Tiddler Commander

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Feb 12, 2019, 10:30:53 AM2/12/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com

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Announcement: Tiddler Commander
Date: Feb 12th, 2019
Status: beta (idea)

Major update: 14th March 2019

Critical change: Tiddler Commander search now needs two steps

  • Enter a filter expression in the filter search box
  • Click the search icon right of search box to apply the search criteria to enable Commander batch operation1
  • FIXED: Search and Select tiddlers now are seated together
  • NEW: numberof tiddlers matches and selected are shown
  • New: Help tab was added
  • New: Clear search box will clear selected selections
  • New: Select none in Select tiddlers will clear selected tiddlers
  1. The reason is, when filter search is changed, the selected tiddlers are still there! So, it needs to clear the previous selection on new search criteria!

Major update: 13th March 2019

  • New : Inspect
    • View selected tiddler with their fields
    • Scroll in selected tiddlers
    • Edit selected tiddlers including all fields
    • Scroll in selected tiddlers while editing
    • Fixed: Minor issues in SNR

    Acknowledgement: Special thanks goes to Ton Gerner for his great script on view fields.

Major update: 8th March 2019

  • New search-n-replace (SNR) added
  • SNR can search and replace not only in a single tiddler but also in bulk of tiddlers
  • Several issues fixed
  • Logging is active for all operations

Major update: 3rd March 2019

  • New: selective operation
    • select all/ select none/ optionally select tiddlers
  • New: logging all operations
  • New: delete temporary tiddlers button added to Setting tab
  • New: old fields, old tags are selected from a drop down list
  • Text operation disabled and will be added in the next update. It is still buggy

Major update: 24th February 2019

  • Search and replace
    • works for changing characters, words, ...
    • retains formatting
    • cannot distiguish whole words (you need to add spaces around the word)

Many thanks to BTC for his great help in this part.

Major update: 22th February 2019

  • Logging
    • Commander logs some operations
      • Create tiddlers
      • Create tiddlers using template
      • Delete tiddlers silently
      • Delet tiddlers selectively
  • New face
    • Delete tiddlers selectively has a new face
    • search and replace in tiddler text now supports whole word searching
  • Main issues
    • Search and replace in tiddlers remove formatting 

Major update: 21th February 2019

  • Search and replace in tiddler text filed
    • This is in progress feature
    • This does not support the whole words, casesensitive search and replace

Major update: 19th February 2019
  • New: add and remove chars to/from the title was added
  • New: add/remove chars uses a non-overwriting mechanism

Major update: 18th February 2019
  • Fixed: handling missing tiddlers added
  • New: remove chars from the title us added
  • Fixed: a specified height is used in ui to prevent collapsing
  • bugs
    • remove chars overwrite tiddlers

Major update: 14th February 2019

  • New: bulk tiddler creation using templates
  • New: remove fields using drop down menu
  • New: preset search filter added
  • New: save search filter added
  • Fixed: empty suffix/prefix does not delete tiddlers anymore
  • Fixed: prevent all overwriting (issue: you cannot force overwriting)

Minor Update: 13th February 2019

  • Fixed: remove suffix not working
  • New: bulk tiddler created has got new name format
  • New: added range and select widgets for "create bulk tiddlers"
  • New: added delete tiddlers at once operation

I have prepared a small toolkit called Tiddler Commander or in short Commander. This is a proof of concept and
both the name and operations can be changed.

I highly welcome any constructive idea and I hope get feedback from both users and developers.

I also welcome any collaboration as is discussed in other posts.

Warning: This is a beta release and is not in form of plugin! Do not import to your own wikis because of the risk of data loss.



Feb 12, 2019, 12:27:31 PM2/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
"Commander" is a good name for the aim.


On Tuesday, 12 February 2019 16:30:53 UTC+1, Mohammad wrote:
Announcement: Tiddler Commander
Date: Feb 12th, 2019
Status: beta (idea)

Diego Mesa

Feb 12, 2019, 1:54:44 PM2/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hey Mohammad,

This is great! Any thoughts on getting this into core so its part of `$:/Manager`?


On Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 9:30:53 AM UTC-6, Mohammad wrote:
Announcement: Tiddler Commander
Date: Feb 12th, 2019
Status: beta (idea)


Feb 12, 2019, 4:09:50 PM2/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
what is with "core" that  so easy comes upfront?

i'd rather know it works well. 

"core" additions are something else. much later. IF proven for that,

this looks like great addition--but in process.

likely a plugin.

let us deal with what it is dealing with first.

On Tuesday, 12 February 2019 19:54:44 UTC+1, Diego Mesa wrote:
Hey Mohammad,o a

This is great! Any thoughts on getting this into core so its part of `$:/Manager`?h later.


On Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 9:30:53 AM UTC-6, Mohammad wrote:
Announcement: Tiddler Commander
Date: Feb 12th, 2019
Status: beta (idea)

I have prepared a small toolkit called Tiddler Commander or in short Commander. This is a proof of concept and
both the name and operations can be changed.

I highly welcome any constructive idea and I hope get feedback from both users and developers.

I also welcome any collaboration as is discussed in other posts.

Warning: This is a beta release and is not in form of plugin! Do not import to your own wikis because of the risk of data loss.



Diego Mesa

Feb 12, 2019, 4:17:15 PM2/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
Lets not hijack this thread Josiah. Suffice it to say, I agree we should first worry about whether it works. Then, whether it works well. I just posed the question, as if the end goal is indeed to get into the core, it would be logical to eventually bake this into $:/Manager's UI somehow. 

Me wanting to see a plugin in the core, is the highest compliment I can pay the plugin. 


Feb 12, 2019, 4:19:04 PM2/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
I think its not so clear what this is for.

On Tuesday, 12 February 2019 16:30:53 UTC+1, Mohammad wrote:
Announcement: Tiddler Commander
Date: Feb 12th, 2019
Status: beta (idea)


Feb 12, 2019, 4:23:09 PM2/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
Ciao caro

I kinda agree to back off a bit.

