Announcing the release of TiddlyWiki v5.1.23

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Jeremy Ruston

Dec 24, 2020, 9:03:06 AM12/24/20
to TiddlyWiki Group
I’m delighted to announce that the new v5.1.23 release of TiddlyWiki is now available:

I’ve attached a thumbnail of the release note ( to give a sense of the scale. Usually here I would summarise the key new features, but on this occasion there’s really too many to choose from. So instead I’d like to invite everyone to reply here nominating their favourite feature. And of course please do ask for clarifications if any of the changes aren’t clear.

For all of us it’s been a strange year, with much heartbreaking suffering around us. Back in April, I was delighted to get v5.1.22 out as part of a clearing of the decks, just in case anything happened to me. As it’s turned out, despite COVID’s best efforts, but entirely thanks to a very high level of collaboration across the core development team, v5.1.23 has been one of the most impressive releases for a long time. I can’t wait to see what we’ll achieve in 2021.

I’d like to thank everyone involved with the development, and of course a huge thank you to everyone here who’s time and attention makes this project what it is today. To corrupt an old adage, TiddlyWiki will die when the last person speaks its name. Right now there’s a chorus of voices lifting the project, and let’s hope that will long continue,

Best wishes



Dec 24, 2020, 9:18:05 AM12/24/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Jeremy, thank you for all your patience and this great release :)

My favourite features are:

  • the eventcatcher widget
  • keyboard-navigation of dropdowns
  • the new filter operators

Merry Christmas and a healthy new year 2021,

Mohammad Rahmani

Dec 24, 2020, 10:14:19 AM12/24/20
Hi Jeremy,
 Many thanks for all your efforts. Tiddlywiki 5.1.23 has a lot of new features

I love all new features, but I can name among them:

1. The new slugify operator let me create static sites directly from the browser, I love it!
2. New filter operators e.g. search-replace, cycle, toggle
4. New keyboard enabled shortcuts
5. JSZip plugin  
6. New import UI

I appreciate all the efforts, time and talents of all members of the core developer team, among them I would like to name Simon, Saq, Jousha, Mario, Jed, Cameron, and many others.

This is a new year gift to the Tiddlywiki community. Thank you Jeremy!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

With the best wishes

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Sylvain Naudin

Dec 24, 2020, 10:26:27 AM12/24/20
to TiddlyWiki
Many thanks to Jeremy and all the contributors !

I confess I can't say which novelty interests me more than another. You'll have to take the time to look at it.
At least used to the prelease for several weeks, everything seems magical. It's even so fast that it's useless to have a splash screen at home ^^'


Can't wait for 2021 too :D
All the best,

Saq Imtiaz

Dec 24, 2020, 10:47:23 AM12/24/20
to TiddlyWiki
This feels like a personal gift, on my last day of volunteering for the calendar year no less!

What I am happiest about is the excellent and very productive collaboration that went into this release. When I actively re-joined the community earlier this year, I was somewhat concerned at the apparent lack of  developers contributing to the core. Fast forward to the end of the year and I think we are in a much healthier place, in no small part due to Jeremy making the time to facilitate the collaboration and contributions to the core.

Other than that the features I am most excited about are the <$eventcatcher> and the improved keyboard handling.
A big thank you for all the effort that went into this release and everyone that contributed.


PS: Streams users, upgrade Streams BEFORE upgrading to TW 5.1.23

Aidan Grey

Dec 24, 2020, 11:13:08 AM12/24/20
to TiddlyWiki
Will there be one of those existingTW updaters for this release, or is it just too complicated?

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Saq Imtiaz

Dec 24, 2020, 11:22:54 AM12/24/20
to TiddlyWiki
If you are using the single file version of TiddlyWiki, you can upgrade here:


Dec 24, 2020, 11:51:29 AM12/24/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hooray! Well that's my xmas day sorted.. The kids can do their own Christmas dinner ;) 
Thank you Jeremy and all.
Hope everyone has good Christmas! 


