[TW5] New Plugin: BobSaver, using Bob as a saver for single file wikis

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Jed Carty

Nov 20, 2019, 10:36:10 AM11/20/19
to TiddlyWiki
I finally got around to adding a way for Bob to let you work with single file wikis.

The way it works is that you have Bob running, you have a plugin installed in your single file wiki and then you proceed normally.

You don't have to do anything special when opening the html file and there aren't restrictions on where it can be saved on your computer. Just double click on the file and edit.

Of course this is the first version and there is one big annoyance, I have to find a good way for tiddlywiki to determine if Bob is currently running or not and have it use this saver if Bob is running and to fallback to the manual download saver if not.
So far the way that tiddlywiki determines which savers are available doesn't support this situation because the saver availability can change even without reloading the wiki.
I am working on it.

To install the plugin and for more information you can drag and drop it from here:



Nov 20, 2019, 3:32:27 PM11/20/19
to TiddlyWiki
I have to find a good way for tiddlywiki to determine if Bob is currently running or not and have it use this saver if Bob is running and to fallback to the manual download saver if not.

This is not a real solution, but maybe give you some more ideas:

You could create a startup action to see if the server exists (you will get a 200 status code) and if so, set up a state tiddler. The saver would initially see if this state tiddler exists and if not, it would return false, otherwise it would perform the backup.

Of course, this is bleeding from many wounds:

- If the server was not started when opening the wiki, it will not use this saver even if the server has started in the meantime.
- If the server was running when opening the wiki but has stopped in the meantime, the saver will still be active but unable to save. Since there is no fallback to the download saver, the user cannot save his changes.

Alternatively, you might want to check the server periodically and update its status in the state tiddler. 

Jed Carty

Nov 20, 2019, 4:03:10 PM11/20/19
to TiddlyWiki
It is taken care of in version 0.0.2, and the problem wasn't about how to detect if the server was available, it was how to deal with how node handles http requests as asynchronous and doesn't provide a reasonable way to use them in otherwise synchronous code.

In the end I ended up using synchronous requests that are depreciated and may not work in the future. The only other real solution is to redo the checks in the core for which savers are available. The problem about not knowing if a saver is available if it isn't ready when the wiki is loaded is a core problem, it isn't something I can fix without modifying the core.


Nov 20, 2019, 11:59:25 PM11/20/19
to TiddlyWiki

This sounds like a powerful feature and workflow, and is a good response to The last word in Saving?
  • May I ask if you have made assumptions about which IP Address and port the Server operates on?
  • I have installed the latest BobWin, Added the plugin to an Empty Wiki and turned off Timimi which was possibly getting in the way.
  • Windows 10, FireFox
  • I open the wiki at a file address file:///C:/Data/ScratchArea/emptybob.html
I only get the download saver activating.


My Bob install is configured for an additional IP on the machine eg TiddlyWiki version 5.1.21 with Bob version 1.3.1 Serving on 
and works well as usual, and the address loads at startup

However Bob Settings > Wiki Server Address (not available on local network): reads

So in my case I think it can't find the server because I am not using or the main IP address or binding to all addresses ?

  • Can you see if there is a way to cater for my configuration?
  • Would it make sense to allow an IP Address/ port to be given to the plugin (A plugin to allow saving using a Bob server)?
    although it adds a config step

Thanks in advance

Jed Carty

Nov 21, 2019, 5:20:46 AM11/21/19
to TiddlyWiki
It is configured to look for Bob on localhost on a fixed port. Having the IP and port configurable is simple enough to add,

I will put that in the next release


Nov 21, 2019, 11:15:24 PM11/21/19
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks Jed

I imaging preparing a website on the internet and the plugin to use local host with an unusual port e.g. 8087 with be the most effective way to stay local only and not clash with an existing port.

Then all they do is install bob on any platform, reload the wiki and its done.

With careful use of the local storage plugin we can retain any history or changes made when online and save them via the plugin and turn off local storage.

This is getting very close to perfect, as the first step.

A little more guidance and they will be using bob as a local platform, server, new wikis etc... With no additional installation.