The thread needs space.


Birthe C

Feb 12, 2019, 4:31:50 PM2/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
I can Add suffix, but not Remove suffix. (nothing happens)


tirsdag den 12. februar 2019 kl. 16.30.53 UTC+1 skrev Mohammad:
Announcement: Tiddler Commander
Date: Feb 12th, 2019
Status: beta (idea)


Feb 12, 2019, 5:46:52 PM2/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
Some Quick Feedback

  • Search via Filter expression should indicate it is a link to an external resource

  • "Add remove prefix" and "add remove suffix" sound funny, I suggest replace with "Prefix and Suffix" and let the buttons highlight "add and remove" perhaps even subtle green and red buttons or like for tags.

  • Do the above for consistency in each "Tool"

Can I suggest that in the tids section be called tiddlers and the "Create Bulk tiddlers" become Create "numbered tiddlers" and that this tab appear because it uses a particular tag?

If you do this then others can create tiddlers, that generate tiddlers, using other schemes, that will also appear here. I believe strongly we need a set of test data generators both for convenience, learning and shared support such that people could say 'I have N tiddlers generated using test data "numbered tree", "numbered tiddlers" and use the following macro blah and this occurs".

My proposed generator tiddler can be stand alone but you can provision and ability for inclusion in the commander.

Love your Work Mohammad

On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 2:30:53 AM UTC+11, Mohammad wrote:
Announcement: Tiddler Commander
Date: Feb 12th, 2019
Status: beta (idea)


Feb 12, 2019, 7:28:58 PM2/12/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
* https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/w9Bv-WulKw8
* https://philosopher.life/#2019.02.12%20-%20TWGGF%3A%20Commander

This is the perfect tool for someone who uses TW like I do. I have to massage my wiki. Thank you for making this gorgeous tool. I want to kiss your feet. I //strongly// agree: the functionality of this tool should be in the core. It's absurdly useful. It appears to be the second coming of TiddlerTool. I will joyously be testing it out.

I have no expectations; I'm grateful to have the chance to use your software. What I want or would use, of course, may not be valuable to this project. You've asked for feedback, and I'm going to take the opportunity to give you my constructive ideas.

* Enable search input boxes which do not require filter expressions.
** Filter expression construction increases the cognitive load for the user.
** TiddlyTool was outstanding for this because I could search by title, field, or tag, one at a time, to narrow things down.
*** Searching based on specified content in the body would be useful.
*** Searching by date ranges in title prefixes (e.g. YYYY.MM.DD - YYYY.MM.DD) would be useful to some.
** Case sensitivity options may be useful.

* Allow one to manually pick out exceptions.
** The ability to select by checkbox can be extremely useful.
** Applying batch operations to checked or unchecked enables a fuzziness in the initial search.
** This may have an unworthy performance penalty.

* Enable the ability to replace specified contents in the bodies of tiddlers.

* I would request you optimize for performance.
** I can tell you that once you start hitting thousands of tiddlers, these kinds of tools can sometimes become unwieldy and even broken. I have had them freeze and crash browsers and node many times.

Your work is dope. Thank you!


Feb 13, 2019, 8:48:48 AM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hello Birthe,
 The issue resolved. See the updated version.



Feb 13, 2019, 8:51:44 AM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks Diego!
I will work to improve it and resolve the issues raised by people in this group.
I would be very useful if this or a similar tool can be added to the core!

By the way the part dealing with tiddler name should be used with care and I think there is hesitate to add such feature.
It can breaks all the links to those renamed tiddlers. So, one solution is to take care of that problem.



Feb 13, 2019, 8:53:24 AM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
If any feature gets into the core, then people trust it and are sure they will have long support!



Feb 13, 2019, 8:59:29 AM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks Tony!
I will consider them for improvement in next release.

I tried to have commander in a modular form and I used very much from Tiddler Concept!
Its the beauty of TW which allow you develop rather complex operation using tiny small one!

The first phase is to get every operation works as planned. The UI as you said needs more work and I would be glad to have your comments
like those raised in your post!

By the way, I appreciate your time for evaluating commander.



Feb 13, 2019, 9:10:34 AM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Dear h0p3,

Many thanks for your kind words!

I am glad you find it useful. Of course this tool is not comparable with TiddlyTool from Eric Shulman, he is one of Tiddlywiki expert.
By the way, I will try to see which part of your comments are possible to be implemented.

Searching and replacing contents inside tiddlers need string processing. By my best of knowledge it is not present in the TW core
and needs installing additional plugins. But if Jeremy or other developer see this post may give me advises how to tackle such case.



Feb 13, 2019, 10:13:31 AM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Quick interim comment

The Modular Design looks very good. Enabling easier extensibility.


Mohammad wrote:
... I tried to have commander in a modular form 


Feb 13, 2019, 10:22:23 AM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
One thing. Just an early thought. Is whether parts of it might need ALERTS & CONFIRMS? It's a powerful tool. It could eat your wiki if you not fully clear what you doing.

I will comment in more detail on specifics later.


Mark S.

Feb 13, 2019, 10:56:19 AM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hi everyone,

TW really needs these kinds of tools if tiddlers are to convey "the smallest semantic unit" successfully.

Along the lines of "Danger Will Robinson!", removing suffix "2" from "Test 2" will cause it to overwrite "Test". It probably needs some pre-check to warn users that "the following tiddlers will be overwritten".

-- Mark


Feb 13, 2019, 11:21:43 AM2/13/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mark,
 Thank you for your comment. I absolutely need these evaluations!



Feb 13, 2019, 11:22:30 AM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki


Feb 13, 2019, 11:37:23 AM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
It's looking good Mohammad.