Dec 24, 2020, 11:52:14 AM12/24/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hello Jeremy and all,

Couldn't come at a better time!
Definitely will play with it over the holidays.
Thanks Jeremy for all the time and love you have put into Tiddlywiki.
Trust me, it shows. Even if this year has been kind of rough I thank the good Lord
for bright spots like these. Many blessings to all.

Merry Christmas and a healthy 2021,  


Dec 24, 2020, 1:12:03 PM12/24/20
to TiddlyWiki
I've left a post about the TiddlyWiki release over at hackernews (

It's currently on the front page - so anybody's invited to go there and vote it up and leave a comment ;)

BTC schrieb am Donnerstag, 24. Dezember 2020 um 15:03:06 UTC+1:

Mohammad Rahmani

Dec 24, 2020, 1:32:28 PM12/24/20
Thanks Simon!
I will do it now!

Best wishes

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Dec 24, 2020, 7:25:25 PM12/24/20
to TiddlyWiki
Yes, what a Christmas gift! Thank you Jeremy and everyone who contributed!
Favourite features... 
- Keyboard handling - oh'yeah!
- Single VarsWidget instead of multiple SetVariableWidgets is a "small but big" one
- and of course the new operators! I am particularly excied about the operators; slugify, filter, toggle, and I know I'll use !is[draft] if I can only find the time to tiddle fiddle more!



Dec 24, 2020, 8:43:08 PM12/24/20
to TiddlyWiki
I will have to look at the keyboard stuff.

Thank you very much for your work.


Dec 25, 2020, 1:06:36 AM12/25/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you very much Jeremy and all of the contributors for continuing to develop this wonderful tool/community. 

The upgrade to v5.123 was smooth sailing.

I'm largely ignorant of most of the inner workings and have barely scratched the depths of Tiddlywiki's algebra and yet TiddlyWiki is still so simple to use to collect thoughts, ideas, life into a web notebook.

For the longest time I've been inserting <$list filter="[all[current]backlinks[]]"/> for backlinks
only to realize after all these years References were Backlinks hidden in the Info Panel; so much for RTFM!

So, however small, this usability improvement is welcome semantic sanity:
  • renamed "references" to "backlinks" in the tiddler info panel
And with the setting for the Tiddler info panel to stay open, a boon to utility.

Thank you again and happy holidays!

Peace to all,

Ton Gerner

Dec 25, 2020, 6:32:55 AM12/25/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi all,

Thank you very much Jeremy et al.
Many things to be explored.

Merry Christmas and a healthy new year.



Dec 25, 2020, 7:47:51 AM12/25/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you Jeremy and everyone involved in bringing this fantastic release to life!

I wish you all Happy Holidays and a healthy 2021!

Best regards,

Joshua Fontany

Dec 25, 2020, 7:23:39 PM12/25/20
to TiddlyWiki
Excellent News!!!!!

As a holiday gift to all of you here are the JsonMangler and the Formula plugins updated to TW5.1.23!!!!

I am hosting my wikis on a custom domain, so those demo wiki URLs will switch to "" when clicked.


Looking forward to what we can do in 2021!!!!!

Joshua Fontany

Michael Wiktowy

Dec 26, 2020, 2:55:15 PM12/26/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you to all involved for the hard work in getting 5.1.23 completed and I am glad that TiddlyWiki made it through this difficult year* stronger as a result.

My favourite feature of TiddlyWiki is the helpful and supportive community. That is nothing new but certainly a strong contributor to 5.1.23. I thank those helping me learn how to use this swiss-army-knife web-tool in new applications.


* (understatement of the decade)

TW Tones

Dec 26, 2020, 7:22:47 PM12/26/20
to TiddlyWiki
Now I am at my desktop and not crippled by Google Groups on Mobile, I will chip in and thank the community for another important release.