Good stuff

Jed Carty

Nov 22, 2019, 3:44:12 AM11/22/19
to TiddlyWiki

There is some misunderstanding here. This plugin lets you save single file tiddlywinks that are currently on your local file system. It has no effect on tiddlywikis hosted on remote servers. For those you can edit them and just use the download saver to save a copy for yourself. After that this plugin would help if you wanted to further edit your own copy.

The plugin already uses localhost and 61192 as the port, using a port that will hopefully never be used by something else was necessary to make it work at all.

I do not understand the purpose of the localStorage plugin in this context, if they are going to have a local copy they can just edit it online and download their local copy of the edited version the same as you do now.


Nov 22, 2019, 7:10:37 PM11/22/19
to TiddlyWiki

Thanks for the recent improvements to the bob saver plugin and Bob to address this.

I do not think I am misunderstanding. I am describing a new user discovering and interacting with a wiki online, then eventually deciding to make it there own. 

Here is my reasoning, and Vision.

I am trying to build a start to finish workflow or experience for new users, Never having seen tiddlywiki before. As discussed in The last word in Saving? . I want this to be as simple as possible and I think your Bob saver plugin can help.
  1. From an online readonly (or server wiki?), as you know, the user changes in the browser remain in the browser until the end of that session, with the addition local storage they can return for multiple sessions (for which I intend to build an opportunity and warning to save and detect if necessary to restore changes). Such that if local storage is lost they can return to there updated state. I can detect where the TiddlyWiki is served from and provide a warning they are depending only on local storage, including how to use bob/Timimi TiddlyServer etc...
  2. The next step is making it their own.
    1. This is where I am looking forward to using your new Bob Saver Plugin. I would preinstall it in the online readonly wiki. 
    2. The online wiki can guide the user to install and launch bob.exe which is easy to do. The other path available is Timimi (Firefox only).
    3. Then the default save is available to download a wiki, and with simple instructions and your Bob saver plugin (or Timimi) they will now be able edit and save it. 
    4. I can then detect if TiddlyWiki is served locally/on File etc.. 
  3. Then of course if using Bob, users now have access to bob server to make use of all its services as well.

Design notes:

  • In step 2.3 I can actually control the save/download mechanism such as activating the Bob Saver plugin, including any changes in local storage and the browser in the download (So they do not lose changes), removing changes from local storage (in the online read only session), even providing a link to A local Bob server (Default), or to a user provided folder listing their single file wikis. This would also be one place to acknowledge bob and point to your patreon page. 
  • If I understand the use of bob and bob saver plugin, and Timimi, the user can use the same instructions to manage their own tiddlywiki's from their own document folders as they would any other "document" except the application is the browser (not word etc..). Making use of common user experiences, is a key to making it easier to understand.
  • It would be nice if I could detect when the last save occured successfully through Bob or Timimi or Download.
  • Users that can't install locally have the initial method to continue using the WIki, even save to a cloud location and restore on another computer/browser.
  • The only remaining gap is to address those arriving at the tiddlywiki site on a mobile device, how do they "make it their own?"


Stefan Pfister

Nov 23, 2019, 8:17:04 AM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
Just a dumb question. I use (in this scenario) a single TW-file with the bob plugin. To use it I have to start the bob server. How do I start the bob server? This information is missing. As a noob I don't know how I should use the bob plugin. The simple sentence "start bob" is not very useful for me.

Am Mittwoch, 20. November 2019 16:36:10 UTC+1 schrieb Jed Carty:
I finally got around to adding a way for Bob to let you work with single file wikis.

The way it works is that you have Bob running, you have a plugin installed in your single file wiki and then you proceed normally.


  1. Install the Bob saver plugin in your wiki and save it using the manual download saver
  2. Reload the single file wiki to complete the plugin installation.
  3. Start Bob
  4. The BobSaver should be active and save/autosave should work without restriction as long as you have both the BobSaver plugin installed in the single file wiki and Bob is running.
    • You can start and stop Bob whenever you wish, as long as Bob is running when you try to save the saver will work.
  • There are no restrictions on where files can be saved. This should work on any system that can run Bob.
  • You do not have to do anything special when opening up a wiki that uses the BobSaver, simply having the plugin installed and Bob running is enough.


