Search - returning matching lines across all tiddlers

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Andrew Barbour

14 nov. 2010 19:14:342010-11-14
till TiddlyWiki
I am trying to search for a string across all tiddlers. I want to
return the exact lines - not the tiddlers. Kind of like a grep
search. I have tried the standard search and the SearchOptionsPlugin
- but neither worked.

Can anybody help out with a plug-in or a suggestion??



15 nov. 2010 05:26:112010-11-15
till TiddlyWiki
Hi Andrew,
I don't know, of any search plugin like this.
Could you describe your use case a little bit.
And how you think, the output should look like.

Andrew Barbour

15 nov. 2010 12:10:422010-11-15
till TiddlyWiki
The use case I am thinking of is around tracking action items for
meetings, within my journal, etc.

In the past I have used text files for taking notes in meetings, my
daily journal, etc. When I want to tag an item as having a follow-up
action item I add @ACTION on the line of text. Later I can then easily
search for all open items (not the containers for the items) using
Windows Grep / BareGrep etc. If an item is completed - I just delete
the @ACTION or if I want to keep track of (think annual review...) I
replace @ACTION with @DONE.

I know there are some to do capabilities that may specifically address
this in the context of to do items - but having grep like capability
to search and report would be very useful.

I would then like to be able to create a tiddler with my standard
searches (kind of like the fantastic searchoption plugin from Eric).
So you could run the pre-saved searches. Examples may include:
* Action Items by Project (Separate Tag) A combination of searching
for tiddlers with a certain tag and
* Action Items by Individual @ACTIONXXX @ACTIONYYY @ACTIONZZZ (in
the event I have delegated a task to someone)

Unsure if this makes sense to anybody else..... But for me it would
make working with large tiddlers much more efficient!

Eager to hear if anyone else has some ideas on this.

Anthony Muscio

16 nov. 2010 18:20:562010-11-16
I dont want to confuse your goals but personally I would move my status into tags and list tiddlers based on tags. This would move tasks/notes into tiddlers. You could use "split tiddler" to convert large tiddlers into individual ones. This means you would move from searches (Flat file model) to tagging a loose database model.

Anthony Muscio Open Source Sustainability Projects Sustainable Products and Business IT hints and Tips and Website hosting
Like personal Web 2.0 ? see

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Andrew Barbour

17 nov. 2010 07:31:532010-11-17
till TiddlyWiki
Interesting suggestion - but aren't tags at the tiddler level vs
individual line level?

In terms of splitting tiddlers - I use Tiddlywiki to take notes at
every meeting.. during every call... when driving.... (ok maybe not
when driving - but you get the picture). What I want to be able to do
is preserve the context of the meeting/interaction that the task was
identified as an action item.

Does anyone else not have the requirement to pull up the specific
lines where a text string appears?


On Nov 16, 3:20 pm, Anthony Muscio <> wrote:
> I dont want to confuse your goals but personally I would move my status into
> tags and list tiddlers based on tags. This would move tasks/notes into
> tiddlers. You could use "split tiddler" to convert large tiddlers into
> individual ones. This means you would move from searches (Flat file model)
> to tagging a loose database model.
> TonyM
> Anthony Muscio
> Open Source Sustainability Projects
> <> Sustainable Products and
> Business
> IT hints and Tips and Website hosting
> Like personal Web 2.0 ?
> ><>
> > .


17 nov. 2010 12:42:512010-11-17
till TiddlyWiki
You could try something like this I just hacked up:

This updates the wikifier to highlight the last searched phrase. Only
tried it with the default search engine. It might work for your use
case but would need a bit of love and work to be better.

It might crash large TiddlyWiki's.
Also the regex doesn't take into account whether the term is a macro
Search for experiment in
to see how it works.
Hope the plugin can be a good starting point to do what you want to


On Nov 17, 12:31 pm, Andrew Barbour <>
> > ><tiddlywiki%2Bunsubscribe@googlegrou>

Anthony Muscio

17 nov. 2010 19:40:182010-11-17

You are right it should be possible to search for and open to a line in a tiddler. I achieve this in a two phase step - Using goto (with SearchOptionsPugin installed) and use the search facility if a tiddler by that title does not come up then on opening a tiddler containing the string use the browsers find in page search. This however is rare because the specific tiddler comes up because that is my unit of data.

You say  What I want to be able to do is preserve the context of the meeting/interaction that the task was

identified as an action item.

I would create a tiddler called "meeting date etc.."
Then use something like the newhere plugin to create (Action) tiddlers tagged with the title "meeting date etc.." and "Action"
Then all meeting related items can be found using the "meeting date etc..", all actions can be found via the Actions tag. I would than tag the action tiddler closed when finished. Another tiddler lists all tiddlers tagged "Action" but not tagged "closed".

I customised new here by the addition of items such as;
newsubTaskHere: {
handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
wikify("<<newTiddler "+paramString+" tag:[["+tiddler.title+"]] tag:.subTask>>",place,null,tiddler);
newProjectTaskHere: {
handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
wikify("<<newTiddler "+paramString+" tag:[["+tiddler.title+"]] tag:.projectTask>>",place,null,tiddler);

Another method may be to use the ! or !! symbols for headers which can also be seen as sections within a tiddler. You could consider sections to be actions and use the section links plugin and the <<sectionTOC>> macroTo have all sections (Thus Actions) listed at the top of the tiddler. Once all actions from a meeting tiddler are completed tag it as completed.