Tiddly Tweeter and Mark are right to point out the need for checks, alerts and confirmations. You can't have too many warnings and, as Mark points out, some deletions have unseen consequences.

I'm sure you know this already but I noticed the other day that;

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-delete-tiddler"/>

asks for confirmation on each deletion, whereas

<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler={{!!title}}/>

doesn't ask for any confirmation. I wonder if that difference holds true for other send-message constructions?

Anyway I think a lot of people on the forum will have useful batch code to contribute to your project.

Perhaps you could embed a google form or similar on your website to make it easier for contributors and ensure standardised fields?

Something like title, batch target, code, filter used, skill level, source?
Others might suggest more useful fields.

I think you designed something along those lines already for the Solutions site but a google form would make it very easy for users to contribute.

Good luck!

Mark S.

Feb 13, 2019, 11:52:02 AM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
A thought about bulk creation. When I make tiddlers in bulk, I usually want to specify fields as well, preferably with default values. The more universal way to do that would be to specify a base "tiddler" instead of a "title", whose fields (with default values) get used as the basis. Stepping it up a notch (so you won't get bored, hah!), you could have a dropdown list of tiddlers that are templates for bulk creation.

Have fun!
-- Mark


Feb 13, 2019, 11:54:56 AM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Right. Option on bulk creation that clones a Tiddler that has what you need in it already.

Something like that.


Mark S.

Feb 13, 2019, 12:01:32 PM2/13/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
FYI -- note there is a tiddlymap entry under Tiddler Management/Manipulation.


Feb 13, 2019, 1:31:38 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Mark,
 Added to do list. As the code is modular users can simply add their own template later on.



Feb 13, 2019, 1:35:24 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki


Feb 13, 2019, 2:35:01 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
 Thanks for your comment!
Unfortunately the confirmation parameter not available for many widgets messages and needs separate programming.
I welcome any contribution and would like to setup it in way people can help and contribute through GitHub.



Feb 13, 2019, 2:36:03 PM2/13/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
I think the default link for filter HELP is not that helpful. It goes to the static site in a not particularly helpful place.

Maybe allow users to configure  the HELP link?


I mentioned this previously with an alternative example at https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/ivg2AtepWo8/xBhGxehcBgAJ Point 2.

Best wishes


Feb 13, 2019, 2:41:22 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Apologies for email users. I had trouble getting the image to work.


Feb 13, 2019, 3:11:47 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki


Feb 13, 2019, 3:12:16 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Regarding FIELDS ...

Any chance of a drop down that shows what exists--as exists in the editor?


Best wishes


Feb 13, 2019, 3:19:17 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Yes and NO

Yes, as it is handy to select among the existing fileds
No, the performance impact with big large scale wikis and cluttered the menu

May be to add options to turn on /off this feature!



Feb 13, 2019, 3:27:55 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
You are right.

The one advantage for me would be I often forget what bespoke fields I created. Did I create "assay" or "assays"? Dropdown on fields would help users like me.

Just a comment


Feb 13, 2019, 3:34:46 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
A possible, perhaps easier way, is simply a pop-up that displays "Fields in use" but not connected to the Commander directly? Just for Reminder Information for users like me?

A thought


Feb 13, 2019, 5:07:46 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Mark,
 Create using template was added!


On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 8:22:02 PM UTC+3:30, Mark S. wrote:


Feb 13, 2019, 5:23:37 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki

Mark S.

Feb 13, 2019, 5:34:55 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
This will let you select fields from the existing pool -- but only if they exist in tiddlers selected by the current filter. That way you are inundated with thousands of irrelevant fields.

(Make a backup before trying)

-- Mark


Feb 13, 2019, 7:04:49 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki

This question of "In the Core" is a repeating one and I believe often a source of unnecessary debate. I hope I can shed a little light on it here from my perspective.

The key phrase I believe is "chose to remove"

  • When something is in the core is is not removable from TiddlyWiki, even if it may be hidden by overwriting shadow tiddlers.
  • People often confuse empty.html as representing the core, when in fact this is the minimum usable wiki, and yes, unless it is in the core it is unlikely to be seen in empty.html
  • By popular demand anything can be included in empty.html but by definition it should remain a minimum usable wiki.
  • I believe we should de-emphasise empty.html as a "developers minimum usable wiki" and provide other editions for new users, learners, editors etc... These editions would include the contents TOC and plugins that customise tiddlywiki for the target audience. For example commander could be in a standard.html edition or a designers.html edition.
On Commander and Empty.html, I would not want Commander, ideally not even tag manager and Tiddler manager in the core and thus always in empty.html because what ever I build should not automatically contain components which end users may use to break the designed wiki. Sure they may be included via plugins in a standard.html edition, but as plugins I can "chose to remove"

A new possibility I can see using designed wiki templates, (or the proposed innerwiki plugin to run) is to publish a complete.html edition that includes tiddlywiki.com and additional plugins like commander and has a set of recipes that allows the user to export any of a set of standard editions. My New User Edition is somewhat similar but adds tools for the tiddlywiki student to maintain their own notes.

The core is the place where if anycode is placed it becomes forever committed to by the community, will always need maintenance, must be high performance, must always be backwardly compatible, and is considered minimum code.

Only Shared Services and facilities should be in the core, and cases where it is necessary for performance.

Perhaps if we had deemphasised the empty.html prior to now, you would be putting an argument if commander should be in empty.html or standard html but in either case it should be a removable plugin and/or bundle.

I do not think it should be the intention to install any optional tool in the core.



Feb 13, 2019, 10:08:42 PM2/13/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
You make an excellent argument. You've changed my mind. I want to modify my claim in light of it.

