Additions for Mohammad's Covid-19 TW

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A Gloom

Mar 24, 2020, 8:27:11 AM3/24/20
to TiddlyWiki
The first of additons for the Covid-19/pandemic TW that Mohammad created:

Public Health Agencies search tiddler version 2 (incorporating some core lingo for Internationalization (we hope-- didn't test it ><) - lingo text marked with " * " )

Testing by individuals in other Google search engines (other than the standard English) is highly desired

This can be used in any other TW as well, its fully self contained and will create its own data tiddler ("nha bookmarks", for bookmarks) and temp tiddlers as its used.
It was created with the idea of his work becoming a general pandemic safety guide (there will be others in the future, SARS, bird flu, etc were wakeup calls-- Covid 19 is a sucker punch)
This tiddler draws from the reference wikis search of Ref Collective and takes advantage of Google having an OpenDirectory type result for searches for government agency-- guarantying those links will appear first in search results.
There's also a tentative translate function leveraging Google translate-- which opens Google Translate in a separate window prefilled with instructions that can be translated to simply paste (control-V) which will insert the tiddler's text (which was loaded into clipboard by the translate button) so the tiddler's text can be translated quickly and easily.
A bookmarks section (with editor and search) for saving links for future use. (made possible by Jed Carty's code)

There's still work that needs to be done (more leveraging of core lingo for internationalization) but the tiddler is functional. (except for annotations for bookmarks-- have to add annotation creation to the bookmarks editor-- but bookmarks can be created/saved/edited/listed & searched)

next: version 3 and a fact check tiddler
public health agency search bookmarksv2.tid


Mar 24, 2020, 10:01:06 AM3/24/20
to TiddlyWiki
Many Thanks A. Gloom. I added this to the Wiki!


A Gloom

Mar 25, 2020, 12:33:13 AM3/25/20
to TiddlyWiki
bug alert >.<!1!

the Translate button isn't working for me any longer-- not even translate: words in the search bar isn't working-- whatever sorcery I pulled off initially, the mad god Google ain't allowing now

but i has alternate mumble-jumble to use...

A Gloom

Apr 1, 2020, 9:58:22 PM4/1/20
to TiddlyWiki
Cross link to code appropriate for addition to a safety wiki:

Google translate button/view template

A Gloom

Apr 1, 2020, 10:04:28 PM4/1/20
to TiddlyWiki
Americans' trust in mass media
2016 - 32%
1976 - 72%
-- a 2016 Gallup poll

Stalin is smiling in his tomb

Since there's no obviously apparent stand-alone basic guides to protecting oneself from rumors, false or misinformation-- attached is s basic fact check article with links
Fact checking.tid


Apr 2, 2020, 4:00:37 AM4/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Many thanks!

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