Nov 23, 2019, 8:47:18 AM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
Stefan Pfister wrote:
Just a dumb question. I use (in this scenario) a single TW-file with the bob plugin. To use it I have to start the bob server. How do I start the bob server? This information is missing. As a noob I don't know how I should use the bob plugin. The simple sentence "start bob" is not very useful for me.

I agree with Stefan. I think Bob is Brilliant. But is NOT yet for an end-user click-n-go scenario.

Maybe I am wrong? Dimmi.

Mark S.

Nov 23, 2019, 9:37:09 AM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
It's pretty close now.

Maybe change line "Start Bob" to "Double-click on the bobwin.exe file to start"

I wasn't able to test with Edge yet, but I did test with Vivaldi, FF, and Chrome.

I think we need to assume some minimum level of competence: Ability to browse files, create new folders, double-click exe files.

Jed Carty

Nov 23, 2019, 9:58:43 AM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
Yes, I will change the line to something like 'Start BobEXE' and put a link to the downloads.

To start Bob go here:

Download the version for your system (probably BobWin.exe)

Double click the exe file you downloaded.

And then Bob is running.


The browser shouldn't matter at all to the plugin unless there is some browser that doesn't allow javascript to send http requests.


Nov 23, 2019, 10:07:53 AM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
Ciao Mark

I hear you. I'll try again as a semi-idiot, not a full-on :-).

A dopo, J. 

Mark S.

Nov 23, 2019, 11:39:45 AM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki

On Saturday, November 23, 2019 at 6:58:43 AM UTC-8, Jed Carty wrote:

The browser shouldn't matter at all to the plugin unless there is some browser that doesn't allow javascript to send http requests.

It shouldn't, but you never know. The original Edge had problems when saving to network drives (not talking about Bob). I'm just saying
that it needs to be tested. Ironically, I would have to swap out my linux drive in order to test Win 10 and Edge, so that's why I didn't get
around to it.

Re browsers ... I wasn't able to get IE to work with Bob, but don't think that it was a Bob problem. It might be that my IE
was too out of date, TW has gone beyond IE, or I needed an additional activex component to run.

Perhaps someone with an up-to-date
vsn of IE can test.


Nov 23, 2019, 12:18:25 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
IE is an example of i.e., i.e. (sic) that is no longer tenable as an IE.

Mark S. wrote:
 ... I wasn't able to get IE to work with Bob, but don't think that it was a Bob problem. It might be that my IE
was too out of date, ...

Don't labour it, already :-)



Nov 23, 2019, 12:26:31 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
Jed, I added tags to this thread to make it more easily found ...

Annotation 2019-11-23 182329.jpg

Best wishes

Jed Carty

Nov 23, 2019, 1:58:45 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
I don't think that Bob can work with IE anymore. From what I remember IE can't handle back tics in javascript and the websockets library has them. I have considered switching to using server sent events but they don't work as well for the direct p2p federation plans.


Nov 23, 2019, 2:09:43 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
As far as I can see IE is only relevant now for stuff made in its age. If it was well made in it, it should still work well now in other browsers. You don't need IE for that. Lets not bother with IE. BTW, Edge itself is changing into a Chromium version. Old IE is well and truly finished. Over already.

Mark S.

Nov 23, 2019, 2:13:11 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
I'm getting "Object doesn't support property or method 'startsWith' "

But I don't know if that's coming from Bob or just core.

Mark S.

Nov 23, 2019, 2:32:29 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
Ok. Must have been Bob. Deleting the BobSaver allows a TW to run on IE11.

But, as TT mentions, IE is pretty irrelevant these days. But it was worth a try.

Jed Carty

Nov 23, 2019, 2:35:54 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
oh, if that is the problem than I can fix it and the BobSaver at least can still support IE

There are some string functions that aren't available in older version of javascript and startsWith is one of them, there are alternative ways to do it.

Jed Carty

Nov 23, 2019, 2:53:24 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
I just put out BobSaver version 0.0.5


it should take care of the error you mentioned. It may have other problems with IE but that one shouldn't be a problem in version 0.0.5.

Mark S.

Nov 23, 2019, 3:14:45 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
Ok! That did it! It works in IE 11.0.9600.19540. Next stop, Netscape 4 ...