On Commander and Empty.html, I would not want Commander, ideally not even tag manager and Tiddler manager in the core and thus always in empty.html because what ever I build should not automatically contain components which end users may use to break the designed wiki. Sure they may be included via plugins in a standard.html edition, but as plugins I can "chose to remove"

I can appreciate that. This reminds me of Linux distributions quite a bit. Part of the reason some distributions are more popular than others is because the barrier to entry is simply lower. There's a reason I hand a Fedora, Ubuntu, or Manjaro instead of an Arch, NixOS, or Gentoo to most people interested in trying Linux.

Sometimes I want a base, stripped-down, absolute bare minimal installation so I can develop exactly and only what I need in that system. In most cases, however, the average user (including me) benefits from a batteries loaded installation; they shouldn't have to bootstrap or build out from scratch. They shouldn't have to be an architect, nor should they have to install the python interpreter or openssh. Many kinds of tools should already be there for the average user.

I think your argument demonstrates the need for at least two builds sitting on the frontpage of https://tiddlywiki.com/:

* Bare Minimal Core
* Standard Distribution

My claim is that a tool like Commander belongs in a standard, one-size-attempts-to-fit-all version. Part of maximizing TW uptake is making it generally functional from the get go. Exactly what belongs in the standard distribution is something which should be debated.

A new possibility I can see using designed wiki templates, (or the proposed innerwiki plugin to run) is to publish a complete.html edition that includes tiddlywiki.com and additional plugins like commander and has a set of recipes that allows the user to export any of a set of standard editions. My New User Edition is somewhat similar but adds tools for the tiddlywiki student to maintain their own notes.

An architect tool would be sick. Unless they are walking through a tutorial, I still think the first TW a newer user downloads should be a  batteries-loaded one. After gaining experience, when they know more precisely what they want, then going either minimal core or using the complete architect makes far more sense.

I also like how there are custom TW's built for specifically one purpose. That's also good. We still need a generalist that "just works."

A "bloated" standard install should be the default for newcomers. They can optimize and compatibilize later if it matters (I suggest it won't most of the time).

Perhaps if we had deemphasised the empty.html prior to now, you would be putting an argument if commander should be in empty.html or standard html but in either case it should be a removable plugin and/or bundle.

I do not think it should be the intention to install any optional tool in the core.

I agree to that. Keep the core as clean and minimal as possible. Have the package management do all the heavy lifting. Make it so users can strip things out of the standard distribution if they wanted to. A tool like Commander should be a default, didn't even have to install it, it's assumed you have it unless you specifically removed it (or went custom from the beginning) kind of tool in a standard, batteries-loaded distribution.

Commander, or a tool like it, would be a strong tiddler management tool which standard users shouldn't have to hunt to find and install. Every standard OS should come with a high-functioning file manager, and every standard TW should come with a high-functioning tiddler manager.


Feb 13, 2019, 10:32:47 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks Mark.
Looking for more contribution :-)



Feb 13, 2019, 10:37:48 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Tony!

I think Commander is in beta stage. It seems it is useful.  So, my aim is to get it working, fixing issues.
I try to keep it simple, modular and easy to understand.
By modular, I mean to be extended simply as Josiah noted above.

That is the objectives for time being.



Feb 13, 2019, 10:50:07 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Mohammad I agree

I also suggested a tag for others to place extensions into commander.

My only concern was to put the argument it should only ever be a key plugin not nessasarily core, or in empty so you proceed with this in mind.

This issue is also importiant for a broader audience it seemed a good opportunity to raise it.



Feb 13, 2019, 11:05:43 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
 What is your idea for confirmation alert?
 The TW widgets has no parameter to check this. I noted the tm-delete-tiddler has this abbility.

One way is to write a macro to check the existence of any newly created tiddler. As you see working on tittle actually create new tiddler with requested name and delete the old .

What do you think?


Mark S.

Feb 13, 2019, 11:37:57 PM2/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
I was thinking of a nested loop that would test all possible new names, and list any conflicts. The user would have to decide how to proceed after that. It's similar to merging in Git, where the user has to decide how to fix conflicts.

-- Mark


Feb 14, 2019, 12:12:01 AM2/14/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Good point!

I am still worry to complicate things, but absolutely this is a TW way.
I am doing to see how it works.

Also I add a checkbox for remove field dropdown to check if the system fields shall be included (e.g creator, modifier, tags, text,...)



Feb 14, 2019, 7:26:21 AM2/14/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Mohammad wrote:
I am still worry to complicate things

I broadly agree. But at the same time this is developing into a rich tool. So maybe some complexity is necessary for it to achieve its aims?

Just a thought


Feb 14, 2019, 7:35:07 AM2/14/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Ciao Mohammad

Will this be integrated with existing Advanced Search in some way?

Advanced Search has a very useful drop-down for filters.

The method of using Advanced Search in filter mode is, for instance, used by PMario's excellent "Bundler" system (likely the best tool TW has for import/export).

So my concern is that Commander be integrated so that other tools that use standard mechanisms for recording filters remain easy to use within it.

Please ask if this is unclear.

Best wishes

On Tuesday, 12 February 2019 16:30:53 UTC+1, Mohammad wrote:
Announcement: Tiddler Commander
Date: Feb 12th, 2019
Status: beta (idea)

Minor Update: 14th February 2019
  • New: bulk tiddler creation using templates
  • Fixed: few issues regarding to add/remove prefix/suffix were fixed

Minor Update: 13th February 2019

  • Fixed: remove suffix not working
  • New: bulk tiddler created has got new name format
  • New: added range and select widgets for "create bulk tiddlers"
  • New: added delete tiddlers at once operation


Feb 14, 2019, 7:50:50 AM2/14/19
to TiddlyWiki

Quick note on DELETE methods. Excellent. Added warnings. Ability to select individual OR do all. Perfect.



Feb 14, 2019, 7:56:24 AM2/14/19
to TiddlyWiki
Ciao Mohammad,

Tiddler CREATION ... this looks not quite right yet. The main danger is over-writing?

I will respond in more detail later. I need to get a bit clearer first.