The options within tiddlywiki are virtually infinite. The point I am making is the value of content in tiddler size bites linked by tags is very powerful where as resorting to content loaded tiddlers is more limited.

Another tool on the right OS may be to use the FireFox Plugin "It's All Text!" which gives you a simple way to edit textareas, the large text boxes in forms (Read tiddler), using your favorite editor. This editor can have all the grep features you want within your big tiddlers.


Anthony Muscio Open Source Sustainability Projects Sustainable Products and Business IT hints and Tips and Website hosting
Like personal Web 2.0 ? see


18 nov. 2010 03:43:322010-11-18
till TiddlyWiki
Hi Anthony
On Nov 18, 1:40 am, Anthony Muscio <> wrote:
> The options within tiddlywiki are virtually infinite. The point I am making
> is the value of content in tiddler size bites linked by tags is very
> powerful where as resorting to content loaded tiddlers is more limited.
You are right. At the moment tag based todo lists are very powerfull.
But it is different to, what Andrew wants.

Imo Andrew's approach is quite interesting. It creates "actions",
"todos" ... while writing, which doesn't interrupt the "flow" of
writing. It gets the "todo" out of your mind immideately, and it
preserves the context, why a todo is needed. So you are free to
concentrate, what is discussed in the meeting. You don't have to
remember "27 todos". And at the end of the meeting you may remember
the most important 3 (My most important 3 because my brain filters
that way :)).

I use GotoPlugin + SearchOptionPlugin from
Then I open several tiddlers, which I think contain the text that I'am
searching for, and
use the browsers full text search and highlight capabilities.

Which is a 3 step method, and sometimes annoying.

A new plugin with a slightly formated "full text output" would be very
And a one step method :)



18 nov. 2010 04:39:392010-11-18
till TiddlyWiki
How about using slices? That way, you can easily pull up all the
"todo" or "action" slices (i.e. whole lines).

Andrew Barbour

21 nov. 2010 09:04:412010-11-21
till TiddlyWiki
Great dialogue by the way (love this community!).

From my read of Tiddler Slicing - you would need to know the names of
the individual tiddlers where the text string (actions) are housed.
In the use case I am thinking about.

I use the @ACTION to also track items I have delegated or that someone
else is doing that I want to track/follow-up on. I use the
individual's initials after the @ACTION. This way I can quickly pull
together a list of items I need to follow-up within someone on (great
for status meetings with team members). I have been using plain old
text files with a Grep tool to search - it works well - but is not as
portable or robust as tiddlywiki.

I see this as potentially a more efficient implementation of the GTD
methodology - you are able to create the action items 'inline' and not
have to move to a different place to add them to a different todo

I am a business guy - not a coder... so if anyone feels up to building
a grep like tool for Tiddlywiki.... I can offer testing and
documentation support.....



21 nov. 2010 10:28:562010-11-21
till TiddlyWiki
You don't need to know the tiddlers' names, just use
forEachTiddlerPlugin (1), it lets you search by text, title or tags
and also output exactly what you need. Plus, you can use scripts.
Anyway, seeing an example of your file would help us get a better
understanding of your problem. And of course a sample of your grep
commands would help as well.




21 nov. 2010 12:12:002010-11-21
till TiddlyWiki
This is an interesting idea.. it's close to distinguishing and
aggregation [1]. However, grasping lines wouldn't be somewhat easy to
achieve - this is because Document Object Model (which is used in html
etc) has no conception about lines - lines are created by the browser
when computing the representation. Speaking about what JavaScript can
grab, I'd say it would be an exact quantity of words after or before
the "@..." (that number can be made to be a parameter of search). In
this case this seems to be a makable plugin.. as for now, I don't know
TW's object model good enough to make such a thing, but I'll take this
idea into account.

Ehm.. do you mean "lines" in the "source code" of a tiddler?


On 21 ноя, 18:28, whatever <> wrote:
> Hi!
> You don't need to know the tiddlers' names, just use
> forEachTiddlerPlugin (1), it lets you search by text, title or tags
> and also output exactly what you need. Plus, you can use scripts.
> Anyway, seeing an example of your file would help us get a better
> understanding of your problem. And of course a sample of your grep
> commands would help as well.
> w
> (1)

Eric Shulman

21 nov. 2010 13:07:432010-11-21
till TiddlyWiki
I wrote this a long time ago, but had it tagged as "excludeLists" for
some unknown reasons...

anyway... give this a try:

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios

Andrew Barbour

22 nov. 2010 00:17:322010-11-22
till TiddlyWiki
Eric - Thank-you! This is perfect!

Everyone else - thanks for your input as well. This is perfect for
taking notes throughout the day - or in various documents and tagging
to do/follow-up items (among other things).

Now I just have to find how I can give back as much to this community
as I am getting out of it!

Thanks again!

Yang Wen-Ming

9 sep. 2015 21:29:142015-09-09
till TiddlyWiki
Hi, Eric,

How can I make Grep into FET? I just need to get matching keyword of the line from some tidders? Thanks!

Ya Ya

Eric Shulman於 2010年11月22日星期一 UTC+8上午2時07分43秒寫道:
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