Initiation V. Interaction -- thoughts on networking & TW5

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May 25, 2016, 7:06:50 AM5/25/16
to TiddlyWiki
Looking over what you guys & gals (are there any gals?) have been doing regarding connecting up i see various plugins and complex solutions to overcome TW's limits on getting data from servers. Like Email. Like Feedback Forms. Like Tweets etc.

MY OPINION is it should get BETTER at natively AUTHORING, posting & emailing via NON-SERVER DEPENDENT methods as central. Otherwise you will arrive at a cleft stick.

The current UNDERDEVELOPMENT of ways to get Tiddlers relayed to social networks is MARKED IMO.


Jed Carty

May 25, 2016, 7:28:16 AM5/25/16
to TiddlyWiki
Here are my reactions to trying to work with facebook, heavily edited to remove the profanity. And google+ doesn't (or at least didn't) have anything in place to let you even try to post to it or fetch posts from it. If you can figure out how to make the api's from any of the big silos do something useful I would be happy to help integrate it into tiddlywiki.

Even twitter, which makes posting simple at least, has mostly indecipherable documentation on how to retrieve tweets using anything other than their embedded list things like I have on my site.

So in my experience it isn't so much as underdevelopment on the side of tiddlywiki as social networks refusing to play nicely with others.

May 25, 2016, 7:57:06 AM5/25/16
to TiddlyWiki
I DO really get you are into it. You developed some of  what is possible and have done it on Twitter.

I still think it should be more central.

lets take examples ...

(1) Why can't just I easily transfer a Tiddler to GMAIL? Its not theoretically difficult.

(2) LINKEDIN has a method for URL posting not unlike Twitter.

None of it will be exactly easy.

MY point is that TW left outside of basic POSTING to social networks is impoverished. I DO GET the contradiction that many of those systems want servers, not files doing Javascript. BUT that is where TW is coming from. And somehow mastering that seems important for its growth.


Jed Carty

May 25, 2016, 8:12:51 AM5/25/16
to TiddlyWiki
I am not sure what you mean by more central in this context.

1) How do you mean? You can copy and paste, but if you want something like a button that says 'Email this' and when you click it it opens a draft in gmail with the tiddler contents that it isn't just a tiddlywiki thing. It is a google thing. Google must provide a mechanism for importing information from an outside source, then tiddlywiki could use that mechanism. Unless someone were to find a way to hack into googles servers and modify their code for gmail there isn't anything anyone other than google can do about this.
2) Send me a link to information about it, if it is as simple as what twitter made I can probably have something working in the next few days. (I also haven't forgotten about your request about the twitter plugin, it is on my list of things to do.)

I am not disagreeing with you, I do want to make things that let people post to social networks, but the social networks need to allow it. It isn't a matter of no client server architecture, it is a completely separate philosophy used by tiddlywiki and the networks we want to post to. Facebook lets you do what facebook wants you to do and the only way to get the ability to do more is to convince facebook to add it.

May 25, 2016, 8:30:26 AM5/25/16
to TiddlyWiki

Good. i am not a programmer but I am a good finder-outer. I will research & report back, even if I fail.


May 25, 2016, 8:43:37 AM5/25/16
to TiddlyWiki

CENTRAL in the sense that TW without native email & network posting of some kind (i mean AUTHORING, not interaction) in the modern situation becomes more limited than it was before these grew to be so prominent. Its a comparative measure to other stuff around, not a judgement on its utility per se.

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