Feb 14, 2019, 8:21:20 AM2/14/19
to TiddlyWiki

 If you mean to use the advanced search in Commander, it is easy to implement! I can add specific filter here!
But if you mean commander goes below advanced search it may be dangerous as some of filters there dealing with
system tiddlers and deleting or renaming them may cause in irrecoverable situation.

May be we can configure it in some how to put restriction for users! or have an advanced panel.



Feb 14, 2019, 8:44:25 AM2/14/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Mohammad wrote:
... them may cause in irrecoverable situation.

May be we can configure it in some how to put restriction for users! or have an advanced panel.


I think that is the essence of the situation. It IS a potentially dangerous tool.

But I think it would be a mistake to get too inhibited on function from worry it could trash your wiki..

With warnings I think its fine.




Feb 14, 2019, 10:29:16 AM2/14/19
to TiddlyWiki

The new release DOES NOT OVERWRITTE any existing tiddlers

  • good: no danger of losing data
  • bad: if you want intentionally overwrite something, Commander wont do it
Solution: I will add hopefully in release candidate an option for that



Feb 14, 2019, 10:31:47 AM2/14/19
to TiddlyWiki

New release HAS
  • preset search filters
  • feature to save your new search
  • feature to manually create advanced search
I borrowed this (copied partially from what Jeremy did in Tiddlywiki.com! I hope this is legal!!

-- Mohammad


Feb 14, 2019, 10:46:03 AM2/14/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
New release of TW-Commander

I hope all help in evaluation of new features and give feedback.
The plan is to release it as plugin hopefully by March 15th.

  • All you Tiddliwikians
  • Mark S
  • Josiah
  • Jeremy
  • Eric
  • Watt
  • Simon (BTC)
  • BirtheC
  • TonyM
  • Barro
  • Mario
  • Thomas
  • S.S
  • David
  • admls
  • JD
  • Riz
  • Tobias
  • Jed
  • h0p3
  • Diego
  • Ton
  • bimlas
  • Hans
  • kalmir
  • and many I forgot to appreciate their help
You are great! Without your help, this would NOT have been possible.


Major update: 14th February 2019

    • New: bulk tiddler creation using templates
    • New: remove fields using drop down menu
    • New: preset search filter added
    • New: save search filter added
    • Fixed: empty suffix/prefix does not delete tiddlers anymore
    • Fixed: prevent all overwriting (issue: you cannot force overwriting)

    Reece Shaw

    Feb 15, 2019, 1:08:00 AM2/15/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    I just want to chime in and say this is a great discussion as well as a great tool.

    I'm with Tony in that a new standard.html build would be great. I think for your normal end user that might use say... scrivener or even oneNote the TW barrier to entry is still too high.

    Commander, once completed, would go right up there with comptext and aliases in my book of "must have" plugins. Maybe even an interface for guides to TW and these "standard" plugins as an onboarding experience to the tool.

    Great work Mohammed. Looking forward to what you've got coming.

    - Reece, the discord guy


    Feb 15, 2019, 7:48:57 AM2/15/19
    to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
    Ciao Mohammad. Some more comments ... I will post them one by one so other people can more easily comment back.

    TAG modules ...

    1 - If you do filter on tag (e.g. "xx") and then use "Replace tags" to change it the results list disappears. I used the "Recent" sidebar tab to check what was happening. 
    But maybe the main TC could display a panel that shows results when that occurs?

    2 - Tags with spaces in them (e.g. "three word tag") are supported in "Add remove tags" but fail in "Replace tags".

    3 - "Add remove tags" could be renamed something like "Add or Remove tags".

    Best wishes


    Feb 15, 2019, 7:58:11 AM2/15/19
    to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
    A note on MODULARITY.

    I find it very good. 

    For instance, I was able to find the code easily for the drop down of numbers of Tiddlers to create (i.e. uses the range operator) and added 500 & 1000 to the list.

    Since I rarely know what I'm doing in TW code it was surprising it was easy.

    Best wishes


    Feb 15, 2019, 8:16:41 AM2/15/19
    to tiddl...@googlegroups.com

    This is just a comment. Not something I expect most people would need.

    Longer term myself I'd like to be able to pad numbers

    So, for instance, I could set it so the titling is like this ...

    Test 001
    Test 002
    Test 003

    Hopefully someone may have interest in adding a module for that?


    Feb 15, 2019, 8:36:48 AM2/15/19
    to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
    Ciao Mohammad


    A great advantage of this new approach is you can come back LATER :-) and add more Tiddlers to a sequence without destroying your old ones!

    Best wishes


    Feb 15, 2019, 10:18:30 AM2/15/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Thank you! I hope I have your feedback.


    Feb 15, 2019, 10:22:41 AM2/15/19
    to TiddlyWiki

    On Friday, February 15, 2019 at 4:18:57 PM UTC+3:30, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:
    Ciao Mohammad. Some more comments ... I will post them one by one so other people can more easily comment back.

    TAG modules ...

    1 - If you do filter on tag (e.g. "xx") and then use "Replace tags" to change it the results list disappears. I used the "Recent" sidebar tab to check what was happening. 
    But maybe the main TC could display a panel that shows results when that occurs?
    A log tiddler is planned and will be implemented 

    2 - Tags with spaces in them (e.g. "three word tag") are supported in "Add remove tags" but fail in "Replace tags".

    3 - "Add remove tags" could be renamed something like "Add or Remove tags".
    The UI will be revised for more consistent operation, hopefully in release candidate


    Feb 15, 2019, 10:41:10 AM2/15/19
    to TiddlyWiki
     The approach for development Commander is to learn how to develop rather complex TW scripts with clarity and simplicity in mind!
    Different TW elements are used and the current state shows tiddlers in different categories to simply follow!

    You can simply add more operation
    You can add filters
    You can save filters

    It is extensible and this can be easily done by a rather moderate user.

