, the tilde (~) removes the link.



May 14, 2016, 3:39:39 AM5/14/16
If you do not want to type the curly brackets  like you write in Transclusion in a tiddler for export.

After tagging your tiddlers with either intro, middle, ending or reference.
Create a tiddler with the following contents 

<$list filter="[tag[intro]]" >
``{{``<$view field="title"></$view>``}}``<br>
<$list filter="[tag[middle]]" >
``{{``<$view field="title"></$view>``}}``<br>
<$list filter="[tag[ending]]" >
``{{``<$view field="title"></$view>``}}``<br>
<$list filter="[tag[reference]]" >
``{{``<$view field="title"></$view>``}}``<br>

Another example When you type the following in a new tiddler at
<$list filter="[tag[HelloThere]]" >
!<$view field="title"></$view><br>``{{``<$view field="title"></$view>``}}``<br>

You'll get the following output (in the preview)

!A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki
{{A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki}}
!Discover TiddlyWiki
{{Discover TiddlyWiki}}
!Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki
{{Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki}}
!Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki
{{Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki}}
!What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?
{{What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?}}

When you then copy those generated  lines to a tiddler 
and rearrange them you get titles plus tiddler contents ready for printing.


Mark S.

May 14, 2016, 11:41:51 AM5/14/16
to TiddlyWiki,
Something with mixed caps like RoF is called camel case. It automatically becomes a link in TW and many other wikis. If you don't like this feature you can turn it off in the control panel under the settings tab.



Ste Wilson

May 18, 2016, 3:59:22 AM5/18/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hello again!

Getting there.



Gives an error in template tiddler of: Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget.
which doesn't seem to cause any problems but....

In the full tiddler the headings/ titles are not showing as headings but as !!Vectors or !!Forces despite showing as a heading in the template tiddler.


Ste Wilson

May 18, 2016, 6:02:56 AM5/18/16
to TiddlyWiki,
<$list filter="[tag[HelloThere]]" >
!<$view field="title"></$view><br>``{{``<$view field="title"></$view>``}}``<br>

This method i like...  Thanks.
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