I have being using and reviewing features on the pre-release for some time can can assure you all that there are immediate and slow burning advantages to this new release.
  • With search and replace, toggle and cycle operators it will be easier to do some everyday actions on tiddler fields and status handling, I feel this may take a little time for examples to filter out to the greater audience but I also plan to showcase a few just as Mohammad did earlier.
    • This also extends to importing and exporting data and text that tiddlywiki refactors. Combine this with JSON mangler and the world of data is ours.
  • The power operator now makes it easier to write macros to convert between number bases eg decimal to hexadecimal
  • new filter options will help easier to read filters to be written and thus understand for those who think its a black art
  • The tm-scroll message is going to solve the long sought need to navigate within tiddler navigation, for those larger tiddlers.
  • Allowing modifier keys such as ctrl, alt, meta is a nice way to increase functionality of buttons and list navigation without any additional screen real estate
  • Slug handling will allow the generation of html pages and the zip feature to bundle them, perhaps starting a new opportunity for TiddlyWiki to generate sites
  • Extended date handling, format operator and ancient dates will help record deep history
  • The sortsub operator will allow us to quickly sort on values other than titles and even computed values.
  • The filter and reduce operators introduce some handy ways to sum or accumulate values across tiddlers.
  • The  Page and tiddler layout customisation may spark a new period of alternative layouts, do publish ones you build if possible, and try and ensure they cater for basic functions so they can be shared and used more widely.
So I hope you are as excited as me about this release, there are many new opportunities beyond what I listed above and I do encourage you all to share some of your experiments.


Glenn Dixon

Dec 26, 2020, 9:42:11 PM12/26/20
to TiddlyWiki
"Slug handling will allow the generation of html pages and the zip feature to bundle them, perhaps starting a new opportunity for TiddlyWiki to generate sites"

Can you expand on that a bit? This is my major pain point at this time, generating a site...

TW Tones

Dec 26, 2020, 10:59:56 PM12/26/20
to TiddlyWiki
Slug handling;

As I understand it when converting what may otherwise be tiddlers and their title to a URL filename slugify converts to a valid HTML filename.

The ZIP mechanism allows you create files within a ZIP in TiddlyWiki, that can be saved and unzipped in place with the files and folders being extracted. Thus we can generate ZIP's with a multitude of files that subsequently for a larger set like a website. Eg css and html files.

The art of generating a site is a larger question, start a thread to ask for help! Personally I use whole single file wikis on the internet rather than "generate static sites", so if you start a thread do say why and what you believe the result will be.


TW Tones

Dec 27, 2020, 2:29:46 AM12/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
For those interested I have updated my previously published Playground, with a few changes
  • It is now a 5.1.23 Version release with Autosave disabled and Local storage enabled.
  • It is now a full copy of so you can make use of the documentation tiddlers during testing.
  • You can install plugins from drag and drop or multiple libraries in the Get more plugins button.
    • Then reload if you must and changes will be loaded from Browser storage, no download or save needed.
  • Use it as a playground but do not depend on your changes remaining in the browser memory forever.
Go and have a play now with the great new features of the new version.


Dec 27, 2020, 12:27:57 PM12/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
Excited for the update - thanks again for all the contributors!!

Lots of things that sound really great - but I have no idea how to use them :(

Autocomplete for edit-text fields: Sounds awesome, no examples seem to be available and playing isn't getting me anywhere. What I'd love to do is to have an auto-complete where I could give it a list of values, tiddler names (filtered ideally) and it would auto-complete it. For example if I have a bunch of tiddlers tagged as "projects", could I have an <$edit-text.. autocomplete="[tag[projects]]"/> that helped? Am I way off with that? I'm using edit-comptext plugin and it has a basic auto-complete, but don't know how to do a filtered list of options - which would be great.

Filter operators - always my favorite parts, thanks for the continued focus in this area! I'm having a hard time understanding the difference between things like filter and subfilter, or the difference (pros and cons) between operators or run prefixes, but I can test my way to an understanding there eventually. I think reduce will probably end up being my favorite due to the amount of math I use in my wikis, but will need to investigate further

The re-linking improvements seem great - but am I understanding it right that it's still not near as thorough as the relink plugin or are they now equivalent?

Tabs macro with actions will be *very* useful for some things I'm doing from a UI building standpoint.