Stefan Pfister

Nov 23, 2019, 5:05:20 PM11/23/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
I tested the bob saver with the bobexe for linux. Looks really promising. But is there a easy way to start the bob server automatically as a background task or demon at system startup? I don't want to start bob manually every time after every system boot of my working pc. I don't want to open another wiki automatically every time when I want to write in a single wiki file either. 

I could be easy as only double clicking on a html file -> opens in a browser and bob is running in the background as a service or demon permanently installed.

This could be the really fool proof solution for a non-technical casual wiki user. Just use an html-File in the browser. And for saving install a server prog like the bobserver in the background, which starts every time when your system boots.

Maybe I'm just stupid: Is there a way to prevent bobexe opening a wiki automatically in the browser? If this exe could only start the bobserver in the background and nothing else. I can start it with a script at system boot on my system or using it in autostart under windows. Nobody will notice it, but when I open a html file with a single file tiddlywiki in it I can simply use it, edit and save it.

Another advantage: it is portabel too. If you need it. Even with different desktop operating systems.

Jed Carty

Nov 23, 2019, 5:36:53 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
On linux it would be easy enough to set up a script that you could download and run to install everything required and have it start automatically, I will add that to the list of things to do.

I am currently working on packaging everything into an app bundle in OS X so that it is easier to set as a startup program.

I imagine something similar is available on windows, but I have no idea what it is. I don't think that AUTOEXEC.bat is still a thing.

Mark S.

Nov 23, 2019, 8:18:19 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki
This is just a thought. But could the Bob Saver plugin warn the user
when the TW file first boots up if it can't find a running BobServer?



Nov 23, 2019, 10:29:38 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki

That needs to be an option not the standard behaviour as having the saver hidden pending loading finding a bob server can simplify workflow



Nov 23, 2019, 10:33:16 PM11/23/19
to TiddlyWiki

I will provide one or more methods to add bob.exe to load on startup on windows. You can choose what suits you.


Jed Carty

Nov 24, 2019, 3:09:15 AM11/24/19
to TiddlyWiki

Adding that check should be easy enough, but I agree with Tony that it has to be optional behaviour.

If this continues to work well and people like it than I will get it added to the core as one of the savers and if that were the default behaviour every wiki would complain if it couldn't find Bob.


Thank you, I have no idea how windows handles things these days.

Stefan Pfister

Nov 24, 2019, 6:58:33 AM11/24/19
to TiddlyWiki
I just want to say thank you to all of you for your great work. Just was curious about it and tested a usecase with a singlefile tw with bobsaverplugin installed. I used cherrytree and nextcloud with the nextcloud desktop client. The cherrytree-file is a file in the format of a sql-db. This file is lying in my nexcloud folder on my private raspi-nas. I inserted a relative link in a page of cherrytree to a tw-file in another folder of my nextcloud. To make a long story short. On my linux pc: I can open a cherrytree file with some stuff in it, like an index of my used tiddlywikis (lying in my nextcloud) and simply click on the link to open, edit and save the tiddlywiki. On my mobile SurfaceGo-Windows device: I can just do the same.

The big benefit of this scenario is, if you manage to create a singlefile bobserver which runs decently in the background automatically started: You can use whatever file  or program you want. Take cherrytree or a simple wordfile with links to a tiddlywiki. It will open with the systemwide installed browser and you can simply work with the tiddlywiki-file without doing, starting or configuring another stuff. You need simple TWs with the bobsaver-plugin in it. You can integrate links to tiddlywiki in every stuff which supports linking to files, for instance bookmarks in the browser should work too as a index. This stands and falls with the implementation of the singlefilewikibobserver as a service in the background of the used system.

In the meantime, just a question: Is there even now a way to suppress the opening of the standard browser with a multifile-standard-wiki whenever you invoke a Bobexe-file?

Jed Carty

Nov 24, 2019, 7:58:49 AM11/24/19
to TiddlyWiki

yes, you can suppress the browser opening. I will add a checkbox in the control panel for this in the next version, but for now you need to edit the manual settings.