    Thanks to the Tiddler Concept!  I think still I am learning what is a tiddler and how I can makes complex thing from tiny elements.
    I think Tiddlywiki is like a Lego game. Tiddlers are like Lego bricks, where they come in very small meaningful concepts and you use 
    them to make complex tools. I call Tiddlywiki is a Lego-like-software IF we understand tiddlers.



    Feb 15, 2019, 10:42:56 AM2/15/19
    to TiddlyWiki

    I need to write a small macro to do this.
    I use the range operator and it seems has no parameter to ask for zero padding,
    but I add one in the next update!



    Feb 15, 2019, 10:43:22 AM2/15/19
    to TiddlyWiki


    Feb 15, 2019, 11:18:56 AM2/15/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Message has been deleted


    Feb 17, 2019, 8:09:37 AM2/17/19
    to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
    Ciao Mohammad

    I'm still looking at Commander. Great work!

    A comment on default SORT ORDER of the "Items Found" ...


    IF you, say, delete something and then re-create it the current list order gives the kind of result above, that is not intuitive 

    Would the default sort order better be "sortan" ?

    Just thoughts


    Feb 17, 2019, 10:02:57 AM2/17/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Hello Josiah,

     I am working on Commander and hopefully will have a release-candidate by next week.

    Regarding the sort! I did not experience like your results but 
    in search box when you type  [tag[xx]] you can do as below

    [tag[xx]] +[sortan[]]

    or even
    [tag[xx]] +[!sortan[]]

    So, I intentionally do not sort the result.



    Feb 17, 2019, 10:23:38 AM2/17/19
    to TiddlyWiki




    Feb 18, 2019, 7:38:37 AM2/18/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    A new update for Commander

    See the main link:



    Feb 18, 2019, 8:37:29 AM2/18/19
    to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
    Ciao Mohammad

    Would you like more comments now from me? Or should I wait on release candidate? 

    It would be nice if more people were commenting!

    As is you have given a lot of attention to issues I raised. For which I thank you very much. 

    I know its in software development that early comments are very important. 

    Which is why I try to do them for important things.

    Best wishes


    Feb 18, 2019, 10:16:18 AM2/18/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Hi Josiah,

     Please send your comments!



    Feb 18, 2019, 5:09:05 PM2/18/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    A new update of Feb 19th, 2019

    See original post at:

    I appreciate all interested people send comments, issues, bugs here.



    Feb 19, 2019, 6:40:30 PM2/19/19
    to TiddlyWiki

    Looking good. A Suggestion if I may

    When we select from a named filter, could this name be displayed as "last filter selected" as it acts as a Title to the current "function of the page"

    eg Last filter selected: Draft Tiddlers

    Even if someone goes and modifies the filter, the title remains valid. If then they save the filter with a new name, this could be set 
    eg Last filter selected: Draft System Tiddlers

    If someone returns to Commander the current setting will be prominent.


    On Wednesday, 13 February 2019 02:30:53 UTC+11, Mohammad wrote:
    Announcement: Tiddler Commander
    Date: Feb 12th, 2019
    Status: beta (idea)

    Major update: 19th February 2019
    • New: add and remove chars to/from the title was added
    • New: add/remove chars uses a non-overwriting mechanism

    Major update: 18th February 2019
    • Fixed: handling missing tiddlers added
    • New: remove chars from the title us added
    • Fixed: a specified height is used in ui to prevent collapsing
    • bugs
      • remove chars overwrite tiddlers

    Major update: 14th February 2019

    • New: bulk tiddler creation using templates
    • New: remove fields using drop down menu
    • New: preset search filter added
    • New: save search filter added
    • Fixed: empty suffix/prefix does not delete tiddlers anymore
    • Fixed: prevent all overwriting (issue: you cannot force overwriting)


    Feb 20, 2019, 3:18:36 AM2/20/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Hi Tony,
     I did not get what exactly you mean and what is its benefit?
    By the way, if you mean to remember the selected filter, I may highlight that row in the drop down menu!



    Feb 20, 2019, 3:48:19 AM2/20/19
    to TiddlyWiki

    What I am saying is if you use the filter drop down to select a filter for example "Mohammad filter", Save that friendly name "Mohammad filter" in a state tiddler such as $:/temp/comandfiltername
    Then just below the filter line add 
    Last selected filter {{$:/temp/comandfiltername}}

    This will show what filter was selected to generate the most recent filter. If I return to commander I will immediately see the filter in use is the "Mohammad filter".

    I hope that explains it better.

    • A Last selected filter Kind of says what commander is doing for you
    • It is clear to see what resulted in the current list of tiddlers, if we used a named filter, before we act on them in bulk.
    • Easier and safer to return to commander and continue working without accidently using the wrong named filter.
    • Reading the filter and being sure we selected the right one is a little risky, if unsure I select a named filter and it is displayed for me
    • What if I accidently selected the wrong named filter, would I realise before I make a bulk update? With a prominent Last selected filter this would be safer.


    Feb 20, 2019, 4:33:17 AM2/20/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Ciao Mohammad & TonyM 

    Regarding MEMORY of previous activity in TC ...

    I think TonyM's request is an example of someone seeing how Total Commander can be a real "workhorse" and giving an example of good usage. Maybe the issue here reflects on the issue of Modularity? 

    I.e., What needs be in TC now? and what can be added later? The architecture to add features later looks pretty good to me.

    In my own case, for instance, longer term, I'd like to be able to save to a JSON data tiddler the filter in use and all the states of input fields on button push. For tasks I do repeatedly it would be ideal. But I'm not thinking Mohammad should do that :-).



    Feb 20, 2019, 4:54:23 AM2/20/19
    to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
    Ciao Mohammad

    Regarding the tagging of filters via   $:/tags/Commander/Filter    ...
    The problem is that if you use TC, for instance, to help build and test a wiki 
    ....and then remove TC from the public published version of that wiki, then the filters you made will be orphaned.