TW Tones - you mention further page layout customization which sound great - I don't see much mention of it in the release notes - what am I missing? I'm stitching together many plugins that don't play that well together just to get it where I have:
1. a top bar with a size (height) that I can adjust - am I right that we still can't modify this (without 3rd party plugins)?
2. a / the sidebar on the left - I still can't do that right? (without 3rd party plugins)

Overall - great release, thanks again all!

Saq Imtiaz

Dec 27, 2020, 1:10:21 PM12/27/20
to TiddlyWiki

Autocomplete for edit-text fields

This isn't what you think. This is support for the autocomplete attribute on the input element:

I do think we need to have support in the core for the kind of autocompletion you mention, and will table a proposal for it when I have the opportunity.
Filter operators - always my favorite parts, thanks for the continued focus in this area! I'm having a hard time understanding the difference between things like filter and subfilter, or the difference (pros and cons) between operators or run prefixes, but I can test my way to an understanding there eventually. 

I have personally found that the documentation introducing filters on is very good if you take the time to read through it carefully in its entirely. It is when it used as a quick reference without having formed the foundations that things get difficult. 
... further page layout customization which sound great - I don't see much mention of it in the release notes - what am I missing? I'm stitching together many plugins that don't play that well together just to get it where I have:

You can now specify alternative page templates and create your own from scratch or use a heavily modified version of the default one. 

Hope this helps,

TW Tones

Dec 27, 2020, 8:14:34 PM12/27/20
to TiddlyWiki

In many ways alternative layouts were always possible, the new feature is there is now a standard switching mechaisium. Thus we can revert to the default easily, and we can deploy alternate layouts.

Please ask these question in another thread;
1. a top bar with a size (height) that I can adjust - am I right that we still can't modify this (without 3rd party plugins)? - No you can modify any part of tiddlywiki directly to achieve this.
2. a / the sidebar on the left - I still can't do that right? (without 3rd party plugins) - to me This is an example of a new layout, to get a left hand sidebar you may modify the $:/core/ui/PageTemplate, however a good design principal would be to add a Left hand side bar and Hide the Right hand one.

The following is my view point and others may add more, I have not yet implemented alternative layouts. 

The nature of the layouts or page templates will be very dependant on the person making the layout. For those wishing to tweak the existing layout, replicating existing tiddlers then making changes may be the best way, if you stuff up access to your wiki returning to the previous layout may help you escape a mistake. 

The tiddlers you may produce alternates for would include elements tagged with or using the tags below;

$:/tags/PageTemplate eg from $:/core/ui/PageTemplate especially $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/story
$:/tags/ViewTemplate eg $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate
$:/tags/EditTemplate eg; $:/core/ui/EditTemplate
$:/tags/SideBarSegment see $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar

I recommend only changing what you need to achieve the result you want, this keeps alternative layouts as close to possible to core behaviours and will ensure maximum compatibility with other macros and plugins.

As an example I am keen to provide an alternate to the editTemplate that does not provide access to all fields and settings, but allows the user to edit content presented in a form a designer may want, eg update contact form. Reverting the layout to the standard only for designing. For example this alternative edit template may not use items tagged with $:/tags/EditorToolbar but An alternate toolbar so alternate buttons could be selected.



Dec 28, 2020, 12:29:21 PM12/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
This is a very powerful TW I have ever seen.

My favorites

- New palettes specially the Gruvbox dark
- New filter operators (they need more examples to discover their underlying power)
- Tiddler file naming (this is really useful)

Thank you Jeremy and all developers.

Happy new year and Best wishes

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Michael Wiktowy

Dec 28, 2020, 5:52:07 PM12/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
I think that is was this bullet point:
* extended the tabs Macro to support actions and explicitState attributes

It seems a bunch of the controls can now trigger actions. That is great!

On Monday, December 28, 2020 at 4:45:47 PM UTC-4 TeeDub wrote:
Stobot, I didn't see what you mentioned about the tabs macro actions. Would you mind linking me to something that talks about that?

Thanks. That might be my favourite addition.
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