Setting Bob to not open the default browser when it starts (using the manual settings):

1 - Open up the manual settings tab for Bob
  - To do this open up $:/ControlPanel, click on the tab labelled Bob Settings, under that there are more tabs, click on the one labelled Manual Settings
2 - Check the box that says Enable Editing
3 - Scroll all the way to the bottom of the tiddler and click on the very last button marked +
4 - Two text fields should appear 
   - in the top one enter the text suppressBrowser
   - in the bottom one enter the text yes
5 - click on the little check icon under the text fields, it is a small version of the wiki save button in the sidebar
6 - Click the button below that says Update Settings
  - Unless you have disabled browser alerts an alert should appear in a moment that says that the settings have been saved.

As long as everything is working correctly Bob should no longer open up the browser every time you start it.

Stefan Pfister

Nov 26, 2019, 1:53:05 AM11/26/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Thanks it works fine on linux. 

Am Sonntag, 24. November 2019 13:58:49 UTC+1 schrieb Jed Carty:

yes, you can suppress the browser opening. I will add a checkbox in the control panel for this in the next version, but for now you need to edit the manual settings.

On windows10 the 64bit-bobexe opens a terminal window and shows some messages of the node.js. It stays open all the time when bobwin.exe is running. 

Dim WinScriptHost
Set WinScriptHost = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WinScriptHost.Run Chr(34) & "C:\Scheduled Jobs\mybat.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WinScriptHost = Nothing

Just a few lines of vbs to start a prog invisible. It works but why is this necessary? It should be easier. Big benefit: I can use Tiddlywiki quick and fast on the slow SurfaceGo. TiddlyDesktop is here very clumsy. The cpu is slow. I teach a whole class which uses surfacego tablets.


Nov 27, 2019, 11:56:54 PM11/27/19
to TiddlyWiki

The simplest way I have found so far to instruct someone to place bob in the startup on Windows (10) is as follows
  • Download BobWin.exe to an appropriate folder such as C:/MyPrograms/Bob
  • R-click the BobWin.exe and select create shortcut, Rename the shortcut how you like
  • Optionally R-click Properties on the Shortcut, Select Run Minimised
  • Now R-click the shortcut and select cut
  • Now in the Windows Command type run<enter>then shell:startup<enter> A new Explorer window will open focused on your startup folder
  • Click on a blank part of the Startup window and r-click paste (to place the shortcut here)
You can double click on the shortcut and test it now, and this will automatically load next time you login. Any new wikis will be created below the location of the BobWin.exe.


Since bobwin is its own executable and it is not an installer as I understand it these instructions may be the best to use. It is possible to create a registry file and insert bobwin.exe in the registry that way so if you ever revisit the design of BobWin.exe let me know and I can provide the instructions.



Nov 28, 2019, 12:02:06 AM11/28/19
to TiddlyWiki

See my previous post for another approach. The shortcut is set to open minimised.


Stefan Pfister

Nov 28, 2019, 10:09:34 AM11/28/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com

Am Donnerstag, 28. November 2019 06:02:06 UTC+1 schrieb TonyM:

See my previous post for another approach. The shortcut is set to open minimised.


But minimised is not an invisible background task. It's minimised in the taskbar. This means you can open it accidently. A new user would stumble about it. You can close the opening terminal by accident too. Result: Bob does not run anymore. You want to save your tw? Bad luck, it's gone. In my opinion it is annoying for the casual new user. As an sometimes  experienced user I find it annoying too. This problem doesn't exist with linux mint. Its more difficult in the for simplicity praised windows 10. This is lol. 



Btw.: Stefan with "f"

Mark S.

Nov 28, 2019, 1:33:55 PM11/28/19
to TiddlyWiki
All running programs in Windows put something in the taskbar. If you close it out of the taskbar, you've stopped the program.

All node-based programs need a terminal on Windows. TiddlyDesktop poses the most challenges, because closing out the program from the taskbar doesn't close down the nw.exe instance. This prevents re-starting.

I think it's reasonable to assume a certain level of ability when using TW. If someone doesn't understand "Don't shut down the terminal instance." then they will probably not understand TW Widgets, wikitext, etc.

Currently Bob is one of the easiest solutions for TW. Just click on BobWin.exe and you're set. If someone does forget to activate the saver, their work isn't lost -- it's down in the download directory.

ALL of the save solutions for TW have one limitation or the other. The trick is to find the solution with the fewest complications for your intended target audience.