    UPDATE: Further to the above. There are some important plugins that use  $:/tags/Filter  as part of their working. 
    An important case is PMario's "Bundler" plugin. 
    Since its a great tool for batch Import and Export eventually I'll give it a tab in my TC install. 
    It would be good if it could show its filters in the TC filter bar. 

    Hope this is clear? 

    Or maybe, better, a  module to perform set routine tasks might be added at some point?
    For instance one button press "Clone all TC filters to $:/core/Filters/ tagged   $:/tags/Filter ."

    Best wishes


    Feb 20, 2019, 5:46:28 AM2/20/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Thanks Tony!
    I added a ticket!



    Feb 20, 2019, 5:48:46 AM2/20/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Hi Josiah,
     That sound useful. It is like a real batch commend to process a sequence of tasks.

    I add this to wish list.



    Feb 20, 2019, 5:50:43 AM2/20/19
    to TiddlyWiki
     Just noted the "Mohammad Filter" is something used in test process and will be removed later!
    I just saved a sample to see how it works :-)



    Feb 20, 2019, 6:43:46 AM2/20/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    For email readers. I just updated my note to Mohammad regarding tagging of filters in TC as follows

    On Wednesday, 20 February 2019 10:54:23 UTC+1, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:
    Ciao Mohammad

    Regarding the tagging of filters via   $:/tags/Commander/Filter    ...
    The problem is that if you use TC, for instance, to help build and test a wiki 
    ....and then remove TC from the public published version of that wiki, then the filters you made will be orphaned.

    UPDATE: Further to the above. There are some important plugins that use  $:/tags/Filter  as part of their working. 
    An important case is PMario's "Bundler" plugin. 
    Since its a great tool for batch Import and Export eventually I'll give it a tab in my TC install. 
    It would be good if it could show its filters in the TC filter bar without having to hack it. 


    Feb 20, 2019, 4:34:43 PM2/20/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    TW-Commander has new update

    Here a great feature has been added

    Search and replace in text (tiddler text field).

    • This is in progress
    • Does not support whole words
    • Does not support case-sensitive search and replace
    These features will be added soon!

    Thanks to Mark for all his invaluable help in developing this feature.



    Feb 20, 2019, 5:36:51 PM2/20/19
    to TiddlyWiki

     Just noted the "Mohammad Filter" is something used in test process and will be removed later!
    I just saved a sample to see how it works :-)

    That is why I used it too :) Display custom filters by name on the TC dashboard


    Feb 21, 2019, 4:24:39 PM2/21/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Tiddler Commander updated

    The main new feature is logging! That means some of Commander operation like creating new tiddlers or batch delete well be logged.

    • Logging
      • Commander logs some operations
        • Create tiddlers
        • Create tiddlers using template
        • Delete tiddlers silently
        • Delet tiddlers selectively
    • New face
      • Delete tiddlers selectively has a new face
      • search and replace in tiddler text now supports whole word searching
    • Main issues
      • Search and replace in tiddlers text remove formatting !!


    Feb 22, 2019, 3:31:31 AM2/22/19
    to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
    Mohammad wrote:
    • Logging
      • Commander logs some operations
        • Create tiddlers
        • Create tiddlers using template
        • Delete tiddlers silently
        • Delet tiddlers selectively

    The logging feature is excellent! Giving useful feedback and making clear to user when and when not Tiddlers get changed. 
    Easier to see than explain ... 


    Will it be possible to extend it to the other functions that change content--like field and text changes?

    UPDATE: I looked at how you are doing logging. Very neat to use JSON tiddlers.

    I have a REQUEST that each Heading in the displayed Log is a link to the specific JSON tiddler? 
    Occasionally it could be useful to be able to go to one and archive it to another name.

    Best wishes


    Feb 22, 2019, 3:54:48 AM2/22/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Mohammad wrote:
      • search and replace in tiddler text now supports whole word searching
    • Main issues
      • Search and replace in tiddlers text remove formatting !!

    Ciao Mohammad. 

    Even with the issue with formatting removal this is a Very Useful Tool. It makes wide changes easy that were previously complicated. For instance (on Bob) I used to have to open .tid files in a text editor to do batch changes.

    The one thing that is difficult and I can't see an easy way around, is that in TW we don't have global "Undo"...
    ... But the toggle of text to change with replacement text is a very good step in that direction ...


    Still, I think its important, if possible, to LOG the strings that were changed so if you come back later you can see what you did?

    Best wishes


    Feb 22, 2019, 4:19:01 AM2/22/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    For email readers ... I updated my recent post to Mohammad concerning logging in TC ...

    On Friday, 22 February 2019 09:31:31 UTC+1, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:

    ...Will it be possible to extend it to the other functions that change content--like field and text changes?


    Feb 22, 2019, 4:45:00 AM2/22/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Mohammad wrote:
    Tiddler Commander updated

    Ciao Mohammad,

    Queries about the use of   $:/temp/  ....
    1 -- Might it not be better to use Tiddlers that PERSIST between sessions? So after closing and reopening TW you can carry on from where you left off?

    2 -- I was also wondering if maybe its workable to have the inputs put into the fields of ONE tiddler? 
    It would make "saving" a "Batch-Recipe" easier.  
    You then you could just clone that one tiddler and if you need to do job again just copy the cloned version back to overwrite the original?
    (But maybe it would make the coding of modules too complicated to do this?)

    Just thoughts on a great tool!

    Best wishes


    Feb 22, 2019, 10:18:47 AM2/22/19
    to TiddlyWiki
     One reason I used tiddlers instead of fields is, they can be hidden simply by using the $: prefix.
    By the way I dont get what exactly you need by using state tiddlers, but from previous posts, I guess
    you mean to save the batch operation in a tiddler or in better word save batch operation and be able to
    repeat them latter.



