My second Tiddly Wiki: Intertwingularity Slice'n Dice

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CJ Veniot

Nov 15, 2019, 7:50:28 PM11/15/19
to TiddlyWiki

I started blogging about "intertwingularity" last June, a way for me to do a brain-dump about this passion I have for dealing with complexity (the challenge of understanding "it" and communicating "it".)

Right out of the gate, I knew I'd have a hard time sticking to just a blog.  A chronological smattering of content just does not float this kid's boat.

So I initially planned on simultaneously maintaining structured content using Google Sites, but I quickly got frustrated with that just like I got frustrated trying to maintain my French-Acadian language lexicon with Google Sites.

Since I've really been enjoying TiddlyWiki to put together Le P'tit Aurèle, I figured I should do a reboot of a structured content site about intertwingularity using TiddlyWiki.  Although early going putting together Intertwingularity Slice'n Dice - Wiki, I am so much happier and having an absolute blast using TiddlyWiki (it seems to match exactly how I think!  Good?  Bad?  Maybe.)

All of that just to, yet again, express a whole lot of love for TiddlyWiki and send out a huge thank-you to all involved in making such an oh-so-awesome dish of goodness.

Cheers !

A Gloom

Nov 15, 2019, 10:17:37 PM11/15/19
to TiddlyWiki
So I initially planned on simultaneously maintaining structured content using Google Sites, but I quickly got frustrated with that just like I got frustrated trying to maintain my French-Acadian language lexicon with Google Sites.
cool, I actually use your Acadian wiki-- incorporated Acadia, its history, people in my work.

I can understand the desire to preserve-- the culture I married into is also disappearing-- much of it is already gone

I am so much happier and having an absolute blast using TiddlyWiki (it seems to match exactly how I think!  Good?  Bad?  Maybe.)

no holding back now!1! just beware of Intertwingulitis...

look out, got stdetracked again-- a tree visual plotter for TW, wonder if railroad plugin could be modified for vertical vs horizontal?

Ste Wilson

Nov 16, 2019, 7:59:42 AM11/16/19
to TiddlyWiki

CJ Veniot

Nov 16, 2019, 10:51:19 AM11/16/19
to TiddlyWiki
Man o' man, I get a huge kick when anybody throws some of my way-out-there/out-in-left-field vernacular right back at me.

Thanks!  That was awesome.

Sidetracked again ?   That's me.  Squirrel !

CJ Veniot

Nov 16, 2019, 10:52:07 AM11/16/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hey, that plug-in looks some good.  Thanks !


Nov 16, 2019, 9:36:16 PM11/16/19
to TiddlyWiki
I believe there is a sizeable minority of people in the tiddlyverse who thrive on the ability to represent virtually infinite logical  and organic structures within tiddlywiki. 

As much as I like the concept of "open Source/Open Software" I believe that a community has captured these words, that may be applied to tiddlywiki to represent the openness of its whole being. It is open in the way that with it we may cross most borders, or that many objects may be present, but unrealised as in a block of marble.


Mark Kerrigan

Nov 17, 2019, 3:41:38 PM11/17/19
to TiddlyWiki
I think we're all here because we have a deep case of Intertwingulitis (which is a good thing)

I think I stumbled into your Intertwingularity blog before, I'm not sure how, but I'm glad there is someone gathering various thoughts on the philosophy of intertwingularity, especially within the context of TiddlyWiki.

Keep it up.

CJ Veniot

Nov 17, 2019, 11:13:39 PM11/17/19
to TiddlyWiki
Re-reading over this thread of posts, this sensation just struck me something silly: man, I feel at home for some reason.

Maybe it is just because I've never interacted with anybody who "gets" wiki, or anybody who deals with problems that wikis solve so well.

Birds of a feather?

Regardless, it is right good stuff.

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