Nov 28, 2019, 5:36:39 PM11/28/19
to TiddlyWiki

As Mark states and Jed Elsewhere people using a server program installed on their computer need to be aware of it, they need to give consent to possible security issues and exposure, they need to see the IP Address(s) to find there wiki etc... so I do not see this being hidden by default.

However, If you use the Windows Scheduler to run bob server on computer start (not user login) you may find you get what you want, no visibility of the console at all. It may also be possible to run the server as a Windows Service with the same result. But do remember the possible consequences of your actions of hiding a servers existence and settings.


Stefan Pfister

Nov 29, 2019, 2:23:39 AM11/29/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Tony,

Am Donnerstag, 28. November 2019 23:36:39 UTC+1 schrieb TonyM:

As Mark states and Jed Elsewhere people using a server program installed on their computer need to be aware of it, they need to give consent to possible security issues and exposure, they need to see the IP Address(s) to find there wiki etc... so I do not see this being hidden by default.

I agree, no hiding by default, but it should be easier, maybe a tutorial or readme which explains the necessary steps, if you want to use it as a newbie or noob or casual user. Could be in the main bob wiki, which starts by default.

The vbs-script in the former post of me works good enough (for me). I can live with it. But I want understand. What is the security issue about it? I'm using only single file tiddlywikis. The bobserver is just listening on on my local PC. As far as I understand: Nobody have access on it from outer space, only the local user on my pc. This is only me. Am I wrong? Even the other users in my local network can't access my wiki with this configuration.



Jed Carty

Nov 29, 2019, 5:20:07 AM11/29/19
to TiddlyWiki

In that setup there isn't any problem or anything to worry about.

The problem is the pattern of installing something on a persons computer that has potential to expose them to risk without explaining that to them. I have gotten a lot of pressure to make Bob listen on as a default so people don't have to change it themselves and the response when I pointed out that was a very bad idea for people who didn't understand what that meant was something to the effect of 'that is their problem' or 'most people don't know what it means so why should they worry about it?'

Quite literally the first request I got about the BobSaver was 'can we make it listen on something other than localhost', which is asking 'can we make this let other computers save files on our computer?'

While in one persons special instance it may not be a bad idea, in general that is a terrible idea. That was requested BEFORE any requests or questions about security.

So we have a system that I have been very careful to ensure that its default configuration is as safe as something that functions can be and no one has to worry. But there are easily accessible settings that can change that. People like to play with settings and see what happens, someone may be poking the settings and stumble over how they could just change this to in the configuration and suddenly they can do more, but unless they have the warning about what that means they have no reason to be cautious.

Despite the software being safe when configured in the way set as default, someone can easily modify the configuration once they have it and expose everything on their computer to all of Starbucks. So I have it set up to be a safe as possible and give a big warning about the risks of changing the settings, then what they decide is up to them and not my responsibility.

As I have said before, you are not the target audience of BobEXE, I put all the configuration options in and documented them so that you can modify them to your hearts content, but by knowing what '' means and being able to use 'bbs-script' in a sentence you show you have the background to know what you are risking when you use things and can make a properly informed decision about it.

For this you know what you are doing and can take care of yourself, I am worried about the people who don't have the time/experience/knowledge/money/interest/whatever to get the background required to know what you know about it.

Social engineering is very easy in cases like this, it would be very easy to offer help to someone that involved opening Bob or the saver component up to on a public network. I want to give them the best chance I can to understand what that means. Including the documentation and saying that they should read it first isn't going to help, I have rather explicit documentation about configuration and still people who should know better ignore it and ask me questions that are directly answered, so people who don't know to ask questions are not going to see it.

Stefan Pfister

Nov 29, 2019, 12:11:01 PM11/29/19
to TiddlyWiki

thanks for the clear words. Your work is very precious.

Mark S.

Nov 30, 2019, 6:28:47 PM11/30/19
to TiddlyWiki
When saving, Bob saver doesn't appear to update the "modified" date stamp. This may make backups and synchronizations more difficult.

I haven't caught this in the act yet, but there may be times when Bob saver switches to using the default download saver without warning. Well, I think that's what's happening. I'll keep watching.