    Feb 22, 2019, 10:35:27 AM2/22/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Mohammad wrote:
    ... save batch operation and be able to repeat them latter.

    Yes. Exactly right. 

    My "problem" is in development work I use complex root pathing (e.g. $:/tt/dm/tent/rev7/) Being able to save a "job" would save me a lot of work typing and remembering.

    Best wishes


    Feb 22, 2019, 10:42:50 AM2/22/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Mohammad wrote:
    One reason I used tiddlers instead of fields is, they can be hidden simply by using the $: prefix.

    But that applies to anything. You can "$" any tiddler.



    Feb 22, 2019, 10:51:21 AM2/22/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    I got it and add a ticket as below

    * Save a batch or a sequence of batch operations for future use



    Feb 22, 2019, 8:06:13 PM2/22/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    If you want to save batch results there may be three ways,

    one is to save the generation process such as filters and exceptions. So they can be regenerated.

    The second is the whole content in a json, which can be exported, re imported or just held in a tiddler.

    A third way would be a title list of tiddlers generated so you can locate those that came from the batch. You could have a unique batch tag, however deleted tiddlers will leave the list.

    This makes me think that one day batch tools could be designed to generate an intermediate json tiddler of tiddlers just like $:/import this could then satisfy all the above uses and more.

    I would like to import json bundles without unpacking them for macro distribution. Perhaps list, add, extract and extract selected tiddlers from json tiddlers and remove tools would be good.

    Even being able to feed the json tiddler/file into the innerwiki. You could create a json tiddler for a whole wiki and generate a new one on demand.



    Feb 24, 2019, 10:16:17 AM2/24/19
    to TiddlyWiki
     If you have any previous work on this and you can share, please do that.

    This is interesting for batch processing.



    Feb 24, 2019, 10:22:24 AM2/24/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Tiddler Commander has a new update.

    A big progress in search and replace in tiddler text.A million thanks go to Simon Huber 
    for his invaluable help in providing solution for searching text in tiddlers and retaining format on
    write back the results into tiddler text field.

    Please give a try and send your feedback here or on GitHub.


    Demo: https://kookma.github.io/TW-Commander/

    Major update: 24th February 2019
    • Many thanks to BTC for his great help in this part.
    • Search and replace
      • works for changing characters, words, ...
      • retains formatting
      • cannot distinguish whole words (you need to add spaces around the word)


    Mar 3, 2019, 1:48:09 PM3/3/19
    to TiddlyWiki
    Tiddler Commander New Update

    Major update: 3rd March 2019

    • New: selective operation
      • select all/ select none/ optionally select tiddlers
    • New: logging all operations
    • New: delete temporary tiddlers button added to Setting tab
    • New: old fields, old tags are selected from a drop down list
    • Text operation disabled and will be added in the next update. It is still buggy

    See original post

    I appreciate your feedback. It requires much more testing!


    On Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 7:00:53 PM UTC+3:30, Mohammad wrote:
    Announcement: Tiddler Commander
    Date: Feb 12th, 2019
    Status: beta (idea)

    Major update: 3rd March 2019

    • New: selective operation
      • select all/ select none/ optionally select tiddlers
    • New: logging all operations
    • New: delete temporary tiddlers button added to Setting tab
    • New: old fields, old tags are selected from a drop down list
    • Text operation disabled and will be added in the next update. It is still buggy

    Major update: 24th February 2019

    • Search and replace
        • works for changing characters, words, ...
        • retains formatting
        • cannot distiguish whole words (you need to add spaces around the word)

      Many thanks to BTC for his great help in this part.

      Major update: 22th February 2019

        • Logging
          • Commander logs some operations
            • Create tiddlers
            • Create tiddlers using template
            • Delete tiddlers silently
            • Delet tiddlers selectively
        • New face
            • Delete tiddlers selectively has a new face
            • search and replace in tiddler text now supports whole word searching
            • Main issues
              • Search and replace in tiddlers remove formatting 

            Major update: 21th February 2019

            • Search and replace in tiddler text filed
              • This is in progress feature
              • This does not support the whole words, casesensitive search and replace


            Mar 7, 2019, 4:52:36 PM3/7/19
            to TiddlyWiki
            New update of Tiddler Commander!

            Major update: 8th March 2019

            • New search-n-replace (SNR) added to Commander
            • SNR can search and replace not only in a single tiddler but also in bulk of tiddlers
            • Several issues fixed
            • Logging is active for all operations

            The new SNR interface allow you to make search and replace in bulk of tiddlers.
            This makes Tiddler Commander a Swiss Knife !!

            Please kindly send me your feedback. I have planned to release Tiddler Commander as a plugin in mid March 2019.
            The current update is a release candidate! but it is not in form of plugin!

            I hope I could get the Jeremy approval to publish Tiddler Commander as an official plugin to be simply added to any Tiddlywiki through 
            Get More Plugins button! Please also give your opinion in this regard.



            Mar 13, 2019, 6:32:48 AM3/13/19
            to TiddlyWiki
            Tiddler Commander has new update

            Major update: 13th March 2019

            • New : Inspect
              • View selected tiddler with their fields
              • Scroll in selected tiddlers
              • Edit selected tiddlers including all fields
              • Scroll in selected tiddlers while editing
              • Fixed: Minor issues in SNR

              Acknowledgement: Special thanks goes to Ton Gerner for his great script on view fields.


            Ton Gerner

            Mar 13, 2019, 9:14:36 AM3/13/19
            to TiddlyWiki
            Hi Mohammad,

            I feel honored but ...
            I think you mean the 'showing fields' part of my Exploration TW (http://tw5exploration.tiddlyspot.com/) in $:/_macros/codefilter
            That macro is just using what is available under the Fields tab of Tiddler info (`<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TiddlerFields"/>`)
            So kudos to Jeremy ;-)


            It is loading more messages.
            0 new messages