[Feature request] Image tiddlers in the plugin library

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David Gifford

Dec 21, 2020, 9:56:19 AM12/21/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi all

I would like to request that the plugin library have another tab, for images, where one can download sets of basic image tiddlers. Nothing extensive, just a few basics:

1. A-Z
2. 0-9
3. @, </>
4. The most common social media sharing images
5. Other? maybe a few that are like the ones from https://www.flaticon.com/most-downloaded

I am aware that there are plugins for packages of icons. I am thinking more of ready-made tiddlers of basic items.

If not, then maybe a tutorial on how to create icons that are the same look, dimensions, filesize, etc of the shadow icons. I have tried to do a few but they suck, and would like better instructions on how to make them.

Thanks in advance, Dave

TW Tones

Dec 21, 2020, 4:38:07 PM12/21/20
to TiddlyWiki

I have done something similar before - Each tab displays a plugin type set in the plugin tiddlers. You can add your own plugin type to a tiddler such as plugin-type "data". Then its a mater of duplicating an existing tab in the plugins listing only data tiddlers. 

Are you mostly suggesting a new convention?

I am happy to do something like this for you if you want.

But first
There is already fontawsome svgs available and unicode that also gives you access to 10's of thousands of icons. 


Joshua Fontany

Dec 21, 2020, 7:01:34 PM12/21/20
to TiddlyWiki
I am working on a set of SVG tools and importing 2 large libraries to TW5 - FontaAwesome5 & GameIcons.net. I don't have a demo wiki up yet, but based on the existing FontAwesome plugin demo-wikis, I think a config tiddler where you can filter/display icons & drag them off to a sidebar to "package" them will be the main feature of the demo wiki.

The other side of it is actually CSS based to make the inline/translcuded SVG code match the stock TW5 icons. Still working on that... it might end up as a global macro, so you could use the icons in other size/color/etc instances elsewhere, but call them as "system icons" with `<<.icon ""title">>`.

I will make an announcement once I have a basic demo wiki up.

Joshua Fontany
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