Windows 7, FF 70, Bob 1.3.3b

On Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 7:36:10 AM UTC-8, Jed Carty wrote:
I finally got around to adding a way for Bob to let you work with single file wikis.

The way it works is that you have Bob running, you have a plugin installed in your single file wiki and then you proceed normally.

You don't have to do anything special when opening the html file and there aren't restrictions on where it can be saved on your computer. Just double click on the file and edit.

Of course this is the first version and there is one big annoyance, I have to find a good way for tiddlywiki to determine if Bob is currently running or not and have it use this saver if Bob is running and to fallback to the manual download saver if not.
So far the way that tiddlywiki determines which savers are available doesn't support this situation because the saver availability can change even without reloading the wiki.
I am working on it.

To install the plugin and for more information you can drag and drop it from here:



Nov 30, 2019, 8:01:06 PM11/30/19
to TiddlyWiki

I have seen the sitch to download saver myself, however I needed to rationalise all my options turning off Timimi and reloading wikkis a fresh so as to not step on my own toes. It would be worth trying to replicate with more details.


Jed Carty

Dec 1, 2019, 2:27:05 AM12/1/19
to TiddlyWiki
When trying to save, the BobSaver tries to connect to Bob and if it doesn't get the expected response it tells the wiki the save failed and the wiki tries the next saver which is normally the download saver.

So the switches to the download saver are probably from some problem that doesn't always let the browser ping Bob.

I don't know what would cause it.

Mark S.

Dec 1, 2019, 2:14:55 PM12/1/19
to TiddlyWiki
I'm still hoping it's user error. Keeping a watch on my download dir.

Mark S.

Dec 2, 2019, 12:59:37 AM12/2/19
to TiddlyWiki

Trying on Windows 10.

Getting error re not having saver codes. But I didn't set up any saver codes.

But I suspect the real problem is the path:


I'm thinking that the space is the directory path is being converted to url form, and thus doesn't match any more. Getting message in the terminal:

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\My%20X230\Downloads\empty(1)(1).html'

BTW -- I did not pick the user name ;-)


Jed Carty

Dec 2, 2019, 4:47:38 AM12/2/19
to TiddlyWiki

The message about the key is the generic message for when the server responds with a status of 200 but says that the save wasn't successful. So it is probably not the key in your case, I am hoping that the key is the most common reason the saving doesn't work.

it looks like you are correct about the space being the problem, I didn't think to handle uri encoding, I will add that and try to push out a new version of Bob with that updated soon.

Mark S.

Dec 6, 2019, 5:35:07 PM12/6/19
to TiddlyWiki

If you have bobsaver plugin installed in a TW file, and then load that file via TiddlyServer, it will ask/warn you every time you save that the Bob server is not running. Even though Bob Server was not running when the TW file was loaded. And it keeps reminding each time.  Makes me wonder if the same problem would occur if run on TiddlySpot.


Mark S.

Dec 6, 2019, 5:40:06 PM12/6/19
to TiddlyWiki
I just realized that the problem is NOT occurring with the older, 0.0.4 plugin.

Jed Carty

Dec 7, 2019, 4:04:11 AM12/7/19
to TiddlyWiki
Due to a limitation on how the current core saver setup works the BobSaver can not check to see if Bob is running before claiming that it will work. So if you are on a file:// uri it will assume that it should be active. So if you don't want it to do anything for the moment you have to disable it in the control panel under savers.
I am looking at what needs to be updated in the core to fix this, I am not sure when I will have time to do it.

That won't happen on tiddlyspot because it isn't a file:// uri.


Dec 7, 2019, 6:34:32 AM12/7/19
to TiddlyWiki

In another thread I was asking if the various savers could indicate they have saved when they do so at least we could see that they did in retrospect. With a few filesvers now working on file:// it is getting harder to tell which saver was used.

It would be simple as a save time stamp and saver name. Which we could test or to look at to see which saver was successful.


Mark S.

Dec 17, 2019, 10:53:18 AM12/17/19
to TiddlyWiki
Bob saver 0.0.5 on Android pops up with the "can't save with Bob Saver" message, even though there is no other node server running and the url does not start with http://... . The address looks like file:///.... After that, Bob blocks the file-saver extension, and the file is saved to the downloads dir as an enumerated file.


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